Pregnant and smoking



  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    I grew up with everyone in my family smoking - while pregnant, in the house or car with windows rolled up. Christmas involved us kids running around in a cloud of smoke. And they claimed it didn't affect us and asthma just runs in the family. Some of them smoked pot while pregnant, insisting it doesn't affect the baby. Yeah, learning disabilities run in the family too. :noway:

    It does affect babies and children, and it IS selfish.
  • holzjw1482
    holzjw1482 Posts: 120 Member
    Sounds like the friend who is still smoking while pregnant isn't handling the stress well through cigarettes anyways if she blew up at you.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Sooo... thoughts?

    I was a smoker both times I got pregnant. When I found I was pregnant, quit cold turkey.

    I have had some friends smoke less while pregnant but still continues to do so.

    In a discussion with a friend, she stated that someone who is pregnant and smokes is not selfish. I had to disagree.. to which she blew up that some people just can't handle stress, blah blah blah. And, again I had to say.. yeah.. but its still selfish.. LOL

    Sorry in advance for all the preggo smokers I just offended. :flowersforyourbaby:

    You mentioned that you stopped smoking with BOTH Pregnancies...WHAT did You do in-between pregnancies and NOW? Did You go BACK to smoking? Look, it is great that you stopped while you were pregnant; But let's face it, You can't "Braq" or be judgmental.

    What about SECOND Hand Smoke around your kids? What about the example you are setting for your kids? My Sister did the Same thing you did...Stopped smoking while pregnant. BUT NOW, even I can't stay in a room when she smokes, I refuse to, but the kids have no choice. ALSO, one of her kids IMITATES her smoking, all he wants to do when he is old enough (old enough to hide what he is doing) is Smoke. So you may feel "self righteous" but second hand smoke and example you set may be just as bad!
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    So... the cravings of a mother outweigh the well being of the fetus? Help me out here.
    I posted before, I never did smoke. But I took other risks' just for fun' essentially (my example before was driving). How do you feel about all of the other risks associated with pregnancy? How about if a pg woman in line in front of you at Subway eats a cold cut sandwich without microwaving the cold cuts first? Is she awful? KWIM?

    Don't get me wrong, I do judge 'the big stuff.' But I think there are a lot of things in life that are risks, that we all chose to take. You didn't take one, that's great, but the reality is, you probably took another. It's not ideal, but we rarely live ideal lives-- smoking is a super un-PC risk, but the reality is, we all take unecessary risks.

    Maybe I feel this way because I know too many women very involved with childbirth who (secretly, but not so secretly) think people who get epidurals, or end up with C-sections, or don't BF "long enough" are not good enough mothers.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    The last time I was pregnant I smoked through the whole pregnancy. I can't tell you how the baby really turned out since as soon as it was born I traded it for an entire herd of camels on the black market.

    Its crazy the kinds of deals you can get for a halfer baby on the black market these days!
  • Sooo... thoughts?

    I was a smoker both times I got pregnant. When I found I was pregnant, quit cold turkey.

    I have had some friends smoke less while pregnant but still continues to do so.

    In a discussion with a friend, she stated that someone who is pregnant and smokes is not selfish. I had to disagree.. to which she blew up that some people just can't handle stress, blah blah blah. And, again I had to say.. yeah.. but its still selfish.. LOL

    Sorry in advance for all the preggo smokers I just offended. :flowersforyourbaby:

    You mentioned that you stopped smoking with BOTH Pregnancies...WHAT did You do in-between pregnancies and NOW? Did You go BACK to smoking? Look, it is great that you stopped while you were pregnant; But let's face it, You can't "Braq" or be judgmental.

