

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Amanda, I share your frustration……..no matter what I do, I can’t get my cholesterol down enough through diet and exercise to get off the medications……I tried an herbal remedy instead of the statin prescribed by the doctor and my cholesterol shot up again…..so I am resigned to taking medication even though I don’t want to.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, I have to limit my computer time or I don’t get enough exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Maria, I think we are all slow losers but we just keep on keeping on and never, never, never give up

    :bigsmile: I found a new friend who will come over and walk with me. It is my goal to meet friends for exercise rather than lunch or sitting. She doesn’t mind the cold weather and is pleasant to talk to.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    December goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for at least an hour every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga five days a week

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • beth535
    beth535 Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    A minor victory last night: I talked myself out of middle-of-the-night eating and drank water instead!! I wake up at least once overnight, often coming out of a dream, and something propels me to sit up and be conscious. Very annoying, but I'm used to it. Someone suggested drinking water instead. But the voice in my head about eating is so strong I don't always do that. Last night while the angel was on one shoulder and the devil on the other, actually arguing about whether I would enter whatever I ate in my diary, I overruled them both!

    Now that I've been drinking LOTS more water, I'm learning that a lot of the time what I think is hunger is actually thirst. Also, my perpetually dry skin is pretty much non-existent when I've had enough water. Nice benefit!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did an hour of a workout on the bosu today. Tomorrow...deep water aerobics.

    Went to mahjongg, maj'd once.

    Boy, I've been absent for a few days, and we're already on page 7. Gotta keep up.

    Ok, did the deep water workout on Wed. Thurs did an hour long Jari Love Ripped Slim and Lean DVD, then Fri did some HIIT, today (Sat) is yoga. The Newcomers are having their holiday party tonight, so tomorrow I should probably do some hula hoop on the Wii

    A friend of mine is having an open house to see her nativities (her hubby was in the army so she has a lot of unique ones). Originally I told her I'd come but only if I could bring something. Honestly, I was thinking one, maybe two things. Well, she wrote back saying that she's working this week and can use all the help she can get. So it was back to the oven for me. I made her magic cookie bars, butterscotch chip spice cookies, chocolate cookies with white chocolate chips, a banana chocolate cake, and she asked me to make my cheesecake in a 9 x 13 pan. I'd never done that. So I'm leaving the cutting of the cheesecake to her....lol

    Went and bought some shrimp. I'll take that to the social. I did make my last cookies last night...chocolate mint. A friend had made them last year and I thought they were pretty good. I'm a bit surprised how many one batch of dough makes. Maybe it would help if my cookies weren't so small.

    Made pierogi for Christmas Eve. Every year I throw out some dough so I thought I'd be real smart last year and froze some. Well, I didn't make nearly as many as I usually do. I normally make around 100, this year I only made around 50. I had extra farmer cheese, and at that price, I froze the extra. I wasn't about to throw THAT out.

    Went to see TSO in concert again on Wed. They are awesome. Honestly, there were things in the second show that I'd missed the first time around.

    kathie - I don't trust those scales that say they measure your body fat. Body fat can be affected by so many things (like hydration). To me, the best thing to use are caliphers.

    Welcome all the new members.

    western - what a lovely picture!

    Jam - so sad to read this. Of course, he'll be in my prayers

    beth - good for you on your victory. Any victory is a victory.

    Better go have breakfast, then go to yoga. Hope everyone has a great day.

