Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Kristy - I posted on your wall, but again just want to say how sorry I am for you and your family - take care of yourself - we're all here for you.

    AFM - tonight I will get a workout in, I am exhausted though so I'm going to have a nap as soon as I get home and then go to the gym and do an hour on the elliptical - I have a 7 day free pass to Snap Fitness this week so I have to put it to good use.
    I didn't eat very well today either :blushing: my goals this week:

    Work out at least 4-5 times at snap fitness
    Drink tons of water
    get LOTS of rest
    Limit the junk food and CUT the salt this week.

    I booked myself a prenatal massage for Saturday afternoon - and also I have a chiro appointment for next Tuesday. I am REALLY looking forward to those! Man oh man. My next dr appt is Dec 8th so I will also talk to him about the numbness in my hands etc. hoping chiro will help some.

    I can't believe that it will be December on Thursday this week and that's the day also that I am 28 weeks! Holy moly...12 weeks left for me.

    (27 weeks 4 days)
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hey Ladies! Happy least happy that the work part is over, anyway ;)

    Rayna -- enjoy that massage!!! you deserve it!
    Misti -- good luck with your appt tomorrow! Don't stress about the weight too much - focus on your baby being healthy :)\
    Shoppingqueen - nice to have you here!!!

    I don't have time to comment on every post, but I do read them all -- you girls are looking and doing fabulously :)

    I took my nausea meds before I even got out of bed, which thankfully made me able to make it through the first half of the morning!

    I was good yesterday and today and got on the elliptical-- 20 minutes yesterday, 25 today, plus a walk with the dog after. It is hard getting past the first 10 minutes, but I feel proud of myself when I am finished :)
    I go for massage therapy for my neck tomorrow, and then to the OB on Wednesday for a check up since I am still spotting, and to discuss my blood work and possible dosage changes of my thyroid meds. I am trying to stay positive since the couple of girlfriends I told and a lot of what I read online and the DR all say that brown spotting is common in the first tri....keeping my fingers crossed that every thing is ok! I can't do much more than stay positive and take care of my
    since I was realllllly bad with eating junky foods over my break I am making my veggie and fruit intake a goal for the week...that and 20 minute minimum cardio each day. Oddly enough I am having a fruit/veggie aversion of sorts...they are usually my favorite foods, but the last week or so I have no desire to eat them, and half way through a serving I have no desire to 1 fruit at breakfast, 1 veggie at snack, 1 fruit and 1 veg at lunch and dinner both. My reward will be ice cream after I eat all my good for me foods.
    Have a great night -- shower and sleepy time for me!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Made it, got a lunch 20 min walk & walked the dogs for another 20 min in today, hope those leg cramps subside a little this night. Although i remember getting them all the time with my son.

    Misti-Good luck on your appt. Hope your migraines go away, I had one yesterday from lack of sleep, but plan on being in bed by 9pm.

    MrsJax: Good goals, and good wishes on your appt.

    Rayna- Let me know what your dr says about the numbess because my hands fall asleep too.

    Elce-Good to hear you're feeling better. Hang in there.

    My goal is to log my food again starting this week.

    ~Brenda~26weeks 6dys
    Due 2.28.2012
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Kristy, there is absolutely nothing I can say that will help to ease the pain and grief you are feeling. Please know I have you, your baby and family in my prayers. Wishing you all peace as you come to terms with your loss.

    Heather, glad you and Charlee are getting in a groove. Ellie will be 12 weeks on Wednesday and I can hardly believe it. It's amazing how much they grow and change in such a short amount of time. She amazes me everyday! We have also settled into a pretty good routine and I can assure you that you will find the time to work out as I know it is a priority to you. I am not able to get out at 5a to run these days, but I haven't missed a run day yet. It's very do-able if you want it. ;-)

    Cutmd, so excited to see you here again! Don't worry about the numbers on the scale, from what I know of you there is no way you will "completely let yourself go"! Eat healthy, nutritious food 80-85% of the time and let yourself enjoy being pregnant and throw caution to the wind every once and awhile.

