why would people feel the need to keep their food diary priv



  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Because "you should eat more whole grain pasta" is only helpful when eating it doesn't make you want to barf! I hate pasta of pretty much any variety!! Also it's a lifestyle change and if flax seed, chia pets and green smoothies fit in your lifestyle it doesn't mean it fits in mine!!! LOL
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Wow! I haven't experienced that yet. I wouldn't say crap like that because as long as you're under, you lose weight... and the whole deficit thing. If people eat something tasty, I just say, "Dang, that sounds good!" Or "I'm jealous!" If they said that to me, I'd just roll it off the shoulders. Again, if you can't say something positive, just don't!

    Most people I have run across never say anything about it unless they have been asked, now commenting that something sounds good or anything like that - well thats completely different. I enjoy getting feedback - especially if it is positive, I never react poorly to someone making a suggestion either, especially if it is going to help me out in some way. But the day I got the message in my inbox about eating processed foods and poisoning my body (I dont eat a lot of processed food but there are some days), I just decided to make it private. If I ever go to the forums to ask for help, I will make sure the diary is open - its kind of hard to help someone if you can't see what they need help with lol.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I keep mine private because I don't believe there is anyone here who can offer better insight into what I need to be eating than me.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Why do people assign some type of judgemental meaning to a simple question?

    If you have your reasons, go ahead and post them. I don't care that much. Just want to know why.

    Your question or any or your responses weren't judgemental and I answered the question honestly. I stated that the responses stating people with private diaries must be eating badly and are ashamed are judgemental.

    Maybe I miss-assigned judgement to the replies. ie.. took them personally when I shouldn't have.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I keep mine private because I don't believe there is anyone here who can offer better insight into what I need to be eating than me.

    You needs a burger. meal.gif
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Because I can! =p
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I'm not saying there's a correlation but I find it interesting that people will pour out the most personal topics and ask advice and others keep the food diaries private. But yeah I get the personal notes/health related reasons.

    The out of the blue comments on their diaries are outright strange. I wonder if the ignore feature would work to curb that?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I keep mine private because I don't believe there is anyone here who can offer better insight into what I need to be eating than me.
    You needs a burger. meal.gif
    OH SNAP!
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Because I'm an adult and can make my own food choices good or bad. And I don't appreciate unsolicited advice from complete strangers who are not a doctors/nutritionists/dietitians. And people do comment if your diary is open to the public. In the end I am accountable only to myself for my successes or failures.

  • mudya
    mudya Posts: 128 Member
    My diary is open to my friends. The reason I have kept mine private is because nobody would actually understand what I was having for my meal anyway... I log everything I have put into a meal exactly, so it looks like a load of random ingredients when in fact its an actual meal :P I don't have many bad days (I only buy what I need when I go shopping, good old self disapline!) But when I'm back home for the holidays I might indulge and I would rather only my friends and family know about that, they will understand but some stranger on the web wouldn't. I have 2 friends on mfp, one who recently added me and the other is my sister, I prefer to have as little friends as possible and use the actual forums as a support tool.
  • CharityEaton
    CharityEaton Posts: 499 Member
    mine's open to friends but unelss there is a food police I really don't care what people say about what I eat! Some days I eat really good and other days I eat as much processed, refined "fake" crap as I want. It is about balance. You can eat whatever you want whenever you want you just have to be prepared for the consequences it will have on your body and you better as heck not complain about it or someone will have something to tell you for sure! None of my MFP's have ever said anything negative about what I eat and I have logged my fair share of "junk"
    Besides, who says that is what they REALLY eat in their log any way...even if it isn't private?
    Just for the heck of it I might log ice cream every meal for a week just to see if any of my friends comment!
  • Photoology
    Photoology Posts: 121 Member
    The out of the blue comments on their diaries are outright strange. I wonder if the ignore feature would work to curb that?

    The ignore feature does work but its hard when its multiple people do kind of the same thing to you and assume you are just pigging out and eating poorly. It is just the nature of the beast of online communities...
  • polarlove
    polarlove Posts: 72 Member
    Probably b/c they don't want unsolicited advice. If your diary is public or open to your friends, you're inviting comments. Some people just don't want those comments. ;-)

    yep that's exactly why mine is private. I know myself when I've had a bad day and ate too much rubbish, I don't need anyone else to comment on it and make me feel worse. I come here for support and motivation, and unfortunately criticism, however constructive and well-meaning it is, doesn't motivate me like it does for some people, it actually has the opposite effect. I'd be too scared to be completely honest if my dairy was public or even friends only.
  • daydream58
    daydream58 Posts: 572 Member
    My question would be - Why do people that don't want feedback post their diary was under for the day at all?