  • thumperj2u
    thumperj2u Posts: 25 Member
    Itamatgo just want to thank you for sharing about growing older. I so needed this today and you are so right. You have made my day and week-end. Hope you have a wonderful day and the "Best" of holidays....:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all,.....just bought the 17 day diet ...anyone on here doing this plan.....any advice would be appreciated:flowerforyou:
  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 181 Member
    Pam3 - Let me know what it's like ok?
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    :smile: Welcome christmaspudd happy to have you!
    :noway: Macmadame how the heck can a scale measure bone and muscle mass of body segments? Do you put one arm on then the other?:laugh:
    :love: BirdieM you are so encouraging, thanks for the "Just for today you can..." reminder. Amen! "tend not to have as much work to do"... when the boss is out traveling.. imagine that!:bigsmile:
    :heart: Jane "warm ha ha 30 degrees" your heart is certainly warm!
    :wink: Barbie "yoga mats laid out and dvd ready" Planning to succeed?
    :flowerforyou: Viv TaDAA! Well done!
    :flowerforyou: Kathie Con VERY gratulation on both your achievement, and "put them back again" well done!
    :happy: Pam Willing to share the red beans recipe your son so loves?
    :tongue: Deeders Thanks for the ticker info
    :smooched: Joyce What a cutie!
    :mad: Amanda Grr indeed!:angry: How aggravating to have to double meds after taking off so much weight. :explode: I'd be dissatisfied with the Dr's non-answer too. :grumble: Have you ever considered yoga? More meditation might lead to reduced medication... getting down on the mat IS the hardest part.:laugh:
    :heart: Kackie What a good, healthy, comforting lunch gift for you to give Judy, and some socializing too. You are a great friend.
    :love: Beth We're so glad you found us too! :flowerforyou: ConVERYGratulations on your 10 month smoke-free accomplishment! That is THE most important thing you can do for your health and yourself. I too log food prep, laundry/ironing, even shopping... but only on days when I need 'em to keep me under... or even close...:tongue: As for the "E" word, I have always loathed it. :noway: Fun, now, that's another thing. :laugh: Dance class (Zumba=a sweaty laugh fest, line dance=good for both mind and body and great people, Scottish Country Dance=aerobic and flirtatiously social) is fun. :bigsmile: Walking dogs is fun. Treadmills are NOT FUN:noway: so I don't! Going up & down the scale (and I don't mean piano practice) is what I've been doing the past 6 months. :huh: But I'm celebrating:drinker: that its not all UP back to where I was and worse. I'll be intersted in responses to your "support not advice" post. Didn't realize I shouldn't put my oar in unless a specific question was asked. :noway: Hope Amanda wasn't offended by the yoga suggestion.:embarassed:
    :brokenheart: Jeannie Hope the experimental treatment opens the way for a miracle. :heart:"at least looking after myself at all" Yes Please DO!
    :love: Sally thanks for reminding me I can book or schedule some activity today. It's going to be a dogwalk for sure, soon as the mercury breaks freezing.
    :flowerforyou: Maria, welcome! Slow losing is still losing. Good job!
    :happy: asugar HAPPY birthday!
    :smile: Michelle so good to hear from you again, was missing your posts.
    :wink: Thumperj, welcome!

    Retirement Practice Wednesday: got out the mat, did 2 of the chiro stretches, went to line dance class and kept beer to a pint or less. Yay!

    Back to work Thursday. Friday was our Employee Appreciation breakfast where the mgt team cooks for the staff. It's always a blast, but not many healthful choices. Was too pooped to log last night, filled in the blanks this morning. Kept within calorie limits, thanks to a 2 hr line dance.

    Today hoping my SIL comes over for a soak and a chat. Plan to start candy making prep, but first it's shoes on and Dixie walking NOW!
    Hugs to ALL,

    animal-emoticon-0064.gifBarbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    December 2011: dance more, bark less, hit that protein goal, HoliDAY not HoliWEEKEND and CHECK IN!!! :)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    @auntiebk......red bean soup/stew

    1lb dry red beans (i use whatever brand is on sale)

    2 med onions or 1 large

    lots of garlic(modify to taste)

    1 chorizo(i use GOYA)

    2 bay leaves

    1 or 2 carrots

    1 green pepper

    put the red beans in a slow cooker...6 cups of water....add salt to your taste as well as pepper.....add bay leaves

    now in a NINJA or food processor place all the veggies and chorizo and chop...when done place 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a pan and saute the veggies and chorizo...once done, the onions tender, place in the slow cooker with the beans....in my cooker it takes about 5 -6 hours.....if you soak the beans overnight and cook them in a pot on the stove....the slow cooker is just more convenient for me...i dont have to watch it as often....hope you enjoy.....sorry it took me a while, put i had to write the recipe down, i just do it from memory,,,,,

    i use this recipe with black beans, lentils...with the black beans i put in a red pepper....
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!All.Hope everyone has a great week-end.Went to a Christmas party at church and had a great time.Stuck to my food plan and enjoyed the night.
    Cold here this am,snow dusting on the ground.temp of 13.Did get my 20 min walk in.
    So many new faces welcome.
    I too am a slow looser.Been working on this since 2006.But it`s a lifestyle change and I`m learning to eat healthy and not over exercise to compensate for extra food.I have a thyroid condition also.It`s one day at a time for me.
    I`ve lost 118 lbs and still have a few more to go.But I didn`t enter a contest to loose at a certain date.
    I think as I get older I know a lot more than I did before about diets etc.Everyday is a new day to embrace and make the most of it.
    Some days I want to quit,but quitters never win.
    HUGS to you all
  • Susan0816
    Susan0816 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello everyone:win:embarassed:

    Guess I not very observant as I just found this link. I have read most of the post and am amazed of the the tips I have received and how I can relate to so many.

