Shredding the Holidays-Start Nov. 28



  • tcfamj100
    tcfamj100 Posts: 11 Member
    Great job everyone.

    Ghlt4--I'm discourage today too. I gained a pound. I keep thinking muscle weighs more than fat. I'm going to stick with it or something.

    I also think I pulled muscle in my back hurts to even walk around UGH. I think I will take a day off and just try to walk tomorrow.

    Have a great evening.
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
    Great Job, Everyone!

    Steph, I hope that your exams and everything go well.

    IngFit, WOW! You go through it twice? That is awesome!

    Ghlt4, I'm sorry that you're discouraged. Keep going strong! You are doing GREAT!

    Yeah, and today I did L3 twice and it was hard! A few months ago I did Insanity for 7 weeks and that was much more intense on the cardio part, but in this one there is more strength moves which seem to wear me out quicker. I'm definately sore the next day! That is why I'm taking at least one day a week off.
  • Finished Level 1 Day 8 :)
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
    Just wanted to add a few observations I have made along the way with starting new programs. A lot of people get discouraged (myself included) when they feel like they are working out really hard and eating right but don't see any results on the scale. At first I used to think it was just my age (47) but then I realized that it seems to happen with any vigorous/weight bearing exercises I do. I believe the more days you work out hard without a break to let your muscles heal and grow, which happens ironically while you sleep, the more inflamed your body becomes. Like right after I work out, even though I may have sweated a ton, I feel really bloated and thick. I think my body stays inflamed if I don't give enough rest between workouts. And so that means I must be retaining more water and therefore that scale stays the same.
    Does this seem to happen to any one else? Just curious
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    Just wanted to add a few observations I have made along the way with starting new programs. A lot of people get discouraged (myself included) when they feel like they are working out really hard and eating right but don't see any results on the scale. At first I used to think it was just my age (47) but then I realized that it seems to happen with any vigorous/weight bearing exercises I do. I believe the more days you work out hard without a break to let your muscles heal and grow, which happens ironically while you sleep, the more inflamed your body becomes. Like right after I work out, even though I may have sweated a ton, I feel really bloated and thick. I think my body stays inflamed if I don't give enough rest between workouts. And so that means I must be retaining more water and therefore that scale stays the same.
    Does this seem to happen to any one else? Just curious

    This is the first time I have done any workout like this. What you have described is just how I feel. Before starting this I was just doing Zumba and treadmill 5 days a week. I am doing the shred 6 days a week. I am going to stick with it, and hope by the end of 30 days I see results. I am just 2lbs off Onederland too, so the scale going up is bad timing!!

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • Been a little MIA... I missed a few days :( Today is technically my D7L1, but and how I have it marked on my calendar I'm supposed to start L2 tomorrow. I had it working with my schedule (family, holidays) so I'm thinking for the next 3 days doing doubles of L1 & 2. (To get the full 10 times of L1 in) Has anyone else done this?
  • Level 1 Day 10 Done~ Level 1 -Complete:drinker:

    got home today at 12:30 AM, Ended up forceing myself to do the shred today even know I started at 1:00 AM. Today was one of the hardest days most likely because being tired and worn out, but you know what something was kinda cool the thing I didn't have trouble with today was push ups I could do it way easier then I ever could before I mean I'm still helpless with guy push ups and it's not like girl ones arn't hard anymore but it's not like "my arms are going to give out under the weight" like it had been before ~ =3 Now I'm going to go to bed it's cold I'm tired and I'm shore and fell like throwing up a little because of a price of this chocolate pie I had eailer, And yet I fell good about doing the shred? Lol

    Night all!:yawn:
  • Good luck!!
    Do some heavy weights too in your programme
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    Can't believe I completed day 1 on level 2.

    I found it really hard!! I thought it was a big step up from level 1. The plank work was the hardest thing, that needs a lot of improvement!
  • Go for it!!!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    konpeito, good work getting it done.

    Ghlt4, Level 2 is very hard! Good job!

    Lynnieskinny, Welcome Back!

    Thanks for the encouragement, Shredded!

