Where were you exactly 1yr ago in your journey? I was..



  • iwosmo
    iwosmo Posts: 8 Member
    I was on the Diet 1 year ago, which lasted about 8 weeks, I put it all back and more...This year I started Optifast VLCD exactly at the same time, and I've lost 40 pounds already
  • kieva626
    kieva626 Posts: 191 Member
    Hmmm lets see one year ago.....I was about 10-15 lbs heavier wearing a sz 6 and had just begun my weight loss journey..Today I am a bit heavier than I would like to be but still wearing my sz 2's :-) I am now in control of my fitness and weight and I love it!
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    1 year ago I was a Whopping 312lbs and today I am Weighing in at 156lbs.. Man what an Amazing year this has been for me.. So life changing for the better.. I am down 156lbs as of yesturday and I am 11lbs from my goal.. I have done this souly thru exercise and 1200-1300 calorie diet.. No Fad Diets or Surgeries.. Nothing But Blood, Sweat & Tears..

    "Not Sweat you see on me that's Awesome Sauce Baby!!!!"

    You are freaking amazing! My idol. You look amazing. The woman in the pink shirt looks like the mother of the one in the bikini!

    You guys are all inspirational! Hopefully in a year I will be able to post that I am 70 or 80 lbs lighter! As of now I am 28 ls lighter! I had lost 10-11 pounds before I reset my weight on here after I decided to take this seriously and really commit.
  • HarrietSabre
    HarrietSabre Posts: 186 Member
    I was the same mo'foing weight... but not nearly as capable or dedicated to not being fat any more.

    Same, I weighed maybe 5-10lb more at the most but this time I'm eating better and exercising more.
  • megpapier
    megpapier Posts: 60 Member
    I was 68 pounds and on my death bed. Now I'm on week 8 of P90X Doubles and weigh a muscular 101 pounds!!!!! I'm learning to love and appreciate my natural God given body and I am lovin' life!
  • SamK5269
    SamK5269 Posts: 19 Member
    Firstly I just want to say, awesome to all those who have made dents in their goal and to those who just started or haven't seen any drop yet keep your head up.

    A year ago for me, I had just moved from Reno to Arizona for a job. Things didn't go as planned so I was close to broke and stressing. I had to start my job on the 8th and didn't get to Arizona until the 7th (of November). I was in debt for the first time in my life from my time in Reno (my roommate lost her job, I tapped out all of my savings account trying to keep us in our apartment but ended up having to break the lease anyway) and was probably closer to 340 though I refused to get on a scale. I kept getting depressed when the material at the thighs of my work pants would wear out and I couldn't find the size I needed. Or I'd see the skinny girls around town and be jealous (and hateful). I would feel like they were judging and mocking me.
    I'd eat, and eat, and eat.... and eat. I wanted it to make me feel better, I wanted my life to be better. So many things were spiraling out of control and I thought to myself "Hey, food I can control. Food will be my friend in these hard times like it always has." When it didn't make me feel better I'd just eat more. I hated to undress, to see my flab and fat and the blob that was me. I hated the stretch marks and at least in clothes I could pretend that I was lighter, that I was 260 again. I would freak out and wonder just how much heavier I was going to get. I'd get on the computer and surf for sometime 14-16 hours then go to bed. If I wasn't at work or sleeping, I was eating and watching tv and on the computer. I kept saying "One day I'll get my act together. One day I'll be pretty. One day I'll be thin" while inside I felt like I was dying.
    Early September I was at work , complaining about my weight, wishing I could find something to kick me into gear when a coworker showed me an app on her phone. I told her "that's great, I'm happy you found something that works for you, but ... I don't have a cell phone." Which is when she assured me that MFP had a home site as well. I looked at it to humor her when I came home. I looked at it, logged everything that I ate that day (or remembered rather) and shocked myself with how high the numbers were. A friend and I had bought a scale beforehand and saw 333lbs. I nearly started crying. I promised to do better the next day.
    I was focused, making those numbers going lower but knowing that it had to be slow so that I didn't put too much strain on my heart. I wanted it to be instant, overnight, amazing (honestly, who doesn't?), but I knew that it wouldn't be. In October of this year I moved again to Missouri and lost track of my goals. I stopped losing the weight and a few days ago I got back on. I bought a food scale, measuring spoons and cups. I am now 320, so it's not a big loss, not inspirational like the people who have lost 100lbs (who I definitely look up to) but this is me. I'm 13lbs into my journey and 60-145lbs to go. I will get there.
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    A year ago today. I was laid up with a bad back because I'd tried to do too much, too fast at the gym. I was approx 40 lbs heavier, and struggling with depression, and anxiety had got so bad I had bruises on my arms from where I would bite them. Curbing my eating habits was the last thing I could deal with at the time, just making it through each day was my goal. So much changes in a year :)
  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    1 year ago I was a Whopping 312lbs and today I am Weighing in at 156lbs.. Man what an Amazing year this has been for me.. So life changing for the better.. I am down 156lbs as of yesturday and I am 11lbs from my goal.. I have done this souly thru exercise and 1200-1300 calorie diet.. No Fad Diets or Surgeries.. Nothing But Blood, Sweat & Tears..

