Senior Golden Sneakers............November



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, It wasn’t just the fried chicken on Saturday that made me crazy. Saturday was just one more event in a series of eating adventures that were far off from the disciplined healthy eating I’ve been doing for over two years. First it was cashews in September, then peanut butter, then Kashi cereal, then cheese, then restaurant meals where I ordered things like sweet potato fries and grilled tuna and cheese sandwich, then a series of turkey dinner potlucks. Each time I said that I’d have a better strategy for the next event and each time I went back to behavior that reminded me of the old days. It’s not “old behavior” if you’re still doing it. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Today we’re going to the Indian restaurant for lunch----they have a buffet ( not an easy place to practice moderation and healthy eating strategies) to celebrate an event that happened weeks ago and Jake chose today for the restaurant meal I’ve been promising him.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, I’ve had quite a few days lately when I haven’t posted or posted only a quick comment and felt that I should be more attentive to all my golden sneakers friends who mean so much to me.

    :flowerforyou: Chris, I love Subway and rely on it as a place to eat when we’re traveling……too much sodium compared to how I eat at home but otherwise super healthy----I order either veggie, tuna, or chicken and skip the cheese and all the dressings and sauces. I never eat bread at home so having a sandwich is a huge treat for me. I love the flatbread but I think it’s the higher calorie than the rolls.

    :flowerforyou: Becky, I have started writing my posts in a word document and saving it as I go along and then copying it onto the reply box on MFP and adding the funny faces. It keeps me from losing posts and allows me to take a break if something interrupts me while I’m writing and I can go back and forth to the thread to remind myself of what everyone else has said.

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, your visit with your friends and your shopping adventure sound like fun. I’m at a time in my life when I have nothing to shop for but when I was a shopper I would have loved being with you

    :laugh: I was right about saving this as I go. Jake just came in with a book in hand and the look on his face that said “I have something to read to you” and read to me from a book he’s reading on Buddhism about cleaning your room and being present in the moment.

    Barbie from NW Washington

    November goal
    walk for at least an hour every day with the frisky poodles no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Barbie, I see what you are concerned about now. It reminds me of my previous weight losses- when I stopped whatever I did to lose weight, the weight came back, and I was in denial until my 'new' clothes stopped fitting. When you have these 'treats, do you practice portion control? Admittedly, I'm in a state of ignorance about my weight, but I do believe there is a lot to be said for tolerance.
    good idea to use the word or wordpad.

    Marie will remember Kay, from our previous weight loss group, now all gone. She has kept her weight from coming back for many years.. i wish she was here now.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good evening Seniors

    my day today:

    Got up early and made oatmeal and put 1T pb and 2T of plain yogurt in it. Then went to town and saw some friends and had a nice visit.
    Came home and ate the other half of the subway sandwich we bought yesterday, I don't eat much bread so the sandwich was good. I love bread but the bread likes my hips too much.
    Then we put up Christmas decorations and watched tv.
    Then we walked for 2 miles.

    Have a great day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello all of yo Sneakers. I am on my word pad to see what luck I will have

    Phoebe i remember Kay very well. I still hear from her every once in a while. I haven't been to her or Linette Dairy in a long time

    . Her grandkids are just about all grown up now.And yes she has kept her weight off. Still counting points her way. Of course we hear from Linette on facebook. She said she is making apple pie Jam Soesn't that sounds good.
    Barbiecat. you will overcome this bad habbit you have pick up. Don't gain it back.

    Chris i enjoy reading your daily life.

    Buzz love your snowmen they are so cute bring a smile to your face.

    Well Football time

    Marie from Mesquite, Texas

    Well I did not lose it yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Feeling frustrated and discouraged after wasting an entire afternoon online shopping for a reluctant DH who needs several clothing items for our cruise and he refuses to go shopping! Always has :grumble: . I finally found a handsome navy blazer and decent pants and ordered, only to find they might arrive too late, and 3 day shipping added $31 to the Cyber Monday price. So after a huge flare up, I convinced him to go to the store and buy the items, and he came grumbling about not needing anything and how he hates to shop:sad: ! GRRRrrrrr! But at least he came and we found the jacket, which is beautiful on him and I thought was a great buy until I peeled away the price tag and discovered it had been marked up before it was marked down! :angry: At least he now has a great looking navy blazer, and I have a half-hearted promise he'll never again give me a difficult time about shopping!:noway:
    I have a 7:30 AM appointment for a haircut, so I'll return later in the day to add my comments for today's posts!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: buzz...MEN !!! My husband has 99% of our closet filled with his college clothes which he never wears. But, to make him buy anything new is like pulling teeth.

