What sparked "I'm going to lose that weight!"



  • mevfranklin
    mevfranklin Posts: 2 Member
    I just woke up one morning and thought, "I can't take this fat on my body ANYMORE!" plus, I want to be healthy when I have kids!
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    Spectacularly bad break up with ex. Wanted him to know what he was missing. 30 pounds later, he has seen the changes and is very impressed. Best thing is, now I don't want him back. I can and will do better!! :smile:
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    Turning 50.
    Having my dad tell me I was going to die and leave my son alone.
    Visiting a city I used to live in and not calling old friends because I didn't want them to see how fat I was.
    Feeling tired all the time.
    Hating to look in the mirror.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Well a number of things for me. My dad had a heart attack and found out he had Diabetes, I realized then that this could happen to me one day. A quote a friend of my posted "There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interest in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results - Kenneth Blanchard" This was a real kick in the butt to me. Then I posted something on facebook to one of my health nut friends, it was me being jealous is what it boil's down to, and he pretty much kicked me in the write direction with tough love. I have since realized he isn't a health nut or exercise junky, he is doing what is good for his body and wants everyone else to do it too and in hopes to being an inspiration. He is one of my biggest inspirations. Also my kids, when I run around and hear myself short of breath really fast, I know something needs to give. When I was diagnosed with Gestational diabetes in my pregnancy, and though I lost a lot of weight in my pregnancy and was no longer considered a diabetic after my pregnancy, I knew that my chances were really high and I had better do something about it now.

    So here I am 72lbs lighter :)
  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    Its been a rough few years, I've had four babies, one of which who passed away at 20 days old, I've had marital struggles, and recently seperated, and I just found myself really eager to dig the old me out of this mess and revive a little bit of who I used to be before life got rocky. I'm excited to be healthier and happier and more confidant for my kids, as well as for me. Its time to shake off this excess and feel free!

  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 425 Member
    I've been trying to find the motivation to lose the baby weight from my final kid for the last two years. Like some other folks, it was a picture that snapped me out of denial. I didn't recognize myself:


    Because I used to look like this before baby:


    And in the interim, my husband had a major career change--joined the military. I hate feeling embarrassed to meet the men and women he works with--especially his commanding officers--because I'm overweight. My husband doesn't care--he treats me as the sexiest thing on the planet no matter what size I am. Which, of course, makes me want to be fit all the more. A man like that deserves to have arm-candy for a wife! :)

    I can relate to you when it comes to your Husband. My Boyfriend treats me like I am the most beautiful, sexiest thing on the planet too........ even at 255 (my heaviest when we first meant a little over two years ago). I just want to show him how sexy I really can be :-) And bring out my inner beauty along with it! GO YOU for getting on the weight loss train..... and btw you have such a BEAUTIFUL family!!
  • amybell68
    amybell68 Posts: 275 Member
    having the doctor tell me I have to go on cholesterol meds!!! I said, no, and she said, well loose the weight and eat better, so I said okay!! and here I am!!!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I've finally become happy with my weight. If I were to stay 235 (current weight) for the rest of my life I would be fine, but now I want to be better! I started taking anti-depressants in May because my doctor and I thought I had chemical depression. Once I started taking them, I had LOADS of energy and lost 20 lbs (was almost 270)! I then felt better, joined MFP, and am finally losing more weight.

    However, I need to be honest... I wasn't really committed to logging everything. Then my super skinny sister challenged me to a two week test of logging everything under our calorie goal. Whoever went over first, or didn't log at all would buy sushi. Thus began our December Sushi Challenge! Now that I am taking EVERYTHING I eat and logging it, I have lost 5 more lbs bringing my total MFP weight loss to 15 lbs! My fiance and I joined a gym and I look forward to going.

    Now that I know weight loss is easy when you have a calorie deficit, I look forward to being a size 12 (or smaller) and living a looooong health life!
  • 6119231096_e17e1e1229.jpg

    The above photo was my breaking point. I thought I looked good then I got photographic proof that I did not!! I could hardly recognise myself, I had no collar bones but I did have back fat and I could feed a village with my arms.
  • FutureMsFit
    FutureMsFit Posts: 21 Member
    I thought one day "Life doesn't last forever and I have wasted 31 years not liking myself". "I want to feel skinny(healthy) for the first time in my life".

