Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Name: Sharon
    Hubby/Partner: Kawika
    How many kids do you have: This \will be our 4th. A girl finally after having 3 boys
    Due Date: April 13, 2012
    How far along are you: 22 W 3D
    Do you know the gender: Girl
    Babies Name: Dont know first -Middle name will be Wailani (in Hawaiian it means Heavenly Water / Water of Heaven)
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Hawaii
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Walking, jogging, Lindsay Brin's Dvd prental fitness
    Fun Fact about yourself: My husband and I have been together for 19 years and married for 3. We've been together since high school. Had our first child when I was a senior. People are amazed that we are still together.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    I just got my other pregnancy workout DVD in the mail! WOOHOO!
    It's the SUmmer Sanders' Prenatal Workout by Gaiam :bigsmile:
    I'm going to try it tonight! YAY

    I just got this, too! I've head a chest cold since I received it though. Let me know how you like it!!!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi mommies.

    Rayna- Yes bra extenders lol I called them bra snaps, but I bet you understood me. I love them they are plenty of help. Glad you found something comfy.

    Misti- I agree with Kelley you are a superwoman.

    Ashley-Sorry to hear about your furbaby, hope things get better. Nice pix with your hubby, you guys look great.

    Taldie-I hope your baby gives in soon. Third time is a charm. Myabe drink some OJ before going in, I've heard it helps get the baby's to move.

    AFM: I took the 3hr test and just keeping positive thoughts that it will be ok. Made some veggie soup for dinner tonight and eating more greens the rest of the week.

    I haven't walked because it's at freeze warning at night since the weekend. I intend on doing some PNyoga tonight. I have to rant: Every contact I have tried to get some baby items:Play pen, swing, high chair on craigslist do not return the message. So WTH do they not want to sell or what? Right? lol Oh well I shall keep looking.

    ~Brenda~ 28wks today.
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Welcome to the new mommies/newcomers!
    Elce- your due date is Feb 5. ...That is my oldest birthday. Feb 4 is my middle son's bday...

    Better Bal--wow, amazing about you and your husband. Glad you tow got back together...

    Kristinbee-how come you already know you're having c-sect??

    80lbslost-glad you & baby is well.

    abeare--must be exciting for both sides of the family huh?!

    Well, i have about 15 more min til lunch break is over so i'm gonna squeeze in lindsay brin dvd and do what i can.
  • Roobean33
    So tired. I worked 3p-3a last night at the hospital. Just a normal shift today...but I am beat. Not as easy as it once was. So ready to snuggle up with the hubby & pup but I want to post real quick.

    Luna - lol to craigslist. Been there!
    Svgarcia - wow - good for you and your hubby- 19 years!
    Taldie01 - sorry baby wasn't cooperating. Stubborn lil' one
    Ashley - hoping your pup enjoys her new food and puts on some weight
    Cutmd - maybe a U/S would be a good idea if it would make you less nervous. Sorry it's been a tough week.
  • sas6575
    Name: Sarah
    Hubby/Partner: James
    How many kids do you have: 1 daughter, she will be 13 years old when baby arrives!
    Due Date: July 26th 2012
    How far along are you: 6 weeks 6 days
    Do you know the gender: No
    Babies Name:
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Lincoln England
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Walking 3-4 miles a day with ankle weights
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just a quick check in for me. My workout goals are not looking good this week but I can't stress about it. There is just too much to do. If I was really motivated I'd get up early and workout, but I can barely get up in time to be at work 15 minutes late. :smile: Plus I woke at 3am to pee and let the dog out and laid in bed for 1.5 hours last night so it was not happening this morning. Boo. I was going to go to yoga tonight, but we're going to run some errands and get a tree instead. Oh week is another week! I hope you all have fantastic days. We're halfway through the week! I've been drinking a ton of water so at least I am conquering that goal!

