

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    :bigsmile: MacMadame, I'm so glad to see you posting again.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member

    to Kackie, a few days late.....hope it was a great day.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm on the flounder trip again.:grumble: I know what I need to do and that is just get busy. A year ago when I lost pounds I posted everyday and exercised everyday, so I know that was a help in losing. Sometimes we just need to get with it and do the work. That's where I am...:ohwell:
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Hello everyone!:flowerforyou:

    I was out all day today getting ready for Thanksgiving at a friends house and then volunteered to help her clean her house as she was swamped with things to do. That started at 7pm and it is now 5 am and I still haven't slept. I walked in at 4 am, then grabbed the puppies and took them for a walk. Imagine me out in this freezing weather, where my teeth hurt breathing in the air from outside and I have both pups going poop an pee! I just had a sweatshirt on and I was freezing my butt off out there. Of course, Boo had to take her sweet time trying to find the "perfect spot" to poop which made us stay out there for about 20 minutes. Could have killed her!:grumble:

    I know what you mean about the holidays. I just don't seem to be ready for them either. I don't feel very festive and find myself irritated with all the Christmas music and black friday ads and hearing people are camping out already for them. I, too usually enjoy the holidays, but I am not looking forward to all the preparation and baking I have to do. Wish it was all over with already. I am sorry to hear you are struggling with migraines. I used to have them every week, when I was working. Dibilitiating ones where I was sick and had to place cold compresses on my forehead and eyes and lie in the dark. Then when it finally disappeared, my whole head felt bruised the rest of the day. Believe it or not, once I stopped working (was laid off) they went away. :ohwell: Although lately I have been getting them again due to the weather. I find myself waking up with them and they get progressively worse by mid morning and I need to sleep them off. I notice my sinuses are having problems more right now and I think this is the cause of them. so I slap the sunglasses on at the first sign of them and take an excedrin migraine pill as soon as possible, sometimes even with a sinus pill. Sleep and cold compresses help alot. I hope you find the source of your pain. They are no picnic. I have found bright sunliight, caffeine, lack of sleep, stress, even certain odors can cause them for me. Hope you can find your triggers. Good luck.

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm on the flounder trip again.:grumble: I know what I need to do and that is just get busy. A year ago when I lost pounds I posted everyday and exercised everyday, so I know that was a help in losing. Sometimes we just need to get with it and do the work. That's where I am...:ohwell:

    i hear you, doodiedoo.....i dont understand why all of sudden, i have been logging, eating well, keeping within calories, exercising(thats never a problem for me)i set myself up, start baking, eating what im not suppose to(really just eating too much of it)....i continue to sabotage myself when i am progressing.....i agree with you that logging in EVERYDAY makes a big difference, it really helps...good luck:flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    It seems to be getting harder and harder these days to get into the Christmas spirit and I am not sure why, I have always loved this time of year but I just don't seem to be "into it" for some reason. Anyone feel like that??
    I used to love the holidays. I would decorate to the hilt and bake and wrap presents and just go crazy. But every year now I do less and less. This year I won't decorate at all, I don't buy any presents for anyone anymore. The only thing I will do is a little holiday cooking. I know for me its because I have no kids coming to visit and this year we are going to San Diego for a week to get away from the rain. I find myself getting angry with people looking forward to the holidays and the ads are just really pissing me off. I wish it were January and I could focus on just becoming a first time Grandma and forget all this Holiday hooey.

    thanks for the vent session. Have a great day ladies.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone;

    Exercise is out of the way. Now I need to eat a little breakfast and then get to my housework. It's been a little neglected since I have been over at mama's so much. Bathrooms need cleaning, floors vacuumed and mopped. These things I have got to get done today.

    My husband has already said "I can't wait until January"! I think it is mostly the commercialism of the holiday time. We never have done a lot. We just don't make it a big deal.

    I hope all of you can find something positive about your day. I know there will be something! So at the end of the day I would like to come back here and see that everyone has posted something positive about theirs! This is a challenge from me to you:smile:

    So have a good one!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just checking in before I head out on my trip after work today. I hope you are all well and happy. I have decided not to try to take the time to log food while I am gone, but will hopefully be able to check in periodically due to the miracles of modern technology (wireless internet in hotel and iPad, my friend!) I am heading out as soon as I can get packed after work today, and will be driving home on Sunday. Everyone have a safe and happy week!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just waiting for my students to arrive.

    I don't seem to be making the right kind of progress at the moment. I need to uncover my treadmill and try to do a few minutes every day and gradually build that up. I had an accident with the treadmill and fell off and broke my arm and dislocated my shoulder and since then I've been leary of using it. I have used it since, but still have those tentative feelings when I look at it.

