Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies! Charlee is napping so I wanted to check in with you all. I'm sorry I haven't been able to be more active on the board...babies will do that! lol

    Aimee congratulations on a healthy baby! I admit I would have been a little disappointed if Charlee had been a boy...but at the same time what truly matters is a healthy baby. I'm sure most of us had a slight preference...but the second you meet your son it won't even matter I promise! And that is totally normal to plan out potty breaks for your workout...gotta love the effects of the baby bouncing on your bladder :) Keep up the great work!

    Elce I've been keeping you in my prayers. How scary! Just rest and do what is best for you and baby.

    Rayna Charlee was so active as soon as I laid down to go to sleep...she sleeps pretty good at night so hopefully that is the case for Mason too :) And congrats on no gestational diabetes! Yay! I'd ask your doc about the hands falling asleep. I only had that in the beginning when I went from sleeping on my stomach to my sides.

    Ash thanks! We like her and think we will keep her around for a little while lol ;)

    MrsJax I found that working out actually helped with the fatigue. I was tired too, but getting those endorphins pumping helped wake me up. Some days you just have to get through the day and "it is what it is", but most days I'd recommend pushing past the "lazies" and setting a goal of working out for 20 minutes and if you feel better after that then keep going for another 20 and so forth.

    Cindy great name! :)

    Roobean good luck with the ultrasound. I'm sure everything will be great!

    Kim contraction/braxton hicks during exercise is totally normal.

    Charlee is a week and a half old and we are in a pretty great routine. For the most part she wakes every 3 hours to nurse and then stays awake for a little while before she drifts back to sleep. I try and nap with her at least once, sometimes twice during the day for 30ish minutes. I highly recommend getting these naps in with your baby when you can! Al goes back to work on is a little daunting cause he has been an amazing help, but I plan on getting into a routine (to include waking up at a decent time instead of staying in bed until 9 and working out) so come Thursday we will have had a few days of "normalcy" under our belt when he goes back to work. That is the plan anyways lol. We have had people bringing us meals every other day since she was born and it will go until December 8th! I can't even begin to tell you how absolutely wonderful those hot, home cooked meals have been! Even though it is just Al and I, it has given us the opportunity to focus on Charlee and not have to worry about what we are going to eat. I will definitely pay it forward when ever I hear of someone having a baby!

    Well I sure do hope that everyone is having a great weekend. December is almost here and the start of a new post-pregnancy board is in the works. I will be sending out invites to the soon as I figure it all out :)
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hello checking in after a very busy Thanksgiving.

    Elce-Prayers & best wishes for your baby to be ok and stay strong.

    Heather-Beautiful picture of Charlee, she is adorable.

    Rayna- Yay for your GCtest, I have mine this coming friday now crossing my fingers.

    Aimee & Ash -congrats for your baby boys!!

    Sorry if i missed many but i have an awful non-drank hangover. LOL Not enough sleep!

    I was told I am bigggg at my cousin's girlfriends baby shower. Oh well it is what it is.

    I'll check in tomorrow.

    Have a nice Sunday, we'll be on a road trip back to Vegas later on today.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ladies -

    I'd like to go ahead a re-join the group. Some of you that are 20+ weeks may remember you passed me by when I miscarried in September. :frown:

    But I'm fortunate enough to have gotten pregnant again and I am 8 weeks along! I am getting serial hcgs each week and so far so good, I am going to have an ultrasound on Dec 1st to see how things are going - so if I don't join the December thread you'll know why!. Last time it was painful waiting for the month to expire while this great group kept popping up in my topics, so I definitely won't post in the December thread unless all is definitely good.

    I crept up 5lbs above my goal weight of 118-120 before I got pregnant the first time, and never lost 5 of the 8lbs I gained during that pregnancy. I'm pretty sure some is water, but now I'm 135 - 15+lbs up from goal depending on the day! :sad: Hopefully it will even out, my doctor said the first time I should gain 35lbs so not to worry, but in my mind that gives me only 20lbs left (though I'd love to stay below 150)!

    I have ditched high impact exercise because of research showing high impact and vigorous exercise is linked to miscarriage, but I am strength training and using the elliptical. I have been nauseated and having heartburn but trying to stick to a healthy diet. You ladies are doing great, I wanted to join just for the inspiration.

    Thanks heather for the encouraging story about weight gain. you're my hero!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    So I got my results back - No gestational diabetes for me! :bigsmile: Whew!