    Nichole, whoot! whoot! full term. Hannah will be here so very soon. Enjoy these last few weeks as your life is about to change in a major (super good!) way. Take some extra time for your husband and yourself while it is just the two of you.

    Brenda, Rayna, Ashley, Misti, Cindy, Elce, Babeed, Taldie, Ash, Atomdraco, Rosanna, Jessica (I'm sure I missed a few of you!)- hope you are all doing well and enjoying your pregnancies. Keep moving and filling your body with great food. I've been reading all the posts, but don't have as much time to respond these days. (oh, yes I had lots of hands falling asleep towards the later part of my pregnancy - pretty sure it is a very normal side effect I believe due to extra blood flow and pressure on nerves)

    For all the newbies - welcome! This is a fantastic group of ladies.

    I continue to walk my dogs daily and have been getting in 12 miles a week in runs. I plan to add a 2-3 mile run this week for a total of 14-15. I did eat a little recklessly this past week so my goal is to get back to my normal eating as I'd love to lose about five more pounds to get back to my happy place!

  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    good morning all!

    so i have had no time over this long weekend or yesterday to catch up (work was nuts...which i am always thankful for because the day goes by so fast!)

    hopefully everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had a wonderful weekend. We went to NY to visit my mother in law and stayed there for a couple nights and i ended up with a HORRIBLE stomach bug. i thought it was food poisioning ... but everything i ate someone else had a little bite who knows. either was not fun at all and made me a little nervous for Parker. but i stayed hydrated and was back in action by sunday. then on sunday, the hubby and i went to TOWN on the house!!! we did so many little projects that have been on our back burner felt so darn good to get some of those things out of the way and at the end of the day we felt such accomplishment. i loved it!!

    so looking at this week...we're super busy but i am trying to get in at least 30 minutes of activity each day (if not more). last night we went for a walk with the dogs which felt really good and then went to look at a car followed by dinner out. i had a salad but topped it off with dessert (no more dessert for the week...that was my one for the week) and then tonight we have dinner with friends. so i am going to try to walk at lunch time and then get in a DVD after work...we'll see!!! i love having plans but sometimes it leaves me feeling like I cant get anything accomplished. just need to stay focused!!

    hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Hi everybody. Hope everybody's Tuesday is going great so far. :)

    So, I was taking picsof my belly, hence why I have a new belly bump pic and hadn't noticed, well maybe have but never really paid much attention to how BADLY my first pregnancy left me so badly marked up with stretch marks. Of course they are not red or purplish anymore like they were for the first year or so after having my son but GEEZ! I'm terrified to say the least of getting a tummy tuck but that'll be the only way to get fully rid of them.(still not leaning towards it) , I was praying and hoping that this time around they wouldn't spread even more or become red/purple again and so far so good. I guess now that I see my tummy stretched out you can see my previous stretch marks. Thank goodness they're white and very small, besides a few on my lower abdomen. :(
    I've never had a tight and toned tummy but I'm starting to think I might not ever get one now.

    Elce 30W2D (23lbs)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm back! Well, I've really been here the whole time reading all your posts, but was too lazy to get on the laptop and respond over the holiday. We took a couple extra days so I just got back to work and normalcy today. I had my 32 week checkup this morning and everything is looking good. I only gained 3 pounds since my last appointment 2.5 weeks ago so that made me happy since I am still probably a little bloated from too much salt and not enough activity over Thanksgiving. We'll see what the scale says Thursday. I managed to get a decent walk in with my Mom, sister, her 2 little dogs, my niece, and my big dog while at my parents'. We were quite the entourage. We also walked around and shopped a little on Sunday but that's pretty much it for activity. Honestly I probably did better this year for Thanksgiving because typically I consume large amounts of wine during family holiday time. :drinker:

    This week I plan on getting at least a couple workouts in but my parents are coming in town Thursday and my sister will be here Friday. Our family shower is this weekend. So another non-normal week but I'm goign to do the best I can with getting ready for their visit and them being here. I'll set my goal for some strength and cardio tonight, yoga tomorrow, and some walking while they're here. I also want to drink 12 glasses of water a day for a couple days to flush all the sodium out. I still feel pretty bloated.

