

  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 181 Member
  • teb103
    I am a newbie to this site. Turned 50 in June!! Now am stopping smoking --- yeah!!!!!!!!! Monumental time & main fear is gaining wt. Joined a gym so I hope to ward/work off any excess weight. Anyone out there in the same boat?
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,523 Member
    Warning, monsterlong post.

    :flowerforyou: Well done, FitnessBarbie!
    :bigsmile: MacMadame, bingo on behavioural goals rather than that stupid scale number.
    :cry: Cathi amen about how sad it is for negative friends. Wish there was some way we could inject a little silver lining into their clouds.:smile:
    :smooched: Con VERY gratulations Joyce, when do we see pix?
    :love: Cathy enjoy your day with your two best (step)gals.
    :happy: Lavendergirl "the decisions I make each day..." Truth!
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Barbie Glurg! 3 glasses of water just before bed? I'd be sleeping on the pot!
    :noway: asugar "sure don't feel it (turning 50)" Right there with you except that the paper work says I'm 61 going on 62 but the inner gal never grew past 19. Let us know about the JM DVD. Loved the red wine part of the cholesterol advice!
    :laugh: Marymsh I too gave up jumping a looong time ago, but that darned dancing makes me hop just a little:tongue:
    :wink: Pam Jealous of your weather, the warmth if not the bugs...
    :flowerforyou: Mabee sounds like your great attitude is the begnning of the process as well as the end result. Welcome!
    :heart: Sally "like a reunion of old friends..." well said!
    :grumble: Jane "learning to not eat over disappointments" good for you! With me its anger. :mad: I get irritated and want to CHOMP EVERYTHING. And when I do overindulge, get even madder :angry: at myself and eat even more :explode: Need to replace that cycle with Mabee's activity, better food choice, attitude/gratitude cycle. Oh and some yoga...:laugh:
    :love: Reb what a cutie!
    :flowerforyou: Kathie you ARE a part of this community! I used to be surprised at how close I feel to these gals, but now I'm just glad.
    :tongue: Kackie thanks for the JM DVD advice. I'd never try them being too intimidated and a long time loather of exercise, but since you say they do help middle aged bodies, I may have to reconsider. . . naaahh:noway:
    :happy: Viv Welcome back! Never, never, NEVER give up (or give in :wink: ).
    :heart: Deeders, What a wonderful way to support your mom. Tell us more about the diet, and welcome!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Beth that is AMAZING progress. Con VERY gratulations! This is THE most positive, supportive, non-judgemental and best group ever. So glad you found us!
    :smile: Michele, what a great reward for your being open to the cheesecake pan suggestion. I'm more stubborn and would have rejected it and missed out! Doors, shower curtains and clocks, what IS going on with budget (mis-)allocation? :grumble:
    :smile: Robin keep us posted about the hypnosis. I went through a series in 1980 and got down to 2 cigs a day... until I travelled to Israel where it seems like Everyone smoked Everywhere.:ohwell: Took me another 19 years and pneumonia to quit. Luck to you and hubs.

    As for the signatures: Steven wrote:
    ~~~I empathize with the loss of an inspirational tool. It's regrettable that we had to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    We are looking into ways to allow a bit more content in signatures, such as current goals, etc. So the possibilities will probably increase in time.

    Hopefully the other features of the site will continue to be of great use to you! ~~~

    my reply:
    ~~~Thank you very much for the reply Steven.

    To reduce moderator's burden could signature links be restricted to only mfp hosted files? Then we could save desired images as files to where our pictures are stored.

    Do I find MFP of great use? You have NO idea... :love: We on the 50+ gals forum are thankful every day for MFP!

    Thank YOU!:heart: ~~~

    Was very proud of myself yesterday. At the lunchmeeting I did NOT eat the chips, NOT drink the CocaCola (which I LOVE) and most amazingly did NOT eat the cookie! But alas, DID have a pint after squaredancing last night... plus 4 snack sized candy bars and a home made chocolate chip cookie to put me over the limit. I usually go so far overboard on weekends that I don't even bother to journal food, but today I WILL log every bite, lick or sip (thanks Mary) no matter what! And I'll try to sneak a brisk (its damwindyandcold here) walk in before TubaChristmas this afternoon.

