Determined December challenge : P



  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Hope you all have a GREAT day. LET'S DO THIS! See you all later.
  • hello hello! my check in for the day!

    I will be zig-zagging my calories for the month of December. From the looks of it, that makes my cheat days Wednesdays, and based on yesterday's decisions, I'd say thats the truth! I have made my diary public to my friends, and if anyone in the group would like to add me, just send me a request with a message!

    Unfortunately, the gym may take a back burner today. It's time to get this house picked up! It would be nice if the person that helped me make this mess was here to help me clean it... :)
  • I'm ready! I plan to do cardio and lift for an hour tonight, and then I have my basketball game at 9! Wraps for lunch and dinner!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello !!!!!! goodmorning December challenge friends :flowerforyou:

    Kerry house work is in the data for workout :wink:
    Love to see your face DeeBear :happy:

    I will send a postcard and surprise to the one or ones that have the biggest check in this month. For results last month see november challenge post it was a great month . I keep track on paper of check ins :wink:

    Good to have you all I am getting ready to workout. Have a great day and a great month everyone :bigsmile: I will check back with results tonight !!!!!!!!
  • Is it too late to join? I really need the help to stay accountable!

    - Stick to under 1500 calories a day.
    - Only water to drink, 64 oz. a day.
    - Exercise 30 minutes, 5 days a week and an hour, 2 days a week.
    - Lose 5-8 pounds this month.

    Non-Weight Goal:
    - De-clutter my house!
  • Hi, I'm Brandi. I would like to join this please! I'm pretty new to this and really could use the encouragement.

    1. Goals:
    a. Try to drink more water
    b. Try to stay away from the junk food (there is tons in my office at work because my boss has a sweet tooth)
    c. Work out more than just at karate

    2. Check in
    I have never been very good at remembering to check in everyday. I will probably need the little reminders to remember to do it please. :smile:

    3. Good habit
    Go to bed before 11 and try to wake up between 7 and 7:15.

    4. Free Day
    Normally I only take a day off from my normal routine when I am going to a hockey game because I always get chicken fingers and fries at the game. But I still try to work out a little on those days. Only free days when there is a game I am going to. There are not many this month and i might only get to two of them so i think that will work out okay for me. :smile:

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • sbenskin001
    sbenskin001 Posts: 11 Member
    Here's my checkin for the day! First day went great hit the gym first thing this am, and ate a healthy lunch. been trying to drink water not as much as would like to hit goal. And just to include me goofiness for the day I have been working out and to keep my sugar stable and per suggestions I am trying to drink a protien shake immediatly after... today I had the bright idea to take the powder in a baggie because I was out of premixed shakes and I would just dump it in a bottle of water. Well the hole in the water bottle was so little unzipping the baggie didnt work and while trying to be smart and ripped off the corner the whole thing busted open and covered me and my SUV in vanilla flavored powder LOL my gym buddy sure had a great laugh!! Hope everyone had a great day!!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Hey everyone, it's December!!! Starting to look forward to Christmas and starting to spend lots of money!!! :ohwell:

    Started my morning with a short cardio session, found it quite hard as it was my first one after being poorly for the last week. Only managed 20 minutes so will try to increase gradually.

    Was managing to eat fairly well and had dinner planned as grilled chicken and veggies, then hubby said he was ordeing takeout and I couldn't resist!! Chicken rogan josh - yum yum. I have ended the day over on cals but not by many.

    So, that was my day, how about the rest of you?
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Welcome new ones no I dont care if people join right at the end of the month the more the merrier :bigsmile: Nice goals I will add you to my list.

    Sammy good job!!!!!! sbinskin That stinks but at least you know how to laugh at yourself :laugh:
    a good start to the month yay. Its not even 3 pm here yet so I will check back latter :smile:
  • I would love to be apart of this. I am just joining this site and I need all the motivation I can get. Im super excited to get this challenge under my belt. I just had a child 10 weeks ago and Im back on my feet and ready to LOSE THIS WEIGHT. My Husband and I have started the 17 day diet and have made personal goals and we are comparing % to get the winner. Im in this for the long hall of my baby's first birthday....I want to reach this goal and feel great along the day.