    Next weekend we're getting photos taken Saturday in Lexington (about an hour from us) which is where Eric and I went to college and met, and then stopping in to see some friends after, and then I have my friends shower the next day on Sunday. HOpefully the weekend after we can finish up the nursery and get everything organized. I'd like to finish getting everything ready over Christmas. We're staying put this year so we should have some free time. I reckon we'll then have about 5 weeks to wait for the baby and relax and finish up last minute stuff. I can't believe we're having a baby in less than 2 months!

    Kristy - I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Cutmd - Yay! So glad to see you back here! I hope everything continues to go well for you!

    Everyone else - keep up the good work and you're awesome!

    I wanted to see what everyone wanted to do about the board for December. Since Heather has kind of been the administrator for the page and she will be starting the page for the new moms, I will volunteer to start the board each month at least for the next 2 months. I don't know much about the new group format but it just seems like you can set it up and it can be private and by invite only or public. This thread seems easy to me; I know people "join" and fall off all the time, but it doesn't really bother me. Seems we have at least 15-20 people that check in regularly. So let me know what you all want to do and I can set it up for next month if that's OK with everyone. Or if we want to do the group, let me know and I'll send a link to join or something.

    Hope everyone that celebrated had a great holiday and are getting back in the swing of things and that you're all doing well!

  • rosannabarbaroflores
    cutmd: So glad to see you back!

    Heather: Loving seeing how great you, Charlee, and Al are doing!

    kristy_estes21: You and your family are in my prayers. Try to keep you and baby safe and healthy.

    Babeed: Sorry for your and your family's loss. Prayers are with you.

    mistibergman: Hope you feel better sooner than later! Kudos for going out to Black Friday shopping.

    Rayna: Enjoy your massage!

    Mrsjax11: Sending positive vibes!

    jchecca: Glad you're feeling better. Great job on the house work.

    Hello to anyone I missed! Welcome to the newbies! Hope everyone that celebrated had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    AFM: Thanksgiving weekend was wonderful. Spent TONS of time with family. Was able to keep my eating habits in check, so very happy about that. Need to start logging again though. (Sorry for the writing in phrases, trying to keep things concise.) Was very active this weekend, but not in the workout sense. Helped put up my parents 17ft tree and house decorations, and did the same (with my much smaller tree) at my house. Hubby put up the ceiling fans in the spare bedrooms, so nursery is starting to look more and more like a baby room. Ordered the slipcovers that are going on the livingroom couches (took advantage of cyber Monday sales), which is what was keeping me from getting our glider and couches professionally cleaned. Now I can schedule that and strike one more thing off our list of 'to dos'. Washed a number of clothes for when baby comes home. Kind of a superstition but I have a hard time committing to cleaning everything in case something doesn't go well with baby or delivery.
    Had what should be our final ultrasound yesterday. Baby looked great according to the tech. Measured right on the mark. Makes me very happy because everyone telling me how small I'm carrying and my mother ragging on me that I don't eat enough was really starting to affect me. By yesterday I was paranoid that the baby was malnourished or small for its age. I really needed the affirmation from the tech that things looked good. I won't be totally satisfied until we go see the doctor next week, but I'm much more at ease. Baby is also already in position, head down facing my spine. I've been carrying low, so the Lamaze instructor last night said there's a very good chance baby will maintain this position through to delivery date. Final Lamaze class was last night, and was very nice. Continued breathing techniques and got to tour the Maternity floor which was very nice.
    34 weeks today. 15lbs weight gain. Starting to stress a little about my weight gain because I still have 6 weeks, and I really didn't want to go above 20lbs gained. Need to continue to be smart (any maybe a little smarter) about my decisions.
    Goals this week:
    Walk 5x
    Yoga 2x
    Strength 2x
    Log food
    8-12 glasses water/day
    2 veggie portions/day
    Tonight specifically I plan to walk my pups, aiming for a min of 2, maybe even 3 miles. Don't think I will get any yoga or strength in because I really want to spend some time cleaning my room. Maybe in the morning...that's what I'll shoot for.