    What about SECOND Hand Smoke around your kids? What about the example you are setting for your kids? My Sister did the Same thing you did...Stopped smoking while pregnant. BUT NOW, even I can't stay in a room when she smokes, I refuse to, but the kids have no choice. ALSO, one of her kids IMITATES her smoking, all he wants to do when he is old enough (old enough to hide what he is doing) is Smoke. So you may feel "self righteous" but second hand smoke and example you set may be just as bad!

    i couldn't agree more with you
  • WarriorMom2012
    WarriorMom2012 Posts: 621 Member
    I grew up with everyone in my family smoking - while pregnant, in the house or car with windows rolled up. Christmas involved us kids running around in a cloud of smoke. And they claimed it didn't affect us and asthma just runs in the family. Some of them smoked pot while pregnant, insisting it doesn't affect the baby. Yeah, learning disabilities run in the family too. :noway:

    It does affect babies and children, and it IS selfish.

    While I wholeheartedly agree with smoking during pregnancy being selfish and wrong, I am bothered when people use themselves or others as proof for their point.

    My whole family were smokers as well...while pregnant, in the house, in the car. My mother smoked both cigarettes and pot while pregnant with me and during my entire childhood. She used to have parties where everyone was drinking and smoking cigarettes and pot.

    I do not have asthma or a learning disability or any other "smoke" related heath issues. I know people who have gotten lung cancer who never smoked a day in their lives or were around people who did.

    I believe that people are born with a predisposition and your environment can "speed up" the process.

    That's my two cents...let the bashing begin...
  • patty1138
    patty1138 Posts: 196 Member
    Whatever I smoked with both kids as well. No its not the best idea however lets not throw stones. I have since stopped smoking for 4 months now. The electric cigerette has helped tremdously.
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    You know what? I'm not really a judger on the "Mommy Wars." I'm just not.

    Of course it's bad to smoke while pregnant. I never did (wasn't a smoker anyway). But I took other risks. Maybe worse risks. I got in my car, and QUITE LITERALLY risked my unborn children's lives most every day of each pregnancy. Sometimes I only did it for fun-- I wanted to go to the mall! Well, it could have killed them. Happens everyday. I would need a true scientific assessment to say that smoking is more or less dangerous to one's life than car travel...
    I even still do it now. My kids are in carseats, & I drive safely, but tonight when I take them to Karate just for a "WANT" (not a "need"), we will be risking their lives in the car.

    I also got the epidural (except the last time, when she came too fast, and weighed almost 10 lbs, but I digress), etc, etc, etc. Unless it's REALLY greivious, we're just all on the honor system to do the best WE can do. The best "you" can do isn't always the best everyone else can do. Maybe you ate lunch meat while you were pregnant. You have to try to be safe, but still live.

    Hmm...well you children may not "need" to go to karate but did you "need" to go to work everyday? Or was that a want too?
    Because I need to breath and that could have been harmful to my two unborn children as see all the polution we have out there?
    There is no "need" to smoke that is a want...period!

    And yes I am completely AGAINST smoking while pregnant and I am not afraid to "judge" or voice my opinion in that matter either!
  • WarriorMom2012
    WarriorMom2012 Posts: 621 Member
    Sooo... thoughts?

    I was a smoker both times I got pregnant. When I found I was pregnant, quit cold turkey.

    I have had some friends smoke less while pregnant but still continues to do so.

    In a discussion with a friend, she stated that someone who is pregnant and smokes is not selfish. I had to disagree.. to which she blew up that some people just can't handle stress, blah blah blah. And, again I had to say.. yeah.. but its still selfish.. LOL

    Sorry in advance for all the preggo smokers I just offended. :flowersforyourbaby:

    You mentioned that you stopped smoking with BOTH Pregnancies...WHAT did You do in-between pregnancies and NOW? Did You go BACK to smoking? Look, it is great that you stopped while you were pregnant; But let's face it, You can't "Braq" or be judgmental.

