Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Wow it's been a long time since I have checked in. 29 weeks pregnant now and still keeping very active. I received my AFAA Primary Group Exercise Certification and can not wait until I start teaching (after baby born). I am running in a 5K next Friday and then have one more scheduled for 12/18. I am still doing Zumba, strength classes, ChaLean Extreme, and so much more. I can not believe how much better I feel this pregnancy versus the last two when I was hooked up to IV's the entire time. Oh and I am loving being a beachbody coach and helping so many others with their fitness goals whether they are doing a BB program or something else.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Happy Saturday! ~Brenda~ 24 weeks 3 days

    Busy day at work yesterday & today. Yes, I had to come in a couple of hours to work. :grumble:
    I walked like 15 mins last night to stretch the legs from sitting all day.

    Shellgib: I have my calories set at 1700. Something two people noticed and pointed out to me, is that I am not eating too much and that I probably ate more not being pregnant. It's not that I don't want to, I just tend to get full quickly and don't overeat. I haven't been logging my meals lately but I am incorporating veggies, beans, chicken & many fruits & whole wheat grains. I still can't lay off the sweets. lol :wink:
    My weight actually began the 2nd trimester from the 4-5th month I gained 4lbs & 5-6mths 3 lbs so far, I still have a couple more weeks to the 7th month.

    Nichole-Your childbirth class sounds like so much fun, and it's great at least the hubbys get to wear a preggo suit momentarily. My coworker says" If men could have children families would have no more than 3 children, the wife would gie birth to 2 & the men to 1 child. " lol

    Ashley-Thanks for sharing the uterus figuring out, I tend to feel on my tummy and couldn't understand.

    SVGarcia-Congrats for your baby girl! Welcome to the pink dust.

    ofccat-Good luck on your run! WTG

    Heather & Atynk-Good vibes & thoughts for your lil ones to come soon.

    Jennamom-I don't remember experiencing BH before and haven't, but I do feel cramps here & there & of course the round ligament pains. Maybe you can call your doctor and let the know what you've been experiencing.

    Welcome new mommies, and everyone else have a nice weekend!
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Hi everyone. Woo- pg 10 already. I wiill catch up on everyones post I promise. But u have to hit the road again. my cousins wants to buy some macadamia nuts, chocolates andchawaiian coffee b4 they leave tonight to go back to Canada.

    But just wanted to share that I went for my 18th wk u/s and technician says its a girl. I said what r we looking at? And she pointed out 3 white dots which she said us the labia. I can't believe it a girl. After 3 boys. I told my husband, I thought u only knw how to make boys. Then he goes oh boy, now ill have 2 girls to run my life. Lol. I'm going to have a little Sharon. My 18 yr old goes - oh mom a new queen bee in the house. My 7 &6 yr old boys wanted a brother.

    Did Heather or atynk give birth yet...I should read to find out huh?!
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Yes I just checked in to check any delivery successes
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    jennamom - that's some intense BH! How are you feeling today? How far along are you? I love your profile pic, BTW, such a perfect little baby bump!

    ladydeee, kimmers & Brenda - thanks for the feedback on the calories. I've been going between 1850 - 2050 to find the "right" balance. I was 122lb pre-preg and have only gained about 3lbs so far, but it seems like if I go up to 2000ish cals then I gain too much, if I stay below 1900 I don't gain anything! Such a small window for the "perfect" amount! LOL. I think I will just keep it set at 1960 like the "" pregnancy calculator. It seems pretty accurate. It's the calculator I used for zig-zagging before and it worked. Anyways, enough rambling. : )

    Heather - update? I saw you went for a big walk yesterday...

    AFM- LOVING feeling the baby kicks on the outside now!! :bigsmile: My favorite part of being pregnant!! :heart: Did a couple "alternative" exercising activities the last few days. Took my son swimming at the Y on Thursday and grabbed the water "dumbells" and did some exercising while he was swimming around. Then we went ice skating on Friday. A nice slow/careful pace:wink: , but still some activity. I was thinking while I was skating around, this will not be something that I would attempt with a bigger belly for sure!

    ~Shelley~18 weeks~
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    im having some vaginal leaking today, im 7weeks n 2days now. some sites say its a concern some say the mucus plug is formed in 7th week, thts y some leaking is possible?

    wht do guys think?

    going to dr tomorrow.

    and a stupid question: when u say natural birth like heather is aiming for, does it mean without any kind of anesthesia like spinal or epidural?
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Good morning ladies! Let me first start by saying I'm so sorry I'm not commenting on everyone's posts...I AM reading them. Al has been home the past several days since he had Veterans Day off so we've been spending a lot of time together and I don't like spending lots of time on the computer since I never normally get to actually SEE my husband. But I am keeping up with everyone and am so proud of you ladies for your successes and accomplishments on your weekly goals!

    I'm doing a good balance of rest and activity these days. I went to the gym yesterday while Al practiced some basketball and I walked. So funny how people look at an almost 41 week pregnant woman still working out (and getting sweaty) at the gym. The walks never do contractions, no more I'm not doing it to get this baby out...I'm doing it for the sake of my sanity. My body NEEDS to move! But don't you worry ladies...I've spent my fair share of time in my pj's lounging around the house as well. :)

    I'm still staying positive and hoping and praying that she comes in the next couple of days. Thursday is looming and it will be here before I know it. It will be bitter sweet because I will finally get to meet this miracle baby...but at the same time inducing labor still makes me a little anxious.

    Oh and I went in on Friday so they could check the amniotic fluid and the tech said she looked very comfy in there... Oh good. lol The nurse called to tell me that the fluid is great. So I have an appt tomorrow (with another doc since mine is partying like a rockstar in Vegas right now). But that's about it.

    Hope you ladies continue eating healthy and working on your fitness goals every day! Stay motivated. Being able to feel halfway decent at this point (which I attribute to my healthy habits throughout pregnancy) is the only thing keeping me sane. Some days are better than others, but I really feel like my good health is what is keeping me strong right now. So keep at all rock! :)
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Just wanted to let everyone know that I delivered Brooke on nov 9th, weighing 8 lbs 4 oz! It was a much tougher delivery than anticipated but all is well now! So happy I kept up with my workouts as I already look back to normal, even though I still am 20 lbs heavier, but it looks like more fluid retention... Good luck everyone and keep up with your workouts, as you will need it for the recovery!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Atynk Congrats on the new bundle of joy!
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    atynk...Congrats!!! Brooke is beautiful!!

    heather...good luck this week!! do you have anybody in the office that would do membrane stripping as a way to get things moving? just a thought as an alternative to the medicated inductions
  • Flu shots anyone??? Thoughts about getting the shot this winter. The last time I was pregnant there was a real push to get the shot because of H1N1. Working as a nurse I saw a lot of young adults admitted to critical care because of this flu so I did get it. This year I think I have decided not to get it. What does everyone think?
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Kimmers as a nurse and pregnant I'd highly recommend getting the flu shot! Your immune system is lowered because of the baby and pregnant women are at risk of getting the flu because of this. And especially working in healthcare! I am a RN as well and especially if I was working I wouldn't think twice and would get it! I got mine a few months ago and besides feeling a little achy for a day I didn't get sick at all.

    Shelly I've had my membranes stripped 3 times...and then had "relations" for the prostaglandins....didn't work obviously. lol

    Andrea Brook is absolutely adorable! I can't believe you fit an 8lb baby in that teeny tiny belly you were sporting! lol Just goes to show you can never know how big a baby is gonna be by the bump! Congratulations!

    I've got my 41wk appt this morning with a nonstress test. I think my blood pressure has been a little high lately. I've been getting headaches (which I never get). Hoping this isn't an issue this morning...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Congrats antynk! Brooke is a cutie.

    Heather, hang in there! I hope Charlee comes natural this week, but even if you have to be induced, you still get your baby this week! How exciting!!!

    Kimmers, my dr. highly recommended a flu shot b/c of lowered immune system, plus I am due 1/25, right in flu season. An added bonus is that if you breastfeed, you pass the antibody onto your baby. I haven't gotten the shot in probably 7 years, but did this year.

    Shell - I added 1/2 pound weight gain in my second tri. I ended up gaining 14 pounds which is considred "normal". I gained 1.5 in my first and so far have gained around a pound a week in my third (with 300 more calories now which sometimes I eat and sometimes I don't). I am guessing I am right no track to gain between 25 and 35 so I'm good with that. All of my weight gain seems to be in my belly, so that makes me happy too.

    Jenna - I have not had any BH contractions or any for that matter. My dr. asked me Friday if I'd had any and my response was, "I don't even know what a contraction feels like". So I guess that's a no.

    Lunarokra - hope you got a little time to relax on top of all of your work.

    Svgarcia - a girl after 3 boys?! How exiciting! Congrats.

    Dexter - Not sure about leaking that early. If it has continued, I would definitely call the dr. Good luck.

    AFM (now I know what this means...Thanks Heather): I had an OK weekend. Friday we had family birthdays and didn't get home till after 10 and didn't get to bed till nearly midnight. that didn't stop me from waking at 7am the next day. Saturday we ran errands and I studied for 2 hours. Eric's brother and wife came for dinner and after dinner our very drunk neighbor came over and invited us over. It was nuts. They had been tailgating since 930 am and were hammered. Kids were riding scooters through the house and wine was flowing and it was interesting to say the least. We stayed a couple hours and I was pretty annoyed after about an hour. A couple other of our friends had shown up so our guests didn't end up leaving till around midnight and I wasn't able to sleep till 1am despite my exhaustion. I managed to sleep till 8 yesterday. Yesterday I studied for another couple hours, and pretty much laid around the rest of the day. We did walk up to get coffee but that is about all the activity I got. I just wasn't feeling it. This Thursday I go to Nashville for my exam so I will be glad to have that out of the way. Next week is only a 2 day work week for me so I'm looking forward to the time off for Thanksgiving.

    This week I'm goign to keep my goals simple. I will get some sort of activity in Monday - Wednesday and walking on the weekend. I would like to incorporate a run one day and strength another at least. Maybe a yoga class too. Mostly I want to focus on studying.

    Sorry for the long post. I felt inclined to respond to lots of people. Hope you all have a great week!

    29 weeks, 3 days
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    atynk - CONGRATULATIONS! Brooke is absolutely adorable. She looks so sweet! :flowerforyou:

    Heather - I was thinking about you all weekend! I kept checking the status updates on my phone looking for the announcement. lol

    We had a great time in Pennsylvania. I went to the Pottery Barn Kids at the King of Prussia Mall with Eric's aunt and I got the ENTIRE Coco Dot bedding set for $116!!!! (Crib bumper, skirt, quilt, and 2 sets of sheets) It made my day! I was SOOOO excited. haha! I think I got the last set at the store. The quilt ALONE is normally $100 so I think I did pretty darn good. haha! Oh and his aunt ended up paying for 1/2 of it so I only ended up spending a little over $50...even better!! Since I saved so much on that I'm thinking now I can maybe afford to get the brown Nottingham rug from Pottery Barn Teen to go with it. :wink: We'll see.
    His aunt made us some Paula Deen Ooey Gooey Butter Bars and they were delicious! She sent the home with us, but I brought them to work today so I don't eat them all at home. lol

    We are headed to Washington this Thursday to see friends and will be staying a few days there then driving down to Oregon to see Eric's dad and stepmom for a few days. I'm so excited!

    Eric felt the baby move a LOT Saturday night. He got all emotional and it was adorable. She was kicking so hard you could see my stomach move. He had felt her move before, but never that hard where he KNEW it was the baby moving. Oh!! And Saturday during the day he hugged my stomach and had his ear on it. I said, "I think she just kicked your ear" and he said, "That's what that was? I could hear it!!" Then he put his head back and said, "kick" as soon she kicked him again. It was really cool. He said it sounded like a small "thud" noise. :smile:

    I have a LOT to do to get ready for leaving again this weekend so I don't know how much exercising I'll get in. I have to take my dog to the vet today at 2:00 and I'll try to jog/walk and maybe yoga after that. Then I need to finish laundry. Tomorrow I have an OB appointment at 2:00 and hopefully we'll get in a walk with the dogs or something after that. Wednesday is going to be packing and last minute stuff and hopefully a walk with the dogs. We have to be at the airport at 4:00-4:30am on Thursday morning and we live 1 1/2 hours away. Sheesh!! I'm taking my yoga DVD's with me though and hopefully my pregnant BFF and I can do some of that and walking while I'm visiting. Washington and Oregon have some beautiful hiking.

    Enough rambling. Haha! Glad to see everyone is doing well. Hopefully we all hear about Charlee's entrance into the world soon!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Congratulations Andrea! I cannot believe you had an 8lb baby. You definitley were all baby:0) I love the name Brooke. Would love to hear your birth story if you want to share it.

    Heather good luck at your appointment today! Let us know how it goes.

    kimmers99 I also got a flu shot. It was my first one ever. I had no side effects whats so ever. My husband also had one. His work does them every year for free.

    shellgib that's so fun that you went Ice skating. I have not done that in years. My balance is too off to do now at 35 weeks.

    Kristy I've been meaning to tell you that your pictures turned out awesome. I'm also so happy for you and your hubby that you can feel the baby from the outside. It is the neatest thing. Right now Hannah loves to stick her butt out right at my belly button. Makes my whole stomach look like its coming out in a cone shape, hehe. I'm not really digging the lower pelvis movements. But regardless I love to feel her.

    AFM: Today I am 35 weeks and I cannot believe it. I'm feeling great though and still plan to do Zumba this week:0)

    Hope you all are doing great.

    Goals for this week:

    Tonight: Walk or treadmill for 30-60 minutes
    Tomorrow: Maybe Zumba if I get off work early enough otherwise a 30 minute walk
    Wednesday: Walk or treadmill for 30-60 minutes
    Thursday: 30 minute walk
    Friday: Zumba
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Good morning all :flowerforyou: hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was awesome just because it was a 3-day weekend :bigsmile: and it felt like a long weekend too! I got to catch up with my family this weekend which was wonderful as they had been away the week before. Did a lot of cleaning/organizing and watched a few movies with my husband and relaxed. It was really nice.

    I have my gestational diabetes test this morning at 10:30, I can't eat 2 hours before so I tried to have a big breakfast early this morning and I'm already starving lol...oh well. It's the test where you have to drink that really sugary drink so we'll see how that goes. I also have to get my blood tested to see if I'm developing antibodies because my blood is negative and Jay's blood is positive to see if I need to get a shot or not.

    I'm starting to feel WAY more pregnant these days :wink: I feel like my belly's had a growth spurt and it's a lot bigger than it was last week!

    Other exciting news, our crib and dresser/change table come this Saturday, so we've got to get our baby room totally cleared out and cleaned up this week! It will be so exciting to see an actual crib in that room! I can't wait :bigsmile:

    I'm really hoping to get some exercise in this week, my goals are to ride my bike 2-3 times this week and do my yoga class on Thurs and incorporate some light weight training in there as well. :happy: I am planning on riding my bike for 30 mins after work today and maybe doing some weights as well.

    Still also waiting to hear if we got in to the birthing centre or not...hoping to hear something back this week.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    atynk - Congratulations!! Brooke is beautiful! :flowerforyou:
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    I'm doing natural, which I also did with my son and for me its no medical intervention. So no epidural or meds for pain. :)
    im having some vaginal leaking today, im 7weeks n 2days now. some sites say its a concern some say the mucus plug is formed in 7th week, thts y some leaking is possible?

    wht do guys think?

    going to dr tomorrow.

    and a stupid question: when u say natural birth like heather is aiming for, does it mean without any kind of anesthesia like spinal or epidural?
  • chadam1015
    chadam1015 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, Im due the end of April. Been on MFP since the beginning of the year. Im super excited to be pregnant but really need encouragement to maintain my weight. I really have been slacking. And everyone around my says "Thats ok youre eating for 2". We all know thats not true! lol Anyway if anyone wants to send my a friend request and keep me going that would be great. Congrats to all the mommies to be out there.Wish you all a great and healthy!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hello Mommas!

    Kimmers: I did get the flu shot, as highly recommended by my DR. So far I still have lil sniffles.

    Heather: Glad you're feeling good, and best wishes on your appointment. How exciting Miss Charlee will debut this week.

    Atynk: Congrats, Brooke is beautiful! Glad you're both doing well.

    Rayna-Good luck on your Glucose Test.

    Nichole-Wow 35 weeks. That's great!

    Kristy-That's so cool your hubby was able to feel your lil one kick. I have tried with my hubby & she has yet to give him a good show.

    This weekend was busy: We hosted dinner to watch the fight and it was a total success. One of the guests is taking a photo class and has offered to take pix of the belly in my 8th month and after the baby is here. :wink:
    I took Jason to the mall to buy him some sweaters and we walked for a good 40 mins. and when I got home I was tired and my feet were swollen. :grumble: Oh, I am getting leg cramps. :sad:

    On another note the paint on the baby's room turned out good, except the ceiling is lighter than I thought but it's ok. Next weekend we get to pick up the crib & dresser. :love:

    What are everyone's Thanksgiving plans? I will be in San Diego, California spending time with my inlaws & then driving up to Riverside on the weekend to see my parents. :bigsmile: So this will be the week to catch up on my workouts.