    My goals for the month:

    1. 8 glasses of water
    2. 3 glasses of green tea
    3. exercise everyday
    4. only take christmas day off!
    5. lose at least 6 pounds

    Everyday is one day closer to our goals. Good Luck everyone!

    Bless you all!

  • ninerschick
    ninerschick Posts: 97 Member
    Hi checking in

    so far so good :smile:
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    So far had a GREAT day!
    1. Drank 2 liters of water. Trying to get another one in.
    2. Exercised 30 minutes.
    3. Stayed under 1,200 calories.
    4. Almost had a Pepsi and bag of peanut butter M&Ms and realized I really did not want them, I was just having a stressful moment. Made me smile because it felt pretty good to realize this. Now if I can just keep it up.
    This is such a GREAT group of people to share everything with. Hope you all had a great day also. Will check in again tomorrow. Have a GREAT night.
  • Hello everyone! Here I am, checking in for the day. I only hope I can keep this habit up the rest of the month! I did decent today, but I'm hoping tomorrow will be even better. Although, I may have to go over on my calories tomorrow, because I'm donating blood for the first time.

    I hope everyone has had an amazing day to kick off the start of a great month!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey All!

    So here's how I did for Day 1:

    1-strength training class tonight. Also had spin class this morning.
    2-Didn't keep my calories in the green and really don't feel like going to work out extra to turn it around....feeling lazy.
    3-Kind of cooked - found some fish in the freezer so I baked that in the oven. One small step-I used the oven (the tator tots that went along with it were a bad choice).
    4-skipped the candy canes. Also begged my coworker to reconsider bringing in fudge tomorrow.

    Hope everyone kicked off December on a good note!
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    Made fairly healthy food choices today. Realized lunch was missing a fruit or vegetable, but had it covered at breakfast and dinner. I know I didn't drink enough, especially with my dry hands and lips. Tomorrow will have to keep better track of it. Tomorrow, if all goes according to plan, then I'll get in some time at the gym. Night all!
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    :( i cant drink water :( no so good.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Checking in: Mixed day today - got up at 6:45, so later than the goal of 6:30, but earlier than 7:30 so I'll take it. Got in 70 minutes of exercise, so great there, and I managed 6 glasses of water :drinker: Only had 1 veg and 1 fruit because I need to go to the store, so that's in the plans for tomorrow. No progress on decluttering - too bogged down with work :grumble:
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Okay Ladies, I'm baaack!

    1 : Pick 2 or 3 goals of your choice { these can be updated every week if needed}
    2 : Check in every day good or bad Even if its just to say hello.
    3 : Pick a good habit you want to work on ( does'nt have to be diet related}
    4 : One free day a week { you do not have to take it, but its there if you need it}

    1. My 2 goals this week: burn 1000 as many days a week as I can & try my best to stay at 1500 calories
    2. I am checking in today saying that I started off with a breakfast burrito & ended it (by 3pm) with TOO MUCH See's Candy!
    But I made the best of it, got off my rear and did some exercise!
    3. My good habit is to hug my kids more. They have gotten too grown up and I need to get into their space and smother them!

    PS: I will still continue to walk my dog twice a day as she needs me as well

    4. I will try real hard to have a free day a week. It was supposed to be today but I ate too much!

    I AM determined to make December a succssesful month !!!!!!!!
    Thank you Elimay!! Welcome all!! This is a great challenge with great people!! Remember, it's okay to have bad days!!
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    WOW...lots of great butt kicking motivated people in this challenge. It's just an inspiration to read all that you did in one day. Tired me out just reading about it.:happy:
    So, I did good myself:
    Ate no snacks
    drank plenty of water
    great food choices just under the calorie goal
    power yoga at the gym
    had just a bite of dark chocolate and didn't go for more.

    Try harder tomorrow:
    I let stress get in the way of my emotions and was too cranky....when I'm cranky I need to eat...I didn't eat so I was even more cranky...vicious circle. Must relax more, breathe and do eliptical in the am...always feel better starting the day with a good sweat.

    Good luck tomorrow. Keep at it...WE ARE WORTH CHANGING OUR HABITS FOR!!!
  • Check in for Day 1 of determined December!
    Stayed under my calorie goal, walked my dog for an hour and did a barbel class at the gym (60 mins) for a strong start to this month!! Getting ready to work on my mile time tomorrow morning! :)