    Lastly-Looking from assistance from you ladies!!
    I want to start prepping food that I can freeze and easily pull and heat or turn into a meal after baby is here. Suggestions would be very appreciated! I was thinking soups would be a good one, but my husband is a hearty meal man, and I don't know many soups that have a great amount of substance to them. The only stew I ever really work with is beef stew. I do plan on making a baked mostaccioli, but that's pretty much all I've got. Thanks in advance!!!

    Happy Tuesday ladies!
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Good to hear baby is ready!!! HA!
    As far as the frozen meals, I'm planning on this as well. This weekend for me is when I'm starting to do mine, only because I'm not sure when I'll be having baby since the scare this past week.
    I'm making potatoe soup today that I will make double of and freeze half and have the other half for dinner.
    Meatloaf is another good meal to make, lasagna, etc. Not sure if you still have left over turkey but turkey I've heard is another great thing to freeze for sandwhiches etc. I was told to look at your freezer section and whatever you see frozen is pretty much what you can do. I'm only doing a few foods now and building every weekend. I'm excited to see what you cook. Google, Once a month Mom and her blog is GREAT! Good Luck.

    Oh and TACO meat!!! make a few lbs of it and freeze it to have ready to go! For salads, tacos, etc.

    Elce 30W2D (23lb)
    cutmd: So glad to see you back!

    Heather: Loving seeing how great you, Charlee, and Al are doing!

    kristy_estes21: You and your family are in my prayers. Try to keep you and baby safe and healthy.

    Babeed: Sorry for your and your family's loss. Prayers are with you.

    mistibergman: Hope you feel better sooner than later! Kudos for going out to Black Friday shopping.

    Rayna: Enjoy your massage!

    Mrsjax11: Sending positive vibes!

    jchecca: Glad you're feeling better. Great job on the house work.

    Hello to anyone I missed! Welcome to the newbies! Hope everyone that celebrated had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    AFM: Thanksgiving weekend was wonderful. Spent TONS of time with family. Was able to keep my eating habits in check, so very happy about that. Need to start logging again though. (Sorry for the writing in phrases, trying to keep things concise.) Was very active this weekend, but not in the workout sense. Helped put up my parents 17ft tree and house decorations, and did the same (with my much smaller tree) at my house. Hubby put up the ceiling fans in the spare bedrooms, so nursery is starting to look more and more like a baby room. Ordered the slipcovers that are going on the livingroom couches (took advantage of cyber Monday sales), which is what was keeping me from getting our glider and couches professionally cleaned. Now I can schedule that and strike one more thing off our list of 'to dos'. Washed a number of clothes for when baby comes home. Kind of a superstition but I have a hard time committing to cleaning everything in case something doesn't go well with baby or delivery.
    Had what should be our final ultrasound yesterday. Baby looked great according to the tech. Measured right on the mark. Makes me very happy because everyone telling me how small I'm carrying and my mother ragging on me that I don't eat enough was really starting to affect me. By yesterday I was paranoid that the baby was malnourished or small for its age. I really needed the affirmation from the tech that things looked good. I won't be totally satisfied until we go see the doctor next week, but I'm much more at ease. Baby is also already in position, head down facing my spine. I've been carrying low, so the Lamaze instructor last night said there's a very good chance baby will maintain this position through to delivery date. Final Lamaze class was last night, and was very nice. Continued breathing techniques and got to tour the Maternity floor which was very nice.
    34 weeks today. 15lbs weight gain. Starting to stress a little about my weight gain because I still have 6 weeks, and I really didn't want to go above 20lbs gained. Need to continue to be smart (any maybe a little smarter) about my decisions.
    Goals this week:
    Walk 5x
    Yoga 2x
    Strength 2x
    Log food
    8-12 glasses water/day
    2 veggie portions/day
    Tonight specifically I plan to walk my pups, aiming for a min of 2, maybe even 3 miles. Don't think I will get any yoga or strength in because I really want to spend some time cleaning my room. Maybe in the morning...that's what I'll shoot for.

