December-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN GROUP!!!



  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    Hi I'm new to this group. I live in sunny South Africa and work with reptiles...

    My goals for tomorrow (Sat 17 Dec) are:
    - Survive work (it is crazy season and weekends are the worst. The work is great but it is exhausting at this time of year!!)
    - Stay within my calorie budget
    - Read the articles my friend dropped off for me (I need info to answer some questions at work...)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for December 13:
    1. Water! --Did well.
    2. Workout or a brisk walk for at least 30 minutes. --Yes, every day!
    3. Stay in my calorie goal.--Staying close but, boy, it is hard when there are all these goodies around! I try to keep them "out of sight, out of mind!"

    WOW! I cannot believe that I haven't gotten here for the past few days! It is SUCH a busy time of year! You know what I have noticed, though? My daily goals were on my mind a LOT! I sure hope that means they are becoming a habit!

    Welcome to all our new members! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It's so nice to see you all here.

    (JESS!!!! HUGS!!!!)

    Hang in there, everyone!

    Goals for December 16:
    1. Water!
    2. Workout or a brisk walk for at least 30 minutes.
    3. Stay in my calorie goal.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Good Morning & Happy December!
    Today my goals are:
    1. fight/knock out any basket of laundry that crosses my path
    2.. take my dog on 2 walks
    3. take the day minute by minute-just cuz it's Friday doesn't give me right to throw in the towel for the weekend!

    Wishing all of you the best today and the rest of this beautiful month!
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Good Morning All!


    Workouts were kept in pace with my 30 day challenge!
    WATER was off yesterday
    My numbers were WAYYYY OFFF
    I DID NOT LOG....:blushing:

    I lost at the party and two days after the party the left overs are still here! So I have resulted to Saturday and Sunday being my get it back together days. Not to mention by Monday all this stuff will be gone. The holidays for me will not be a loss of control ANY FURTHER! I will know that I am not going to turn into a sugar mound. I have maintained my weight only becasue of my workouts and because I eat nothing after I leave work. How can I... I blew it so bad... SO please forgive me, let me forgive myself. GOOD NEWS yesterday I did do 140 squats as well as 100 burbees which is the awful exercise a MAN trainer came up with LOL! I did that so I hope that counteracts the bad. :embarassed:

    BACK ON MONDAY AN BACK ON TRACK! :flowerforyou:

    December Goals will remain the same all month.....

    1. Workout Schedule consisting to no less than 5 workouts a week. If I get more that is a plus!
    2. WATER WATER and more WATER! The life juice....12 or more glasses a day :drinker:
    3. Calorie and CARB count under required daily allotments (HARD FOR THIS SEASON)

    Have a blessed day and Good Luck on your goals! :bigsmile:

  • 1.)WATER!--YES:drinker:
    2.)GET everything done that I want to get done on my desk at my dayjob---YES:happy:
    3.) clean up the house as soon as I get home to make a spot for my new stationary bike!--NO, massive migraine and STILL have it!:cry:
    4.)Use the stationary bike --NO went home and went straight to bed. :frown:
    5.)come in BELOW CALORIES!---YES even without Exercise!!!!:happy:

    Ok I still have this massive shadow of a headache circling around me!!! Very blah today. I forgot my lunch and everything! CRAZY. So just some simple goals today.

    1.) water
    2.) relax don't worry so much
    3.) tidy up the house-may not get completely clean but at least look presentable
    3.) cook a nice dinner for me and the kids-hubby is going hunting.
    4.)if headache is gone. Do an exercise-like YOGA
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member

    My goals for December 15 are
    1. Drink 10-12 glasses of water- got in 8
    2. Snack healthy!- two cuties and a banana and almonds! Good job for me
    3. Limit my cookies to no more than three! only had 1 swedish snowball

    December 16
    Fasting this morning for blood work, didn't really get on computer. Here are my goals for today

    1. 10-12 glasses of water
    2. Fruits and veggies- 5-7 servings
    3. Eat dinner!

    Husband gone for last weekend of hunting. Didn't really eat last night. With fasting this morning, late lunch, and massage tonight, will have to think hard of dinner. Maybe salad with venison! While my cholesterol hasn't changed in 10 years would like to get the LDL lower which means more veggies! Exercise wouldn't hurt either, but one thing at a time!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Look who found you guys..!!/???... ME!!! That's right!!!! Jessie Mae! How are you all??????? I need to come back so bad!!!!!!! For those of you who don't know me..... Here we go!
    My name is Jessica, Jessie, Jess--whatever you want to call me! I will be 30 in January and right now I weigh more than I ever have in my life (minus pregnancies). August before last I started on MFP and lost 20 lbs!! Long story short--I got cocky and went out of control!!! I am very disappointed with myself. I was looking good and feeling awesome!!! Now I hate myself! Nothing fits and I see my gut on my lap, I see my face is pudgier than EVER!!!!! OK no time to dwell on my mistakes!!! I'm going to start like I've never started before!
    I am a mom of two- a 7 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. I have a WONDERFULLY amazing and supportive husband!!! ANYTHING I do he is there to support me!!! Weight Loss, My Mary Kay Business (which by the way if anyone wants any info on buying or selling yell at me!!), ANYTHING! I couldn't be luckier! My goal with my MK job is to quit my secretary job so I need to feel good about myself so that I can promote my business and also have the energy to do so!!!
    They way I'm feeling right now I could type for DAYS! But instead I will just post my goals!

    2.)GET everything done that I want to get done on my desk at my dayjob
    3.) clean up the house as soon as I get home to make a spot for my new stationary bike!
    4.)Use the stationary bike
    5.)come in BELOW CALORIES!

    feels good to be back!!!

    Jess- Welcome back! I too tend to self sabatoge! I will get close to the 125 mark and forget all I have learned to do in just a few short weeks, gain back that 3-4 pounds! The conviction sounds wonderful! Stick with us and remember one day at a time, one choice at a time! Together we can do this!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    2.)GET everything done that I want to get done on my desk at my dayjob---YES:happy:
    3.) clean up the house as soon as I get home to make a spot for my new stationary bike!--NO, massive migraine and STILL have it!:cry:
    4.)Use the stationary bike --NO went home and went straight to bed. :frown:
    5.)come in BELOW CALORIES!---YES even without Exercise!!!!:happy:

    Ok I still have this massive shadow of a headache circling around me!!! Very blah today. I forgot my lunch and everything! CRAZY. So just some simple goals today.

    1.) water
    2.) relax don't worry so much
    3.) tidy up the house-may not get completely clean but at least look presentable
    3.) cook a nice dinner for me and the kids-hubby is going hunting.
    4.)if headache is gone. Do an exercise-like YOGA

    Are your migraines weather related? Mine are! Woke up with one this morning, they so suck! Take care!\
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good Morning All!


    Workouts were kept in pace with my 30 day challenge!
    WATER was off yesterday
    My numbers were WAYYYY OFFF
    I DID NOT LOG....:blushing:

    I lost at the party and two days after the party the left overs are still here! So I have resulted to Saturday and Sunday being my get it back together days. Not to mention by Monday all this stuff will be gone. The holidays for me will not be a loss of control ANY FURTHER! I will know that I am not going to turn into a sugar mound. I have maintained my weight only becasue of my workouts and because I eat nothing after I leave work. How can I... I blew it so bad... SO please forgive me, let me forgive myself. GOOD NEWS yesterday I did do 140 squats as well as 100 burbees which is the awful exercise a MAN trainer came up with LOL! I did that so I hope that counteracts the bad. :embarassed:

    BACK ON MONDAY AN BACK ON TRACK! :flowerforyou:

    December Goals will remain the same all month.....

    1. Workout Schedule consisting to no less than 5 workouts a week. If I get more that is a plus!
    2. WATER WATER and more WATER! The life juice....12 or more glasses a day :drinker:
    3. Calorie and CARB count under required daily allotments (HARD FOR THIS SEASON)

    Have a blessed day and Good Luck on your goals! :bigsmile:

    Don't be too hard on yourself! Sometimes my best losses come after great relapses! You will be right back on track soon enough. The holidays are just hard all the way around! I am getting ready to go visit my brother who has recently lost 40 pounds so hopefully will get a chance to do some exercise while visiting! Keep smiling! Remember You can't change yesterday, learn, and make today the best!
  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    Hi there
    My name is Denise and I am a stay at home mom of two very beautiful children. I would love to be part of this group.

    1. go to bed by 11pm not 1 am
    2.stay away from refined sugars
    3.drink 8 glasses of water


    Well, I did 2 out of 3. I am exhausted so going to bed by 11 pm won't be a problem. I might even hit the rack by 10. We have a road trip in the am. I also completed number 3 which wast to dring 8 glasses of water. I drank 11. It was the refined sugar that got me today. The neighbor came over with Christmas treats! I will try agin tomorrow with that goal.


  • Goals for tomorrow...

    1. Get up before 8 am...(i know I'll keep trying until I get it.)
    2. Drink at least three 20 ounce bottles of water..
    3. do a 30 minute workout with wii fit...

    Have a great night all!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Well, once again, I did not get up until after 8 hubby and best friend say it's a mind over matter thing...and it must be...i guess...I mean I get up at 7:30ish to use the bathroom and have a why can't i just stay up????
    I did drink 60 ounces of water - actually more...and instead of a workout on the wii fit, i went to the gym and did the Arc trainer for 30 minutes...

    1. 9:00 to the gym for workout with coach
    2. drink 64 ounces of water
    3. do something fun!

    have a great night all...
  • AmyinMD
    AmyinMD Posts: 33 Member
    Friday's goals 12/16/11:

    Get to work by 9 am
    do not go over calorie limit

    Success to Everyone!

    I completed them all! :flowerforyou:

    Saturday, 12/17:
    Stay under calorie limit
    Eat dinner before Christmas party and stay away from the food area
    Increase weight to 3 lbs.

    This goal setting and checking is kinda fun.

    Good luck to All
  • been so busy with finals didn't check off my goals


    1. do a 45 min workout
    2. be under cals
    3. be positive
  • mvkrayola
    mvkrayola Posts: 165 Member
    Hi it's me. sorry I haven't put up any goals but I was in Laughlin on a mini-trip. I am glad to report though that I did excellent on my calorie goals. I was fair on my water....did not drink but one Coke Zero. I did not have any alcoholic drinks while gambling...asked for water only. I was so determined to stay focused that I left Laughling each day and drove to the Bullhead City Library to log my food everyday. I ate at the Riverside Buffet 3 times and never had a desert. I ate salad, salad and baked chicken with vegetables. I am very pleased and can't wait to weigh in the morning.

    Goals for Sat. 12-17
    1. Drink my 64 ounces of water (hope for more)
    2. Find my 2009 tax statements....a must
    3. Put up some Christmas decorations

    Have a great weekend.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member

    December 16
    Fasting this morning for blood work, didn't really get on computer. Here are my goals for today

    1. 10-12 glasses of water=Done
    2. Fruits and veggies- 5-7 servings= great salad for dinner helped!
    3. Eat dinner!= actually had real food!

    So while yesterday was hard on the food diary, because of fast, I did make really wise choices when I did get to eat, so am proud of that! The plan needs to be followed in spite of trip home to MD. I have got to get in those veggies.

    MandieO- What time are you going to bed? Just asking...had a girlfriend that I never planned anything in the AM with cause she was nocturnal. Not great for doing things, but that is when she operated best. I have to have 8-9 hours a night or a tend to crash.

    Mvkrayola- The trip sounds wonderful and you did a great job on choices. I hope your weigh in is great this morning.

    Purplecookie- I hope you feel good about those finals!

    AmyinMD- Sounds like you have a plan for the Christmas party! Remember to drink your water too! Keep up the work with the spirometer.

    Denise- Sugars are so hard to avoid this time of year. My husband is the worst at buying what I am avoiding. He is a big kid. I did get lucky at the shop and my favorite cookies were all gone the first day, so at least I can avoid the rest. Has me rethinking my cookie baking for Christmas!

    December 17
    1. 10-12 glasses of water
    2. 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies
    3. Get all paperwork and housework done in preparation for holidays!
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    Man it's been a bad couple of days.

    1. clean bathroom down to wiping baseboards and floor by hand.
    2. water
    3. take a walk.

  • MandieO- What time are you going to bed? Just asking...had a girlfriend that I never planned anything in the AM with cause she was nocturnal. Not great for doing things, but that is when she operated best. I have to have 8-9 hours a night or a tend to crash.

    I generally go to bed on weeknights before 10 pm...usually between 9 and 9:30pm. There really is no reason I shouldn't be able to get up in the morning...I just wonder if I'm in the middle of a sleep cycle when I am trying to get up at 7am...who knows....

    Well as for my goals today...hmmm...I made it to the kicked my butt again!!! we got through the workout and then he tells me ok..we're going to do it all again!!! I just about ran out of there...but the second time around it was a little easier i guess he knows what he's doing....that's why he's the coach...not me...LOL.

    I didn't quite make it with the water reason why...just didn't get to it...

    But i did do something fun...bought some water soluble oil paints and tried them out.

    Goals for tomorrow...

    1) work out for at least 30 minutes at the gym or walk with hubby
    2) drink 64 oz of water
    3) write in my journal

    Have a great night all...
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member

    1 drink my water!
    2 stay under my calories- while Christmas shopping! :noway:
    3 workout at least 1 hour
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    My goals for Sat 17 Dec were:
    1. Survive work (it is crazy season and weekends are the worst. The work is great but it is exhausting at this time of year!!)
    2. Stay within my calorie budget
    3. Read the articles my friend dropped off for me (I need info to answer some questions at work...)

    1. Success! Exhausted at the end of the day, but got to play with the cute little seal a couple of times which was an extra bonus!!
    2. Success.
    3. Not yet, no free time at work and no energy to take work home with me...

    Sunday is almost half finished already so I will set goals for Monday 19 Dec:
    1. Survive work and get everything done - weekdays mean more staff than weekends but after a long weekend like this I am just tired and have a list of priorities to get through!
    2. Stay within my calorie budget.
    3. Sort out paperwork...
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member

    December 17
    1. 10-12 glasses of water I got 9 done
    2. 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies got in 5
    3. Get all paperwork and housework done in preparation for holidays! Nope- read book! Felt good!

    Happy Sunday Everyone!

    Not bad day yesterday. Really do need to accomplish stuffs today though. Last weekend before Christmas, family, and friends, so probably more than three goals today.

    December 18
    1. 10-12 glasses of water
    2. 5-7 veggies and fruits
    3. Grocery for baking and food this week
    4 bake cookies
    5. Clean up house!!!!