    What about SECOND Hand Smoke around your kids? What about the example you are setting for your kids? My Sister did the Same thing you did...Stopped smoking while pregnant. BUT NOW, even I can't stay in a room when she smokes, I refuse to, but the kids have no choice. ALSO, one of her kids IMITATES her smoking, all he wants to do when he is old enough (old enough to hide what he is doing) is Smoke. So you may feel "self righteous" but second hand smoke and example you set may be just as bad!

    i couldn't agree more with you

    Whether it's 90* or -9*, I go outside to smoke. I don't smoke in the car. I don't smoke in the house. I don't bring my children into homes where people smoke inside. I think we are more than capable of being good, moral parents while still being adults. You have never had a beer while your children were in the home?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I smoked when i was pregnant with my son but I was 18 at that time and my cigarette habit was maybe 1 or 2 a week and with my daughter I smoked 2 cigarettes a day.I was fresh of a meth addiction when I got pregnant with her so I just couldnt get past the cigarettes compleatly.I still smoke but there is no smoking in my house our cars I dont give a crap if its snowing everyone goes outside
  • I think it pisses me off because my 1 year old has tremendous health issues. And her grandmother still tried to smoke around her knowing it could send her to the emergancy room. Smoking involving unborn children and children of any age is a very touchy subject for me. I don't mean to piss anyone off but sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do because it will benifit someone else. Children are too small to have a say in it. So its up to us to be the responsible ones and do whats right.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Sooo... thoughts?

    I was a smoker both times I got pregnant. When I found I was pregnant, quit cold turkey.

    I have had some friends smoke less while pregnant but still continues to do so.

    In a discussion with a friend, she stated that someone who is pregnant and smokes is not selfish. I had to disagree.. to which she blew up that some people just can't handle stress, blah blah blah. And, again I had to say.. yeah.. but its still selfish.. LOL

    Sorry in advance for all the preggo smokers I just offended. :flowersforyourbaby:

    You mentioned that you stopped smoking with BOTH Pregnancies...WHAT did You do in-between pregnancies and NOW? Did You go BACK to smoking? Look, it is great that you stopped while you were pregnant; But let's face it, You can't "Braq" or be judgmental.

    What about SECOND Hand Smoke around your kids? What about the example you are setting for your kids? My Sister did the Same thing you did...Stopped smoking while pregnant. BUT NOW, even I can't stay in a room when she smokes, I refuse to, but the kids have no choice. ALSO, one of her kids IMITATES her smoking, all he wants to do when he is old enough (old enough to hide what he is doing) is Smoke. So you may feel "self righteous" but second hand smoke and example you set may be just as bad!

    its called going OUTSIDE and not smoking IN the car.
  • i don't drink or smoke at all. For my 21st birthday i sat at home with my children and i was just fine with that. there are healthy ways to have fun and let out out stess or whatever.
  • Sooo... thoughts?

    I was a smoker both times I got pregnant. When I found I was pregnant, quit cold turkey.

    I have had some friends smoke less while pregnant but still continues to do so.

    In a discussion with a friend, she stated that someone who is pregnant and smokes is not selfish. I had to disagree.. to which she blew up that some people just can't handle stress, blah blah blah. And, again I had to say.. yeah.. but its still selfish.. LOL

    Sorry in advance for all the preggo smokers I just offended. :flowersforyourbaby:

    You mentioned that you stopped smoking with BOTH Pregnancies...WHAT did You do in-between pregnancies and NOW? Did You go BACK to smoking? Look, it is great that you stopped while you were pregnant; But let's face it, You can't "Braq" or be judgmental.

    What about SECOND Hand Smoke around your kids? What about the example you are setting for your kids? My Sister did the Same thing you did...Stopped smoking while pregnant. BUT NOW, even I can't stay in a room when she smokes, I refuse to, but the kids have no choice. ALSO, one of her kids IMITATES her smoking, all he wants to do when he is old enough (old enough to hide what he is doing) is Smoke. So you may feel "self righteous" but second hand smoke and example you set may be just as bad!