    :flowerforyou: Hang in there Marie. Love reading your posts.

    :flowerforyou: Wow Chris..good job..walking two miles !!!

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, good idea to save posts in a word doc. I don't think I can do that, though. I don't have word at home and I wouldn't want to do that at work. Wonderful idea though!!!

    I am still up about 2 to 3 pounds from this weekend. I am sure to be back by this weekend.
  • jeffrey71
    As I sheepishly say HELLO!

    I trust you have all been well! It has been a time of trials here. MIL, Mother, Brother, etc. More on all that later. My family is well. Amanda married in June and is doing great. Samantha is now teaching and doing very well. Day and I are fine. I had my knee surgery last year and it is fine. I am now nursing a sciatic issue that has been causing great pain down my right leg so my training is on hold until the doctors get that cleared up. I had a great year competing in triathlons and running. I won some and placed well in about all of them. I qualified for the national championship in age group triathlon but I did not have the time to adequately train. I changed jobs last May and I love it. Joe the cat needs some dietary help! That catches you all up the basics!

    I have been able to keep my weight in check but it is a struggle not training. I really miss the training. Last really good workouts I was able to do was on our cruise in September.

    Everyone please get me updated!

  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    Hello, I'm a senior - can I join you? I'm Jackie and I'm in northwestern ontario canada. I'm 61 and must lose some weight and get healthy. I've been fat for a long time but about 10 years ago I lost 50 pounds on Atkins - which was a lot better but still at least 45 pounds over what I should be. It's been creeping back on although I never did get all the way back up to where I was.

    I had both knees replaced in 2008 and reached a new low weight but still AGAIN about 30 pounds above what I should be. and now I'm 30 pounds above that!

    Every year I think I just want to lose 1 pound per week and that would be it. But every year I end up going up and down, on one diet and off another until I end up higher than I was when the year started. But hope never dies so this year I'm going to try again for 1 pound per week.

    I just found myfitnesspal a couple of days ago and I really like it. I think the database is great and it's so easy to log your food. I like seeing the breakdown of the macronutrients because I do like to stay kind of low carb and I need to stay low sodium for my blood pressure (which is becoming harder to control). Last night I ordered a fitbit and I hope that also motivates me to move more.

    I actually like to exercise but getting out the door is the problem. Especially when the days are so short and it's dark when I go to work and when I get home. Ideally I like to go to the gym at about 5:30 am. and do a body for life workout - cardia and progressive strength training - but I just can't see to drive in the dark anymore. So I joined Fit4Less with the intent of going on my lunch hour. Haven't got there at lunch yet. I need to plan better and pack a lunch instead of just going home for lunch.

    So that's me in a nutshell. I love seeing all the tickers that show that you golden seniors have been successful. I hope it rubs off.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Happy Belated Birthday Gigi :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Hope you had a great birthday!! Come back and join us, we miss you.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member

    Hi Jeffrey!! Great to hear from you again, we have missed you.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    :love: Enuf: I am also from Canada, Southern Ontario. I am 62 and have been married for 37 years (same guy) and have
    two grown daughters 28 and 30 who soon will be having birthdays January and February.
    :love: Barbie: Don't be too hard on yourself for eating the fried chicken. That's only one day and now you are
    already detoxing. I did buy some detox tea while I was away on my shopping extravaganza.
    I am going to try it tonight and see how it works. :happy:
    :love: Sandy: Your Christmas decorations are amazing. I haven't even started yet. I guess I have to stay home
    for that. :tongue: This weekend I am supposed to visit my eldest daughter but she
    contracted Shingles. So I am waiting to see if she wants company.
    :love: Marie: You don't want snow:noway: We are getting ours starting tomorrow. This November has
    been wonderful with no snow. Don't forget I live across the border from Buffalo, NY
    the snow belt.
    :love: Becky: The shopping was a bit crazy but i would do it again. We had so much fun.
    :love: Buzz: Busy is good, but sometimes you need some downtime, don't wear yourself out Darlin.
    :love: Phoebe: Your traveling days sound interesting. I bet your cats miss you when you are gone.
    Only the ones that stay at home. :wink:

