Embarrasing couple behavior



  • When we meet up somewhere in public, my boyfriend will jump up and down, waving his arms and yelling my name, when I've clearly seen him. He has no shame.

    We also have a habit of saying "I don't know you!" quite loudly when we're out together in public, usually when we're in a store. We think it's funny.

    We like to pretend we're on our first date when we know people at the table next to us can hear. "So, your match profile said you really love horses and knitting..."

    One time we were on a bus, sitting across from each other, and he started pretending to groom himself like a cat, just to get me to laugh. He's seeming stranger and stranger the more I type, but one of the things I really love about him is that he doesn't care what other people think.
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    so maybe 2 minutes ago my hubbys brother gave him a leaf blower and weed wacker, so what did hubby and I do? pound it , followed by a double high five with a groin bump that turned into trying to push each other while holding hands, and then a big hug, followed by him slapping my bum...yep were that couple, our antics are an EVENT!
    We also say "i love you" randomly and in excess, atleast 100 times per day and over and over again lol
    hand hold, turns into arm wrestling often...we tend to pick on eachother alot too..everythings a silly power struggle
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    The dog knows us as mommy and daddy. haha We also quote The Big Lebowski and any Will Ferrell movie way too much for it to be considered sane. He also calls me butt--no idea why. We are fairly affectionate as well :)
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    i play with her hair....everywhere and anywhere. its a addiction.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    When we were dating, he would slurp my nose, and I would respond by trying to bite his. We have wedding pictures of this. Lol Also, he would take me by the shoulders, spin me around to face someone, and announce, "Look what I got!"

    When I was pregnant with our kids, he would post my belly pictures on Facebook, with the caption, "Look what I did!" Um. Awkward, honey.

    When one of us does or says something silly/awkward and gets a weird look, we say "what? YOU married me."
    or we pick up a piece of food and say, "here, put something in your mouth."

    Or if one of us is bugging the other, we say "you love me", and the other one responds with "Jesus makes me."

    We also get into ridiculous conversations before bed, where we are giggling and snorting, trying not to wake the kids, and we end up with so many inside jokes, and we sort of look at each other and go "that's another one we can't tell anyone."
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    My family started thinking I was gay at one point becuase I never brough girls to family functions. Part of this was because I didn't date a ton but most of it was because I don't want to bring anyone home that I didn't feel had a lot of potential. So, when I brought my wife home for a holiday my brother called her my "beard". Then I married my beard, so sometimes I use the terms "beard" in place of "wife" and it confuses the hell of of people. Later on we had a daughter and shortly after she was born I posted a pic on facebook that said "Further proof that I'm not gay or a virgin". So we call my daughter the "gotee".
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    My husband is an *kitten* slapper and grabber so sometimes I see his *kitten* slap with one of my own. He's a fast eater....blames it on his military days and I'm a slow eater. He likes to sing in the car to pretty much anything, I think he does this more to annoy me but it's always funny. He also educates me with his random sports knowledge.

    We like to kiss and hug in public too.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    My husband is an *kitten* slapper and grabber so sometimes I see his *kitten* slap with one of my own. He's a fast eater....blames it on his military days and I'm a slow eater. He likes to sing in the car to pretty much anything, I think he does this more to annoy me but it's always funny. He also educates me with his random sports knowledge.

    This sounds like me. I see my wife bend over or something I have to slap that thang, sometimes she does the same. I eat fast, she eats slow.....I say it was part of a being in a poor family with not enough to go around.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    We argue about who loves the other more....daily. And I probably tell my husband I love him like 100 times a day...and we have been married 7 1/2 years. I hope our odd behavior never changes ;)

    We do that too! So, one day I came up with a compromise and I took the odd days he gets the even days. After the first month of getting 2 days in a row he deicided we needed to switch and take turns with the years too. Now Jan 1 we trade odd to even again. I somehow still wound up with an extra day, because I get the leap year. :laugh: :laugh:

    We're so goofy, but I love him and we have been married 17 years.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    When we're looking for each other (say, in the grocery store, for example), we let out a short whistle. Find each other every time...
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    many many many things...since we've been together for 24 years...

    we still hold hands

    we jump out of nowhere and "BOO!" each other. (and the kids)

    we sometimes quote southpark. We very often quote Star Trek :tongue:

    just for fun we purposely talk so that there is a double meaning, if people pay attention they will realize just how twisted our minds are.

    and of course finishing each others sentences or freaking each other out by suddenly talking about the exact thing the other was just thinking about.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    We say "hi" to each other all day long. We will be sitting next to each other watching an hour tv show and say "hi" to each other 5 times during the show. We just say "hi" at random times all the time. Everyone around us thinks we are nuts. I'm not sure why we do it, but it just happens. :tongue:
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    My man doesn't like his nipples touched "because it feels weird" so I like to give him tittie twisters when he's not paying attention. haha It's never a hard twist…. unless he's being mean. :laugh:

    We also will take each other’s noses (You know where you stick your thumb in between your pointer and middle finger with a closed fist) and do something mean with them like pretend to spit on them or wipe our butts with it or throw them out of the car window. haha

    WOW WE ARE WIERD!! .....but i love him and our little jokes. :heart: :happy:
  • nikkih_89
    nikkih_89 Posts: 27 Member
    Sometimes when my boyfriend and I go out I will text him saying I found his number in the ladies bathroom and ask him if he is free later. I like to sing karaoke and he prefers to play pool which are held in two different rooms at the bar we go to. Sometimes we meet up at the bar coincidentally and well start flirting with each other asking if one another has a significant other. He usually says yes and tries to steal a kiss from me anyways because she ran to the bathroom. It's kind of fun!!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    It's embarrassing when couples won't do anything alone. My roommate is like this and it's pathetic.
  • aethompson5507
    aethompson5507 Posts: 251 Member
    We argue about who loves the other more....daily. And I probably tell my husband I love him like 100 times a day...and we have been married 7 1/2 years. I hope our odd behavior never changes ;)

    Yep, this. And we've been married for almost 5 years. :)
    Same here :p
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Curt and I have to always be touching - if we're grocery shopping, in the car, whatever - we have to be holding hands or link pinkies or something or it makes us uncomfortable.
  • Rukadare
    Rukadare Posts: 101 Member
    My boyfriend and I are "same side seaters". Haha! Good way to put it. As for why...well, we were eating out early on in our relationship, sitting across from each other, and we were in a nice cafe with a fire right next us; you know all cozy and cuddly like? And we just looked at each other and we both were like, "We're too far apart :(". Haha! Like, I just always want to be next to him and feel him. It's not a needy thing or anything, we just really love to be touching? >.> So yeah! From then on, if we can, we sit next to each other instead of across from each other. :)

    It's so funny..there have been times when we've gone out to eat, we'll sit across from each other not realizing it, and then a couple minutes in, we'll look at each other, notice is, and then immediately get up and sit next to each other. Hahaha xD <3
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 330 Member
    we are always murrrowing at each other... like we talk in a cat language is really weird
    we are even wondering if we might accidentally say our wedding vows in murrow... lol no one would understand us but each other lol

  • brokenartist
    brokenartist Posts: 52 Member
    We like to randomly say things to people at the grocery store like "She likes to have sex with fish" or "He beats me with a clown shoe" and keep walking. We hold each others hand in the car or walking...143 and 832 are our codes for I love you and I love you 2 and we text type FB that to each other. My goal is to make my kids uncomfortable as teenagers with our open affection, because as they get older they will see that open and public affection is a thing we need more of in our society.