

  • sunflowers8
    sunflowers8 Posts: 83 Member
    I would just like to say i'm very to hear the sad news about your mum . Take care x
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Have to pop in for a quick announcement: my newest grandson (who will be a c section) is scheduled to arrive on Monday, December 12th, at 7:30 am. Am I excited? What do you think??
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hey everyone! I used to be a regular here but then I stopped logging my food.

    I just wanted to pop in and say Hi!
  • kleinbuenstorf
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!!

    Cindy, I'm so very sorry about your Mom and I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!

    Well, since most of my gardening is done and my pool is too cold to swim in, I have dusted off the treadmill and started on my winter exercise regimen! I'm up to 4 miles and it takes me about 60 minutes. By the end of November I plan to be up to 5 miles.
    My weight loss has been stuck for weeks and I hope this will help.
    Looking forward to beautiful warm weather ( no snow here!!! ), maybe some more garden work this weekend, and of course I'm ready for some football!!!

    Enjoy your weekend,
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hugs to Cindy.

    Congrats to MSH0530 - Grandbabies are just the best!

    MacMadame - how are you after your little tumble the other day?

    I have had a manic, cleaning house day - I'm feeling extremely virtuous now.

    Tomorrow I am off to my sister's for the day and we are going to do some xmas shopping and garden centre visits. My sister (who is now extremely skinny) is addicted to cake and I know she will want some whilst we are out. Not really my thing, so I may make do with coffee.

    Anyway my friends. have a good weekend.

    Amanda x
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hey everyone! I used to be a regular here but then I stopped logging my food.

    I just wanted to pop in and say Hi!

    Nice to hear from you! Are you still involved in Marathons etc.?

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I am having a “grumbly” kind of weekend. Yesterday, I got a period after 6 months of nothing…..I couldn’t believe it. I have been a bear!! Lots of little things and big things went wrong so the unexpected obstacles really made me grouchy. The good news is that I didn’t eat….stayed within my guidelines of the 17 day diet. I am looking forward to the next cycle on Tuesday.

    Mary…glad you are feeling better. I hope you have a great trip to your daughter’s. I would be so excited thinking about that new grandson…how cool!!
    Jeannie…what a great fundraiser idea.
    Cathy…. What a long commute in the snow. I am really enjoying having all my jobs close to home. I even started tutoring from my house and I really like that! I am never ready for that first snow….we had a freak snowstorm in the middle of October!
    Welcome goingmodern!
    Lisa….what a great list of accomplishments after 6 six weeks on MFP.
    Barbie…I hope the drive to pick up your friends went well….
    Cindy…. Hugs to you. There is no easy way to go through what you are going through. Your strength will surprise you….. I hope you get some good time with your mom and as a family over the next few weeks.
    Kackie…hope you had a wonderful adventure.
    Have a good night,
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good morning all

    Sorry I've not posted, can't believe how much work the kittens are causing :noway: :noway: I've not had time on a morning to post because I'm feeding them and clearing out the litter trays (we've got 2 upstairs in the back room they sleep in) and they are so small I can never find them to put them back in the room before I go to work. :ohwell:

    Although the dogs are fine with them when we are all together, I like to keep the kittens in the upstairs room whilst I'm at work. Once they are bigger I'm sure there won't be a problem but there's no point in taking chances, so seems best to keep them apart when unsupervised.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newcomers, looking forward to getting to know you.

    :flowerforyou: Hi macmadame welcome back

    :flowerforyou: Cindy I'm so very sorry to hear about your mum, you are in my thoughts.

    Well I'd better get on with some work. Have a lot of things to catch up on.

    Take care everyone:heart:

    Viv xx
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hugs to Cindy
    Nice to see the Ironwoman again.
    Barbie the snow wasn't too bad over here how was it on your side? It is very frosty today.
    I cant beleive it is almost Thanksgiving I am just not in the holiday spirit at all.
    I am just maintaining not losing not gaining and not motivated to do much about it.

