40+ Club



  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    heres my workout
    100 situps
    100 pushups
    40 25lb curls
    40 100lb row/rear deltoid machine
    40 110 lb pulldown machine
    40 100 hammer strength (ab machine )
    4 15 sec floor leg lifts w 10lb ball
    thats it took it a little easy today feeling tired from switching workout time from morning to night :ohwell:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning! some really great posts here. It's so nice that we can help each other out. Yesterday I did some upper body training an 10 miles on the bike. Today is core & legs at the gym and a "quick 20" on the bike.

    Becky, glad to see you got a HRM. Polar makes a great unit. About the exercise, you will need to be careful about pushing it too much due to surgery. Listen to your body and only do what you are comfortable with. For me, I found that I achieve more fat loss with high intensity training. I'm crazy, but I feel like I am not doing a whole lot if my heartrate is too low. I try to average a steady 140-150 BPM during workouts, occasionally pushing it to 170 BPM. An added bonus is that it burns cals really fast.

    Nita, glad to see the scale working in positive way for you! Also, I see that you are a devotee of the great Beachbody products. Many of us are! Even though I go to the gym daily, I still use some of the workouts from P90X. Tony Horton has taught me to LOVE pushups and pullups. I used to stink at pullups. Now I can do up to 50 (sets of 10). Are you riding your bike outdoors or stationary?

    Stiring, I think that giving heavy strength training a break for a month is a great idea. I'm going to continue hitting it hard for the month of May, and then do other things just to break it up a bit. BTW, I will be visiting my brother-in-law in the San Fernando Valley the 1st week of June! We haven't been to Cal. in about 5 years.
  • robin1964
    robin1964 Posts: 7
    Good morning everyone. I just discovered this web page yesterday and have already shared it with a friend! I think that the food diary is fantastic as well as all the conversation!

    I am 45 with 2 kids(24 and 18) however we are raising a 2 year old,she keeps us very busy!!!
    I have been a yoyo dieter forever. The closest that I ever got to being thin was at 19 and 20. After having kids I never did get it back.
    For one thing I have absolutely no will power and LOVE sweets especially chocolate. Since January I decided that this was rediculous . If I was able to quit smoking I can do this! I have lost 13lbs however since all the chocolate from Easter which I hit hard(saying that the sooner it's gone the sooner I can get back on track...lame!) So I have gained back about 3lbs. I am so hoping that this site will be a HUGE incentive.
    I have an elliptical which I love but am NOT faithful to and really need to be.
    I do not get much support(my husband LOVES to eat out ). He needs to lose weight also and knows it but has yet to get to that place mentally.
    Thanks for listening!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi Robin and welcome! Thanks for telling us a bit about yourself...you are never alone here! Your situation is very common. We're here to help with a solution. The very first thing to do is journal EVERYTHING that you do...eating, drinking, exercising. Use the FOOD and EXERCISE tabs at the top of your homepage. Very quickly you will see what needs attention. For most of us, the toughest part was learning to eat clean and stay within your caloric limits. Then you must commit to a regular exercise program to shed the excess fat. I prefer to get fit, that's why I don't really worry about the weight. If you eat right and exercise, you will be amazed with your progress. It's not easy...but worth it!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Morning everyone! Hope everyone is doing well today.

    I have a question. Why is it that it seems that when I go off of my regular "diet" of clean foods, I tend to lose?

    Last night went out with a friend for a birthday celebration...two martinis and various appetizers AND dessert. Put me waaay over on my calorie count. This morning I'm down a pound. DOES NOT COMPUTE.

    I'm seriously thinking of going on a martini and fried calamari diet from now on. :laugh:

    Any thoughts on why this happens?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    It's really strange but the same thing happens to me. I like the martini diet :drinker: (Bombay Sapphire)

    I wonder if that works for German beer & sausage? hmmmmmmm....
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Yeah, every time I have fried seafood (clams, calamari, fish) and a drink with it, I lose weight. I'm guessing that I dehydrate a bit with the alcohol and the extra carbs?
  • lose2cruise
    lose2cruise Posts: 107
    Morning everyone! Hope everyone is doing well today.

    I have a question. Why is it that it seems that when I go off of my regular "diet" of clean foods, I tend to lose?

    Last night went out with a friend for a birthday celebration...two martinis and various appetizers AND dessert. Put me waaay over on my calorie count. This morning I'm down a pound. DOES NOT COMPUTE.

    I'm seriously thinking of going on a martini and fried calamari diet from now on. :laugh:

    Any thoughts on why this happens?

    Morning all! This has happened to me also, but then it catches up with me in a week.:sad:
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Good Morning All - It's a great day in central Texas. A bit humid and hotter than normal but still a great day.

    Welcome to the site Robin. You'll find this is a great bunch of people to hang out with and we are here to support you. Take it one day at at time and set your goals at levels you can achieve. I've only been on the site for a few weeks. I started this journey at 208 lbs and when I started this site I was at 200. My first goal was to get under 190 and I'm only 2 lbs away. Whooohoooo!!!. My next goal is going to be to get under 180 and run a full mile without stopping. I can bike for hours but running just really does me in. I know if I look at this in small increments I'll enjoy victory frequently and that's a great feeling.

    Singfree - I'm really impressed with the trainers Beachbody have brought together. Tony Horton makes me laugh at some of the things he says which makes the workout fun. OMG - did I say working out was fun. :laugh: I sure did!!!!! I bike both stationary and street. I haven't been out on the street since November but I'll be out there this weekend. I'll probably do a 25 mile ride to break back in. We have a road I can get to from my house that has awesome hills, a really wide shoulder and goes into the country so it's a great ride. Usually hundreds of bikes out there on the weekends.