    Good Work, Everyone!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    L1, D9: finished!:happy:
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    I admit I fell off right away I have tried this 4 times however I thought about you all and started again on Sunday and I have consistently done it since then before going to work and then I do my evening workouts! I am looking forward to going to level 2 starting on Sunday!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hoping/trying to motivate myself to Shred within the next hour... and bike... I feel like I might just end up biking. :tongue: Leave me alone, Jillian!! :laugh:
    Steph, I hope that your exams and everything go well.
    Thanks Kate! The exam was super easy! One more to go! Lots of time to study.
    I believe the more days you work out hard without a break to let your muscles heal and grow, which happens ironically while you sleep, the more inflamed your body becomes. Like right after I work out, even though I may have sweated a ton, I feel really bloated and thick. I think my body stays inflamed if I don't give enough rest between workouts. And so that means I must be retaining more water and therefore that scale stays the same.
    Does this seem to happen to any one else? Just curious
    Take a a break whenever you feel you need it. Working your muscles day after day after day with no break is never recommended. I never went more than 6 days of the Shred without a day off. More often it was 5 days in a row, for my first round. I completed it in 37 days. I've read that working out is ABOUT resting, cause that is when your body does the work -- BETWEEN workouts. :wink: Do what you can do, but always listen to your body.
  • Just wanted to add a few observations I have made along the way with starting new programs. A lot of people get discouraged (myself included) when they feel like they are working out really hard and eating right but don't see any results on the scale. At first I used to think it was just my age (47) but then I realized that it seems to happen with any vigorous/weight bearing exercises I do. I believe the more days you work out hard without a break to let your muscles heal and grow, which happens ironically while you sleep, the more inflamed your body becomes. Like right after I work out, even though I may have sweated a ton, I feel really bloated and thick. I think my body stays inflamed if I don't give enough rest between workouts. And so that means I must be retaining more water and therefore that scale stays the same.
    Does this seem to happen to any one else? Just curious

    This seems to be happening to me with the scale but I did lose 4 inches last week and I haven't measured for this week yet. Do you measure?
  • Well today was day 9 of level 1 and its complete. A little frustrated went to the gym this morning and the door was still locked, suppose to be open at 8 (I live in a small town of 1500 so we are lucky to have a gym at all) and then when the guy finally opens the door the breaker for the cardio machines was blown and the manager was no where to be seen or heard to unlock the door for the breaker box room geez what a silly day this has been. I am so thankful that I can go home and still do my 30ds on days like this!
  • D8L1 & D1L2 Done!

    Whew... what a workout today! I really liked the doubles playing catch up though. (Plus, L2 is fun I think!)
    Everyone on here is so motivating! So glad to be back! Keep up the good work everyone :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    D1 L3!!! :happy: I full expect to see my little abs again after this level!!! :glasses:
  • Level 2 Day 1 done~

    I didn't expect how hard it would be today, I think my body was starting to get use to level 1 so it wasint being pushed harder each day, But today was diffrant it was hard! I didn't have a problum with sweating today either lol, All the plank moves where killing me, Not sure if I can do this level again but I have to try tomarrow but I dried to think how it will be with my muscles akeing and doing this level. (Poor foot started to heal and now it's going to be shore again for awile lol)

    I do have to admit though the ice skating like exercise was alot of fun X3

    Let's see what tomarrow brings
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    Level 2 Day 1 done~

    I didn't expect how hard it would be today, I think my body was starting to get use to level 1 so it wasint being pushed harder each day, But today was diffrant it was hard! I didn't have a problum with sweating today either lol, All the plank moves where killing me, Not sure if I can do this level again but I have to try tomarrow but I dried to think how it will be with my muscles akeing and doing this level. (Poor foot started to heal and now it's going to be shore again for awile lol)

    I do have to admit though the ice skating like exercise was alot of fun X3

    Let's see what tomarrow brings

    Great job, I wasn't expecting it to be as bigger jump up as it was. I found it very hard!
    You can do it, I didn't think I could do it again today, but, I did and I was able to go a little longer.:)