    Hope you all have a great Saturday.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    :brokenheart: Cindy. Know you want to spend every treasured moment with her, but it might wear you down. What helped me was letting myself cry unreservedly in the shower every morning for as long as I needed, then scheduling a daily short break completely away (a movie, an hour with a favorite book, a walk in a natural setting, a special shopping treat) to restore my reserves. Then when I was with her I could really BE there.
    :flowerforyou: IronWoman welcome back you were missed!
    :noway: Robin I don't know why but I'm uncharacteristically IN the holiday mood. We'll see if it lasts long enough to get the tree up and the goodies baked.:bigsmile:
    :grumble: Cathy that commute sounds grueling, I wish you safe travels.
    :love: Barbie how I envy your line dance party! One of our groups is going to start holding dances every other Friday night starting in December... I can barely wait! Have been thinking about fingerless gloves with mitten foldover, will find some to buy and try layering over my gloves as you suggest. We do have a Cabela's here so will be interested in you findings.
    :heart: Jeannie what a great fundraiser for a soup kitchen!
    :smile: goingmodern what an Alaskan adventure. Can't imagine how different the lifestyle must be.
    :sick: Amanda hope your tum feels better?
    :tongue: Qofsheba rant away, employment uncertainty stinks! As frutstrating as the stupid stuck scale is, you do "feel great and look much better" What a victory! Zumba ON!
    :smooched: BirdieM and Michelle, you inspire me to get on the wii for more than a daily basic test. It's so much fun, why don't I make the time?
    :happy: Kackie, please tell us about your "adventure day in the car"
    :love: Mary thank you so much for posting the pinacolada cake response, would never have found that angelfood cupcake thread without it. And the eating better america site did have wonderful "healthified" cake-from-scratch recipes.

    Yesterday was way WAY OVERly self indulgent. Not waiting til Monday to get back on track, starting NOW. That's enough butt time, off to Wal~Mart to finish off the Thanksgiving Family Food Box, to the Co-op for produce (or I may check out the new organic market) and maybe drop some cookies off at my SIL's. After lunch, I'll relieve DH of the Dixie-walking detail AND play a little on the wii before turning in early. Have to setup at Church by oh-dark-and-cold-thirty for food box transfers, stick around to coordinate 'til 10:30, then home for a NAP.:yawn:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I knew my sister would want cake at the garden centre! She had a slice of orange and lavender cake - plus a slab of ginger cake. I had a tiny taste of each and she scoffed the rest. Why is she so skinny? xx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    barbie - while doing the HIIT today (Fri), I listened to the beginning of "The Ten Commandments". Very interesting. Very. Do you know of any more books that deal more with maintaining rather than a "diet" book?

    Cindy - my heart is with you.

    Mary - not much longer, eh? Congrats

    Well, today (Fri), we took Jessica to the airport, then I did an hour of HIIT, played mahjongg (I maj'd three times!!!!), went to the Salvation Army, took my car for its 75,000 mile checkup, on the way home bought sugar, then had to go to a store for Jessica's cat's food (he's diabetic so need special food), then bought a pair of socks for 54 cents, they usually sell for $14, then bought a roaster for the turkey. It was on sale for $39.99, I had a coupon for $15 off, there is a rebate for another $10. So for that amount....I bought it.

    Normally I do yoga on Sat. but I promised a friend that I'd help her with her students, then we have a social for the Newcomers. I want to do some practice bowling, and I also want to get some yoga in.