    Well back on track for me until Christmas. I have to get off this Plateau. :tongue:
    Sorry if I missed anyone.
    One more thing, my youngest daughter celebrated her one year wedding anniversary Nov. 25 and her
    and her husband got identical tatoos. Geesh!! Its says Just Breathe. That was their wedding song
    when she walked down the beach with her Dad. (Jamaica)

    <<<Live Each Day as if your Life had just begun>>>
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member

    Hi Jackie, glad to have you join us but since we have a Jackie from over the pond do you mind if we call you Jackie #2? The struggle with weight has affected all of us but this site with these wonderful people is what has worked for a lot of us. We have several in our group who have lost 70 pounds or more and maintain it well. You will love hearing their stories and how their lives have changed. I have lost about 17 pounds to reach my original goal but now am trying to lose 5 more pounds. With the help of each of these friends and with proper recording, exercising and drinking lots of water was the only way for to lose. Not only do they encourage each other but we are here for any problem or situation that a good friend will listen too. It took time for the weight to get on and it takes time for it to come off, patience is a big part of MFP. Welcome and keep coming back.:drinker:

    Jeffrey, so good to hear from you and hope you will check in more often. How did that knee surgery go? I suffer with my knees and know I should probably have them done, but there just doesn't seem to be enough time. Bad excuse I know but with the holidays and a trip planned for March I need at least six weeks of no plans to get it done. Have you been to the casino lately?
    We have a new one close to my house so I doubt I will be going to Indiana any time soon. :noway:

    Becky and Buzz, my hubby is the opposite of yours, he has been buying clothes galore lately. His son is on a clothes bender and has convinced my hubby he needed all kinds of new clothes. It is great he wants to look nice but the problem is we never go anywhere. :laugh:

    Buzz, prayers are being sent your way for a good report on your hubby today. :love:

    Marie, it amazes me that you are such a football fan. The only time I really enjoy football is when the Bears are in the playoffs and/or Superbowl and the Superbowl itself but mostly for the commercials. Even if I do watch football it is only the lasts two minutes that interests me. :laugh:

    Chris, you do stay active and sound like you are enjoying life to it's fullest, good for you!! :flowerforyou:

    Phoebe, I think we all get lazy after reaching our goal and that is the problem. If I didn't stay here connected with all of you I think I would gain my weight back or at least a good portion of it. Just checking in with you and reading every one's posts keep me motivated even if I am slow in getting into action lately. :laugh:

    Barbie, I hope your cleanse day got you back on track, you are our inspiration so we are counting on you to keep us in line. :bigsmile:

    Shirley, you are some shopper I just couldn't handle all those crowds and waits in line. I prefer online shopping from the comfort of my own home. :blushing:

    For anyone I missed I am sorry but I have to get ready for my annual checkup at the doctor, both me and my hubby have appointments.

    Have a great day!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey you made my hoidays much brighter by posting. And that your girls are all doing fine.Including Day and yourself.
    So good to hear from you. Good that you have kept your weight off . You have been missed here so much.. Hope you make a habbit of posting once again.
    Update on my life. Jerry had Cancer of te throat last year and after radiations for 30 days he is now clear of it. And doing fine.
    Me I am older now 81 years old. I left them 70's behind me a couple years ago. But I am not the oldest around here now. My good friend Buzz beat me out of that spot. Sandy is as beautiful and young looking as ever.Barbiecat is as skining as ever But still looking wonderful Phoebe bless her heart is still trying to save the world especially all the cats. How is Joe.? Gayla and Neil are doing just great.I think the rest of the posters are all new to you.But they are a great bunch. of girls.

    I wish all of our former members would drop in on us and let us know how They are doing. I think I will post a topic on just that. Be looking forward to hearing more about your life.

