What was your trigger to lose weight?



  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    This time it was hitting my highest weight ever and being considered overweight on the BMI chart. I had gained about 15 pounds from drinking, my belly was leaving belly button imprints through my shirts. Also in high school I had a boss and some coworkers confront me because they thought I was pregnant. I was only 5'3 and weighed about 130...but that belly and the ten pounds I gained (part of growing up) left some people suspicious...*sigh*. I was hurt and mortified.
  • Ichbinceiling
    I was at a store called DEB and I remember grabbing my size, 24. Going into the dressing room with my best friend and the jeans wouldn't close. So I tried on two more pairs, they didn't fit either. I said enough was enough. I then had to lie to my best friend and tell her that there was something wrong with each of the pairs.. My best friend, being a size 18, didn't judge me, she never did. She never questioned it.

    I started dieting quickly after... I'm still on my journey, but now i'm a 18/20
  • MoneySavingLisa
    A few things got me motivated.

    1) I'm at my highest weight ever and dress size
    2) I can't fit in any of my clothes
    3) All of a sudden I have back pains and heart burn all the time, which are things I never had before
    4) Sick of hiding in baggy pjs and hoodies
    5) I miss feeling pretty, confident in how I look when I wear something, etc. And it would be nice to be able to wear a bikini or shorts and not feel like I have to cover myself.

    I have about 73lbs to lose to reach my goal. I gained over 50lbs in a short amount of time, and in less than a year. I was in the army and had a lot of stress the last nine months, and add on top of it the first BC shot.. I can tell you I'll never be taking that shot again! It had me gain 15lbs in a month!
  • Joisgettingfit
    Joisgettingfit Posts: 160 Member
    When I realised my "fat"/baggy jeans were getting a bit tight on me.
  • gettingskinnysoon
    Being constantly reminded of my size and compared to friends & cousins by my nana.
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    My 40th bday was coming up & what better time to lose a few pounds?:wink::wink: :wink:
  • mistylynnfoster
    mistylynnfoster Posts: 14 Member
    After having two kids, I had totally let myself go...gained about 60pounds in a a matter of 4 years. After having my last child I vowed I would get back to where I was. The comments: "I'll believe it when I see it" and " There's no way you can do it". Helped too;)

    Harsh! Who said that?
  • mistylynnfoster
    mistylynnfoster Posts: 14 Member
    I was turning 30 this year, and I thought it was about damn time to get my weight under control. A couple weeks in, I was down 5 lbs. or so, and I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. That was in May of this year. I have lost 64 lbs. and my A1C has dropped from 8.5% at diagnosis to 6.3% in November! Never looking back...
  • mistylynnfoster
    mistylynnfoster Posts: 14 Member
    When I realised my "fat"/baggy jeans were getting a bit tight on me.

    Heard that!!
  • Hummingbird82
    Hummingbird82 Posts: 79 Member
    Gaining emotional weight during a crappy relationship, getting out of said relationship and realizing that I was not gonna let the "emotional" baggage show on my body, but get fit and gain my confidence back To finally be healthy inside and out and know I did it for no one else but me, myself and I! And I am so much better off for it! :)
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 331 Member
    I want to be happy....I want to raise my girls healthy...I have so many things that are motivating me....NO STOPPING. I just started, but have about 30 pounds to go....maybe more, we'll see when I get there.
  • Alicianjames
    I've always been a thin person, but I learned quickly thin does not mean healthy. My husband has always been overweight, and started his journey to losing weight. He has worked sooo hard losing over 40lbs so far. I mean, how could I sit around and watch him. I decided to join him on his journey, this way our entire family is healthy! :)
  • mmbutler2004
    mmbutler2004 Posts: 32 Member
    I was on the slim fast diet and of course it was not working, 2 months on it and lost about 5 pounds.. one day my daughter who is 7 said why do they call it slim fast? Before i could answer she says ... mommy you have been drinking it and u r not slim.... u have a big belly... well i gained back that 5 pounds and went into denial all summer long. i was 232 in August and went to the doctor in September to find out i was 250... ahhhh I was only 50 pounds from 300... i would not go there... 3 months later i have lost a little more than 30 pounds and do not plan to give up.
  • alofay
    alofay Posts: 127 Member
    My boyfriend told me I "used to be cute!" What an A-Hole! And now I'm marrying him! hah
  • Martialartsgirl
    Martialartsgirl Posts: 10 Member
    Think I was triggered by a few reasons;
    Met a guy, who didnt care about my weight. He has to go away for a month with work, and I'd like to surprised him when he gets home.
    I'm a second degree black belt in ju jitsu, and would like to look it lol
    I work as a bouncer, being able to move quickly is pretty important
    I got sick of having to plan out and rotate between the 3 tshirts that make me look slimmer.
  • lkirchherr
    my trigger was seeing all of these seniors in my track team who had really legs, arms and abs. I realized that if they could do it, I could do it too!
    I just need to lose some weight so that my abs are more noticeable lol (:
  • low8553
    I'm a sophomore in college, and the transition from eating little at home with my family to having meals paid for everyday at school caught up with me. I was 125 pounds before college and now weigh 144. I want to be happy and comfortable in my clothes. I find myself constantly wearing the same baggy sweaters lately and I'm definitely tired of it, so that was my trigger to lose a few pounds. I made the decision to start dieting the day I came home for Christmas break four days ago. I return to school on the 23rd of January, and I plan to lose about ten pounds by then.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    I went to the doctors for a check up about 6 months after i started taking some medicine for my skin. I expected to see 115 (the weight i normally walk around at), and saw 145. At first i thought nothing of it. But after i moved to maui, i was kinda forced to face the mirror. I no longer fit my favorite grey tights or my size 2 jeans. So alas, i totally freaked out and started eating less. Dropped 10 lbs. Platue'd, and started going to the gym. Dropped another 10. And now i'm just working onthe last couple lbs. :3 Trying to get comfortable in my own skin again.
  • barbiebarkley
    mine was the same as yours.i seen pictures of myself,and could not believe how big my arms were,and im a recovering addict and i just thought it would go away!!!boy was i wrong!!!so i went to my dr.and she hooked me up with this site.its been on since then...:happy:
  • Gharley64
    Gharley64 Posts: 37 Member
    Family pics we had done. I knew I was bigger, but seeing those made me sick, and continues to be my inspiration.