breastfeeding in public



  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    I personally don't care if people feed in public or not a baby needs feeding. But peoples weird attitudes to it really effected me feeding my children I tried to bf my first for a month but I was so shy and worried people would comment while I was out I used to freak out and ignore her if I was out and she was hungry. I used to rush home and feed her there.

    I tried again with my second but was so paranoid I couldn't even feed him on the maternity ward, so with my third i just bottle fed from birth. The weirdest thing is with him was the only time I got someone being nasty about how i fed him. I was out with him in a subways and this woman came over to ask how old when I said 2weeks she proceeded to tell me how it was disgusting that I was bottle feeding a baby his age!
  • zendarah
    zendarah Posts: 91 Member
    Seriously, if someone finds THIS offensive you need psychiatric help:


    Do you really think it's appropriate to be that happy? Cover up that smile. The thought of someone being happy while breastfeeding is gross.


    :D Nice work!
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    Breasts are for feeding babies.

    Yeah. They might be fun to look at and play with, but they are for really only one reason.

    I personally don't care, I rather see a boob than hear a baby scream because it is hungry. If anyone gets a sexual charge by seeing a baby breast feed, I think that is the bigger issue that needs addressing. That being said, if you can cover up or there is a quiet (clean!) space available, it would probably be more comfortable for your baby and yourself.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I always felt a bit uncomfortable breastfeeding in public but I have huge breasts, catch me at the wrong angle and it looked like I was feeding a 2 headed baby.

    I don't mind really that other people breastfeed in public. Im more bothered by people who let their babies scream restaurants down in the evenings or take infants to the movies. There is a time and a place for these things. If a breast fed baby is hungry a mother should be able to discreetly nurse him or her. If a baby is dirty there should be facilities to safely change them. These are basic needs of babies and it should be respected.

    What I don't like is the breast feeding Nazi's who head out to protest for their rights to get their tatties out to feed their overindulged kid in Taret because they are too busy doing their shopping to stop and find a nice, clean quiet place which is more suitable for nursing a baby. I would rather sit in my quiet car and nurse my child than a grotty Target where there is so much noise and distraction that my child ends up with wind and feeds badly. Breastfeeding is a calm, tender and beautiful way of nourishing your baby, women need to remember that when they are protesting that McDonalds, Starbucks, Target etc don't provide places to feed their babies. I wouldn't want to bottle feed my baby in any of those places either. If you respect your child then you work your day around their needs. There is no reason why women can't plan ahead and be sure that they feed before or after they finish their shopping. In the photo of the Mumma feeding her baby you can see it is away from crowds, quite comfortable and baby can concentrate on her feeding. A perfect example of how is should and can be done in public.
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    I did it and think its totally ok to do in public. Its not like I was squirting my milk at people passing by.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I did it and think its totally ok to do in public. Its not like I was squirting my milk at people passing by.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I did it and think its totally ok to do in public. Its not like I was squirting my milk at people passing by.


    With all the real crisis in our country and around the world, it's a shame that something as natural as breastfeeding is such an issue.
    It's a known fact that breast milk contains much more nutrients for the baby and also provides a close bonding between mother and child.

    We really need to get over this issue and worry about the real issues we are facing in our country.
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    I have two children which I breastfed- My son is almost 11 and my daughter 3. When I was 18, I had my son and chose to breastfeed. I remember being at a mall with my son's father and grandmother. His grandmother told me that if I breastfed my son in the mall she was going to walk away from me. Needless to say, I never breastfed my son in public. I had my daughter at the age of 25. Breastfeeding to me, being a more mature adult, meant sustinence for my child. I breastfed my daughter in public-- whenever she was hungry. I sat next to a friend who never knew I was breastfeeding once.
    Moms who breast feed do not want to be flashing their boobs all over the place. It's only our weird stigmas that we've placed on something that is there to feed our children. I think it's kind of strange that people even have an issue with this.
  • jmvh59
    jmvh59 Posts: 97
    Babies need to eat. I think it's up to mom (and not society--or grandma) to decide if baby should eat in public.
  • mpetty1975
    i breastfed and babies don't get hungry when it;s convenient. i do think that having a little blanket to throw over your shoulder is a good idea because i personally didn't want ppl to get a free shot at my nipple, but it doesn't bother me. if you live in an area with a high immigrant population it's not as taboo. americns get too caught up on stupid stuff.
  • sgtlittle
    sgtlittle Posts: 258 Member
    If your child is hungry, feed it no matter where you are at. It is a natural and beautiful occasion and should not be stopped because of "offending"someone. It offends me that people are so up tight. LET WOMEN FEED THEIR CHILDREN!!
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I always felt a bit uncomfortable breastfeeding in public but I have huge breasts, catch me at the wrong angle and it looked like I was feeding a 2 headed baby.

    I don't mind really that other people breastfeed in public. Im more bothered by people who let their babies scream restaurants down in the evenings or take infants to the movies. There is a time and a place for these things. If a breast fed baby is hungry a mother should be able to discreetly nurse him or her. If a baby is dirty there should be facilities to safely change them. These are basic needs of babies and it should be respected.

    What I don't like is the breast feeding Nazi's who head out to protest for their rights to get their tatties out to feed their overindulged kid in Taret because they are too busy doing their shopping to stop and find a nice, clean quiet place which is more suitable for nursing a baby. I would rather sit in my quiet car and nurse my child than a grotty Target where there is so much noise and distraction that my child ends up with wind and feeds badly. Breastfeeding is a calm, tender and beautiful way of nourishing your baby, women need to remember that when they are protesting that McDonalds, Starbucks, Target etc don't provide places to feed their babies. I wouldn't want to bottle feed my baby in any of those places either. If you respect your child then you work your day around their needs. There is no reason why women can't plan ahead and be sure that they feed before or after they finish their shopping. In the photo of the Mumma feeding her baby you can see it is away from crowds, quite comfortable and baby can concentrate on her feeding. A perfect example of how is should and can be done in public.

    If you're refering to my photo I was actually in a crowded baseball stadium surrounded by thousands of other people :wink:

    I always fed my chidlren on demand. They demanded it, I supplied it. Neither of them were on a schedule I could work around. Of course I'd always try to find a quiet place to nurse but it's not always possible. I perfected the art of nursing in a sling while shopping and moving about. Trust me, the kiddos didn't care as long as they were getting fed. I normally also ate myself while I was feeding them so in a resturant they'd be on my lap nursing and I'd be eating my dinner. We travel quite a bit for day excursions and in the summer especially it's not nice or possible to shut yourself up in a car for a good half an hour... nor should you have to.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    I love to see breastfeeding in public. Its a joy to see people doing the best thing for their babies, and the more it is normalised the less pitifully low our breastfeeding rates might become. Women should be fully supported to naturally breastfeed their babies wherever necessary, and not felt bullied into feeling like they need to cover more than anyone in a low cut top does any day of the week or bullied into giving formula prematurely.

    If you dont like it, dont look
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    With all that is going on in the world, how is this even relevant? Yesterday I clicked past the show "Toddlers and Tiaras". These parents dress their 4-6 year old daughters up to look like hookers, yet breastfeeding in public is obscene and sexualized. Only in America.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    "back in the day" you used to just throw a flannel blanket over your breast and all was good. I don't think anybody would suggest you not feed your baby but everybody does not want their child to have to deal with someone else’s naked breasts. Breast-feeding is done very differently when the mother is trying more to make a point than to feed her child.

    Completely agree 100%, especially about mothers trying to make a point. How did this get on the news? Because someone was screaming for attention and trying to make a point.

    Do it wherever and whenever you want, and a little discretion will avoid any issues for mother, baby, or the general population.
  • gc2052
    gc2052 Posts: 183
    Ok I guess if that is what you want BUT sitting on a nasty floor breast feeding is unhealthy for everyone.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    "its perfectly natural"
    "its beautiful"
    "its best for the baby"
    blah blah blah

    I think the ones who choose to breastfeed publicly are crying for attention, and they are sure to get it.

    Or maybe their baby is hungry.

    Drape a blanket over your shoulder and you're good to go. I have no problem with others doing it, though I personally wasn't comfortable doing it.
  • gc2052
    gc2052 Posts: 183
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    how come in all my 11 years of parenting, going to mother and baby/toddler groups, being around mothers, having friends and family breastfeeding, ive never so much as caught a glimpse of nipple, and i dont think anyone was going out of their way to be either discreet or indiscrete. I think the only place where breastfeeding is obscene, is in peoples imaginations.
  • froggzy1015
    froggzy1015 Posts: 178 Member
    I breastfed both of my boys. I went into a dressing room most of the time when I was out just because my kids were all over the place while they nursed and I would have flashed the world. I like being covered, but that is my personal preference. I have used a cover and sat in a booth and nursed my babies and no one seemed to look at me strangely or say anything so I'm assuming they didn't know or didn't care. I would never take them in a bathroom to eat, never.