    Lastly-Looking from assistance from you ladies!!
    I want to start prepping food that I can freeze and easily pull and heat or turn into a meal after baby is here. Suggestions would be very appreciated! I was thinking soups would be a good one, but my husband is a hearty meal man, and I don't know many soups that have a great amount of substance to them. The only stew I ever really work with is beef stew. I do plan on making a baked mostaccioli, but that's pretty much all I've got. Thanks in advance!!!

    Happy Tuesday ladies!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Welcome to new mommies joining!

    Elce- I luv your tummy pix. You can't see any baby marks on the pix. I have many too from Jason, and have been rubbing cocoa butter like crazy. Not that it really helps, i think it depends on your skin, because my MIL had 3 kids & she doesn't have any stretch marks.

    Rosanna-Good to hear your lil one is getting ready! Kudos for your weight gain I think you have done great, being healthy I am also aiming for 20 lb gain weight max. 4 weeks will go by so fast and soon you'll have your baby.

    Ashley- How exciting your babyshower. Thanks for volunteering on Dec page.

    Jessica- I walk about 20 mins too here & there, and planning on walking some more this week since last week was holiday, although I did walk when we went black friday shopping & was drained afterwards.

    ~My coworker gave some more clothes, and a stroller & car seat which she sowed up an amazing seat cover. I feel so blessed and thankful. She received many duplicate used items & she handed some over to me.

    27weeks Today
    DD 2.28.11
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Heather, that’s fantastic that people have been bringing you guys meals every couple days, I imagine that frees up so much time to stay with Charlee.

    Cutmd, Congrats! I’m so happy for you, I can only imagine how hard the miscarriage was so I’m happy things are doing well, my fingers are crossed for you that everything looks good at your ultrasound.

    Stellcorb, I stopped being able to do the plank around 10 weeks or so too, so don’t worry too much about it. Our bodies change in such weird ways that even with all the literature on pregnancy there’s still no way to be prepared for what we go through.

    Rayna, I love Elf too! My three must see x-mas movies are: oldie-Miracle on 34th St (original), nostalgic-Home alone 1&2(reminds me of that age), and Elf, its my adult favorite.

    Nichole, Yeah! Your full term!

    Kristy-este2, I’m so sorry for your loss, I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through. My thoughts are with you and your family in sad time.

    Babeed, How long is your family still there for? I know everyone has the best intentions but it can be just as tiring to have so much family around. My thoughts are with you.

    Luna, My family wont buy stuff from a registry either! It’s pretty annoying. But luckily because there has been so many of my cousins getting pregnant and the family is a little tired of showers, my mom convinced them to pool all the money and she’d do the shopping for everyone (meaning she’ll go based on a list I give her)! Maybe you’re family would be willing to do something similar? Give you’re mom a list and say “just in case you’re planning something (wink wink)”

    Rosannabarbar, I find that the heartiest soups are potages. Because you use potatoe as a base its very filling, I make a vegetable potage at least once a month during the winter. Although it never stays in the fridge long enough to know if it would freeze well or not, but I’d assume it would.