    "Not Sweat you see on me that's Awesome Sauce Baby!!!!"

    All I can say is WOW!! You have done a phenomenal job!! Blessings to you!:-)
  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    I was about 5 months into my journey and wondering if I could stick it out for the long haul. I have lots to go but have totally changed how I eat and my activity. Thanks for asking and congrats to all who have taken up this journey and moved forward.
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    This was me one year ago! I was so miserable.
    I really hope you do not take this the wrong way but you carry your weight so good!!! I would have thought you weighed ALOT less than you do. You look amazing!
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    fat, tired, depressed probably crying myself to sleep wondering why does this have to me me!!!! Now I have lost 33lbs (was down 45lbs but slacked during the summer) have taken control of my emotions and am happy!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    A year ago I was about 30 lbs heavier and not doing anything about it. I was eating pretty healthy but rarely getting any exercise.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    One year ago I was stuffing my face with Pizza Hut and soda. P90X wasn't even a thought in my mind. I was about 60lbs heavier and completely out of shape.

    I still have 2 months before I hit that 1 year mark. And I'd like to get close to my original goal. So I need to step it up and get out of this funk I've been in since summer. Haven't really lost nor gain anything in the last 4 months.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    A year ago, weight loss or exercising wasn't even on my mind - I was most likely at home surfing the net / watching TV while stuffing my face.

    I didn't start my weight loss journey until the beginning of this year (January 4th to be exact), after celebrating New Year's and thinking that something had to change/improve.

    I had hoped to hit my goal in a year, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen.... I'll be happy if I reach 60 lbs lost.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    A year ago today I was about 20 pounds heavier and smoked almost a pack of cigarettes a day. I couldn't walk very far without being embarrassed because I could hear my self huffing and puffing.

    I didn't begin my journey until Feb 15, 2011. That is the morning I smoked my very last cigarette. I'm glad for this topic because, even though most of the time I am convinced I am moving at a snails pace, it's nice to be able to say that I am a non smoker and can actually walk for miles without becoming tired or extremely winded. I HAVE been making progress!!!

    That is amazing! You have made great progress to becoming healthier!! Congratulations!!
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    Good question! And it is so good to look back because so much can happen in a year's time. Sometimes we get so focused on the day to day, we forget how far we've come.

    EXACTLY, refelecting is a great pick me up, and reading all that you all have conquered over the last year, incredible, as well!
  • katyclev
    katyclev Posts: 41 Member
    A year ago, I couldn't wait to give birth to my last baby because I could lose weight FOR GOOD!! I was 5 months pregnant a year ago.

    I am now 18 lbs down from the weight I was when we were TTC and feeling better than ever!
  • moniew24
    moniew24 Posts: 88 Member
    I have lost 14lbs since this time last year, I am proud of it, but I could have done much better. I am determined to keep going!
  • All4Tris
    All4Tris Posts: 215 Member
    The "after" pic in my Avi was taken about a year ago and I was 10 lbs lighter!
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    Again, congrats to you all, all of you are strong and beautiful! Keep the stories coming!
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