    I admire each and every one of you for your determination and dedication at this time of year. Everything is so hectic and there is so many activities going on we tend to put our needs last.

    My goal for December was to lose 1-2lb a week and Christmas week to not gain anything and increase my water intake.
    I am confidant that I can do it as I was placed on a semi-bland diet last week for a month. The first two days were really hard:frown: but it is getting easier. Christmas eve and Christmas day will be hard and I may sway a little.

    Well I better go get another load of wood and stock the fireplace.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I am doing the 17 Day Diet. I really like that it changes every 17 days. I was stuck in what I was doing and I realized that I was sloppy with a bite here and there. I am now on Cycle 3 Day 1. I lost about 11 lbs in Cycle one ( followed that to a tee) and I basically maintained in cycle2 ( but I had some parties and special events). It does make sense to keep your body guessing. I got the book out of the library and the information. There are good websites and there is a group here for this....helps with ideas and resources. I did buy the workbook today and then next round one I start (probably after the first of the year), I plan to use that.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: I am using the first commandment from “The Thin Commandments Diet” book
    “Strategy is stronger than will power” We took friends to lunch (our big meal) at the Chinese Buffet (a dangerous place for someone watching calories) and before I went I set up my strategy
    eat vegetables and a bit of chicken, don’t eat rice, noodles, dumplings, beef, pork, anything breaded and fried. So I had a lot of vegetables, a bit of chicken, ate with chopsticks (to eat slower) and felt full and didn’t consume a ton of calories.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, choosing water over food is a great victory…..when I accidentally wake myself up in the middle of the night by thinking too much, I move to the guest room and read until I fall asleep

    Michele, with all the cooking you do, you could start a catering business
    :flowerforyou: Barbara, you are such a supportive friend, responding to everyone so personally and so often

    :flowerforyou: Jane, good for you, getting in a walk even in cold temperatures……thank you for all your encouragement…you lift us all up with your positive attitude

    :flowerforyou: Susan, I’m glad you found us……what do you eat on your bland food diet?

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I slept later than usual today so I got to walk the dogs primarily in daylight which meant that we got to walk in the open grassy areas rather than on the streets……the dogs love being able to sniff for birds and deer.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    December goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for at least an hour every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga five days a week

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • Susan0816
    Susan0816 Posts: 41 Member
    On the bland diet I can have an egg and 2 Tblsp of peanut butter a day then mostly dairy products and juices. No fresh fruit and vegetables thou I can have can fruit with out skin and soup/broth. I need to eat 6 times a day and nothing after 7:30-8 pm.
    My gastropersis is getting worse and I can not digest the food I eat. She is allowing fish a couple of times a week.

    The hardest time will be Christmas eve and day. Have two big dinners to go to. I thought I would take smash yams with a little splenda brown sugar in it and yogart or cheese.

    I did really good today until dinner, I cook a roast in crock pot , thinly sliced in country style gravy and my family made a sandwich using a sandwich roll. It look YUMMY!!

    Lost 4.2 lbs this last week. Think the lost will be slow this week as I am on vacation to get things done around here. I don't have enough time to do everything I want to.

    If everyone doesn't mind listening to me and not responding daily I would love to join your group.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone - welcome to the newcomers

    :smile: I managed to do a few hours Christmas shopping yesterday. Still quite a bit to do though. Having a bit of trouble thinking of gifts this year. I finish work on 16th December :drinker: :drinker: that will give me time to get the last minute bits and pieces. I'm trying to think of lots of healthy nibbles to buy this year rather than the usual chocolates/cakes and crisps etc. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    :noway: :noway: My willpower is going to be tested this next week! On Monday I am going to a works Christmas Dinner at an Italian restaurant. I've pre ordered the grilled chicken which I think comes in a tomatoey sauce rather than a cheesy one (I hope it comes with veggies too) and on Friday I am going on another Christmas Dinner with my mum and aunties this time I opted for the Sea Bass rather than the Turkey - I'm hoping that fish will be "lighter" and not so filling. Then of course there's the actual Christmas Day dinner, I think I'll get a small roast for me and hubby, my daughter son and his partner plus grandson are all vegetarian, so I've bought a Quorn Roast for them hmmm probably better get another one just to be on the safe side.