    Random question for you ladies - does anyone else have this problem? When I sleep at night I am constantly waking up because my hands fall asleep - it doesn't matter if I sleep on my left side or my right side - and then I find I keep waking up on my back because maybe I'm just getting annoyed with my hands falling asleep?? Does anyone else have this problem?
    I looked it up online and it said that it might be carpel tunnel syndrome?
    I'm definitely going to bring this up with my Doctor in my next visit but just curious if anyone else is having this issue?
    It's just really super annoying and I'm having horrible sleeps because of it.

    Day is almost done! Can't WAIT for the weekend to begin!:drinker:

    Great for the test result!!!

    Me too on the arm fall asleep, but it mostly happened to me when I sleep on my right side. For me, in order to avoid end up sleeping on my back, I have a little pillow on my lower back/butt which preventing me roll on my back. It has been working well. When I woke up with arm fell asleep, I usually try to flip to the other side (except I have had very bad pain on my lower right side when I flip). You should ask your doc, and I'll try to remember asking mine and we can exchange info about what the doctor says.

  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    CutMD~ Welcome back to the group! So glad to see that, so far, everything is going great for you! Hang in there, I'm sure your little bean is doing great.
  • kimmers99
    Congrats cutmd, wishing you a great pregnancy.
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Well Ladies, Happy Monday! I must confess I gained 2 lbs this weekend from unabandonded gluttony... ahhh, the holiday's. So this week I'm working on shrinking my stomach back to a normal size!
    Did some pre-natal yoga yesterday... but it didn't feel like much of a work-out... probably because I'm not far enough along. I must say though, that I was shaking like crazy doing planks... I'm only 10 weeks so I have no idea what that was all about.

    I hope everyone had a happy and healthy holiday and congrats on new pregnancies and births!
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Heather - Good luck with your routine! Glad to hear things are going well. Charlee is so beautiful!!

    Rayna - Congrats on your test results! Very good news :)

    Luna - Good luck with your appointment on Fri!

    Cutmd - Congrats! Try not to worry about the weight, just stay healthy.

    I had a busy but wonderful weekend. Had pizza two nights in a row which lead to horrible heartburn. Going to try to avoid pizza for awhile. Packed healthy snacks for today at work and am planning a long walk or run when I am done. I am not a fan of running on the tread--so if it is nice out I will run, cold - long treadmill walk it is. :)

    Anyone on pinterest? I had pinned a ton of super cute baby girl items - headbands, dresses, etc. Looking at that stuff still makes me sad....BUT...I did buy two outfits on black Friday -- "Mommy's Little Tiger" and "Daddy's Rookie" --little baseball uniforms. Super cute. :)

    Goals this week:
    8+ glasses of water a day
    Healthy snacks at work
    Walk/Run 4x

    Aimee....19w-3d :)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Cutmd! Welcome back!! I am SO happy for you!! I having been thinking of you and I'm so thrilled to see you back on this board! YAY! Congratulations :bigsmile:

    AFM - it was a VERY VERY busy weekend! Friday night my hubby and I went to one of our couple friends houses to meet their baby girl - she's 5 months but we haven't seen them in forever! It was a really nice night and so fun for me because I got to hold that sweet baby girl all night! It was lovely! Then Saturday we went shopping for more things for Mason's room, we found a really nice painting and a nice lamp from ikea :bigsmile: My mom also bought us some small wall decals that go really nice with the colors in Mason's room! It's really coming together. Then Sat afternoon I went to see Breaking Dawn with a friend and then went home and vegged with my hubby and watched Elf :smile: I love that movie! lol
    Sunday was a big breakfast get together at my parents best friends house with a whole bunch of people from our church so that was fun. Then I went shopping with my mom and it was SO nice outside - it was like +7 so we went to Whyte ave and walked to all sorts of shops and I found a globe to put in Mason's room that has an iron owl around it, hard to explain but it's really cute! I also got AMAZING Ugg slippers that I brought to work today and I'm wearing at my desk! lol they are SO comfy!!
    And I got an outfit for my upcoming pregnancy photos, we booked the shoot for January 7th so I'll be 33 weeks. Trying to come up with ideas because it will be the DEAD of winter here and not sure what we will do? But at least I have a cute outfit lol.

    Had the worst sleep again last night and it's catching up with me, I am having the HARDEST time focusing at work this morning and I have so much to do. I was just tossing and turning and my hands were falling asleep and I had to pee a million times...urgh...frustrating. 11 more weeks of work to go. I think I'm going to make another chiro appointment to see if maybe that will help me?

