Biggest Loser Challenge - Team 3



  • Hi All

    My total was 1418 for Wednesday

  • Oye Vay...what a day!! 693 burned today!

    Is it Friday yet?!?!?
  • 731 calories yesterday.

    I'm not sure what the scale is gonna say on Sunday.. I've been a little less than inspired this week.
  • Yea HA!!!! Tomorrow is Friday!!! SWEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My burn was 850 for Thursday!

    Pretty proud of myself I upped my hand weights in Strength class up to 9 LBS that was a heck of a work out!! 5 Months ago when I started at the fitness studio I was using 5 lb weights!!

    Getting cold here in Minnesota 30 above today!! But I cant complain where my kid lives they are saying in with be 33 BELOW tonight BRRRR and the already have 5 feet of snow on the ground.

    Hang tough ladies and have an Awesome weekend!!

  • Hi all! 693 burned today, Thursday.

    Judy.......congrats on upping yur weights!

    Good job everybody!

    I'm so glad that when I get up next it will be Friday!! :tongue:
  • 898 calorie burn for Thursday.
    Walking around Niagara Falls and a work day brought about a pretty good day. (:
  • Hi All

    Wow walking around Niagara Falls that would be really awesome i have never been there.

    My burn for Friday was 570.

    Have a great weekend

  • 244 calorie burn today.

    I guess I forget about how exciting Niagara Falls can be. I live within like 20 minutes of it so it's really nothing to me... I remember when I had a friend from the other side of Canada come and he was so excited to see it though. It really is gorgeous, especially in the winter when all the lights are up.
  • Love Niagara Falls.........and you get some serious walking in there! Enjoy!

    Stepped it up just a little today......burned 813

    Have a great weekend everybody!

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    My burn today was 1047 :O)
  • Great calorie burn TB you most of found the motivation I lost!!

    My burn was 420 for Saturday

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    I did half of the half marathon track. Preparing for the half marathon in march.

    What's funny is I told hubby I wasn't gonna walk/run today then I went on my longest trip to date lol
  • Saturday burn was 693.

    Did a lot of running around today that I'm sure helped too!
  • ~212 calorie burn yesterday.
    I weighed in at 215.6, which I think is another .4 lb gain.

    It was a really rough week for me, but I think this morning I woke up in the right frame of mind and I'm gonna kick some serious tush this week.
  • Hi Ladies,

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.

    My burn for Sunday was 628

    My weight is staying the same but I am losing inches so that is good.

    Have a great Monday
  • Crazy busy weekend......I need a weekend to recover from my weekend!

    Lost 2 pounds this week!

    With my Sunday cleaning job and my regular exerices my burn today wa 1193.

    Hope Monday is easy on you all!

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    My burn today was a big fat zero

    But I lost 4.2 this week.

    Are u ladies calorie counting for thanksgiving?
  • Calorie burn yesterday was 700 even.
    Good job on your loss!

    I'm Canadian so it's not Thanksgiving for me. Nothing changes here.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you guys, since to be honest I'm not even sure when it is. (:
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    It's Thursday.

    At first it was just gonna be me hubby and kids but now the whole family and I'm the only one counting calories so noone was down with a menu change from our traditional. Will power will definitely be tested!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Well ladies another successful week

    Calories Burned - 17097

    Pounds Lost - 6.2