can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    (((HUGS))) to my soul cysters! We are going to get through this.
  • texasmissy
    texasmissy Posts: 12 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    F you for the acne and F u for the additional hair. F you for making me question if I should even be allowed to procreate. F you for the 1.5 years it took for us to conceive and F you for still being here even after our son was stillborn @ 6mos. F you for the wasted $ on birth control pills when I still thought I could get pregnant and F you for the wasted $ on OPKs and Pregnancy Tests. F you for the daily metformin and finally F you for the excess weight.

    F you very much,
    Texas Missy
    Im so sorry for your loss! PCOS is the worst most cruel thing I've ever encountered for good women trying to conceive.....I am here for anything you need! Feel free to ask anyone on this thread for support! We are in this together:)

    Thank you, I am so glad I found this group :)
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Sending my LOVE and SUPPORT to all my favorite Cysters! Are you all hanging in there and trying hard? I hope so! We can do this! Be strict with yoursselves and never give up!

    My Dr. Put me on Clomid again! Mainly to induce ovulation so my cycles will regulate...they've been horrible heavy, long, and clotty(tmi) So I am praying and crossing fingers that we will get preggers this time! You are all in my prayers!
  • everydaypam
    everydaypam Posts: 90 Member
    Also, I would just like to vent about the doc who diagnosed me...

    After she told me she couldn't get me on the pill because she wants blood tests first ( I HATE needles) she says, "You're a librarian, go home and research PCOS. I don't have time to go into details."

    Umm, isn't she there to give me details!? After the blood work and hopefully some birth control/any other meds, I am for sure changing doctors!

    Yikes! Either she is one of the many doctors that don't actually know any of the details or she is just truly bad with people. Either way find a new doc and fast!
  • BamasGirl
    BamasGirl Posts: 8 Member
    Wish me luck ladies.....I am in the 2ww, again (cycle #12). This could be it, provided I get through the next 11 days without going crazy. :wink:
    Any ladies experience cold/flu like symptoms during the 2ww, that ended with a BFP? Just curious because it came out of nowhere, with a stuffy/runny nose and a sore throat and it is the first time it has happened in the 2ww.

    Lots of sticky baby dust to you Melroxsox and all other ladies ttc!!!!!
  • BamasGirl
    BamasGirl Posts: 8 Member
    Also, I would just like to vent about the doc who diagnosed me...

    After she told me she couldn't get me on the pill because she wants blood tests first ( I HATE needles) she says, "You're a librarian, go home and research PCOS. I don't have time to go into details."

    Umm, isn't she there to give me details!? After the blood work and hopefully some birth control/any other meds, I am for sure changing doctors!

    Yeah I would find another doc if I could.....she is supposed to give you the details and if she doesn't have time that is her problem, not yours. It sucks when people are not sensitive to your feelings when it comes to this damned disease.
  • sweetly_spicy
    sweetly_spicy Posts: 15 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    Thanks again for the wonderful experience of internal vaginal ultrasound, several times a year. Thanks for those scintinating times when a cyst bursts, ending any chance of my evening featuring anything except rocking, clutching, and perhaps an exciting ER visit.... and the inability to go off hormonal birth control without you going freaking nuts and causing me to gain craptons of weight, and you to get worse.

    Thanks for making me pluck my facial hair weekly; for making weight loss a mountain of effort, and for deepening my singing voice to a place where I'm not particularly comfortable with using it anymore. Oh, and the acne at near 30 ... that is SPECIAL.

    P.S. - I hate you. Die in a fire.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Wish me luck ladies.....I am in the 2ww, again (cycle #12). This could be it, provided I get through the next 11 days without going crazy. :wink:
    Any ladies experience cold/flu like symptoms during the 2ww, that ended with a BFP? Just curious because it came out of nowhere, with a stuffy/runny nose and a sore throat and it is the first time it has happened in the 2ww.