  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    I'd like to join. I'm 10 weeks today with number one (second pregnancy); I've been doing crossfit pretty hard since June. I competed in my first ever compeition last week at 9 weeks pregnant and did awesome. I lift Rx weight pretty regularly, and so far no issues have come of it, but this last week fatigue hit me pretty hard. It's already Wednesday and I haven't worked out yet! I'm hoping I can get my energy back soon.
    My goals are:
    -To continue with crossfit WODs 4 days a week
    -Log every bit of food that goes into my mouth.
    -drink more water. I don't get enough!

    I've lost 6 lbs in one week due to morning (more like all day) sickness, and I think that has to do with me not working out as much, as well. I gain and lose muscle very quickly. Anyway, thanks for the thread. I'm looking forward to getting to know you ladies and working out with you all!
    Happy Wednesday!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning Ladies!!

    Yesterday was a complete bomb...I stuffed my mouth all day and with nothing healthy I might add. Didn't get to do my workout last night either. Hubby's home and I'm taking FULL ADVANTAGE of him being home to help me get some last minute items done around the house (change air filters, move things to attic, re-arrange things) but he'll be working the rest of the weekend so I can put the focus back on what I need to do for me!

  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Morning all you beautiful incubators! Wish me luck, telling my boss that I'm preggo today. Hoping it goes well! Also unfortunately I'm up a pound and I'm just hitting 12 weeks tomorrow... booo! Have a lovely day all!
  • kellyrorie
    kellyrorie Posts: 47 Member
    Okay - About a week ago I said I'm trying...well yeah, I just found out a am pregnant! Cant wait to join up with others who are trying to stay fit too! Let the journey begin!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Good morning all you lovely momma's-to-be :smile:

    Well yesterday I went to my chiro appointment and it was more like active release therapy on my forearms, hands, wrists & shoulders. It felt really good and I can't believe how tight my forearms are! She thinks that could be a major cause of my hand pain and them falling asleep at night. BUT...sigh...last night again I woke up many many times because my hand (depending on which side i"m on) was totally asleep! Oh well, I think it's just one of those things that happens with pregnancy - she said treatments could help but not guaranteed, but she did say that it would stop after I have the baby, so just have to hang in there :wink:
    AND I figured out what this pressure/burning and pain has been in my chest/sternum area! It's heartburn! lol I feel a little dumb for not knowing but I've seriously never had heartburn once in my life before this so I just had no idea what I was experiencing. So yesterday I went out and bought some tums and drank tons of cold water and it reeeeeally helped :bigsmile: this morning I don't have that feeling anymore so hopefully I can go a day without it! That would be lovely!

    I didn't work out last night like I planned, but I'm really going to try to do my new DVD tonight - the Sandra Sander's workout. :bigsmile: I'm excited to try it. I ate ok yesterday not my best but was really happy with the amount of water I drank so that's a plus!

    My pregnancy photos are coming up January 7th - I'm trying to figure out ideas on what to do in the dead of winter here in Alberta lol...should be interesting. :happy: does anyone else have photos coming up?

    I have my obgyn appointment tomorrow afternoon

    Happy Hump day everyone! 2 more days until the weekend! :bigsmile:

    (28 weeks 6 days)
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    morning ladies!!!

    rayna - i hope you love the summer sanders...i really like her dvd! and i have to say i am right there with you on the heartburn thing...i have never had it so i would have NO idea how it feels! thats good you figured it out! i had something similar happen to me last night that i will write about in a second!!!

    stellcorb - GOOD LUCK!!!! it should go well...sending positive vibes your way today!!

    babeed - no worries about yesterday...we all have bad days...just jump back on the horse today :)

    AFM: last night definitely did not make my top 10 list! went to bed just feeling really uncomfortable...had no idea why i was feeling that way...but got to sleep pretty easily and almost slept through the whole night. i woke up around 5 am with this horrible cramping feeling in my lower abdomen ... just felt like bad period cramps and they would not go away. i had noooo idea what it was so i jumped online to do a little research. i didnt know if it was round ligament pain or maybe braxton hicks...but those both come and go...this was just sticking around and not getting better. so then i stumbled upon another topic...GAS!!!! I would have never thought in a million years that gas would feel like that. so it said to try walking around which is what i did and i ended up feeling so much better. got a glass of water and went back to bed for a tiny bit more before waking up. but let me tell was NOT comfortable at all...and definitely scary because i had no idea what it was.

    i have yoga tonight which i am totally looking forward to...OH and i weighed in this morning...only up .4 in the last that is a huge victory for me!!!

    hope everyone has a great day!!!

    jessica (29 weeks today!!!)
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Ashley: Sorry about the pup. Don't start missing her yet though. Make sure you enjoy the time you have with her that much more.