    :frown: My weight is staying the same, I'm thankful it's not going up any further, but I need to check back and find out what I ate early on in the year to kick start my weight loss again. I think it's the lack of exercise I need to be more active, but this time of year dark mornings and dark evenings make it hard for me to get moving, I want to snuggle up in a blanket and do nothing :embarassed: Maybe I need one of those bright light things that imitate sunlight?

    :flowerforyou: Jane you are always so positive - I look forward to your posts.

    :flowerforyou: Sending lots of support to those who need it - keep on keeping on.

    :smile: The young lady in the photo is my cousins daughter Tracy this was taken at her mums (my cousin's wife) 50th birthday party in November.

    :noway: :noway: The kittens are having a mad half hour - sounds as if they are climbing the walls. I'd better go and check they are not tormenting poor Tara .

    Take care everyone I have to brave the cold wet weather to go to the shops.

    :heart: Viv xx
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning,

    Welcome to our new members. We love hearing from you and getting to know you. And I think most of us here are S-L-O-W
    losers. It's that stage of life. But there are ways to make it work, and lots of ladies here to help you on your journey. Good luck!

    Beth: We like advice and information here too, so always share what has worked for you! I have found fish oil capsules very helpful for joint pain. (I have a thumb that throbs if I don't take one every morning with breakfast)

    Barbie: I am glad you posted your rule one of the thin commandments. I plan to use it today.

    Sally: I am very interested in the 17 day diet now too. I'll have to look for more info...sounds like a good idea when "stuck" and after the holidays would be a great way to start the new year? Anyone else who has done this, let us know!

    We have 10 guests coming for dinner tonight. I am going to roast 2 chickens on the grill with olive oil and rosemary, also salmon, and make a wild rice/orange salad as well as some roasted asparagus. I picked up little cherry tarts from a caterer who makes the best pastry and only ordered enough for everyone but me. Hopefully, this will take care of the dessert issue for me and I won't be tempted to pick at leftover dessert! So...that is my plan. Oh, and to have NO wine while preparing the food, and one glass while eating. I am going for a quick walk/run as soon as the sun provides a bit of light here this morning to get rid of what I ate last night!

    Take care dear ladies!:heart: Kackie
  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 181 Member
    kackie; that meal sounds delicious!
  • beth535
    beth535 Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    Barbie: Love the Thin Commandments line! You were fabulous with that Chinese buffet!

    MFP helps SO much when it comes to strategy. I listen to books on CD in my car. A lot of work days, when I get back to the park and ride, I decide to stop at one of the fast food restaurants so I can take some time to listen to the book. (I don't like listening at home because I get too distracted.) My first couple of weeks on MFP I would sit in the parking lot, search on the words "Wendy's" or "Arby's" or MacDonalds" and look at the calories, fats, and carbs of the things that were appealing that evening. I'd make my choices based on what I had left for the day. I was still able to get in under my calorie goal many days. I was meeting my goals of logging EVERYTHING I ate and trying to stay CLOSE to a calorie goal. "The longest journey begins with the first step!"

    Now, I know that fast food isn't the greatest choice. I can SO taste the salt in it! I'm just frequently lazy when it comes to making dinner at home. HOWEVER, most of the time I SO enjoy the meals I make and, as I've said before, each positive occasion leads to another. Last week I had a tuna steak I baked with garlic, soy sauce and ginger; steamed fresh brussel sprouts; and acorn squash with a little Smart Balance Lite spread and stevia. Heaven! It was ready in about half an hour and the prep only took about 10 minutes. I'd NEVER made acorn squash before. Yummm!!! And so easy! We just got a Trader Joe's in the neighborhood. On all of their hard squash they had a sticker/label with microwave instructions. Sure, I can put a couple of knife slices into an acorn squash, nuke it for 6-8 minutes per pound, then let it sit for at least 5 minutes. You definitely need oven mitts to hold it while you scoop out the seeds, then the pulp. But how easy is that??