    I have been tracking, but I eat the wrong things - I still track them, but they aren't what I need to be eating to be able to make progress with my weight loss.

    My DBF and I are off to Grand Cayman in a couple of weeks, so would really like to be moving in the right direction by that time.

    I would be nice to be where the tracker tells me I will be in 5 weeks. According to where I should be from 5 weeks ago, I would be 10lbs less than where I am.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I read a great article a few years ago about doing only what makes you happy regarding the holidays. Too many people do things because they've always done it or because "it's expected" or "you're supposed to". Better to look at all the holiday stuff and do only what you like. We don't celebrate Christmas but we celebrate other holidays that have a lot of cooking and preparation designed to make a person crazy.

    :bigsmile: I gave up baking a few years ago and it makes my life a lot more simple and more calorie free.

    :bigsmile: we had a bit of rain this morning but that didn't dampen the spirits of the frisky poodles. the wet weather seemed to bring out lots of birds that kept the poodles entertained throughout the walk.....we also saw the four deer.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Cindy: I LOVE your challenge...you are helping us all see the glass as "half full"...great idea! And I was feeling a bit grouchy today too! SO, the good part of my day was this: I woke up before the sun came up. Usually, I roll over and try to sleep a bit more, but today was a VERY busy day, so I got up & took my cup of coffee down the dock and watched the sun sliver it's way up. The little new moon was still visible in the sky. Then I went for my walk/run and was home about the time I normally get up. It was such a wonderful hour:love:

    And I am SO THANKFUL that each of you are here. I am off to bake some pumpkin muffins for our grand daughter who loves them and arrives tomorrow. Crab pot is in the water and I will make crab cakes for tomorrow night. I am feeling less stressed by starting to do the things that I was dreading.

    Robin: Think about how much fun you will have with that Grand baby next year during the holidays. I now just focus on what I think she will enjoy the most, and anything else for anyone else is just a bonus if I get it done!

    Barbie: WOW! Thank you so much for the fabulous Birthday wishes!

    Mary: PLEASE don't apologize...you are so, so nice to keep up with all of our birthdays!

    Take care!:heart: Kackie
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Oh Kacki what a lovely start to your day..... just reading it made me feel good!! It sounds like such a beautiful part of the world that you live in!

    I think I am finally emerging from the fog I've been in for the past few days (amazing how much the very unwelcome recurrence of my period after 10 months has affected me)..... so I am hoping to finally do a bit of exercise again and be a bit stronger with my food choices..... for some reason I couldn't resist the choc brownies, kept needing a cup of tea and even had to have mashed potato for dinner.... all my comfort foods!

    I have a lot of cleaning and preparations to do as we go away for a family holiday next week to Byron Bay (the most easterly point on the Australian mainland.... very beautiful). We are taking our 2 sons and their girlfriends..... first time our "family" is more than the 4 of us! We are taking a house right on the beach so it will be a lovely relaxing time. I am hoping for lots of walks and maybe even some runs along the beach and lots of fresh seafood and fruit.... so hopefully not too bad in the calorie department.... although the wine of an evening might not be so good.

    I'm with all of you in your comments about the christmas celebrations..... it will be a low key affair around here.... my son says we are a family in a "transition phase".... my husband and I both lost parents in the last couple of years so we are the oldest and our sons are the youngest as they haven't started families yet..... and we don't have a lot of other family around to join us.... just one brother of my husband with his wife and toddler ....thankfully one child to make things bright.

    Cindy..... just want to say my thought are with you..... my mother was diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago and passed away 9 months later..... it was a very difficult year.... but also filled with some lovely moments as well..... take care. :flowerforyou:

    And thankyou for the challenge...... its pouring with rain here so on one hand seems a miserable start to the day .... but as we have just laid new turf it is actually very welcome. Also my house is a mess.... but I have the time (and the inclination) to do something about it today so should have a clean house by the end of the day.... and I am also going to get up and go to the gym right now.... so I'm thankful that I feel up it.