    Anyway - I hope everyone had great weekends and got better sleeps than I did! :tongue:

    Have a great Monday.

    (27 weeks 4 days)
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    How is it Monday already?! Booo, hehe. Although I am happy that today marks my 37th week and means I am full term, wohoo! I'm feeling good just starting to get really tired again. I did a Gobble Zumba (75 minutes with 3 different instructors) on Friday which was a lot of fun. I plan to go to Zumba Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

    Last week I found out my Strep B test came back negative which is awesome:0) However, they found sugar in my urine my last 2 visits. So for this week I've been having to test my fasting blood sugar levels with a meter. So far the results have been normal so I'm thinking I'm ok. Will find out more on Thursday. I did eat frosted mini wheats before my last appointment:blushing: Not sure if that had anything to do with it.

    Cutmd welcome back! Sticky vibes to you!!!

    Rayna congrats on passing your GD test.

    Heather sounds like everything is going great. So happy for you!

    For everyone else I will try to catch up later. Have a great day!!!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I don't have a lot of time to read up on the past updates from everyone. I haven't been on since the 16th so I'm WAY behind. I just wanted to pass on some info and ask for prayers. My father was killed in a very sudden and tragic event on Saturday night. I am still having a hard time accepting and believing it. My emotions of have been up and down. Eric and I are flying out to Oklahoma this evening to be with my family. I'm trying to stay calm for baby, but it's been a bit of a struggle. Please keep us and the rest of my family in your prayers in this time of mourning.
    I hope all of you ladies are doing well. I hope to get back and all caught up with you (for the most part) when I return.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning guys-

    Taldie- good job on pushing through back pain & continuing to walk. Try not to over exert yourself, don't want you to hurt yourself.

    Heather- its good to have you back and I'm loving all the pics of Charlee!! nice to hear that you guys have a pattern down already and thanks for the napping tip! Definitely going to jot that one down!!

    Aimee- congrats on a healthy baby boy!! i love boys, although there is nothing wrong with little girls- I'm just partial :ohwell: Oh, and yes I'm am on pin!! LOVE IT!!

    Emrogers- yay on the negative glucose testing!! i have to take my 3rd one here in a few weeks. Oh well, what we do for our babies. And don't fret about the waddling...I started waddling at about 13-14 weeks just because I'm carrying so low!

    Amanda- Postiive vibes headed your way. Don't stress yourself too much, I'm sure everyting will come out great at your next ultrasound!!

    Rayna- your energy levels just amaze me! Wish I could do half the stuff I read that you do!! Haven't had teh arm falling asleep problem, but I'll keep an eye out....maybe it's just a position change you need??

    Abeare- hows it going girlie? Get all your re-organizing done?

    MrsJax- Postitive vibes headed your way to. Don't fret. Listen to your body, you know best. And remember that although we do try to stay active - some of us (meaning me) weren't able to do squat due to doctors orders until just recently. BUT, that doesn't mean we can't keep up with water & continue to eat healthy!! Remember this is a lifestyle that we chose!! ps. I was naseaus all day as well, try eating every 2 hours. Something small...almonds, apricots, peanut butter- helped me tremendously!

    Midnight- I love the name Kaiden! Keep us posted on your next appt!

    Roobean- Keep us posted on your ultrasound!! How exciting!!

    Cutmd- WELCOME BACK!! :happy: definitely keep us all posted!! :heart:

    AFM- Well, I'd rather not get into it...but it's been very emotionally draining couple of days. We still have family in town for the next day or two and forget about trying to eat well. Our families houses have been blessed with many covered dishes but definitely not healthy ones. My sleeping has gone out the window and when I do manage to get to sleep I start dreaming of some crazy stuff. Haven't been able to do my Yoga or my Pilates DVD with all the family in town. And apparently winter arrived overnight as we woke up to 28-30 degree weather!

    Hubby finally accepted a job offer close to home. He should start late this week or next week. I'm very happy to say the least but am not looking foward to getting adjusted to a new schedule this close to the holidays.

    Among all the chaos we did manage to get registered at Target this weekend and are hoping to get registered at Babys R Us sometime this week. Both family & friends baby showers are being planned for late February.

    On a personal note** thank you all for always being so supportive and lending an ear. Sometimes it's the smallest things in life that mean the most.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Quick check in. Happy Monday ladies! My mom came to visit for Thanksgiving and we spent lots of time eating and shopping. She bought me several pairs of maternity pants. I think I should be set on those. I will just need to get more shirts. We also figured out what fabrics we want to make the baby bedding out of! Can't wait till the end of Jan when I will get to find out the sex so we can get started on that task!

