Getting hit on by freaks

Who is the weirdest/freakiest person who's hit on you?

I've had so many hobos hit on me. There was one outside of a drug store asking for money, and I told him I didn't have any and he proceeded to tell me, "Oh, that's all right, you're gorgeous, money will come easy for you." HA!

Anyway, the weirdest one was the other day at a grocery store. A nerdy guy with buck teeth came into the aisle that I was in and stated that he needed sugar and how he'd never seen a 60 pound bag of sugar blah blah blah. I just smiled and grabbed some Stevia. He then asked me if he could take me home 'cause I'm all the sugar he needs O_O

I immediately left that aisle, and the guy followed me! I walked faster and he was right behind me, trying to start a conversation. Ugh. I finally lost him and I was so relieved. I was grabbing some bananas, then BAM, there he is. ****ing creeper.


  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    This reminds me of the time I was in college. I had this class and I kept on wanting to hit on this one girl but I never found a good opportunity. So the last few weeks of the class she starts looking at me and smiling. Of course, I smiled back and thought of nothing of it, but it was cool to get the attention without asking :laugh: Then one day she sits next to me and slips a note during class (yes even in college)

    She told me if it was ok for me to walk her out of class for the next few weeks until the quarter is over. What ended up happening was this guy in the class kept stalking her and talking to her everyday after class. I ended up being a cockblock for the other guy but I didn't mind :bigsmile:
  • I guess I"m a old city girl. I walk and talk like no ones business. I would have looked right at that pig in the store and said "dream on sucker gave him a little push back that said go blank yourself."

    The poor just want to be noticed. Keep on walking and don't make eye contact.

    But really it comes down to how you carry yourself. Do you seem strong or weak. They must think they can get away with it. I'm not saying bad things can't happen to any women but just think about how men see you.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I know I sound like a total a.s.s, but I'm sick and tired of the old people who work here asking me to go over to their place and watch movies, and I'm sick and tired of them staring at me while I shop. Also, in general, it seems that only freaks (and not the good kind) like me. I'm a fan of giving everyone a chance, but more and more I've noticed that if someone is a loner and has few to no friends, well there is probably a good reason for it.
  • danithegirl89
    danithegirl89 Posts: 203 Member
    Omgosh I tend to call myself a creeper magnet...

    Ok the grocery store one reminds me when I went to the store about a year ago. There was a guy probably around 35 with a curly mullet that went to his shoulders. I turned on the aisle and he started dancing towards me and even did the whole fake lasso and pull me in. It was f***ing pathetic!!! He thought he was sooooo charming. I was like, does this usually work for you??? baha.

    The creepiest one though was when I went to this concert this summer. I was sittitng there drinking a beer and this guy comes up and leans in close (it was really loud, but still) and asks if I want to dance. I said no thanks. Then he smelled my hair! Ew! I was so creeped out. He kept persisting that I dance with him and put his hand around my ribs and started feeling up the side of my boob. I was like wtf and tried peeling his hand off me. He was like, how about you just stand there with your arms up and I'll just grind on you. WTF?!?! Cuz THAT sounds soooo appealing. I had to have my brother's muscley friend be my bodyguard the rest of the night. Ugh... I hate creepers.
  • sexysize12
    sexysize12 Posts: 105 Member
    I know exactly what you mean you don't have to be doing anything and inappropriate men will come out of no where, I get this also. I could be walking to the store and a weirdo will pull up if he sees what he thinks he likes, I can be at the store shopping and get the weirdo outside or inside. It just goes with the territory as women, what counts is how we respond to it I usually say no thank you I'm spoken for and keep moving or say it while I keep moving. Even if I'm not taken they don't know that.:flowerforyou:
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    a toothless guy at Sleven (7-11)
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    I know exactly what you mean you don't have to be doing anything and inappropriate men will come out of no where, I get this also. I could be walking to the store and a weirdo will pull up if he sees what he thinks he likes, I can be at the store shopping and get the weirdo outside or inside. It just goes with the territory as women, what counts is how we respond to it I usually say no thank you I'm spoken for and keep moving or say it while I keep moving. Even if I'm not taken they don't know that.:flowerforyou:

    Very nicely said!
    I don't get very many weirdos, If they say anything they walk away quickly so I end up not having to say anything.
    The worse one I have gotten since I lost that weight (not very bad at all) oh baby you've got some curves, you look real nice as he walked by in a very soft voice. I took it as a complement as I was wearing my wedding ring and he said it passing by.

    But always respond in a way so that they don't take advantage of your kindness, and that is what it sounds like they are doing.
    I usually look at them with a blank look and a raised brow if I feel anything fishy and they just pass on by.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Some food for thought....
    Ok the grocery store one reminds me when I went to the store about a year ago. There was a guy probably around 35 with a curly mullet that went to his shoulders. I turned on the aisle and he started dancing towards me and even did the whole fake lasso and pull me in. It was f***ing pathetic!!! He thought he was sooooo charming. I was like, does this usually work for you??? baha.

    You have to admire his efforts for breaking the ice...but what if it was Brad Pitt? Would you feel the same?
    Us men tend to do some dumb **** when falling in love, like singing under her window in a boxer and acoustic guitar....
    Jamaicans. I know I sound like a total a.s.s, but I'm sick and tired of the old Jamaicans who work here asking me to go over to their place and watch movies, and I'm sick and tired of them staring at me while I shop. Also, in general, it seems that only freaks (and not the good kind) like me. I'm a fan of giving everyone a chance, but more and more I've noticed that if someone is a loner and has few to no friends, well there is probably a good reason for it.

    Introverted people tend to be your best soul mates and got their **** pulled together financially, why? Well they were alone the majority of their life so they focus on their career(instead wasting it away at parties) and fantasize about their perfect soul mate and how they would cherish that person once they have found them.

    Would you settle for the gigolo or the more innocent type?
    I know exactly what you mean you don't have to be doing anything and inappropriate men will come out of no where, I get this also. I could be walking to the store and a weirdo will pull up if he sees what he thinks he likes, I can be at the store shopping and get the weirdo outside or inside. It just goes with the territory as women, what counts is how we respond to it I usually say no thank you I'm spoken for and keep moving or say it while I keep moving. Even if I'm not taken they don't know that.

    Wow and to think I was polite to compliment a random lady at the store, thinking it would boost her self confidence...clearly she thought otherwise lol
    a toothless guy at Sleven (7-11)

    They call it a passion gap, go google it and you might be suprised to know how good of a lover he really is. :love:
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    OH MAN. I am a freak magnet. Here's one that happened rather recently.

    So, walking in a mall... which, I generally tend to avoid. But on this day, I happened to be in one of the largest malls in my city.
    I was walking rather briskly, when I noticed a man behind me, quickly trotting directly behind me. I continued on... Minding my business. But this man, did not stop following me! So, I slowed down my pace. He approached, and tapped my shoulder.
    This is how our conversation went down:

    Me: "Oh, uhm, hello?"

    Creep: "I think you're beautiful."

    Me: (a little creeped out, yet flattered) "Oh? Uh, well, why thank you! That is quite nice of you to say."

    Creep: "Yes. So. I was wondering if I could walk... silently behind you... for a while..."

    Me: "Uhhhhh....."

    Creep: "Really, I'll be quite silent."

    Me: "Sorry, I'm on my way to meet someone. I need to get going."

    Creep: "Oh" *Slumps down all depressed*

    Me: "Bye!" **walks extremely briskly towards nearest exit**

    I mean, he seemed pretty harmless. But still. I don't really want a stalker, even IF he did give me a forewarning. Haha!
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Now I have to ask what is the best way to approach a woman?

    *Guys take notes!*
  • danithegirl89
    danithegirl89 Posts: 203 Member
    Some food for thought....
    Ok the grocery store one reminds me when I went to the store about a year ago. There was a guy probably around 35 with a curly mullet that went to his shoulders. I turned on the aisle and he started dancing towards me and even did the whole fake lasso and pull me in. It was f***ing pathetic!!! He thought he was sooooo charming. I was like, does this usually work for you??? baha.

    You have to admire his efforts for breaking the ice...but what if it was Brad Pitt? Would you feel the same?
    Us men tend to do some dumb **** when falling in love, like singing under her window in a boxer and acoustic guitar....
    Jamaicans. I know I sound like a total a.s.s, but I'm sick and tired of the old Jamaicans who work here asking me to go over to their place and watch movies, and I'm sick and tired of them staring at me while I shop. Also, in general, it seems that only freaks (and not the good kind) like me. I'm a fan of giving everyone a chance, but more and more I've noticed that if someone is a loner and has few to no friends, well there is probably a good reason for it.

    Introverted people tend to be your best soul mates and got their **** pulled together financially, why? Well they were alone the majority of their life so they focus on their career(instead wasting it away at parties) and fantasize about their perfect soul mate and how they would cherish that person once they have found them.

    Would you settle for the gigolo or the more innocent type?
    I know exactly what you mean you don't have to be doing anything and inappropriate men will come out of no where, I get this also. I could be walking to the store and a weirdo will pull up if he sees what he thinks he likes, I can be at the store shopping and get the weirdo outside or inside. It just goes with the territory as women, what counts is how we respond to it I usually say no thank you I'm spoken for and keep moving or say it while I keep moving. Even if I'm not taken they don't know that.

    Wow and to think I was polite to compliment a random lady at the store, thinking it would boost her self confidence...clearly she thought otherwise lol
    a toothless guy at Sleven (7-11)

    They call it a passion gap, go google it and you might be suprised to know how good of a lover he really is. :love:

    Brad Pitt is gross haha. MAYBE for Johnny Depp :) but I know he would never act so lame. Hehe. It just seemed super desperate and weird. What kind of person are you if you lurk around the grocery store trying to pick up girls that are a good 15 years younger than you with your SWEEEET dance moves?? Baha.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Brad Pitt is gross haha. MAYBE for Johnny Depp :) but I know he would never act so lame. Hehe. It just seemed super desperate and weird. What kind of person are you if you lurk around the grocery store trying to pick up girls that are a good 15 years younger than you with your SWEEEET dance moves?? Baha.

    Perhaps Hugh Hefner is his role model lol
  • I had a 40-year-old double amputee hit on me once. That was weird and just awkward.
  • Its4CJ
    Its4CJ Posts: 14
    I told one of my former employees, who happens to be about 40 years older than me that he could go kill himself by smoking. So he gets down on one knee, says "I love you! Will you marry me?!? For real, now!" I told him to get his crazy @$$ up and go do his stuff
  • VAMommyAgain
    VAMommyAgain Posts: 400 Member

    Ok the grocery store one reminds me when I went to the store about a year ago. There was a guy probably around 35 with a curly mullet that went to his shoulders. I turned on the aisle and he started dancing towards me and even did the whole fake lasso and pull me in. It was f***ing pathetic!!! He thought he was sooooo charming. I was like, does this usually work for you??? baha.

    OMG funniest story ever!!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Walking to the subway one night with my buddies, we ducked into one last bar before getting on the train in the Village. Turns out overweight bearded men can be quite popular among certain segments of the gay population at 2am. :laugh:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Walking to the subway one night with my buddies, we ducked into one last bar before getting on the train in the Village. Turns out overweight bearded men can be quite popular among certain segments of the gay population at 2am. :laugh:
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Now I have to ask what is the best way to approach a woman?

    *Guys take notes!*
    Very carefully.
    But the thing is, you hit the nail on the head with something. If you are a great looking guy, there are a lot of women who won't see you has a "freak" even if you do have something odd about you. Women probably won't admit this, but it's true.
    If some hot weird dude hits on me, I just remember "wow he was hot".
    If some unattractive weird dude hits on me, I just rememeber "oh my gosh ew.... I'm afraid to walk to my car alone knowing this human exists"
    This is how Ted Bundy was successful. :/
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    I had a customer at work who was a little too eager. He came in right on close and decided to stick around and casually browse despite my many hints. The next day he was waiting for me outside of work and walked into the store after me while I was deactivating the alarm. He has also randomly touched my hair while I was ringing up another customer. I was just... :noway:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Poor fellas... They just tryin to catch a break :laugh:

    I've had some pretty funny ones... I have actually laughed out loud before with some of the crazy things they say... It doesn't "creep" me out or make me run all over a grocery store... I'm not a victim LOL... I just say, "keep on walking honey, this gal is taken"... A wedding ring usually does the trick.... or just about the time they walk up and try to talk, my kids start fighting and screaming at each other..... CRAZY toddlers are a really great deterrent....

    I have always noticed that guys are braver in a pack... That's usually when the dumbest actions and pick-up lines come out... Usually one on one I have never gotten any really crazy things happen, just some fellas who stare a lot... I have literally gotten tired of it before and stopped what I was doing and stared back... That nips it in the bud.