    Lots of sticky baby dust to you Melroxsox and all other ladies ttc!!!!!
    Baby Dust to you!!!! Keep us updated!!!
  • BamasGirl
    BamasGirl Posts: 8 Member
    Update: I am still in shock but I got a faint positive on Thursday night 11/17 and a faint positive on Friday 11/18. This morning I got my BFP!!!!!!!!! It is still not official until I see my OBGYN, but OMG!!!! We have literally been trying since '08 and I never thought it would happen. The only thing that was different this time was the metformin, that stuff is the real deal.

    Hope all you ladies are doing great.

    and to you PCOS, I won this time!!!!!
  • starrygirl82
    starrygirl82 Posts: 76 Member
    Congrats BamasGirl!!
  • nborsh22
    nborsh22 Posts: 72 Member
    I love these!
    Thanks PCOS....for making me spend money to have a child.....well actually children.....I have almost 6 year old triplets. I love my kids but 3 at once has been a challenge and a joy at the same time.

    I was diagnosed in my early 20's and birth control controlled the PCOS symptoms, but I was told when I was ready to have kids to see a fertility doc. So because of this I didn't have to wait the typical 6 mo to a year of trying before they would help me. So after several rounds of metformin, then a clomid type drug, we did a round of shots and were blessed with triplets. Back on the pill after the babies and PCOS is regulated. BC has worked for me, but I'm sure down the line there will be some side effect from being on BC for so long......then it will be thanks again to PCOS. :-)
  • Lynntin24
    Lynntin24 Posts: 6 Member
    As much as I do want to vent...I want to thank you PCOS. If it was not for you I would not have chaged the way I ate and the way I live my life. I watch what I eat and workout 6 days a week only for the simple fact that you can sneak up on me at any time. I want to thank my Dr. and for my mom pushing me to make the change. for helping me with the medication I needed and lost over 125 pounds, Was not easy but worth it. Thank you PCOS. I have regular periods now with my medication. Happy eventhough cramps suck. Lets me know my body is working!
  • BamasGirl
    BamasGirl Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats BamasGirl!!

    Thank you sweetie!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Well, I need your prayers for fertility Cysters! Clomid worked this month for ovulation and I am currently in my Two week wait! Please send good sticky baby vibes our way! We really can't wait to become the awesome parents we know we will be! Im trying to take it easy and not stress out too much during this the past I have obsessed over all my symptoms only to have a period crash all my hopes and dreams. This time Im just going with the flow and we shall see! Either way I will keep trying and trying and trying to have the family that we deserve:) Hope you are all doing well!!!:wink:
  • BamasGirl
    BamasGirl Posts: 8 Member
    Lots and lots of sticky baby dust to you!!!!!!!!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Clomid Round TWO...........................................................................................................
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    Clomid Round TWO...........................................................................................................

    Wishing you all the luck!
  • Dear PCOS,
    Thanks. Without your constant pain in the butt symptoms, I wouldn't have my now 10 month old twin boys thanks to clomid. I also want to notify you that while I thank you that your presence in my body caused me to have to use clomid, it's my firm belief that once I loose this weight, I will conceive baby number 3 and attain pregnancy number 2 on my own...

    Thanks for motivating me to change my life.

  • texasmissy
    texasmissy Posts: 12 Member
    Hola Cysters,

    I need your prayers, happy thoughts & good juju. We are having another follicule scan tomorrow. Had one last week and of the THIRTY follicules on my right and left ovaries, one on each ovary looked like it was growing. Now were hoping one or both of those is/are still growing and about to spring out a future baby. Any whoodle, wish us some luck, we need it. :flowerforyou:
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hola Cysters,

    I need your prayers, happy thoughts & good juju. We are having another follicule scan tomorrow. Had one last week and of the THIRTY follicules on my right and left ovaries, one on each ovary looked like it was growing. Now were hoping one or both of those is/are still growing and about to spring out a future baby. Any whoodle, wish us some luck, we need it. :flowerforyou:

    prayers baby dust, and crossing fingers eyes toes for you!!!