    One of the newcomers mentioned about not being able to post daily. My impression is that's definitely NOT a requirement to be part of this fabulous thread. I certainly don't post every day.

    I'm wondering, however, why you guys haven't made yourself into a "group?" Wouldn't that make it a bit more technologically convenient, and give us some flexibility in terms of adding sidebar threads that everyone could easily find? Just asking...

    Have a lovely Sunday, ladies!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I put on weight in 2011 for the first time since joining MFP several years ago. Due to family situations I had stopped posting and stopped exercising. My goals for 2012 are to get back to the basics: posting and daily exercise. I know the regained weight will go away and I can continue working towards my ultimate goal of 125 pounds.

    Hubby just walked in the house with our Christmas Tree, so I need to cut this short.

    Have a great day everyone and good luck making good choices today.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    :wink: Pam, many thanks for the red bean recipe. I just HAPPEN to have a chorizo that needs to be used. Will put in crockpot tonight for lunch tomorrow.
    :flowerforyou: Jane congrats on sticking to your plan, WOW for walking 20 mins in 13 degree temps and WoweeZOWEE for losing 118 pounds. Inspiring!
    :smile: kennsu Welcome, Susan! Stacking wood is a great calorie burn. Sorry to hear of your digestive troubles. Watch out for that Splenda blend, just learned it has twice the calories per tsp than regular brown sugar:noway: ... supposedly it's sweeter so you don't need to use as much. The last sweet potato casserole I made didn't need ANY sweetener at all. Baking the sweet potatoes first instead of boiling them really brings out their sweet taste. Mash, top with a little cinnamon and a few broken pecan pieces and I could eat it for dessert!
    :flowerforyou: Sally congrats on finding an eating plan that makes sense to, and works for, you.
    :love: : Barbie, keep those Thin Commandments coming! Strategy AND chopsticks, what a winning combination:laugh: ! I may not be able to continue to respond to everyone personally, but when I do, I feel more connected... and find it easier to stay on track. Fingers crossed.
    :happy: Viv will be interested to see the responses you get to healthy nibbles query. Monday is our Scottish Country Dance class holiday appetizer potluck. I usually bring raw vegs and dip, but the summer vegs, peppers and cucumbers, are poor quality and expensive this time of year. Think I'll bring bits of roasted winter vegetables (beets, celeriac, parsnips, grilled brussels sprouts) with a mustard or poppyseed dip. Raw carrots and watermelon radish slices will round out the plate.
    :laugh: Kackie roasted rosemary chicken and asparagus? YUMMMM! What time should we be there?
    :smile: asugar Amen!
    :heart: Beth another positive occasion, lead on! Boy am I jealous of all of you who have Trader Joe's nearby. Our nearest is in Bend, an almost 8 hour drive. Manage to get there at least once a year...:wink: You're right about posting only when you can. Far as I know the only requirement for this forum is a non-judgemental, supportive attitude. Even the minimum age is optional. Tell us more about groups, they're new to me. Might ease Barbie's burden of starting new thread every month.

    RP: Did=walk Dixie, roast beets and celeriac, grill brussels sprouts and mushrooms, drink too much champagne with SIL but
    had a great chat and soak.

    Today's RP: church-done, toffee & fudge prep, walk Dixie, get down on that mat, complete food diary before bed, pam's red beans and chorizo into crockpot.

    It's up to 31 degrees outside, time to get off my butt and walk Dixie.

    Hugs to ALL,

    Barbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    December 2011: dance more, bark less, hit that protein goal, HoliDAY not HoliWEEKEND and CHECK IN!!! :)
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Not sure if my comments about the glucosamine and fish oil were appropriate for this board. If not, please accept my apology. I realize this is about support, not advice, unless someone asks a specific question. I'll be more conscientious about that. Still learning the guidelines! :)

    Beth I have found this thread to be helpful in both ways. :happy: Please don't apologize. :noway: It's up to each of us to determine what advice is helpful or not and then make their own judgments and decisions.:wink: Since I've been on this thread I have gotten a lot of both and am very grateful!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I use Glucosamine Chondroitin and it does miraculous things for me. :bigsmile: For some it may not help at all.:ohwell: ...for other just Glucosamine will do the trick. :happy: As for me, I welcome advice but no one is under any obligation to follow it.
    Thank you for your comments and please continue to post! See now that's advice......and I don't feel guilty giving it!!!:laugh: :laugh:
    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart: