Shredding the Holidays-Start Nov. 28



  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    L1, D4: Finished:happy:

    My knees have been bothering me this morning, so I pulled out my stepper for the cardio. The good news is: at the end of the workout, I was still able to move my arms. The really good news is: My ability to move my arms did not coincide with a day when I wanted to through my weights at Jillian.

    Happy Shredding, Everyone!
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    L1 D5 completed. I found it tough again today. At least I'm not sore anymore:))
  • Step You will like the fast feet... I barely come off the ground. How do you like BFBM? I have done it maybe once/twice, cant even remember. One of her dvd's has a lot of floor work?

    tcfamj100 and Ghit4 It will get easier... promise.

    Kate :laugh: Good job for hanging in there!

    Just had to stop everone is doing so well.

    Today was my cardio day. I'll be shredden .. tomorrow. :happy:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Did BFBM, as planned. Great job with today tcfamj, Kate, and Ghlt. :drinker: Weren't there more people...? :wink:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Step You will like the fast feet... I barely come off the ground. How do you like BFBM? I have done it maybe once/twice, cant even remember. One of her dvd's has a lot of floor work?
    Right on with the cardio! That was my plan for today too! :laugh: BFBM is terrific! It was sweaty. :bigsmile: There's hardly any floor work, and no weights at all. I hope my back's OK tomorrow, cause I could really feel it there on some moves. :ohwell:
  • It must be her other dvd.. I know she has many. I'll have to look and see.

    Yep working up a sweat is a good thing... sore back not so.

    Hope its ok after a good nights rest!
  • I looked....Its No More Trouble Zones. I like her Cardio Kickboxing.
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    Did BFBM, as planned. Great job with today tcfamj, Kate, and Ghlt. :drinker: Weren't there more people...? :wink:

    Yes, there were a lot more people. I hope they come back tomorrow.

    Well done everyone who completed today.:)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I looked....Its No More Trouble Zones. I like her Cardio Kickboxing.

    I did NMTZ for about a month. 4 weeks in and I still wasn't up to doing all 7 circuits (though I was up to 6 circuits:smile: ) Then I got sick and lost my exercise groove. That's what I'm planning for January.

    Have a good night, Everyone!
  • Level 1 day 4 is finished!! >:D (lol evil smiley)

    I can feel that I'm gaining some more momentum today and I felt alot less shore today :D (Besides the knees XD;) And best of all is because I had my heater on for 10 minuets before and during the workout (When doing jump rope it was getting a little hot so I hopped over and turned it off when still jumping) I sweated a little!! :D I'm so happy~ And I fell better for doing the shred again today, Hope I can keep this felling and momentium up for tomarrow and the other 26 days!! :3
  • It must be her other dvd.. I know she has many. I'll have to look and see.

    Yep working up a sweat is a good thing... sore back not so.

    Hope its ok after a good nights rest!

    What are her other DVD's like? :D
  • tcfamj100
    tcfamj100 Posts: 11 Member
    Did L1 D3. It is getting a little easier. Thanks for all the support. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm new to MFP and could used all the support I can get. Great Job to all who did their workouts yesterday. What is BFBM? Just curious of the other good DVD's out there. I hope to be back in the morning. Weekends are always hectic with kids sporting events. Have a great day.
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    L1 D6 completed!! Didn't find it as hard going this morning.

    I have lost a 1lb as of this morning!! I am so close to ONEderland just 2lbs to go!!! YAY!!!
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    Did L1 D3. It is getting a little easier. Thanks for all the support. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm new to MFP and could used all the support I can get. Great Job to all who did their workouts yesterday. What is BFBM? Just curious of the other good DVD's out there. I hope to be back in the morning. Weekends are always hectic with kids sporting events. Have a great day.

    Great job on completing day 3. Welcome to MFP, I have found it to be a great help.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    L1, D5: Done

    I'm having a little com[uter problem today so I haven't been able to read the posts. Good Work, Everyone!
  • Level 1 day 5 done~

    Seems like I forget how hard this workout is everyday, And then I start doing it and I remember the diffaculty. I'm felling good shore but good
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    Okay guys I did Day 1 Level 1 this will be the first time ever if I stick with it. It's not that I'm that type of person the routine is that boring since I am use to such a variety at my gym but you all are helping me to try time # 4 to stick with if. If you see me post over a week, you will know I made it!
  • I hope you all don't mind if I join this group. I also started the Shred on the 28th and could use some extra support. I have made it to day 19 straight in the past and my goal is to FINALLY finish all 30 days! I found today to be a little better for me as I wasn't quite so sore. I am looking forward to level 2 (my favorite!)!!! Keep up the good work gals!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Welcome, New Faces!!!!
  • Level 1 day 6 done~! :3 (Did this eailyer but am just posting it now XD;)

    My foot started to hert a little today when doing cardio but besides that I seem to be getting use to the workout, I fell great~ :D