    Today (Sat.) only got in 45 minutes of a yoga DVD. Helped this lady at the school she subs at. We were monitoring testing. Felt like old home to me, I got right back in the mode. But this was, in a sense, different. The kids were good but then again they wanted to be there, it wasn't like they had to take a test. Made chocolate chip cookies for Christmas and now have a pumpkin bread in the oven to take to the lady where I get my hair done. I usually bring her something, so I'll bring her the bread. It actually makes two loaves so I'll freeze the other one for when I want some. After helping at the school, I stopped and bought two of the Hess trucks. We give one to Bryan every year (yes, he's 25, but it's a tradition) and Vince likes to have one that he keeps in the box. Then bought gas and practice bowled a few games. In one sense, it's not that great to practice by yourself because there were times when I had no idea what it is that I did wrong. But I also didn't have much time. Then we have a social for the Newcomers tonight, should be interesting. they've put a limit of 30 people who can come to the social. Some people were upset at that, but they have had a pontoon boat social and for safety reasons there was a limit, so what's the difference? The lady who is hosting it is doing all the cooking. I don't know about that part. There are people who have certain dietary restrictions (allergies, I know some people who have to avoid chocolatae, people who are lactose intolerant). It's an Italian theme. Vince doesn't like mushrooms and he's afraid that most of the food will have mushrooms in it. We shall see. I'm not all that hungry, so I hope she's not planning to serve us but will let us serve ourselves, I only want a little bit.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • goingmodern
    goingmodern Posts: 25 Member
    Had to get studded tires put on my car again today ... thought I was all done with that sort of thing when I moved down from Alaska. BUT, this area's getting pretty cold and snow is being forecast, so here we go. Better safe than sorry, especially when I have to drive to the next town twice a week for my volunteer stint at the hospital.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Hello Everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Just wanted to tell you all to have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends!

    Take care all.


    A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself - Josh Billings

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Hi Chiclet - good to see you - hope things are going better for you.

    Another warm day here in Ottawa, but I think it is the last one as it is supposed to drop by about 20+ degrees today and it will be in the minus temperatures tomorrow.

    We have a prime rib roast for supper - they were on sale a few weeks ago, but I need the freezer space (I only have the small freezer in the top of the fridge) leading up to Christmas.

    My DBF and I went to a game ranch last week and bought some Wild Boar steaks, elk and something called Seapaille (pronounced sea pie). It is a bit like a cornish pasty and was made for the sailors to take on board ship with them. The only problem for me is that it has onions in it and I'll need to take meds before I can eat. But I'm looking forward to trying it.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies,

    Another pretty day here...sunny and in the 70s! I hope the nice weather lasts through the week so that our sons can enjoy a little warmer weather. (They both live in Chicago now)

    Yesterday I actually RAN for 20 minutes in a row!!! :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: That is a personal best for MANY, many years! Today, I couldn't have run if my life depended on it:noway: I took a nice walk but I did not have the energy to jog even a bit! I do think mixing it up helps anyway.

    Chiclet: Good to hear from you. Hope things are going well for you...come back and let us know!

    Genelace: Your wild boar steaks sound good. Let us know how your how the sea pie is!

    Amanda: Good to hear from you too! How is your tummy feeling? I hope you've gotten that resolved.

    I have been to the grocery store for the 3rd day in a row trying to "stock up" for our holiday coming up. The kids arrive Wednesday...on 2 different flights, of course. (They fly into Charleston which is about a 90 minute drive one way!) Can't wait to get my hands on our Grand daughter! I haven't seen her since early September! They are staying for a week so I am excited!
    Better get going...lots to do around here! Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone:heart::heart: :heart: Kackie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone and I hope everyone is doing well. This week has been busy, but nothing like the stress of the last few weeks. There were potlucks 3 out of 5 days at work this week. One was a soup kitchen and it was the best one of the 3 as far as healthy food and taste. Plus it was for a good cause. We all "bought" soup and the money went to a battered women's shelter.