    Speaking of cookies, at two recent meetings I've passed on the cookies offered. In both cases, the cookies were so HUGE that I was barely tempted. I can get 72-80 (instead of just 60) cookies out of a batch of Tollhouse dough. Think that's a reasonable indulgence to substitute. Can someone remind me of the name of the movie about the super-sizing of America? Think I'm almost ready to watch it. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hugs to ALL

    animal-emoticon-0064.gifBarbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    December 2011: dance more, bark less, hit that protein goal, HoliDAY not HoliWEEKEND and CHECK IN!!! :)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    @auntibk...i just love your posts...all your smiley faces make ME smile...
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Back from the hypnosis center. I start a 9 week program in January to modify some nasty behaviors I have developed over 51 + years of life. (nail biting,picking, and other compulsive disorders.) DH starts his 3 session quit smoking thing in January too. I am eager to get started but since I can only drive that far on Saturdays I have to wait.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Yes...Auntie BK...(Barbara)....you are too funny and too kind to comment on so many people's posts:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    And WELCOME, our new members! This is a kind, gentle group of women, I promise:heart::heart: :heart:

    My friend, Judy, had to go to Urgent Care today...she had major panic attack and chest pains. Thank goodness for a VERY kind Nurse Practitioner who spent about an hour with her. She is better a bit now, has cried a lot and has some medication to help with her stress and anxiety. 3 of us sat with her while she waited and then spent the afternoon running errands she was worried about. Oh, poor, dear girl.

    Take care, Dear Ladies, and I am so thankful for all of you:heart:
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    ~Let the countdown to
    CHRISTMAS BEGIN! ★ ° . .   
     . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★
     ° :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * .  
    ...     .   °  . ● .    °
    ☾ °☆  ¸. ● .  ★  ★ ° ☾
    ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .
      * . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ●
    ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  
    ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. . 
    ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .
        .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   
    ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .      
      * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸    
     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★  
    You have been sprinkled with BLESSINGS of Peace, Love, and Happiness! Now ... Please ...Go forth and sprinkle other people too!★~
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: I’m reading “What Shamu Taught me about Life, Love, and Marriage” Here is a the link to an article taken from the book.


    :bigsmile: I learned that a good way to reach a goal is by “successive approximations” which means that you take baby steps toward the goal.

    :bigsmile: Many people have commented on all the exercise I do every day, but I didn’t get up one day and walk the dogs for 90 minutes, go to a two hour line dance class, meet a friend for a four mile walk, and do yoga. I started with a one hour line dance class once a week, walking the dogs one at a time for 10 minutes in the morning and little by little added more and more until now, year later, I’m doing a ton of exercise.

    :bigsmile: The same is true for the way I eat. When I started MFP I planned my meals for the day and stuck to the plan. I didn’t worry about calories or nutrition, just sticking with the plan. Bit by bit I’ve improved nutrition and gotten calories under control.

    :bigsmile: When I got my first pedometer, I was impressed with 5000 steps a day. The numbers have gone up gradually over about 10 years to the big numbers I have now.

    :bigsmile: I have joked that the hardest part of exercise is getting out the door, or putting on your shoes, or getting down on the mat, but it’s true. Until you can do those things, you can’t do the exercise. Until you have warm clothes, you can’t take a walk in nasty weather. Until you walk for 5 minutes you can’t walk for an hour.
    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    December goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for at least an hour every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga five days a week

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Golly, Christmas is obviously almost upon us. I was working at the gallery yesterday and had to travel up to the centre of London by tube - it was jam-packed. They had to close off parts of the main shopping area and also The Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park due to overcrowding. I am so pleased that I have most of my Christmas shopping done.

    I hope everyone is doing well with their health and fitness routine - I'm doing well dietwise, but my exercise has taken a bit of a backseat as I'm suffering with my knee again. My greatest wish for next year is to really get a handle on my fitness

    Going to meet my DD now, so will see you all later.

