What do you eat for breakfast?

Hi Everyone,

Just wondering what you eat for breakfast that keeps you going until morning tea?

I normally have porridge with berries or cereal but i have notice since i've been eating cottage cheese with chopped tomatoes and then a piece of fruit i feel more satisfied. I LOVE porridge though and i know it's good food but the cottage cheese just fills me up more...i eat half of the small container.


  • Ashleysh22
    Ashleysh22 Posts: 204 Member
    i pretty much eat 1 of 2 things. Either shakeology (which I just got more of today! woohooo!) or cereal. I freakin love both of these options. In fact, today I had cereal for lunch :) and considering shakeology for dinner

    also - on saturdays I like to make scrambled eggs and toast
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have cream of wheat and coffee every morning. I'm not a huge breakfast person (never have been, but I do think it helps keep me on track with binge eating, so I eat it) and I don't want a lot in my tummy when I first wake up. Cream of wheat is perfect for me. It will usually keep me full for 3-4 hours after I've eaten it - which gives me enough time to wake up and want something more to eat. :)
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    fage w/honey or pita and hummus. I generally have about 15 minutes to eat/prepare breakfast. So, I don't eat things that require any preparation.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    sometimes nothing.
    sometimes eggs with bacon and toast or a scramble with tomatoes, onions, peppers egg and cheese.
    cream of wheat or oatmeal (not little flavored packets). or greek yogurt with fresh fruit. or a clif bar
    just depends on my mood and how hungry i am
    my favorite is an everything bagel with an egg, bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado
  • I have coffee
  • i eat two eggs with a piece of whole grain toast with lemon green tea !!!!
  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    I have either 1 packet oatmeal with 1/2 cup milk OR 1/2 vanilla yogurt and 1/2 cup granola
  • brookelyn2030
    brookelyn2030 Posts: 84 Member
    Kashi 7 Multigrain flakes, Silk Organic Unsweetened Soymilk (I'm the weirdo, the vanilla flavored is nasty!!) and some blueberries or raspberries. Keeps me full for a long time.
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    Oatmeal made with skim milk with honey and cinnamon or english muffin/toast and boiled egg (sometimes with a slice of ham and cheese) and a glass of milk. I sometimes have fruit = apple, strawberries, melon or pineapple.
  • RicSnyder
    RicSnyder Posts: 129 Member
    6 egg whites on either Ezekiel bread or Arnold's multi-grain flat buns. If I feel like some extra calories I will throw in a Shakology shake. And coffee, of course.
  • Depends on what I'm feeling like having.

    Sometimes I just eat yogurt with some of the Kashi toasted berry crisp in it .. a lot better than granola in my opinion. If i'm on the run on the morning I slept in and have class I'll just throw a scoop of protein powder in water or meal replacement until I make it home, or two hardboiled eggs and an apple. If i'm feeling REALLLLY elaborate (doesn't happen often) Bodyrock.tv has a recipe for protein pumpkin spice pancakes that's pretty amazing. Any other normal morning I have oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder in it, two eggs and a slice of toast or an egg sandwich like thing with egg white and cheese on a whole wheat english muffin.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Quaker weight control maple and brown sugar oatmeal and a banana on the side. Yum yum gotta have it everyday!
  • Oatmeal with Almond milk, crasins and raisins or english muffin, 2 turkey patty sausage and american cheese (think Sausage McMuffin from McD's) with 1/2 the fat and less calories.
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    On most mornings, I eat a smoothie made of The Organic Whey protein powder, a banana, some strawberries & blueberries, and light vanilla soymilk. Yum!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    LATELY it's >BKFST#1 OATS w/either 1 cup of frozen blueberries or raspberries (accompanied by HOT chocolate) followed by BKFST#2 1whole egg, 2 egg whites, 1-2cups spinach (nice omlette), 2 corn tortillas, sometimes with Tapatio HOT Sauce (or feta).
  • most of the time i dont eat breakfast but when i do, i tend to enjoy special k cereal
  • Kashi Go-Lean Crunch cereal with flaxseed and half a banana or a banana protein smoothie.

    Love both options.

    I also cottage cheese every day, but for lunch along with fruit.
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    One of three things:

    2 or 3 eggs, sometimes with a piece of whole wheat toast or sometimes as a sandwich with veggies and maybe a slice of cheese depending on how many cals I can afford

    1/2 cup steel cut oats cooked with a scoop of protein powder, a tablespoon of pumpkin butter from Trader Joe's (peanut butter is good too), and some frozen blueberries.

    Kashi golean crisp toasted berry crumble with some yogurt mixed in and some fruit.

    Out of the three, the egg sandwich or the oatmeal are the most filling. Each meal about 500 cals.
  • dida_57
    dida_57 Posts: 45 Member
    I eat eggs for breakfast almost everyday and a cup of black coffee with truvia.