Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all!! We celebrated yesterday because I will be working 7a-7p today. I had the biggest meal in one sitting that I can remember having in a long time! But it was yummy!!! It was nice b/c I had some family in from out of town and we had a big tableful of family as well as food : ) Leftovers for me today!!

    Belinda... I know what you mean about having to change the dates. I just "knew" when we conceived, lol, but according to both u/s that I've had done, I am about 5-6 days off of that. I the grand scheme of things, it's a spit in the wind, but I think we get "attached" to the date we initially think it is.

    Shoppingqueen...welcome and congrats!!

    Heather...great advice and so happy to hear you are both doing so well!

    bmfrazie...I still count cals everyday. It's become such a part of life for me since I've been doing it for almost 2 years that I feel weird if I don't.

    roobean...thank you. yes, I will start saying that wonderful phrase "not my daughter" lol :)

    Shelley ~ 20 weeks (tomorrow) ~ pre-preg wt = 122, current wt 126-127 (only a 4-5lb gain :) and LO weighs good at 9oz!)
  • Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans out there!!!! Since I live in Canada I don't have to worry about all the yummy holiday food this weekend (Boo).
    I'm 20 weeks and have gained 7 pounds although the scale fluctuates greatly throughout the day.
    Counting my calories sometimes, I try. Though some days I fall off the wagon. I have terrible cravings some days!
    Ultrasound is monday!!!! Really hope this baby co-operates.

  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Hello everyone, so I had taken a bit of a hiatus because I was so busy but the appointments I had in the past two days slapped me back into reality. I gained 9lbs since my last appointment (4weeks ago) and my Dr told me to watch my weight. Although everyone is telling me that I popped in the past week and a lot of the gain can be that, but to be honest with myself I slacked off. I was indulging in junk foods a little too often and not being so strong with my workouts. So my goal is to start tracking my foods again (I need the accountability) and keep up with my workouts, if I still gain lots well then its because the baby needed it, but at least I know I was being as healthy as possible.
    To put it in perspective I’ve gained about 17lbs and I’m 20w2d, but the majority has been in the past 4 weeks which is the only thing that alarms me. I did get to have my 20week ultrasound yesterday, and was told I’m having a boy!!! He looks a bit big but very healthy and more active than most. When the tech was mentioning how much active than most he is I felt vindicated, so many people looked at me weird when I said I was feeling movements’ everyday and have been for over a week, everyone was saying that it was too early for me to feel that much on my first pregnancy. Well the tech said she’d be surprised if I didn’t feel him because of how much he was active.
    Well I hope everyone is doing well and I’ll be checking in much more often now.

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Just a quick check in because I'm playing major catch up today and feeling VERY overwhelmed at work...:grumble:

    I had to teach a Food Safe course yesterday for 7 hours and then proctor the exam was a long day starting at needless to say it was an early night for me. I haven't worked out once this week - BUT I did do a TON of stairs yesterday throughout the course because the course was in a boardroom that is up 20 stairs and then my office is in another building which is up another 20 or so stairs and I kept having to go back and forth all I'm sure that counts for something! LOL

    I'm 27 weeks today! I can't believe I'm in the 3rd trimester now...HOLY CRAP! lol time is flying! My goals going forward are to really focus and concentrate on working out consistently - I think going and trying the 7 day free pass at SNAP fitness next week should really help. I wish I had a treadmill at home but that's just not in the cards right now.

    I'm feeling pretty good - starting to get more fatigued and having more aches and pains but overall feeling really good and Mason is as active as ever...mostly right before I want to go to bed or right as I'm trying to fall asleep :wink: I hope this doesn't mean he's going to be a night owl :tongue: I just can't wait to meet him!

    Is anyone else reading a book called "Natural Hospital Birth" by Cynthia Gabriel?
    I am just going to start reading it tonight, that along with I'm halfway through "Hypnobirthing"

    Just wondering if anyone else is reading these books and if so what your thoughts are :happy: I'm really liking Hypnobirthing so far. It's really interesting to learn how much the mind and fear/tension play such a huge role in the pain factor during labour....

    Anyway - better get back to work.

    abeare - congrats on finding out you're having a boy!! So exciting!

    Heather - so glad to hear you're doing well and that breastfeeding is going well! Make sure you rest! :smile:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all the US MFP's on here :flowerforyou:
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!

    I pushed through my back pain yesterday and walked for 30 mins at lunch then tried to run 4kms at home man it was a tough run, I started to feel really weak towards the end like I wanted to pass out, I must have needed more fuel in my body. Ive been drinking water like a mad woman lately, I just finished my first L. Ive been drinking about 4 a day! Just super thirsty. Hubbys out of town today so probably wont work out tonight, just walk at lunch. Felt my lil nugget move around at night, he/she seems to like to party at night. Feeling good today, hope you all are too!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Ash I just wanted to tell you that I started feeling daily movement at 16 weeks and it never stopped! And even now the doc, the nurses, and many others have said how surprised how active she was as a newborn! I said "I told you guys I wasn't fibbing by saying how much she moved!" lol Congrats on the healthy baby boy!

    Rayna that's when Charlee moved the most and now before bed she gets really active and is hard for her to calm down to go to bed. We call it her "witching hour" lol. That is the only time of day she gets really fussy and can't be calmed... So hoping that isn't the case for you! lol

    To everyone else I hope you are doing well and having a wonderful day. Keep on eating healthy (except those of us that are partaking in Thanksgiving day festivities...I truly believe in allowing yourself a day to eat what you want...just not to a state of enjoy)...and staying active! I will say being a week out from having Charlee and having a flat stomach is reason enough for me to feel good about my choices to workout and eat healthy during my pregnancy, not to mention how healthy Charlee is and how good I have felt immediately following her birth. You ladies are awesome and doing so well. Keep on striving for your can do it!

    I also wanted you all to know how thankful I am for your support during my pregnancy. It was so nice to have a place to come and feel surrounded by like minded, healthy women.
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving! :)

    So much to be thankful for! I hope everyone who celebrated today had a wonderful day. I got up early and traveled 90 miles to do a Turkey Trot only to arrive 5 minutes too late to get registered. Cried. Came home and went for a 5 mile run/walk. It was a little rough but felt so good when I finished. It definitely made my meal so much more enjoyable.

    I am having an issue while I run....anytime I run there is a large amount of pressure on my bladder. I have to plan my run to include a bathroom stop and hope I can make it. Anyone else experiencing this?

    Also...the ultrasound went well yesterday! It was great to have my husband there with me.'s...a...BOY! When the tech showed us, tears rolled down my face. SOO thankful he looks healthy, but I can't help it, I'm a little sad. I have been around boys my whole life and really wanted some pink. Glad we found out so I can get over my little selfish thoughts.

    Keep up the great work everyone! Time for a nap! :)

    18 W/ 7 D ...10 lb gain
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    jhecca- I understand how you feel. i was really down last time at my weigh in because i gained 7lbs and really put me up there closer to what I was wanting my 'max' weight to be. Time has slowly helped with making me feel better, plus I started watching more closely what I put in my mouth, which has helped because exercise has been horrible lately with me being so busy lately. For me never having reached my goal weight pre pregnancy, makes this very, very difficult. I'm glad you're refocused and way to go on the GREAT attitude and look on things. :)

    kristy_estes- glad you had a good visit. :)

    Ashely- great job on passing your test!!!

    Jenna-where do I being with this. I understand you completely. This is my second and its been 12 years since my last, although, I'm having another boy, it seems like we're starting over in many ways than one. I don't believe in having 'second' baby showers per se, but I feel almost a little saddened that no one has volunteered to do one for me now. So this sounds very conficting and I think its my preggo emotions also. At least your friends are gone and mine are here but no one really volunteered or has asked. Plus it doesn't help that the women who are around me are first time mommies and they're being showered with gifts. Lol, I'm sorry, you're feeling a little bummed out. You're not alone. :)

    Rayna- I hope something comes up for you. If not you know how to take control in the delivery room. :) Only advice I have for first time mommies is to wait it out at home. Once you labor starts, try as hard to stick it out at home, since with the first time around you're more than likely to be laboring for a while. Here in the states, many hospitals, at least in my area, like to bed you and then of course patience is of the essence. They like to rush everything not letting mommies labor as long as they should. You'll do great. Look at Heather. She was adimment and got her wishes. :) I'm still rooting for a midwife for you. Love he nursery.

    Heather- what a great story and WTG!!! so proud of sticking to what you want and the end results were just as you imagined. :) You go girl!

    Shelley- he'll come around. I think a lot of men feel like that. Once that baby gets here it'll be like nothing before. True story: I'm my parent's only daughter and according to my great uncle, mom and several cousins, when my father found out that she was having me, a girl, he was not too happy. He would make very mean comments ( I'm sure this is not the case for you) :) However, on the way home from the hospital my dad was holding me and his uncle was driving and my dad kept saying, " go slower, please, she's very new" HA! Go figure. everybody laughed and thought, this was the man that didn't even want her and now he wants everybody to tip toe around her. :) I was very spoiled and well taken care of by my father. LOL. This will be the same with your little girl. ;)

    If I've missed anybody I'm sorry, I'm so far behind and trying to keep up is almost impossible with how fast this board moves.

    AFM ( can someone tell me what this stands for? I've tried figuring it out and can't Lol ;/)

    29w4d- total weight gain 23lbs: wanted a total weigth gain of 25 but doesn't look like that'll happen. :(

    Update: So yesterday was my appt. and my glucose test. I was having a great day and wasn't looking forward to the scale buy, its got to be done. So I go in and do my urine sample, weight myself, etc. I then notice on my panty liner that there're blood. I was terrified and was so glad I was at my appt. So I tell Beverly my midwife, and she asks me several questions which the answer was no to all of them. She decided to check me to make sure I hadn't had any cervical changes, etc. She said my cervix felt soft and sent me to go get an U/S. US came back fine and said my cervix was normal and basically I was not effacing. She told me to take it easy and she was debating whether or not to put me on bed rest. I go back to work and went home early. I get home and about 6 o'clock, I start cramping. I immediately call her and she sends me into labor and delivery to be monitored for preterm labor. Was not at all expecting all of this the day before Thanksgiving. I mean, everything so sudden. I go get moitored and sure enough, I'm having contractions. They were very irregular and so they decided to check me again to make sure I wasn't dialating. Which I wasn't Thank GOD! They ended up giving me two shots to stop he contractions and then released me right before midnight. I was very scared for baby. I was basically bed ridden. Thank goodness for a 4 day weekend so I can literally do nothing and not worry about work. I'm praying that baby will wait for 5-6 more weeks, until he has more weight, if he does decide to come early. So prayers please. However, I only gained 2lbs this time around. So that's a good thing. ;) Funny how I have stressed about weight etc, through this whole thing and now I could CARELESS, after last nigth's scare. So, NOT important in the end.

    Goals: rest, rest, rest. :(
    Sunday will do some light stretching, etc. to keep my body from feeling soar from resting to much.
    Drink 120 oz of water.
    Focus on nutritious foods. (I believed has helped a lot)

    Elce 29W4D- 23lb gain
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Aimee, that's when I felt I couldn't run anymore. the pressure wasn't comfortable at all and the whole run felt like I had to pee. I thought the belt would help but didn't help on that issue. So I just slowed down. Less miles, etc, until I just couldn't anymore. Now, if I do run, my pelvic bone is so freaking soar that I waddle when I walk Lol. So needless to say, I have to listen to my body. :) maybe try going a little slower and intervals, if you don't already do intervals. You're AWESOME though. ;)

    Elce 29W4D-23lb gain
    Happy Thanksgiving! :)

    So much to be thankful for! I hope everyone who celebrated today had a wonderful day. I got up early and traveled 90 miles to do a Turkey Trot only to arrive 5 minutes too late to get registered. Cried. Came home and went for a 5 mile run/walk. It was a little rough but felt so good when I finished. It definitely made my meal so much more enjoyable.

    I am having an issue while I run....anytime I run there is a large amount of pressure on my bladder. I have to plan my run to include a bathroom stop and hope I can make it. Anyone else experiencing this?

    Also...the ultrasound went well yesterday! It was great to have my husband there with me.'s...a...BOY! When the tech showed us, tears rolled down my face. SOO thankful he looks healthy, but I can't help it, I'm a little sad. I have been around boys my whole life and really wanted some pink. Glad we found out so I can get over my little selfish thoughts.

    Keep up the great work everyone! Time for a nap! :)

    18 W/ 7 D ...10 lb gain
  • AmandaR321
    AmandaR321 Posts: 68 Member
    Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!!
    Who's shopping today? Not I. I mean, I couldn't anyways on bedrest but I didn't see any good deals on stuff we actually needed, so my credit card is safe. DH will be happy to hear that lol.
    AFM, I have another ultrasound (#26 this pregnancy) on Monday. Hopefully the contractions don't cause any change because I don't want to be put in the hospital. :( Being away from my kids for Christmas, not fun.

    Amanda (24w4d w/ #4)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    emrogers - I am praying for you! Hold on baby for 5-6 more weeks! That is scary, I'm so glad you and baby are ok, make sure to rest and take it easy lady!

    AFM SOOO glad it's Friday...whew what a week! I'm really looking forward to the weekend, even though it's jam pack as well...3 more weeks until I get a week off for Christmas :tongue: but who's counting? :happy:
    Last night while laying in bed reading with my husband Mason was SO active and kicking and moving like crazy, Jay got to feel a really big kick and then we both got a super surprise! We could see Mason moving and kicking THROUGH MY BELLY :noway: :bigsmile: SO CRAZY!! It was amazing - this is the first time we've seen him moving through my skin before! It was so cool and just a really special moment. I read to him and Jay and I talked to him and played music and then finally after an hour he settled down and I got to go to sleep at around 11 lol :wink: I think this kid is going to be a night owl - I'm just so happy that we got that experience last night - it's funny I just can't get over how amazing this whole experience is - I'm already SO in love with him, I can't even imagine what I'm going to feel when I really get to meet him for the first time! It makes me tear up even thinking about it! lol...ok...woah simmer down hormones :tongue:

    As for exercise, again I did a TON of stairs at work yesterday and when I got home I did some squats and squatting exercises. Then I started working on my homework, I'm really trying to get back into a routine with it and I want to get through as much as I can before the baby comes. I really want to complete this before my maternity leave is over. (for those who don't know I'm studying to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist :bigsmile: - I really want to start my own business and work from home and hopefully I will be able to pull it all off while being a new first time mom :happy: lol keep your fingers crossed for me!)

    Anyway, I hope all of you are having a fantastic week and that all those in the US are enjoying their long weekends! Be safe on Black Friday (I can't imagine how crazy it is!) I heard on the radio this morning that some lady pepper sprayed 20 people in line trying to keep them away from what she wanted to buy :noway: ...yikes.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Happy thanksgiving to all those celebrating.

    Rayna, what a wonderful milestone you got o enjoy with your husband! Oh and I definitely think the stairs count :P

    Taldie, I know the feeling of wanting to push through during your workout but please don’t overdo it, going to the point of thinking your going to pass out can’t be good, please be careful.

    Heather, I’ve already been forewarned that since he’s this active now it’ll only get worse throughout the pregnancy and once he’s born. That’s ok as long as he’s healthy, I can deal with the all the kicks and jabs he’s going to give me.
    Glad to hear you’re doing well, Charlie is soooooo cute!

    Aimee, Yeah another boy! Congrats! I had that moment too of mourning the thought of not having a little girl, but the look on my husbands face was enough to bring me back to celebration mode. Just think you were meant to raise a man that will caring and kind to women!

    Elce, that sounds like such a scary event to have to go through, I’m so happy that everything is fine for the moment & my thoughts are with you and your baby that everything stays fine.

    This weekend we plan on doing lots and lots of cleaning and reorganizing. I basically want the nursery empty, so all the stuff in there now needs to find a new home. Once empty I can maybe start filling it up! So I don’t think I’ll get too much actual working out done, but I’m sure the cleaning, re-organizing and moving all the furniture will be enough to make me tired at the end of the day.

    17 lbs gain so far
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hello ladies :)
    I am still tip-toeing around...trying to be calm and not neurotically paranoid between now and the next ultrasound on Dec one of my nearest and dearest told me, though...Dr's always prepare you for the worst to cover their A**es, so if he said everything looks great and you should relax- that is what you should do! That being said -- I want to be as all natural as possible, but I was very thankful for the nausea meds. I am only taking them when it is reeeallly bad -- and so happy when I don't need to take any.

    I have been maintaining my weight at 179 -179.5 -- and then today am down to 178.5. I think it is dehydration, so I am pushing the fluids...I was hoping to maintain through all of the first tri -- and not attempting to lose, but at 5'6.5, a couple of pounds down probably won't be a big deal, especially considering that I am eating around 2000 for maintenance (and thanks to the anti-nausea pills, keeping them down!). Again, the doc says to just eat as much of the good stuff as I see fit and make sure I take my vitamin.
    So, if on Monday we were 6wks, 4 days, that would be starting week 7 today...gosh, I am exhausted, though.. how did you all get yourselves to work out during the 'if I don't sleep I will fall down' phase? On Wednesday I slept until 7:30, napped from 1:30 to 4 and then went to bed for the night at 8.
    I am going to walk the dog now, and then do another after dinner, so I will at least get 20 minutes of movement during the day!