    Amanda x
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Just a quick bump from your resident lurker. Love all your news, and accomplishments.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    " We should all start to LIVE

    Before we get too old

    Fear is stupid

    so are Regrets"

  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Sweet girls come from the south, Barbies come from California, but New York girls have fire & ice in their blood! We can handle the snow, beat the heat, be a princess, throw a right hook, drink with the boys, and stay home with the kids... We can cook a wicked meal and if we have an opinion, you can bet your *kitten* you're gonna hear it! Re-post if your a NEW YORK GIRL! ♥
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    :bigsmile: MacMadame, bingo on behavioural goals rather than that stupid scale number.
    :cry: Cathi amen about how sad it is for negative friends. Wish there was some way we could inject a little silver lining into their
    I just hate losing! :laugh:

    On the negative talk, I think that people think it's motivating so that's why they do it, but I don't think it is motivating in the long run. That's why I try to promote "Fat Talk Free Week" when it comes around every year.

    Also, I see people all the time being very all or nothing. They go from not exercising or watching what they eat or drinking enough fluid and the next week they are going to the gym 5x a week, drinking only water (no Crystal light for them!) and eating only 800 calories a day. Then a month later they aren't doing anything again.

    I did what Barbie did. I picked one or two things to do at a time to change and then picked another 1-2 things when those were ingrained. And 4 years later, I've lost everything I wanted and am keeping it off. Not to say I don't have my bad times, but ups and downs are part of life.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Hi all:

    I didn't read everything just caught the previous post about negative talk. I didn't quite understand it. Most of the people that are my friends on here are supportive as I am with them, even when I eat the wrong food. Hey, we are all human. I get a bit annoyed when a friend looks at my diary for a few days and criticizes me.

    What really drives me over the edge is this comment ,"OMG your starving_"...read my profile. Duh!!!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    @auntibk...i just love your posts...all your smiley faces make ME smile...

    My mac wont mak the faces...:glasses:
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    wow it did:noway:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Kackie…..How great it was for you to help your friend. Dealing with panic and anxiety is awful. I feel for your friend but having a caring a supportive group of friends around makes all the difference in the world.
    Ltamatgo…love the blessings!
    Interesting discussion on negative talk and I agree…I do not do well with someone yelling about working harder or trying harder. I love the idea of making small changes and adding new changes in at the time.

    I have had a tough week this week. It was busy with a lot of social things and my eating was sloppy. It wasn’t awful but it wasn’t great. Yesterday, I went to a memorial service for a friend that I worked with a few years ago. It was so strange to listen and share our memories. Afterwards a small group of us went out for a drink. I was so hungry last night….and I was trying to figure out was it my emotions or was my day out of balance nutritionally. I think it was some of both. Today was better with my eating….need to get my exercise going on again.

    It’s great to visit with you all tonight!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Just got back from seeing TSO in concert. They were amazing -- as usual. Afterwards, we went out to dinner. You remember those friends of ours I told you about? The hubby has a REAL bad back and his wife is extremely overweight. Well, before the concert she stopped to go to the bathroom. Only she stopped at a BK and then bought a hamburger. I didn't have anything, just used their bathroom. After the concert I had a piece of broiled salmon, a baked potato (nothing on it, there was salt on the skin so I didn't have that. Had I known, I would have asked that they not put salt on the skin. Oh well....I'll live), and a salad -- no almonds or bacon, dressing on the side. I didn't realize that the egg (well, there wasn't much anyway) was crumbled, I thought it was pieces of egg and I could take out the yolks. Well, it wasn't much egg anyway, not much tomato either. Mostly iceburg (yuk) lettuce. She had this marinated chicken, I remember that it wasn't something that I'd want, mashed red potatoes and creamed corn. I really think that a lot of her weight problem would be solved if she ate more healthily, like limiting fast foods.

