Biggest Loser Challenge - Team 3



  • Hi All,

    Little more free time today my burn was 890!

  • Judy....enjoy your daughter!

    Busy busy busy......

    Tuesady, Wednesday & Thursday.......did the standard DVD workout....476 burned each day.

    It's 12 hr days at work this time of year and I'm in charge of the Sunday School Christmas program at church on my spare hopefully after it's over this Sunday.......I'll get out and actually walk as well!

    Happy Friday All!!

  • He everyone!!

    Hope every one is doing well! My life is nuts these days!

    Today was my birthday and I enjoyed it with my daughter she even worked out with me! She was amazed on how good I looked and how much I have change in the 3 months since I have seen her.

    My burn for Thursday was 783

    Sally your work schedule sounds tough!!

    Have a great Friday

  • Hi All Welcome to Friday YEAH!!!

    My burn for Friday was 840

    Have a great weekend
  • Hi All,

    Been having a great time hanging with my daughter!!

    My Burn for Saturday was 723

    Have a great night

  • Hi All,

    My burn for Sunday was 690 and I lost 1 Lb

    Have a great Monday

  • actual exercise burn but I was running all day..........the kids Christmas program at church in the afternoon....but it's over!!!

    This week only lost .5 lbs..............but I will take it! It has been an amazing learning tool this week! Since joining MFP and really logging everything that goes in my mouth I have had reinforced............that even though you stay within calories..............what you eat and what those calories are makes a huge difference!! Our bodies really do need quality nutrition to keep losing and keep you in peek performance. This week I even had a bad headache day which I have not had in months............probably the lack of salads and health food............and.........the best thing I now know for darn sure............a HUGE salad is way better to eat than a small plate of appetizers loaded with processed stuff............. thank you MFP!!!

    Hope you guys have a great week! Mine is def going to be more mindful as far as my food goes! ON my mind will be..... 1500 nutritious calories equals weight loss..........1500 calories of holiday junk does not!!!

    All that being said I will take that .5 lbs loss as both a gift and a warning!!

  • Hi All,

    Sally sounds like you are doing great and learning the hard way also. I did the same thing. I have gotten lazy latley but I will get back in the groove and watch what I eat also. Healthy all the way! My chocolate sweet tooth kicked in on high so that is my focus this week.

    Have great day and week!
  • Hi All, Looks like nobody is posting much these day! I am sure everyone is realy busy this time of year.

    Have a great Holiday season

    Drop me a line and let me know how your doing! Good Luck with your journey.

    I have hit my goal weight just need to do some toning I still need to be proactive and stay with MFP to keep maintaining.

  • Judy............Guilty as charged........It's all I can do to get on to log my food and exercise!
    I will catch up with posting my numbers here hopefully tomorrow.

    Hang in there everybody!

  • Hi Gals,

    I am celebrating my wedding anniversary this weekend been 24 years!! Woo Hoo. I surprised the hubby with tickest to his favorite College Hockey team game and dinner at Red Lobster.

    Just want you gals all to know that we had weigh in at my work for a total accumulation of the last year and I lost 46.3% of my body weight I am thrilled with this and I also quit smoking in the process!

    So my story is hang in there ladies this is all possible I am 52 years old and have abused my body to the limit. My body is in better shape than it has been in 25 years!

  • Congrats Judy! Hope you had a great weekend!

    Late in checking in.......lost 1 lb last week............YES!!!!

    One more crazy busy hard week!

    Be strong everybody!!
  • :huh: Hello?!? It's a ghost town here these days! Just checking in to say hi! Gave 9 massages today and I am pooped so I am not going to do my usual exercise! I am going to go home and put me feet up!! One more day of craziness tomorrow!

    Hope everybody is hanging in there and doing well!


    By the way..............when does this challenge officially end?! Is it Christmas?!
  • Hey Sally,

    I wish you lived close by I could use a message really bad, I cranked my lower back and can hardly move! Not a great time with the HIGH calorie intake I was planning on the next few days.

    I think the challenge was stopped by default the gal leading it could not get people to submit there numbers in a timely fashion.

    Have a super Christmas