    My goals for this week are to drink 3 liters of water a day AND get at least 30 mins of exercise 5 days this week.

    -- Belinda - 12 weeks - 0.4 pounds gained
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member

    Kristy-Thoughts & prayers to you & your family. So sorry to hear about your loss.

    Rayna-I wake up with numb hands sometimes too, mostly my right hand. I haven't slept well at all these mini break either, i plan to catch up this week.

    Belinda- How fun, when the family visits right!

    Babeed- Sorry for your loss too, ((hugs)). How exciting registering for your babyshowers.
    One of the things I already knew is my family don't like when people register & still end up buying whatever they want, this weekend at my cousin's GF's babyshower. i think only a few of us bought stuff on her registry.

    Nichole-Glad to hear the strepB test was negative. Wow 37 weeks! Yay!

    CutMD-Congrats, welcome back! That's great that you'll be listening to your body & how you feel I am sure you'll be able to get some walks done. Best wishes!!

    Cindy-Love the name, it is cute. Good luck on your OB appt. on wed.

    As for Me (AFM): While visiting the family, it slipped from Mom that she has intentions on a surprise babyshower for me as I had figured she would. Our family tends to throw surprise babyshowers, and that's where the baby registries don't fit well. Like i mentioned above they will end up buying whatever they can. I am still registering since my friend is throwing one in jan for me.

    I need to get back on track. I plan to walk 5X this week and do PNyoga videos too. Many healthy foods too!

    I weighed in today and gained 4lbs over the last 4 days. i didn't think I overate much, but it's what I ate right! Those tamales, posole, turkey oh & many pie slices will do it. Let's see where I am at when I go on fri to the OB.

    XXXX my fingers, it's all water, sodium retention.

    ~Brenda~26weeks 6dys
    Due 2.28.2012
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    kristy_estes2 I am so sorry to hear the bad news. Take care of yourself! ((Hugs))
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I have hardly any time to catch up on all the posts, but I wanted to say are in my thoughts and prayers. I can not begin to imagine what you are going through. BIG (((hugs))) from me.

    AFM: Had a busy crazy long weekend. Now just trying to get back into the swing of things!! Will try and catch up more later!

    Kristin--20 weeks 5 days
  • kimmers99
    Kristy, so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prays are with you and your family. Praying for baby as well that they are safe and sound and stress free in your belly.
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    Hi Everyone - This is my second pregnancy and if I don't eat every 2 hours I get so sick to my stomach, Of course I'm craving anything salty, sweet and super bad for you. Limiting myself to McDonald's once a week. I gained 27 lbs with my first pregnancy and hoping to gain the same or less for the this one. On the path I'm's going to be tough. Ugh! 8 weeks along....
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Roo-thanks for that!! HA!! :) I love US's, makes me anxious to meet my little one. :) Hope it goes GREAT!

    kimmers- I don't have that much of it anymore but I did earlier on, which is what made me stop running. It was very hurtful, and its just ligaments stretching but yes, take it easy because they do hurt for sure. ;)

    Heather- sounds like you have a plan! Hope it all works out well. As far as the home cooked meals, that's what I kept telling my MIL that would help me out the most instead of her spending a ton of money on stuff we could afford. I would tell her, if you really want to make my life easier, please bring me food after words so I don't have to cook!!! I'm glad you're able to have that and YES!!! I will be doing the same for the girl whose supposed to have her baby before me here at work!! I will freeze it for her! HA!!!

    cutmd- CONGRATS and welcome back!!

    Rayna- I'm really sorry about your sleeping. I know how bad it sucks. I think I got maybe 4 hours last night. :(

    Kristy- Your immediate family and you are in my prayers. I'm very sorry for your loss and please try and take care. I know this might be some what impossible. (( Hugs. ))

    babeed- You are so right. its the times we vent and have that emotional support that is so important at all times in our lives but most importantly right now when we're filled with these wonderful hormones. :) I'm SUPER happy that God blessed you guys once again with your hubby's new job. One less thing to worry about. ;) Enjoy, family being in town and try and get some rest when you can. :)

    Brenda- Yes, might just be sodium. Lol. Although I tell myself this all the time too. When I only had a two pound weight gain this past week, I was like water retention. HA!! However, that is a lot to gain in such a short amount of time, which more than likely means WATER!! ;)

    AFM- all is good and am back at work but haven't gotten up much for anything. :) Trying to take it easy, in all aspects of my life.
    Very tired today due to no sleep but very happy that I've made it without any more cramping nor bleeding/spotting. :)
    For everyone, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. This is very much appreciated.