    Bought this "Irish Style Oatmeal" and thought it was steel cut oats, but it's not. Well, I don't think it's as processed as that minute stuff, this takes 5 minutes to make. I'll finish this up and then not buy any more. I really like the steel cut oats. But then again, who knows? I might find that I really like this stuff. I am going to take barbie's suggestion, however, and add some applesauce to it

    welcome teb and congrats on stopping smoking! Good luck at the gym

    barbara - about those funds, I one time asked the CEO if he was aware of the fact that the one branch didn't even have doors on the bathroom stalls in the lady's locker room (I knew he didn't go in there) and perhaps instead of spending money on TRX equipment it should be spent on things like this. I was told "well, we're spending xxx$'s on a new heater for the pool". That's true, but it's also true that what do people see when they come in and we want them to be members? They don't see a new heater, they DO see that there are no doors on bathroom stalls. I got the definite impression that he doesn't like being told that perhaps he should have done something different. I was asked "did you come down here to tell me this?" Actually, I was going to be there for a class anyway. But he really doesn't like when someone points out things like this to him. Well, I am. What is he going to do? Fire me? On a different note: he made a big point of saying how we'd now be more member oriented. Well, he's been here a year. I told him that the Y I moved from was rated one of the top 10 in the nation in member satisfaction. When I worked there, as an employee we weren't supposed to park close to the building, that's for members. Which makes sense, their membership is paying our salaries. So I asked him why employees who are here 4 and 5 hours a day get to park closer to the building and members have to park further away? I was asked "how do you know this". I told him (which is the truth) that I saw employees getting into their cars. Here we are, a year later, and nothing is being done. Congrats on good choices at your lunch meeting. You know, when I have things like cookies that put me over, even tho I feel terrible, it still helps to have to tell someone (like on this forum) what I did. Although the past can't be reversed, it makes me think twice the next time because I know that I'm going to have to "face the music" Isn't it amazing how large cookies and muffins and that sort of thing are? There are times when I go to the store and want to grab just a little bite of something. The sandwiches even are so big. I just want a bite, that's all. And I don't feel like spending $4 (or whatever) for one or two bites. I, too, like to make my cookies small. Gives me a feeling like I'm having more if I make mini-muffins rather than the big muffins. About 4 mini muffins equals one big muffin. Even tho I'm eating the same amount of food, it just makes me feel better to have 4 of something rather than 1. Also, if I get full and don't want to finish it, I can always put part back. I just have this "thing" about throwing out food. I'd rather take a smaller amount

    kackie - does Judy accept that these are panic attacks? I remember FIL was having them, his neighbor who is a psychologist even agreed. But he wouldn't accept that they were panic attacks, and when I told Vince that his father was having a panic attack, Vince wouldn't accept it either.

    I'm thinking that I may do a pilates DVD tomorrow. Haven't done pilates in a while. Done. Tomorrow (Mon) I'll take the extreme pump class, in the afternoon there is a nominating committee for the Newcomers meeting that I'll be going to. I need to stop at WalMart, maybe I can do that after the class and before the meeting. Idea! Then after the meeting I can do some practice bowling. Wish they opened earlier.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, Everyone!

    Asugar and Beth: Thank you so much for your feedback about Cholesterol and blood sugar. I will try anything! I am just puzzled that all of my numbers were better a couple of years ago and that losing weight, exercising and eating healthier has made my numbers worse? :huh: :huh: I must be doing something differently so I am being very strict about every little thing now. I have always eaten a lot of vegetables & fruit so I'll try your suggestions! (Love the red wine advice...and I LOVE red wine...however, that can increase sugar levels, so I will be careful about that. Bummer:angry: )

    Barbie & MacMadame: Thanks again both of you for sharing your journey. It helps to hear how women who have done as well as you both have, got there:flowerforyou:

    SallyCC: Good for you for thinking about whether you were hungry or something else. AND for getting right back to your good habits! We are all going to have those emotional days and not do as well as we would like. I think it's great to compare what Pre-MFP behavior would have been and then move on!

    We got our Christmas Tree and I have half the lights on! (This is super early for me...I normally only want one around for about 2 weeks) But we have friends coming for dinner next weekend and then house guests, so it is now or never. It may take me a week to decorate it. I think I have to buy more lights every year. I wonder what happens to them? I must throw some away and forget the following year! Oh, this will only get worse each year, I fear! I have done very little shopping, so I have to get on that sometime. It will likely be online shopping mostly this year...that is so much easier to me!

    Take care, everyone! Kackie