    Cardigirl - nice diet plan. :wink: There musts be some magical fat burners in those martini's!!!! And calamari, now your really talking. I love calamari.

    Well I'm off to my workout room. Time to have fun. :happy: Hope everyone has a great day!!

    Many Blessings,
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    :frown: Hello all!
    I'm new here in the 40+ club. thought I'd try it to get some encouragement and maybe help others as well.
    I joined a gym in feb and have only gained weight! I know my metabolism has been out of wack for a long time...starvation mood I've been told. I have since changed my diet and work out 4 - 5 days a week to no avail. Cant see a physical difference either. Pretty sad really. I havent given up yet though. I need to loose at least 30 Lbs.
    Hope all is well with everyone, Have a great day!

    Welcome!!! I'm also a '62 baby, so I know exactly what you're saying about metabolism being out of whack. :grumble: :grumble: I was working out, watching what I ate and STILL couldn't budge any weight or inches. I had metabolic testing done, and discovered that at 1200-1300 calories a day I wasn't eating enough; I needed to eat about 250 more calories per day to keep my body out of starvation mode. Lo and behold, I upped my calories and the pounds and inches started going away! :happy: :happy: I work at a university, and was fortunate to be able to have the testing done at the student health center for only $25. I have no clue how much it would cost through a regular doctor, but it's something you should maybe consider.

    You also may have gained weight through building muscle, which is an ok thing. Don't give up - you are worth searching to find out what works for you. We all have passed that 40 year milestone, so it's not as easy for any of us as it used to be! :laugh: :laugh: Hang in there...............the weight WILL come off evenutally!
  • megty2
    megty2 Posts: 5
    How do you join the 40 + club?:happy:
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Hey megty2 - you joined by asking. Welcome to the thread. You'll love all the people here. Their awesome.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    SHOW YOURSELVES PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be proud!!!!! All of you work hard and I KNOW you look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I understand if it is a privacy issue for you. I really don't worry about it. I own a gun. :laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ROTFLMAO:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Alf, for me it wasn't a matter of privacy, merely vanity! If I'm going to take my shirt off in public, I want people to be pleased with me, not shriek in horror. But rest assured, pics will come soon, as soon as I figure out how to do it.

    Oh, sing, I hear ya!!! I'm a technological Neanderthal! I need to get my dh to help me figure out how to get my pics from the camera to mfp!!!:grumble:

    And my most recent pics were actually tolerable- I didn't want to vomit or hide when I saw them!:laugh:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    megty2, you can join by saying the magic word...hello!!! A hearty welcome to you! Tell us a bit about yourself and join in the discussions. We're happy to have you.

    Alf, were the "guns" your upper arms?? :wink:

    OK, April...as soon as we figure out how to post pics, we Pennsylvanians will finally be "unmasked"!!:laugh:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member

    and discovered that at 1200-1300 calories a day I wasn't eating enough; I needed to eat about 250 more calories per day to keep my body out of starvation mode. Lo and behold, I upped my calories and the pounds and inches started going away! :happy: :happy:

    I think this is critical!!!!!!! Make sure you are eating enough, especially if you are exercising! MFP's main tenet of eating your exercise calories really works!!! Many of you who exercise a lot and are really tight with your diet may need to give your body a break and up your calories by a few hundred or so for a few weeks. If you have been seriously depriving your body, you may actually gain a little weight, but have faith! Use MFP to track everything. If nothing changes after 2-3 weeks, look at your exercise routine!!!

    Good Luck to all!! This is a journey, not a race!:flowerforyou:
  • icandoallthings
    icandoallthings Posts: 1,212 Member
    Is there room for me? :flowerforyou:
    Even though I won't be part of the proud crowd
    until my bday in November - - can I join, can I join?
    < insert "begging & pleading" smiley here > hee hee!

    Tattle: TexasMom said I coud! :laugh: :wink:
    Let me know if there's an initiation that I have to go through
    and pass. :tongue:

    If it is ok, I have a whole lot of reading to catch up with this thread!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Let's see, I think we have room for one more nice lady from Washington state...Welcome!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Welcome to all our newcomers! So great to see so many people joining in.

    I woke up this morning with endless energy so decided to do my longest, toughest cardio workout this morning. I don't have quite as much energy now. :tongue: But it was a great workout, and I burned alot of calories. I love waking up and feeling that way first thing in the day. Since I've lost this weight, I have more and more days like that. :drinker:

    singfree, you should have some nice, warm weather in the San Fernando valley while you are here. We've definitely hit our summer weather pattern here in Southern California. Because I'm closer to the coast, that means morning fog and lots of wind. But up in the valley, the temps are going up! I just hope there aren't too many fires this year. When we drove into the city from Alaska last year, the valley was covered in brown haze from the fires up north. Not good. So I have my fingers crossed you don't face that this year. And thanks for your feedback on going to circuits after STS. I think I want to shake things up for my metabolism, and I think if I do 4-6 weeks of circuits, I won't lose the strength gains I've gotten, but it will be a long enough break that doing P90X (which is so similar to STS) will 'shock' my body again.

    Hope this finds everybody doing well!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, after you do circuits for a few weeks, you will actually feel stronger and more energized going into P90X. Steve Edwards from Beachbody even mentioned that you should take a break from weights before doing another round.

    I'm off for a bike ride. I'm going to do some tough hills which usually kick my butt. I like to wear my HRM to see how my HR reacts to a long, tough climbs.
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