    AFM, So this past weekend was very busy! I did a lot of shopping and got to buy the crib, change table, dresser, chair, and a couple pieces for our room too. The shopping was long enough to be considered a workout right (4.5 hours). And I’ve been clearing out the whole house, not just the nursery (actually the nursery has more stuff in it right now) and making bags and bags of stuff to go to charity. So this weekend I hope to have all that stuff out of the house and have what’s left in the nursery moved elsewhere, cleaned and start setting up the furniture. I never realized what a big project it would be, but it’ll feel so good when it’s done.
    I did get concerned about my rib pain lately, it has been getting worse (to the point the I get jolts of pain if I move a certain way and its bruised to the touch. My Dr said I probably bruised my rib but since xrays are out of the question there’s not much I can do other than hot or cold compresses. So here I am with potentially a bruised rib (no idea how I got it btw, and nothing I can do about it) to add to all the other wonderful pregnancy symptoms. Then I remember it’ll probably get worse, yikes!

    21weeks today!
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    My my i have alot of catching up to do....
    We've been re-doing my main bathroom, painting and cleaning the house, throwing away lots of junks, making room for an area in my room for a crib etc.....

    question: i've been like seeing stars lately, what does that mean? it comes and goes for the past couple days? I dont feel like I'm dizzy...I close my eyes and open them thinking it will go away but it doesnt...
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    emrogers - i love the once a month mom site! thank you for pointing that out!! although i am at 28 definitely cant hurt thinking about meals like that!!!

    abeare - i just brought a huge load of things to goodwill yesterday! the hubby and i have really been going through things and organizing...and it feels so great to 'off load!!'

    so i didnt get a walk in at lunch time today...went to the mall to get my rings inspected (have been putting that off for a LONG time) and also got some more tummy butter (love that stuff!)! but hubby and i are planning to take the dogs for a walk when he gets that will be good and i am debating a quick work out when i get home! maybe get some arms in! then its out to dinner. my mantra for tonight: nooooo dessert!!! healthy decisions at dinner and look forward to some bedtime tea!

    hope everyone has a great rest of their day!!!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    OH...i wanted to pose a question...I have been thinking about getting my husband a gift for when Parker is born...not a 'push present' bc he obviously will not be pushing :wink: but something to show him how much i love him and thank him for the support throughout the pregnancy and a 'you're going to be an awesome daddy' gift!!! i was wondering if anyone else was thinking of this?? and if so what kind of ideas you had or have heard of??
  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
    i was thinking on that too a gif for the supportive dad :flowerforyou: i dont have too many ideas but maybe electronics?
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Jessica- Good question. if there is something that my HB will love is getting him some golf stuff. Although he would need to pick it out. lol

    Ash-That's a great idea, thanks for sharing it. Ouch on the rib pain, hope you feel better.

    I didn't get my lunch walk, but I had chocolate cake. So yummy!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Hey ladies! I've been reading all of the posts, but haven't been posting much. Too all of you ladies aiming for a 20lb total weight gain....kuddos to you! :wink: I'm already at 23lbs :noway: .....and only 26 weeks this thursday. I'm hoping I'll be one of those girls who gains most of it in the 2nd trimester & doesn't gain much, if any in the 3rd. I know I have to get my food choices in check - they aren't always the greatest.

    Have been trying to work out nearly every day...I'm feeling flabby lately (except in the belly area, haha). Got the Jillian Michaels "Killer Buns & Thighs", so hopefully that will get my *kitten* in gear! :bigsmile: Tried it out last night & just had to modify a little bit. Tonight it's off to zumba!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    hey ladies quick check in, walked for an hour on sat and ran 5kms on sunday. Baked 3 different kinds of christmas cookies...
    Didnt eat too bad but still gaining steadily

    had my 18 week ultrasound today, have to go back cause the lil bugger wouldnt sit still for all its pics! dammit
    Hoping to make it to aquasize tonight, so sleepy, and I need to study, wanna finish this course by the end of feb.

    Later ladies
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Just coming over from Fit for Future Families. I haven't had a chance to read through much of this month's post, but as soon as I have a minute I will. If there's a certain way to introduce myself, then I missed it will be glad to fill in more info later. Just thought I would post so I don't lose you guys. :)