    Welcome Jane! Positive thoughts.
    Welcome jalyner!
    Welcome kellyrorie!

    Rayna: Have fun at the breastfeeding class! I took one through my hospital, and it was definitely informative. I think that classes will only prepare to an extent though. I think trial and error and determination are the most important aspects to learning to breastfeed. And listening to your body. I am actually doing my maternity photos this weekend. A little nervous because we are going for a art-sier take on the photos, and I'm not feeling real cute lately. My belly has POPPED in the last week or so. We'll see. The photographer is my cousin's fiancee so she is flexible. If they aren't looking nice, I'm sure we'll be able to change it up mid-shoot. If they come out nice, I'll post when I have them!

    Tara: Hang in there. Look at it this way, you get to see your baby that much more before you meet him/her.

    Brenda: Sorry to hear that the furniture shopping is getting frustrating. As annoying as it is, try try and try again.

    Denise: Had the same sorta day yesterday. Couldn't get enough of the junk. Oh's a new day.

    Christina: GOOD LUCK!!

    AFM: No workout yesterday, but major cleaning. I am crazy nesting, and decided at 8:30 last night to spend two hours scrubbing my floors. I have a feeling that aside from my walks, cleaning is going to be my main source of exercise over the next several weeks. I like to believe that I keep a clean house, but I just can't seem to get things clean enough these days. A mop doesn't cut it anymore. LOL. And I have to be honest, I ate like CRAP yesterday. I have had a craving for a Burger King whopper for weeks, and finally decided to satiate it. And then (as if that wasn't bad enough) when my husband and I were in Costco this weekend we discovered they started selling Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls....O-M-G...I LOVE THEM!, and last night I cracked the container open. :blushing: :blushing: I know. Terrible. BUT SO GOOD!! I am finding myself allowing indulgences a bit more frequently now that I am quickly nearing my due date. I don't know what it is, but I don't really feel guilty about it either. That scares me. I could easily gain 10 lbs in the next 5 weeks, so I had better get a handle on this.
    I have my next dr appointment tomorrow. Looking forward to it as I want to hear what he has to say about the last ultrasound images. Also we are discussing my birth plan, so a bit anxious because I am hoping he doesn't have many objections to my wishes.
    Heartburn is getting pretty bad at this point, and almost everything is causing it. Finding the only thing that helps it subside is keeping a hard candy in my mouth (Halls cough drops are my #1 pick) for as long as possible as soon as it flares up. I don't even feel that TUMS are doing much anymore. Oh well, I'll take it! I love being pregnant, and heartburn is such a small sacrifice, I shouldn't complain.

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
    35 weeks, 1 day
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Happy Hump Day!
    Welcome newbie mommies.

    Rayna- Good to hear your chiro appt left you feeling good. Exciting on your photos, you should check online for ideas, i bet there are many photgrpahers that have a website. I might have mine around that same time.

    Rosanna-I love sweets, and those sound yummy. Good luck on your OB appt.

    Jessica- I had a bad night too, I had dranked prune juice and let me tell you it wasn't working. I feel a lil better now after being able to release, but it was horrible.

    Stelcorb-Good luck. You have done great 1 lb is not bad at all at 12 weeks.

    AFM: I did find two sellers that had phone numbers & we met one up yesterday for a Graco swing I bought for $40. Today we are meeting another seller for the playpen. Yay!

    So my night was busy and have been having to prepare the hubbys lunch this week and I don't get time to workout.
    Since I was pooping struggling, I didn't sleep well & I'm so sleepy now.

    ~Brenda~ 28 wks 1 dy
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Just had a comment back to everyone to get me caught up and deleted it!!!!! UGH, now I have no time.

    Hope everyone is doing great!! Will try to update later!


    30 wks 4 days
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Name: Jalyn

    Hubby: Bryce

    How many kiddos: just the one on the way!

    Due Date: July 4th, 2012

    How far along are you: 10 Weeks

    Gender: no idea, but I'm secretly hoping for a boy.

    Baby name: Undecided

    Where do you live: southern Mississippi

    Workouts while pregnant: Crossfit WODs, The Firm workout dvds and Jillian Michael's dvds. I don't have any "pregnant" workouts yet.

    Fun fact about yourself: I've been a teacher for 8 years now. The first 5 years was teaching Deaf/Hard of Hearing children in self-contained and itinerent settings. I'm fluent in ASL and Manually coded English. I've taught Kindergarten for one year in my hometown (my favorite year EVER!) but I'm currently teaching 8th grade SpEd pre-algebra (hearing kiddos). I met my husband online and moved to his hometown in MS where I'm currently teaching. Husband got laid off so I'm the bread-winner (yikes!).
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    I wanted to add I was able to schedule a hospital tour and looking to schedule 2 more. My Ob delivers at 3 diff hospitals, one is so close to where I live & the other 2 are further out. I was rooting for th close one, because of the convenience for my hubby to drop my son at bus stop & go to work, but I have to see it first. Then the other two have better reps.

    Anyone else doing hospital tours or have already done them? What are you most concerned about? Me: I want post partum private room, do not want to share a room.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    I wanted to add I was able to schedule a hospital tour and looking to schedule 2 more. My Ob delivers at 3 diff hospitals, one is so close to where I live & the other 2 are further out. I was rooting for th close one, because of the convenience for my hubby to drop my son at bus stop & go to work, but I have to see it first. Then the other two have better reps.

    Anyone else doing hospital tours or have already done them? What are you most concerned about? Me: I want post partum private room, do not want to share a room.

    Luna, we did our hospital tour the same day we did the $$ consultation with our doctor. We had a choice of two and the closest one to us was out of the question. My SIL delivered there and I was just not at all impressed....

    The second location is a Presbyterian Hospital, so it's private not publically funded. Its 10 minutes out further. Here is what we were informed we would get:

    All rooms are the same size (upgrading is always extra cost)
    No sharing rooms. All rooms are private.
    Pre delivery is in one wing, post delievery/recovery is in another wing
    Mother gets a security bracelet & baby gets matching braclet that plays music if seperated for too long.
    Husbands meals are at the same time my meals would be & are included in the cost. So I don't have to worry about him leaving to eat or not eating
    The room as an actual bed for whoever staying, not a pull out
    State of the art technology. There is no "handwriting vitals" everything is viewed on the digital screen/TV
    Night before leaving the hospital will do a candlelight dinner for 2 and we'll recieve a small gift.
    Bathroom is small, but I did notice they had a built in chair for the shower (may come in handy)
    Pediatrician is also a doctor there. He told us he'll do the circumcision. (Need to ask my OB about this?)

    The nurse that did the tour with us also gave us a packign list of what we may need to bring/take. Needless to say, I have a suitcase in teh closet with 1/2 the stuff in it already!!

    At this point, I is what I have in my notes. If you come up with any additional questions- let me know!!
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Sorry for no updates! My computer died and I am still with out one. I wish the app allowed us into the message boards. Anyway I am 33 weeks pregnant and still rocking the workouts and feel amazing. I can't remember if I posted but since doing ChaLean Extreme I became a beach body coach and got AFAA Group Exercise certified and can not wait to teach. I have found a passion in fitness and am loving helping others see their potential and reach their goals.

    Exercises: I still do Chalean, I run and have another 5K in a few weeks, I do Zumba, kickboxing and core and strength. it is amazing how I feel since my last two pregnancies had me on meds the entire time and IV's.