    Elce -- you are in my T & P -- I am glad that you are allowing yourself some R & R!
  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
    27 weeks and 11lbs more
    sometimes i feel that is a small gain, but my Ob don't see to worry about this:ohwell:

    I had JUST lost 18lbs from 02/2011 to 5/2011 when i got pregnant and i stop my diet.
    i have my next sonogram next week i hope to see that my girl is bigger and doing well.

    Happy weekend Everybody!! :flowerforyou:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    So I got my results back - No gestational diabetes for me! :bigsmile: Whew!

    Random question for you ladies - does anyone else have this problem? When I sleep at night I am constantly waking up because my hands fall asleep - it doesn't matter if I sleep on my left side or my right side - and then I find I keep waking up on my back because maybe I'm just getting annoyed with my hands falling asleep?? Does anyone else have this problem?
    I looked it up online and it said that it might be carpel tunnel syndrome?
    I'm definitely going to bring this up with my Doctor in my next visit but just curious if anyone else is having this issue?
    It's just really super annoying and I'm having horrible sleeps because of it.

    Day is almost done! Can't WAIT for the weekend to begin!:drinker:
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    YES! Not so much now but it used to happen alot. I think once this week, and yes, super
    Elce 29w5d- 23 lbs gain
    So I got my results back - No gestational diabetes for me! :bigsmile: Whew!

    Random question for you ladies - does anyone else have this problem? When I sleep at night I am constantly waking up because my hands fall asleep - it doesn't matter if I sleep on my left side or my right side - and then I find I keep waking up on my back because maybe I'm just getting annoyed with my hands falling asleep?? Does anyone else have this problem?
    I looked it up online and it said that it might be carpel tunnel syndrome?
    I'm definitely going to bring this up with my Doctor in my next visit but just curious if anyone else is having this issue?
    It's just really super annoying and I'm having horrible sleeps because of it.

    Day is almost done! Can't WAIT for the weekend to begin!:drinker:
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Hope Everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I managed, at least I think I did, to not go overboard on the food. We ended up going to a co-worker's house for the day. I munched on celery sticks and baby carrots until the "good" food came out. Well, a couple of crackers with some crab stuff may have found their way into my stomach. Had small portions and only one plate. Pumpkin pie was had too (Of Course!). Drank water and herbal tea all day too, stayed away from the soda. But that's pretty much all I had to eat all day. I did have a breakfast bar/cookie bar thingy that hubby threw at me when I said I hadn't eaten breakfast yet. So I THINK I did OK with my eating yesterday. Back to watching what I eat today and not overly snacking again.

    I have my next appointment on wednesday, so I'll find out what the doc thinks of my weight gain then (I'm close that max gain of 25lbs). I've been tracking it at home, and it's not great. But given that I still start spotting if I even walk for exercise, I don't think I'm doing too bad. Just happy that Kaiden is so very active and thus (at least in my mind) doing good.

    Cindy ~ 24wks 3days +19lbs
    (And yes, we finally have a name for little man. Kaiden Drake Morley!)
  • MrsJax - Honestly I have had days where I literally slept for 10 hours, ate breakfast and 30 minutes later went back to bed for a nap. Growing a human is hard work! Try going for a walk after a meal. I seem to perk up after ingesting some carbs lol. Are you experiencing any morning sickness?

    Rayna - YAY for no diabetes! My coworker did have gestational diabetes and was on a strict diet and had to give herself insulin shots.:frown: I hope I avoid that as well!

    AFM (As for myself/me - I forget who asked what this stood for)
    My husband and I are very excited for our 1st ultrasound Monday. Hoping my little nugget looks healthy and happy in there!
  • Anyone find that there uterus gets really tight when they exercise. I was exercising yesterday and this happened. Plus lots of back pain, just wondering if others experience this..
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Roo, I have been having all day sickness :( It is usually manageable, but I take the script from my Dr. when it is so awful that I just can't bear any more...I just keep telling my self that it is only 5 more weeks till the end of the first tri....
    I think I am going to nap now...maybe walk later!