Completely irrational judgement



  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    What are some things you judge for no real reason?

    Me- people that purposefully back their car into spaces instead of pulling in, are arrogant *kitten*. :angry: (don't know why.. but thats the first thing I think...)

    what about you? You know you got something...

    hahaha, if i can I always try to back in, it's not because I am showing off, it's because it is easier to get out, like if I know the lot will be crowded when i leave i will back in so I don't have to be so cautious

    I drive a big truck and I am a little person so i try to make it easier as much as I can, to me it is much easier to back my truck into a spot where the cars aren't moving than to back out into traffic, I live in the bay area California so the drivers here are jackoffs!

    If I cna I alway just try to find places where I can pull forward, so I don't have to back in but I also don't have ot back out, lol
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    the SAHMs who live less than a half mile from school and DRIVE their kids instead of walking them.

    however, when you have 3 kids that go to 3 different schools and they are all supposed to be there within 5 minutes from eachother, it is easier to drive. I would have ot be superman to run if three opposite directions to get them all there in time or drop some of them off REALLY EARLY!
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    I judge really obese people in the power chairs at stores like Wal-Mart.
    I always see them get out when they leave and start walking fine.

    I'm like... Wut. :grumble:
  • twocsmom
    twocsmom Posts: 120 Member
    You make me laugh!! i'm a *kitten*! I drive a suburban so it is easiest to back into a parking place. Can I ask why it bothers you? Like are we talking in shopping mall parking slots or in their/our driveways?

    Alright, mine is groups of women who sit around restaurants and order salads. Thousand calorie salads, who are they fooling?

    I USED to be one of the women...until I found out how many calories are in those salads! YIKES!!!! Why don't they just get the bacon cheeseburger and enjoy themselves like I do now?????

    For me it's when people spout off like they know everything. As I listen to them knowing they are wrong and wondering why in the world they have to be such know-it-alls.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I don't have kids so maybe I just don't get it, but it drives me up the wall when parents write TMI stuff about their kids on any sort of social networking site. Just...why?

    "Junior went poopies in the big toilet today!"


    You have no idea how exciting it is when you no longer have to wipe a poopy *kitten* and dispose of the stank in a garbage can. Not to mention the gigantic expense of diapers :)
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    if someone has a really nice car (over 100k) i dont mind if they take 2 spots.
  • kellzyeah
    I judge women who use the OB tampons without applicators.

    Also, people who take advantage of every kind of state assistance possible while driving shiny new cars and wearing clothes/jewelry I'll never be able to afford. GRR!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I judge women who use the OB tampons without applicators.

    *LOL* OK, is it the thought of someone touching their own vag?
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    to the person who gets irritated by baby on board signs,,,,,the sign is not to advertise people to drive more carefully becuase there is a child in the car, it is to alert the emergency services in case of an accident, a child may have been thrown from the car during impact or be stuck under wreckage.

    People who irritate me most are the ones (usually women) in cars that are far to large for their driving abilities forcing them to drive like morons taking up their side & half my side of the road, they also block access when dropping off their spawn at school cause their car is too fing big. I particularly hate people who drive massive offroads or range rovers in suburban areas. One silly tart was blocking a whole road whilst getting her kid out of this huge range rover so I went up to her & asked her if she was a farmer. Sadly she was too thick to get my point. lol
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    watching football today reminded me....the people in the stands with a cardboard D and a cardboard "fence" annoy the hell out of me. its been done a million times and it obscures the view of the people behind you.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Sniffers. Just get a tissue and BLOW. Drove me crazy all winter in Japan, especially. It's culturally impolite to wipe your nose in public there.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    People who don't return the carts to the cart areas or the store are inconsiderate douchenozzles. This is not a "completely irrational judgment" though as I have a fist sized dent in the side of my car thanks to one of these turds.

    Oof. That's completely rational. I will say that sometimes mothers with small children may not return the carts. You would have to leave the kids in the car and walk quite a distance away from them at some places. Our local Fresh Market has NO cart returns at all, you would need to go back inside the store to return the carts. I DO make sure I park my cart in a secure location, though. I wouldn't want to damage someone's vehicle.
  • jen2607
    jen2607 Posts: 148 Member
    1. People who are "eating healthier" but then pour 4 packets of dressing onto their salad.
    2. People who run out in front of you while your driving, even though there is a clearly marked crosswalk 20 feet from where they decided to cross.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I judge people who use double negatives... drives me crazy!

    As well as the person who mentioned those who use text speak on a forum.
    Although, I will admit to driving an SUV. I love my Durango - it's a work horse, we live in a rural setting and the 4x4 has saved me numerous times - particularly when the snow is deeper than the undercarriage :laugh:
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    also people that look like they put zero effort into getting ready in the morning. not like i look like a supermodel every day but come on... use a mirror.

    This is a strange one. I put zero effort in in the morning, why would anyone else care?

    I judge people who use textspeak on a forum. It makes me disregard their posts, which is silly as they could be well educated people with good points but it just puts me off.

    Both of these, actually.
    I put on a moisturizer and some powder, and at least COMB my hair in the morning.
    I believe if you've been through grade school, you shouldn't be taking like you learned from a phone.
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    I cannot believe that after all these posts someone has no mentioned people who talk on their cellphone in public restrooms. Of course this is not an irrational judgement, these people are just morons!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Okay, don't look at me like I'm weird, but I judge people who use the bathroom and then walk out without washing their hands. I
    hung out with a few people like that in the past, and would never EVER let them put their hands on me or serve me anything to
    eat. *shudders*
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    I judge women who use the OB tampons without applicators.

    Also, people who take advantage of every kind of state assistance possible while driving shiny new cars and wearing clothes/jewelry I'll never be able to afford. GRR!

    I agree w/ your 2nd one but I use OB because less things that end up in a landfill & OB are all natural....
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    When I worked at a grocery store a man used to come in every other night and buy the same huge bottle of booze. Then on sundays (dry days in that county) he would use his link card to buy tons of bottles of lemon and vanilla extract. Yeah...I judged that guy.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I think guys that drive mustangs are *kitten*.... LOL :tongue:

    Good call!