    Also, questions for those who are nurses, etc. Has anybody heard of magnesium in the third tri causing pre-mature labor?

    Elce 30W1D (as of 11/23 23lb gain)
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    It's been forever since I had time to catch up and actually post anything on here.

    Had a great LONG weekend, tiring though. Spent lots of time w/ family on Thanksgiving, then of course SHOPPING on Friday. The crowds were crazy and it was by far the most hectic Black Friday I've went to, but I managed and it was worth it. I am officially done shopping for Christmas! Woo Hoo. Only 2 hours of sleep was the worst part! Sat. we just hung around the house, cleaned, organized and went to some fights that night, I think I was the only pregnant persone there, but it was fun. Yesterday I got all my Christmas stuff out and put up the tree, now I just have to wait til Zack gets some time to do the outside lights. Was nice to spend time with my lil' family though. This morning I got up a 4:45 to take him back to the airport and now I'm at work. Super tired, and don't feel so great. Tylenol don't work for migrains and I absolutely refuse to take anything other then that if I can help it. Day two of this migraine, hopefully it lets up soon. It hurts my head to talk....Doctor appt. tomorrow. I'm a lil' nervous abou the weight gain, I always think it's worse than it is, but well see. I know I gained more than 1 lb this time though.

    Aimee- Congrats on your baby boy!!!! Boys are so much fun too, and once he's here, you won't be able to imagine even wanting anything other than him. Sorry you didn't make it to you run in time, at least you made up for it though. Good Job!!!

    Elce - Scarey time for you. Hope things are a lot better for you now. Good job on your weight gain and hopefully some rest and relaxation helped you. Praying for you. Keep us posted.

    Amanda - Good Luck at your U/S today!!

    Ash - Hopefully you got your nursery project in the works, it's so nice to have the blunt of that out of the way! I think doing a project like that is a workout enough for one day. I was exhausted after I moved everything out and got it ready to paint! :)

    MrsJax - Hopefully your nausea is letting up. The first trimester is pretty rough at times, good luck with your upcoming U/S!!!

    Paula - Your weight gain is close to mine, I keep asking my doctor if she thinks it's ok, and she said yes it's great and she's not concerned at all. I've gained a lot less as of now than I did while pregnant with my son, but eating healthy is probably helping. I'm expecting to gain more towards the end, but I hope no more than 25lbs total. Last time I weighed I was 11 lbs up, so well see. That was a month ago.

    Rayna - YES, my arms keep falling asleep too, it drives me crazy. It only happens if I sleep on my sides, I keep waking up on my back even though I am surrounding myself with pillows. I plan on asking my doctor tomorrow about this. I think it's just the pressure of everything pushing on some nerves. My thought is why would I all of a sudden get carpel tunnel? That's all I could find when I looked it up too. So I guess we'll see what she says tomorrow.

    Midnight Day Dream - Cute name for your lil' guy. One of my best friends named her baby Kaiden and another good friend of mine named her son Drake. LOL! The name sounds great together though. :)

    Roobean - Good Luck at your U/S!!!!! :)

    Kimmers - Yes, my uterus gets tight when I do exercise of any kind. It's kind of weird. I'm kind of wondering if it's BH contractions???? It don't hurt but gets really tight, sometimes even when I'm not doing anything. (Like right now, just sitting at my desk and my whole stomach is hard as a rock... hope this is normal cause it happens a lot.

    Heather - Good luck with your plan, sounds like things are going great so far!!

    Brenda - That's how I felt after Black Friday...........hungover! LOL Sleep really makes a huge difference when your preggo. LOL It never mattered to me this much before, but now I really need it. Hope your trip home went good.

    Cutmd - Yay, your back! Congrats!! Good Luck with everything!!!!!!

    atomdraco - I'm having the issue with my arms falling asleep as well. I will ask my doctor tomorrow and see what she says. I'll let you know as well, between you, Rayna and I we should get enough info. to come to some conclusion. :)

    Ashley - Where are you? I hope all is well!

    Hope everyone else is doing well. Sorry if I missed someone.


    Mon - Fri - Walk at least 3x this week
    WATER, WATER and more WATER
    Yoga 2x
    Good Doc. Appt.
    Finish Nursery
    State wrestling tournament Sat.
    REST as much as I can after doing all this and working plus everything running a household entails!