What makes you love your dog???



  • http://tinypic.com/usermedia.php?uo=aA1TvidBoMgeCBQW41JoNoh4l5k2TGxc

    Not sure if I did that right, but those are my furbabies. I love my 13 year old dog more than anyone in the world because he has been there for me through EVERYTHING and loves me more than anyone else in the world. I love my kitten despite himself lol he is so cute but he gets into everything! He's so sweet when he's calm, though. Adorable.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I love my babies! They can make me smile on the worst day. :smile:

  • /Users/ska125/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2011/Nov 24, 2011/IMG_9408.jpg/Users/ska125/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2011/Nov 24, 2011/IMG_9402.jpg

    Because she's the best friend ever
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    /Users/ska125/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2011/Nov 24, 2011/IMG_9408.jpg/Users/ska125/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2011/Nov 24, 2011/IMG_9402.jpg

    Because she's the best friend ever

    Your pics need to be hosted on a remote site like Photobucket. Then copy/ paste the code with , but you need to use lowercase 'i m g'.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    My dog is also my service dog (that is her in my profile pic). Her name is Sweetpea. She has been by my side for the last 7 years of my life...everywhere I go. She has been to college with me when I got my bachelor's degree, church, Walmart, in taxis, on busses, the hair salon, flown to California, there isn't a place that I have been in the last 7 years that she hasn't been too. She is even allowed to stay with me if I am in the hospital. She is just about as loyal as they come.
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    there's my puppy!

    Who, incidentally, is not supposed to be on the couch!
  • evergreen5
    evergreen5 Posts: 32 Member

    Brandy was the best dog ever. She was the only one around all the time. My husband works away and my last 2 kids just moved out. She was extremely smart, loyal, and she had quite a personality.
    Sadly she passed away in September. I really miss her. :heart:
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member

    This is Cooper, my 8-year-old rottweiler/shepherd mix (baby doesn't like the car, haha). He weighs in at around 100 pounds, but I've noticed that the bigger a dog is, the bigger his heart is, too :)

    I think people are either "dog people" or "cat people", and I am absolutely a dog person. Dogs are the epitome of unconditional, endless love. No matter how they're treated, or how long you've left them alone, or how long you've been doing other things, they always have a tail wag and kiss for you when you get home.

    I look into my dog's eyes and I just see something familiar - I think the soul of a dog and the soul of a human are just sort of cut from the same cloth.
  • He's my little shadow follows me everywhere I go
  • well that didn't work now did it lol
  • When she was still alive 8 years ago 8[
  • I am a dog person. they are loyle and loving an I would be lost without my two babies.
  • forme2310
    forme2310 Posts: 157 Member
    :smile: My Son Stymie is the light of my life he keeps me young. He is part Bassett and daschund. I do not know what I would do without him. I would post a picture here but not sure how to do it.
  • forme2310
    forme2310 Posts: 157 Member
    :smile: My Son Stymie is the light of my life he keeps me young. He is part Bassett and daschund. I do not know what I would do without him. I would post a picture here but not sure how to do it.

    I cheated and posted him on my profile.
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    right bear with me - first time I have tried this: unconditional love and how much fun she is, last year in the snow


    and a few months ago:
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    My chocolate lab in my profile pic!

    He is only 6 months old, he makes me laugh, he makes me demented! He learns so quickly and tonight he is unsettled - he was neutered yesterday - and started chewing his stitches today so has one of those horrid collars on!

    I hope he heals quickly! I keep telling him the vet said complete rest for 2 days but he thinks she was joking :bigsmile:
  • WOW Super handsome.
  • haha.jpg

    My Billy :)
    I love his funny personality! He's so cheeky and so loving and funny :P
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I love my black lab smudge because he has such a great personality, he makes me laugh with the noises he makes and even though he is an old dog now and has hip problems he still goes round like he's a pup :D
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    The way they love me back. 2 chocolate labs.