    Have a good Sunday and for those in the USA, good luck with Thanksgiving.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI! Hope everyone is doing good.hubby`s b/day today.Had a family get together on fri.Did good with the food.
    EMG,was cancelled on Sat.The numbness is now feeling like walking on pins.See the dr in the am,
    Back is slowly healing.
    Have a good night!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I pigged out on cornbread at the gratitude dinner last night and tonight we're off to turkey dinner with friends. I'm bringing roasted veggies so I know that I'll be eating turkey and veggies :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Well, we went to the Newcomer social. I'm honestly not sure how I feel. It was run differently than any other social. The people who were hosting did all the cooking. First she had a salad. Had I known what was coming, I would have had a much larger salad. As it was, she just gave you this very small salad. Then she put the salad away. I purposely didn't fill up on salad thinking that something better was coming along. The next course was baked ziti. When we go out to eat, I almost never order baked ziti. It didn't have much cheese at all, not much sauce either. And she gave you a BIG, and I do mean BIG, piece. I asked for a small piece, then for half of what she considered a small piece. The other thing she had was meatballs, but you only got 3. I had one. She had bread. So I had one meatball and a few mouthfulls of the baked ziti. I'm just not real crazy about lots of pasta. Had there been more cheese, then I would have thought it would have been OK. The bad thing was that she had put away the salad so I couldn't even go back and get a salad. I don't know, do Italians eat their salad before the meal. I'm Polish and we usually eat our salad with our meal. Then for dessert she had cookies and breads. I didn't have any dessert. If she'd had fruit, that I would have wanted. I guess I like a pot luck because there are lots of different choices. Here there was only one thing to have for dinner. I probably made her feel bad because I didn't eat much at all, but I'm just not a big pasta fan. Had it been something like shrimp and linguini, I probably would have had some. But as it was just ziti without much cheese. I brought my water bottle with me and then had 3 of their small bottles of water. I'm just a big water drinker, and I feel self-conscious if I have like 6 of those small bottles so I bring my own 24oz water bottle and then have some of their smaller bottles.

    I'm thinking that tomorrow I may do some Wii training games

    kackie - you go girl!!!!

    (Sun) don't know if I'll get any exercise in. Vince forgot to wake me up for church, so I got a late start. Now we're waiting to go pick Jessica up at the airport, her flight has been delayed. Maybe I'll be able to get something in in the evening, not sure. Right now I'm making a pumpkin bread to take to my hairdresser tomorrow. (I froze the 2 other loaves)

    Vince is all concerned that we leave in 20 - not 30 minutes. When he last wanted to leave, I was ready, pocketbook in hand, he continued on his computer

    Jane - happy birthday to your hubby!

    Well, we picked Jessica up. They had a good time in Tennessee. The pumpkin bread broke in half, it was just too fresh out of the pan. Oh well...it'll still taste the same. I got that roaster, so instead of the turkey being the "guinea pig", I'm making a pork loin roast in it just to try it out. So far, it smells good. I do wish (and I don't even know if this is made) that the lid was tempered glass so I could see thru it to see if the meat is browning. Update: the pork loin just finished. You know, it smelled quite good, and it's quite tasty. I was afraid that it would be dry or something, but it wasn't.

    I made the sweet potato casserole for Thanksgiving. Have it in the freezer so I just have to bake it when I get there. Zac's mother is diabetic so that'll be better for her. Of course, she may choose not to have it, but then that's her choice.

    barbie - that's great that you're bringing veggies. We have a holiday dinner to go to with the Newcomers and I'm supposed to bring an appetier. Need to think of something that I can bring that would be good.

    Didn't do any exercise today, but I'll take the extremepump class tomorrow. Then I go to get my hair colored, stop at one store on my way home to get the pork chops they have on sale (also the buttermilk and applesauce), then I have to be home by 2 for a conference call, maybe after that I can do some practice bowling. We used to get coupons for 2 free games for each league we are in (so I got 4) on Sun, now they aren't sending them out until Mon. I used to use my card for 3 free games and one of those coupons for 2 more free games to practice on Mondays. Now I just have to make sure that I turn on my computer and download the coupon so that I can take it with me.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.