    While I'm not sure what "braq" is I'm pretty sure she wasn't bragging or being judgement.... as she stated she was asking for thoughts and opinions.....
  • I grew up with everyone in my family smoking - while pregnant, in the house or car with windows rolled up. Christmas involved us kids running around in a cloud of smoke. And they claimed it didn't affect us and asthma just runs in the family. Some of them smoked pot while pregnant, insisting it doesn't affect the baby. Yeah, learning disabilities run in the family too. :noway:

    It does affect babies and children, and it IS selfish.

    VERY WELL STATED!!!! :0)
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Hmm...well you children may not "need" to go to karate but did you "need" to go to work everyday? Or was that a want too?
    Because I need to breath and that could have been harmful to my two unborn children as see all the polution we have out there?
    There is no "need" to smoke that is a want...period!
    No, I'm an at-home mom (for the subsequent pregnancies), and in my situation I didn't "need" to work when I was pg with the first. I also didn't NEED to take my baby to the gym this morning in the car. That's what I'm saying, do you see what I mean? I CHOOSE to take that risk. I drove her to the gym, I tried to mitigate the risk by putting her in a carseat, I put her in the gym daycare, I tried to mitigate some inherent risks there by washing her hands after and having her immunizations up to date.
    If my only concern was her safety, I could keep her in a bubble at home all of the time. Instead, sometimes I choose to "risk her life" by taking her in the car (& other things), just for our enjoyment-- we'll probably go to the mall tomorrow. EVERY parent does stuff like this. If you "have" to go to work, I feel pretty certain you do other things where if nothing else, you put your kid in the car sometime when you really don't "have" to.

    That's all. We all take risks. Maybe you had one sip of your husband's champeign at a wedding while pg (& maybe you didn't). Maybe you ate cold cuts (& maybe you didn't), or soft cheese, or soda. Let he who's never sinned cast that first stone, really, that's all. Because none of fit that bill.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm plenty judgemental. I just think for the risk factor, for the reward factor, for the risks *I* took (& you did too, realistically), there but for the Grace of God go I. Do your best. I'm not going to pretend smoking's not bad, but I'm also not going to pretend a friend is so stupid that they need me to educate them on it.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    While in theory I agree with you, in practice I don't. My reason for that is that I worked with a woman who was newly married at 35 (had been married at 18 a son at 20 and her husband died at 21). She was a heavy smoker and she and her new husband wanted a child together. She was on a prescription to quit smoking (the patch I believe) which gave her false negative pregnancy tests. When she went to her Dr. he told her that at her age/health/etc. if she quit smoking cold turkey she had a much higher chance of miscarriage. He recommended she stop the patch immediately and then smoke as little as she could trying to wean herself off. She did that and had a healthy baby.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    All I'm saying is that obviously people have been having babies for thousands of years.

    For some of those years, im sure women were smoking and drinking while carrying a child.

    And yet we're still here...

    Yes, and we have a continually increase in disease and disorders, so obviously the things we are doing to ourselves are impacting our society for the long term. That being said, the fact that some people do and some people don't smoke through pregnancies has had the result of giving researchers controlled groups and large amounts of information with which to make a determination about the short and long term effects that smoking during pregnancy has on the fetus, and then child. Just simply saying "and yet we're still here" isn't really a valid argument as to the selfishness of it, or an informed one on which to base a decision that will impact a person through their entire life.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    While in theory I agree with you, in practice I don't. My reason for that is that I worked with a woman who was newly married at 35 (had been married at 18 a son at 20 and her husband died at 21). She was a heavy smoker and she and her new husband wanted a child together. She was on a prescription to quit smoking (the patch I believe) which gave her false negative pregnancy tests. When she went to her Dr. he told her that at her age/health/etc. if she quit smoking cold turkey she had a much higher chance of miscarriage. He recommended she stop the patch immediately and then smoke as little as she could trying to wean herself off. She did that and had a healthy baby.

    Yes, but even in this case the doctor suggested that she quit, just not cold turkey. It was the same for one of my friends. The doctor didn't say "it's okay as long as it's at a minimum" he said "you need to quit and do it safely."