    Maybe people think the "complete this entry" button on the bottom of the diary is how to build continuous days streaks, however, it's only function seems to be to post calories to the news feed, which your friends see.

    So in a way - closing out your diary comes across a lot like asking for feedback because you could just disable the diary from the news feed in My Home - Settings - Automatic News Feed update settings. Then you wouldn't be drawing attention to your diary if it's private.

    Drawing attention to your private diary at the end of every day is a lot like saying COME SEE MY COOL NEW CAR! but then refusing to open the garage door. If you want congratulations on your new car, you've got to open the garage door and let them see it, or they are congratulating you blindly, and what real use is blind feedback?

    You could argue that you like blind feedback and it makes you feel good, and I'm sure there are people like that on every forum on the internet, and there's not much the rest of us can do about that, it's just how it is. But building up a huge friend base for support and then wanting most of the support to be given blindly would naturally confuse a lot of people that don't operate like that.

    Saying you don't ask for feedback and then clicking your under-calorie diary to your news feed is contradictory though. Just sayin'.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I don't understand why it matters so much to people to see what the calories are made up of. If they're under - they're under. Doesn't the fact that they'vemade significant changes to get under the calories everyday matter?

    I'm extremely repetitive in my foods. I also don't always eat over 1200. I am losing weight so at this point if I am at 1000 three days of the week I don't care. I only manage two meals a day most of the time and I'm not a snacker. I even had one day that my net intake was negative. Imagine the comments of the "well wishers" that are only concerned about my health (i am under a family doctor, nutritionist and rhuematologists care).

    The problem with it is that people look at them without understanding the persons circumstances. I used to drink alot of calories (milk due to stomach problems from meds). I've never had a big appetite and would probably still be underweight if I didn't have PsA. I struggle to eat because I have stomach problems which will likely get worse soon when the doctors add my new meds. This is where the problem is... How can someone offer constructive criticism if you don't know the whole story.

    Of course it's a different story if I was looking for input. Then I would open it up for all to see and seriously consider all advise given. I don't think the majority are mean spirited...quite the opposite...I think they are well intentioned and just want to share what worked for them.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Because why do you care what I eat?

    Assuming you were on my friends list...

    Because I want to be able to help you when you ask questions about if your getting enough of X, or why you aren't losing weight, etc.

    I actually posed this question to my friends last night, so its funny it comes up today.
    It seems a few of them HAVE had unsolicited comments/pms about their eating habits, and they don't enjoy people being rude.

    I feel that I had a bad day today, but I still logged everything, and I know my diary is public.
    This is just another motivator to make sure its perfect tomorrow.
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    My question would be - Why do people that don't want feedback post their diary was under for the day at all?

    Maybe people think the "complete this entry" button on the bottom of the diary is how to build continuous days streaks, however, it's only function seems to be to post calories to the news feed, which your friends see.

    So in a way - closing out your diary comes across a lot like asking for feedback because you could just disable the diary from the news feed in My Home - Settings - Automatic News Feed update settings. Then you wouldn't be drawing attention to your diary if it's private.

    Drawing attention to your private diary at the end of every day is a lot like saying COME SEE MY COOL NEW CAR! but then refusing to open the garage door. If you want congratulations on your new car, you've got to open the garage door and let them see it, or they are congratulating you blindly, and what real use is blind feedback?

    You could argue that you like blind feedback and it makes you feel good, and I'm sure there are people like that on every forum on the internet, and there's not much the rest of us can do about that, it's just how it is. But building up a huge friend base for support and then wanting most of the support to be given blindly would naturally confuse a lot of people that don't operate like that.

    Saying you don't ask for feedback and then clicking your under-calorie diary to your news feed is contradictory though. Just sayin'.

    Not necessarily--I hit the "Finish Entry" button because I like to see the "If every day were like today..." which you dont get to see unless you close the entry manually.

    Edit: Reading is fundamental. I didn't see the notice about the settings, but that's just something I never knew about until just now. So maybe some people really are hitting it to give themselves a pat on the back, and some people (like myself) didn't know you could keep it off the feed. Either way, I still see why some people would keep the diary hidden, like myself.

    I just like my privacy.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    There's alot of ways to skin a cat to get to your caloric limits. People have very interesting ways of getting there.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I keep mine private because I don't believe there is anyone here who can offer better insight into what I need to be eating than me.

  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    ...because then my friends will know that I eat things like lucky charms and scooby snacks. And that I NEVER drink water ;)