What sparked "I'm going to lose that weight!"



  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    My daughter and I were walking through a store and a friend pointed out a dress with an empire waist that was very pretty, just not for me. I told her that that style makes me look pregnant. My 6 year old daughter replied with "but you do anyway". I went home and just cried and cried. It hurt so much. I am okay when strangers who dont know any better ask if I am pregnant, but for my daughter who knows I am not....... it was hard. I cant look like this anymore. I have to get rid of the belly.
  • staceyb2003
    staceyb2003 Posts: 203 Member
    when my 10 year old daughter told me her friends were saying I was getting fat. After about an hour of crying, I decided to do something about it.
  • I've been trying to lose weight for about 6 years. After leading an unhealthy lifestyle with my ex fiance. I tried on and off for years, but he was always unsupportive, demanding pizza instead of cooking and never coming with me when I wanted to go on walks etc. But because we'd been together 8 years it didn't seem like it mattered too much since "he loved me anyway" but I was unhappy in myself and lying to myself I was happy with him too.

    So I made the hard decision to leave him and live my life for me. So far i've lost 20lbs and I don't plan on stopping till i'm happy with me for no one elses benifit but my own!
  • Multiple symptoms of a sedentary life came crashing down on me in a short period of time:

    -Injuries from simple tasks I used to take for granted that I could do (running :wink: , hauling wood)
    -Morning stiffness and pain
    -Shortness of breath
    -Frequent heartburn

    And the final straw - little boy at my son's school told him his mommy was fat. Oh did I want to remind him of his manners - but it was the truth (and the greatest son in the world, who obviously knew this about me already, told his friend - "yeah, but she's awesome!")

    Now I'm really going to be as awesome as he thinks I am (and I used to be before the kids were born!)

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  • ctriston
    ctriston Posts: 71 Member
    having avoided looking at myself in the mirror, I ignored the weight gain, until I realised if I don 't want to look at me looking like this, then I doubt my other half wants to either, and he has to!!!

    So I did it for me, and he is awfully happy too, I have about another 20 lbs to go...having lost 30, and I am enjoying the compliments from hubby and my family!:wink:
  • apesid
    apesid Posts: 135 Member
    While I've been overweight for a long time the final straw so to speak was when my 5 yo son asked me "Why is your tummy so big? Are you having another baby?" No...... I'm not. And my baby is a year old! LOL!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I have pretty much always been overweight, but I was on the heavier side when I got pregnant in April 2010. I ate whatever I wanted while I was pregnant and gained weight like crazy. I have no idea what my pre-pregnancy weight was, but at my last pre-delivery doctor visit (38 week visit) I was about 255 pounds. I had never been anything close to that heavy before in my life - the high end of my typical weight range was probably about 185. I appreciated that some of the weight is normal, but 255 is a lot. My doctor didn't say much, which I was happy about at the time but am sorry about now. Only at one visit did she express some concern over a high gain during that month, but I had gone on a cruise and eaten like crazy. She just said that if my next visit showed the same high rate of gain, she'd put me on a diet. However, I guess I didn't gain that much the next month. I continued to eat a ton post-delivery because I was nursing, and I "overestimated" (read: lied to myself) the amount of calories I needed over and above normal to be able to breastfeed. Two months post-delivery (end of March 2011) I was still almost 236 pounds. I had a 7+ pound baby (plus lost all the fluids and whatnot) and still weighed that much.

    It got to the point where I was still wearing maternity clothes two months post-partum that I realized the "I just had a baby" excuse was not going to last much longer. I was also super sore in the mornings in my lower joints (hips downwards) with lots of lower back pain, and I was sooo slow getting down to the floor and up off the floor to spend time with my son. God help me if I had to pick him up, then get up off the floor. I would get up, then pick him up, then sloooowly put myself upright because my back wouldn't let me go fast. I had a rough time with nursing (my supply was nearly zero), so I finally quit and began tracking my food using MFP.

    I did well just by eating less (I didn't exercise very much at all). In August my sister started doing Couch to 5K and invited me to join her, which has changed EVERYTHING. We got into Spinning together, so we either run or Spin 6 days/week now! I have successfully lost weight in the past, getting as low as 151.5, but I never did it with exercise. Today I am 163.8 and fit into clothes I used to only fit into when I was in the mid-150s! I am also seeing some awesome muscle development that I've never really had before. :happy: All of those physical problems, the back pain, the joint stiffness, etc, have since disappeared. I literally don't ever feel that way anymore. I can get down on the floor and back up (regardless of whether or not I'm carrying my 25-lb son) without any hesitation whatsoever. So part of this is that I didn't want him to grow up with a mom who couldn't do stuff with him, nevermind the whole setting a bad example thing.

    I do plan on having at least one more baby (probably just one more), so it seems a bit silly to go through all this effort only to "ruin" it by getting pregnant again (not right away). However, I think it is more than feasible to go through a pregnancy healthily. I understand I will have to give up some of these workouts (or dial them back based on what my doctor says) and that post-partum I'll have to work hard to get myself back to where I was, but I'd rather do it that way than stay fat until I am done having kids (whenever that may be).

    My sister and I call these the "light switch" moments - when the light switch in your head gets turned on for whatever reason. No one can turn it on for you, and it's your job to keep that switch on :smile:
  • I didn't want to risk my career. My job requires individuals to stay under a certain weight / body fat percentage. I was at the point of one more strike and you are out!
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    For me. I was 32yo, 350lbs and had never had a bf, and loved children watching all my friends around me get married and start having babies. I knew I was killing myself and taking away the life I wanted to live. The final straw was when I got out of breath from holding a new born in my arms. That was it...how was I going to have the life I wanted and be this fat. I gained another 40lbs before my surgery but that was my motivator ultimately. Now 185lbs gone, and 2 years later...still no babies lol BUT a full life, active, I feel fantastic and just met someone amazing who knows what the future will hold but a whole lot more than if I hadn't finally had a rock bottom!
  • My brother's Kinect couldn't tell the difference between when I was standing straight on and side on! :noway:
  • Doulos24x7
    Doulos24x7 Posts: 37 Member
    The best/scariest words I've ever heard from my doctor after my physical:

    "You have very high cholesterol. Like heart attack now range. If you don't do something you will die young."
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Having 30 be not too far away. I have always said "I want to be in shape sometime in my 20's"
  • baby weight sticks around longer then you expect. my youngest child is 14, however i never lost any weight after having any of my children. it just keeps adding. most of my weight is still "baby weight" as it is around my lower abdomen. i oftne get asked if i am pregnant and i am actually a grandmother. that was my motivation, having a 12 year old grand daughter + 6 more with number 7 on the way and being asked when i was due.... very eye opening
  • Katielou112
    Katielou112 Posts: 55 Member
    I knew I had to do something when I lost the confidence to wear skirts and dresses on nights out. Constantly hiding away in leggings and jeans is unbearable! Particularly all the way through the summer. I also have the end of Uni approaching and read that employers are much more likely to give out jobs to those who look healthy/fit because it gives off a air of being organised, driven as a person etc.

    Plus, I want for ONCE to go holiday and look and post my bikini pics with pride. The one time I was at that stage I didn't go on holiday for two years! But this time I am doing it through healthy eating and exercise and not eating a dry bun a day and nothing but branflakes for two weeks - yes I did that!! x
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    fam pic taken at Carnival and my arms looked FAT, they had fat dents in them?! I was not pretty anymore, i was just fat so I got on the scale at my moms and it told me I was fat too. Never want to be there again
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
  • The fact that I had to clean out my closet and filled an extra large suitcase full of clothes that were too small that just a year ago I was able to wear.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Mine was back in 2008, one year or so after having my third child. I saw a picture of me taken at our Ladies Retreat for church and it was awful. I had never had a scale, so decided to get one and I was at 183, the highest I have ever been. I kept telling myself "the weight will come off eventually," but it didn't. I got a BodyMedia device and lost about 30 lbs in a year, hit a plateau and maintained for about a year before I got pregnant with #4. He will be 1 on Thursday and I'm 6 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, then I still have about 20 lbs to go.

    I want to be healthy for my boys, my husband and most of all for myself because high blood pressure, diabetes and back problems run rampant in my family.
  • schaacker
    schaacker Posts: 20 Member
    I realized I felt like I was missing out on my own life. There are so many things to think about - I didn't want negative weight feelings to be one of them anymore.
  • thebigbige
    thebigbige Posts: 99 Member
    Me finding out that the woman I love cheated on me and wanting to date another man.
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