    Marie from Mesquite Texas.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Hi everyone. Been gone a while and have to admit, I backslid a bit, especially after having four Thanksgiving meals in one month! I'm back at it and may drop in from time to time.

    Figured it would encourage me if I posted some progress photos so you can check out this link to see my before/after. This is at 30 pounds lost. (yes, I know - I was at 40 pounds lost but I admitted I backslid).
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    WELL Connie

    You are looking terrific and so darn nice to see you visiting again! Don't lose the impetus you found to look as young as you feel! :drinker:


    Wherever you are, have a great one, dear!

    Busy busy day, for a change, and presume I've missed a few posts from old friends, but glad everyone's coming back to visit, and I just want to thank you all for your interest in Mike's cardio problem! Report was not bad, but no more tennis, as his aortic valve is shouting "enough already" every time he plays! So he's taking it like a trouper and will go back to flying remote control airplanes, and already has friends who want to join him! Gotta run now, but again, thank you all; and we are happy it's not worse. Ithink it comes with very "mature"age ???
    Welcome Jackie 2 and Jeffrey, I hope I'll catch up tomorrow.!
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hello Seniors,

    Welcome Jackie, I am 64, recently retired and loving it. In 2009 I had both knees replaced, in 2010 both my sister and my mother passed away then I had anterier and postier back fusions and got MRSA after. Finally in Oct of 2011, I am starting to feel better about life. I enjoy everything and everybody that's why this message board is so important to me and I am sure everyone feels the same way. We incourage each other and care about everyone here. I have lost about 50 lbs and need to lose 25 more and I am having a hard time with these last 25. Welcome to our place.

    Hi Marie, Sandy and everyone, sounds like your are busy people.

    My day today:
    We slept in until 7am and it felt so good. I made egg beaters with peppers and cheese for breakfast. We went to town and met friends for coffee again. We then went to Wal Mart to pick up prescriptions but they were not there so we went to the hardware store and picked up a large folding table for my and my quilting. My husband said Merry Christmas Dear, and I really liked the table. We then went to applebee's for soup and salad. We then headed back to Wal Mart and got our prescriptions. Came home and walked.

    Hope your day is happy
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: w.gife.gifl.gifc.gifo.gifm.gife.gif

    :heart: w.gife.gifl.gifc.gifo.gifm.gife.gif

    :heart: b.gifa.gifc.gifk.gif

    Welcom back Jeffery and our lovely Connie So good to see both of you back. I missed both of you alike crazy.

    And welcome to you Jackie nice having you here.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Happy Birthday dear GiGi Sure been missing you around here.

    How is your Mother? here

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member

    Hooray for Connie!!!!! Amazing job!!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Yesterday we went to the Indian restaurant for lunch---- they have a buffet ( not an easy place to practice moderation and healthy eating strategies) to celebrate an event that happened weeks ago . Jake chose this week for the restaurant meal I’ve been promising him. The food was fabulous----certainly too much sodium, but I was good about portion control so that is a step in the right direction. Today I fixed broiled salmon (the fish Jake caught recently, yams, and salad).

    :bigsmile: I think I found a new friend to walk with. My Wednesday walking friend is still gone on her month long RV trip, so finding someone new is very exciting……yes, I know, I have those frisky poodles who would walk all day if I wanted to, but it’s not the same as a person to talk to.

    :flowerforyou: What a delight to read a post from Jeffrey.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jeffrey we have all missed you. It’s good to hear that Day and your daughters are doing well. Your continued training and triathlons inspire me. Sorry to hear that your training is on hold for awhile. I know you’re like me and don’t do well with exercise down time.

    :bigsmile: Jackie 2, welcome. I looked at a map of Ontario and it looks pretty rural up north where you live. I know the days are short and cold where I live but I know it’s even more so where you are. Stay open minded to new ideas and you’ll find ways to fit exercise into your day. My goal right now is to keep on walking early in the morning with my poodles no matter what the weather or the darkness.

    :bigsmile: Connie, I’m glad to hear from you again. Your pictures look great.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, I’m sorry to hear that Mike has to give up playing tennis. He’s quite a guy to be so immediately open to doing something different. I don’t know if I could be such a good sport.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    November goal
    walk for at least an hour every day with the frisky poodles no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."