30D of Shreddin Thru the Holidays (Open Group - All Levels)



  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    When I log it, it says I burn 284. If you weigh more it's going to burn more calories so I don't think your number is too far off.
  • Hi Shredders!

    Just finished Level 1, Day 9 and felt today that I'm ready to move on to Level 2. Mentioned in another thread that I did the Shred once before and got incredible results after just 18 days. I didn't lose a lot of weight but I think the inches can't be denied. Take a look for yourself and be encouraged to plug on. The first pics (with the green background) are just after 18 days. The ones following are after the 30 days.




  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    vow wannabalozer, that is a great inspiration. Thanks for sharing those pics :)
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Day 8, Level 1, Done! Looking forward to starting level 2 by the end of the week. Love to hear everyone's stories on how it's going.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Hi Shredders!

    Just finished Level 1, Day 9 and felt today that I'm ready to move on to Level 2. Mentioned in another thread that I did the Shred once before and got incredible results after just 18 days. I didn't lose a lot of weight but I think the inches can't be denied. Take a look for yourself and be encouraged to plug on. The first pics (with the green background) are just after 18 days. The ones following are after the 30 days.



    That's so awesome! Thanks for posting pictures! Can't wait to see my results at the end of this program. AWESOME!


  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Wannabalozer, you got some great results!! I love to see before and after pics...it's really inspiring to me! So, thanks to those who share them!

    I'm enjoying hearing about Level 2, though it's a way off.

    Great thread!
  • slr622
    slr622 Posts: 31
    Welcome to all the new Shredders! I hope you all find this thread as supportive and motivational as I have!

    Today was level two day seven and I'm toying around with the idea of moving on to level three a bit early. I'll probably do level two again tomorrow then move on! So exciting to feel myself getting so much stronger! I still sweat buckets and get out of breath but I feel like I'm ready for the next challenge. Plus when I checked the calendar I'm probably going to miss the last few of my 30 days because of family events and travel. This is going to end up being the 27 or 28 day shred :wink:

    As far as doing the advanced moves in level two I just hear Jillian in my head saying "You're *strong,* this is *easy* for you" and think, okay, whatever you say Jillian, you are the boss, lol! Really, it's super tough but totally worth pushing myself for, you all know what I mean :smile:
  • Sorry Guys I failed tonight : (

    Had a Domino's tonight..... and I didn't do the workout : (

    Sorry, I'll try harder tomorrow. I'm going to start Level 2 tomorrow
  • rhce40
    rhce40 Posts: 201 Member
    I haven't done insanity, but I understand from a lot of other posts that most people use the 30 day shred as a stepping stone to start insanity. However, I don't think this program will work well for you given your injury. There are lots of planks, push ups and weight lifting that cause ample stress on your wrists/elbows.

    I used to do Insanity but now that I am back in school I have found that my body can not keep up with those workouts. Has anyone done both and can compare the intensity level? I currently go to the gym 3-4 days/wk for 60-90 min but would love something more consistent. Thanks!

    Also I have somewhat of a restriction with my wrists/elbows (possible pinched nerve? working with the OT and hand surgeon to figure it out). anyway, do you guys think that the exercises are easily modified?

    dang, not what I wanted to hear but thanks! good luck everyone
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    I want to join! Yesterday Monday, Jan 5th I did day one of level one. I didn't do it today due to muscle soreness in my calves and thighs. I hope to be ready to continue on Wednesday.
  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    Man my thighs r so freaking sore today I'm dreading doing day 2 of level 1 but I want this so bad so I'm gonna suck it up and do it. Wish me luck lol.

  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    You can do it! I will be doing day 2 of level 1 this evening also!
  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    You can do it! I will be doing day 2 of level 1 this evening also!

    Alright lets do this lol

  • e1izab3th2
    e1izab3th2 Posts: 148 Member
    I was planning on restarting tomorrow, so I would love to join this group! The furthest I have made it to is day 20 this past summer...
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    Level 2 day 4 - well it wasn't quite the turn around I hoped for, but it is getting better. My shoulders are still my weakness but I did move up to some of the more advanced cardio moves today and it wasn't too bad. Even the plank twists are getting easier. Everybody has been great motivation to keep pushing myself when all I really want to do is stop so thank you!
  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    Just finished day 2 level 1 for some reason I didn't seem so sore while doing the workout thank GOD. But it was still a challenge took a few breaks but I made it though everything. Yay lol

  • Jenniferslast10
    Jenniferslast10 Posts: 36 Member
    Day 6 of level one--last day of level 1!!! Today my hubby decided he would show me up and did the whole thing with me...but with NO weights ( I told him to use cans/bottles but he didn't wan't to). And the funny part is that he was sweating by the end. Jillian kicked his butt :)
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    This is common and something that people should keep in mind when the are deciding against doing their work outs... soreness usually only rears it's face, before and after, but not during your work out. So, if you can try and keep up with them :)
    Congrats Alicia!

    Just finished day 2 level 1 for some reason I didn't seem so sore while doing the workout thank GOD. But it was still a challenge took a few breaks but I made it though everything. Yay lol

  • rosiebug
    rosiebug Posts: 53 Member
    Level 1 results: I only weigh-in on Sundays. Started on a Saturday and finished on a Monday so there might be a bit more to account for, but I was down 1.5 lbs after 9 workouts + 1 rest day. Unfortunately I don't have a measuring tape yet, but I did take pics. I can't see a difference yet, so I think I'll wait to post them once I have visible change, hopefully at the end of level 2.

    Level 2, Day 1: I think I'm dying. Jillian just kicked my butt all over the place. I had a very tough time with most of the plank moves - the only ones I was able to keep up with completely were the walk outs. I thought some of the strength moves were a lot harder too, but I'll probably get used to those faster than the planks! I wanted to see a bigger change in my body, and I'm sure this will get me there faster.

    Keep up the great work everyone! :)
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    Yay, another 30DS group!! I did the shred through November (lost a total of 10 lbs and 6") and then decided to do it again through December and add more cardio. I've been switching up the levels instead of doing 10 days of each like I did the first time. So I did 3 days of level 1, 1 day of level 1 & 2, and then 2 days of level 3 so far for December. I ordered a cardio "dance" video from Amazon, should be here any day now, in the mean time I just turn on a random cardio video from exercise TV. I took more measurements this time than the first time through, was also brave enough to take pictures (though I'm pretty sure I will NEVER be posting those-ugh!).