    Pretty much that :)

    Awesome and I feel the exact same way!!! Good for you!!! YAY!
  • I got a new doctor this past year who ordered a fasting blood test. The results were mostly good then it said that my cholesterol was above normal...I knew I had gained weight, but the potential health problems were what changed me.
    I also could no longer fit into any of my clothes ....i could squeeze into them and pretend but it made me look and feel awful.

    Now I fit my clothes, and I havent been back to the doctor but I feel 100% better
  • hooper1881
    hooper1881 Posts: 1 Member
    I am up at midnight with terrible back pain that causes me to vomit from the severe pain. This happened 2 months ago and I vowed to do something about it. I did really good for a few weeks and then totally fell off the wagon. Well, here is my wake up call AGAIN! I feel like such an idiot. I am totally bringing the pain on myself - and all for what? Cookies, ice cream & pizza? It's not worth it - I need to get serious & take control of my own life!!
  • It's great to hear what everyone has to say! I wish you all the very best on your weight loss journey!
    Cheers! :drinker:
  • steffy1724
    steffy1724 Posts: 24 Member
    looking at the scale and seeing it almost at the 200 lb mark. To look and feel good about myself.
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    coworker (male) told me he didn't recognize me when i was bending over at the watercooler and that i had put on some weight. that did it. i was mortified but i thank him still for giving me that wake up call.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    My pelvic fat was slowly eating my penis.
    Dr Oz said losing 35 lbs adds an inch in length. Now set a goal.
  • Dec. 27, 2010 I weighed the highest in my life 177. I had to keep my jeans unbuttoned and wear a sweatshirts over it so no one saw. But that day I was holding our baby girl and realized that I ant to make sure i walk her down the aisle someday so I decided something had to change. As I sat there I googled weight loss and MFP came up. I started logging that day and then started exercise soon after. Since that day I have lost 30 pounds and recently completed a half marathon.
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    my husband, he lost 45 lbs in 6 months! that was enough motivation for me
  • I've always been a bigger girl - when I was younger I was taller than everyone in my class (I hit 5'8" at eleven years old), and I started putting the weight on in high school. I'm still a little embarrassed to admit this, but I hit 200lbs in 2010 - and somehow, that was the year I got my first boyfriend EVER. He was slim and sweet and totally fine with my size, which was wonderful, but *I* was never fine with it. I would shy away from letting him see me or touch me - not because I thought he'd judge me, but because I didn't feel the least bit attractive or sexy. That was the biggest kickstarter for me. I joined a gym in January of this year.

    But to be honest, I spent a good five months half-assing it. I'd drag myself to the gym three times a week and then completely blow all my hard work in one day going out with friends. It was a really vicious cycle of self-sabotage and made me miserable. And there was one night at the end of May when I broke down crying as I talked to my mom. She handled things wonderfully, as moms do, and offered me some weight loss books. I scoffed at them and told her "programs like that are crap". She looked at me and went, "Why don't you try it? Just for one month and see how things go? What do you have to lose - except some weight?"

    Those words, finally, got through to me. Since June, I've lost 30lbs on my own! But I've hit a plateau and have had trouble kick-starting things again, which is where MFP comes in. I'm hoping that this will get me down into the 140s, a weight I haven't seen since I was in eighth grade!!
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I started at uni this september and moved into halls and absolutely hated every minute of it. I think I just picked the wrong uni for me because EVERYONE is into clubbing every single night and I'm more of a staying in and watching a film or sitting in the pub kind of person. Anyway so I stuck it out for a couple of months before moving back home and commuting to uni instead. I think I just felt like such a failure for moving back home that I decided I had to take control of SOMETHING and since I live right near a gym now i'm back home I'm focusing on getting in shape. I feel better that even though I gave up on living in halls of residence I'm at least doing something proactive.
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