    I hope all those from the US have a wonderful Thanksgiving (it happens to be my 21st wedding anniversary on the same day).... and enjoy all the wonderful food and family..... then get back on track straight after.:drinker:

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Everyone:

    Kackie: Happy Birthday, late, sorry....:blushing:

    I am glad to hear that others are struggling with this time of year but I am just going to force myself to smarten up and stop it and make myself get "into" the Christmas spirit; I have little grandchildren that will be counting on me, so I have to stop it. I think part of it is these silly migraines and the fact that I feel so rotten most of the time. I have a son who will be home from his deployment in time for Christmas, or he should be, I need to be thankful for that, as so many will not have that luxury, will they? Again, I need to stop this nonsense and put myself in check and make the others at work get into the spirit too as they are miserable too :laugh:

    I thank you, Chiclet, for your comments about your migraines. I am sure the long commute, stressful job and so on do not help, but like you, I am very affected by weather and always have been and there is not too much they can do to stop that. I will just have to buck up and put myself into a better mood :wink:

    As always, you Ladies have some very valuable advice to be taken and I thank you :flowerforyou:

    I hope you are all doing well and I hope those in a funk like I am, can get out of it. Let's make a pact, my Friends, to make a concerted effort to try and out ourselves into the Christmas Spirit??? Okay?? Let's try.

    So, talk to you later. Have a great evening. Hope no one is having any rough weather.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :bigsmile: Thank you for the challenge, Cindy,

    :flowerforyou: we have rain here, but I have great clothing to wear in the rain, dogs that love to walk in the rain, and a warm house to come back to

    :flowerforyou: I have been super busy primarily because of calls and visits from good friends

    :flowerforyou: I have the greatest pets in the world who pester me because they love being with me.

    :flowerforyou: DH went to the store for me today and along with the things on the list, he got me a great new flashlight because one of my old ones fell apart :bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    11 – kackie
    19 - Benson
    30 - SallyCC

    Happy Birthday ladies! May this next year be a good one for all of you.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I read a great article a few years ago about doing only what makes you happy regarding the holidays. Too many people do things because they've always done it or because "it's expected" or "you're supposed to". Better to look at all the holiday stuff and do only what you like.
    I'm actually looking forward to making Thanksgiving dinner, maybe 'cuz its just DH, me and the dogs. Have a few days off in late Nov and early Dec. Eager for a bit of candymaking, cookie baking, mostly "ThankYou"s for co workers, but also so I can have a few tastes of beloved favorites (almond crescent, holiday nutball). I used to make 17 lbs of fruitcake every year, but turned out I was the only one who liked it so that temptation to overwork and overindulge is gone. We'll probably skip outside lights this year, but I love the smell of a fresh tree and the bittersweet memories associated with certain ornaments so will put one up.
    Thanks Cindy for the challenge. I'm finding that the things I'm most grateful for are associated with things that could be taken negatively, must be SMVQ's and BarbieCat's good influences. :love: I'm grateful for:
    :heart: Our aging little black dog Robbie, and my lovin' DH who got up with him twice last night so I could sleep a little more.
    :heart: My chiropractor who is making progress on my rib (oww)
    :heart: My job and coworkers. Yesterday moved 10 people's phones and computers, crawling under desks to dis- and re-connect, but slowly because of the rib :tongue:
    :heart: Our "new" bed and the electricity to power the heated throw.
    :love: :love: :love: Hot running water.

    And of course all you wonderful gals.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I read a great article a few years ago about doing only what makes you happy regarding the holidays. Too many people do things because they've always done it or because "it's expected" or "you're supposed to".
    That's true about more than the holidays... I think a lot of us do things because we're supposed to instead of figuring out what we really want and how to get there.

    One area this applies to in particular is food! Many of us eat certain foods because they are supposed to be treats. For example, I am not overly fond of donuts. Sometimes I'm in the mood for them and certain ones I like a lot more than others but in general donuts are just not my thing. But have someone bring some into work and I'm salivating and working like crazy not to eat them because I've been conditioned to think of them as an indulgence!

    It can be very freeing to figure what you really like and really want from life.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    _now, _now, _now - although it is here I can hardly bear to use the 'S' word. However, it is supposed to be up to +6 tomorrow and +9 on Friday, so I'm not going out shovelling, except for the steps.

    Off to the mall to do some banking and buy some bread - my loaf was going mouldy today, so I need some more.

    I also have to take a product back. They told me there was a 'no return' policy at the shop, but I have their "statement of customer service' which says they will give a credit note so I'm going to get one!

    DBF has just called to say he is on his way, so I'm off.
  • kleinbuenstorf
    I like to wish everybody a very " Happy Thanksgiving ". Those of you who are traveling, have a safe trip!!

    I'll be celebrating right here at home with sweet company and good food, just wish my husband could join us, but he is working in Pennsylvania right now. I guess that's the price we have to pay sometimes for being self employed.

    Take care and have a wonderful day tomorrow,
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING all....i wish all of you celebrating thanksgiving a wonderful day....have a great day:flowerforyou: