breastfeeding in public



  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    There are so many other actual problems we could focus on. Nursing moms? Respect that those around you aren't on the same comfort level. Everyone else? Respect nursing mothers and look the other way!

    Well said!
  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member

    To each their own but I don't want to see your boob nor do I want my 5 yr old to see it when we are at the mall either. They make family rooms in the restroom area just for this reason.

    Actually, around here they don't. There isn't a SINGLE family room or area to nurse that isn't a toilet in my area. Not.One. Not in the mall, not in a restaurant, not in a dept store...not a one.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I didn't breastfeed my two children but that was MY choice (there were historical family medical reasons behind it) .Women should be able to breast feed or bottle feed anywhere. The child doesnt understand that he/she is out in public and it's hungery. Personally when I'm out with my children and someone is breastfeeding IF the children notice I tell them the truth "the baby is hungery and his/her mommy is feeding them. The only reason people freak out over this is simply for the joy of freaking out. Please remind the next striaght laced over flesh observent person that this is the way babies have been feed since time began. Enjoy your baby time ladies just do me a favor and dont drive and feed the baby (we had a case of that in south Florida 2 yrs ago very dangerous). People need to get over themselves
  • wildhehr2
    wildhehr2 Posts: 122 Member
    Breastfed all three of my kids, and in public. But I either had a full cover, or at least a nursing rag so that very little of my breast was exposed. Most of the negative comments I received came before I actually started nursing...when it was obvious what I was going to do. Also, most of the negative comments came from women my mom's age (early 50's)...very few from men or young women or much older women.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Ug, double post.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I plan on doing it without a doubt. If anyone says anything I will act like I don't speak English and have no idea what they are saying. That is a sweet and loving time between mom and baby.

    I do believe in covering up though. For me I will have a thin somewhat sheer personal blanket sized breathable cloth that I will drape over my chest and sometimes over my head while feeding my little one (no kids yet) I plan on enjoying my time with it too.
    Over my head when I want to see that sweet little face just in heaven :heart:
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I have no issue with breastfeeding. When a baby - OR person for that matter is hungry - they eat.
    The difference is - you don't see people walking around a store shopping while stuffing their face with food and drink,
    in fact, in most stores that is not even allowed. When we are hungry we go to the appropriate place to eat - which is NOT a bathroom by the way. but it's also not the shoe aisle. If feeding your child you don't have to walk around shopping to do it. Sitting off to the side is fine. Walking up and down the aisles of a clothing store for example is not the appropriate place for eating/feeding - not just for breastfeeding mothers - but for anyone. I don't even notice mothers off to side breastfeeding.

    This is a ridiculous analogy. When a baby is hungry, the baby doesn't say "let's wait until we're in a restaurant." The baby screams, people give the mom dirty looks for having a screaming baby, and the mom now needs to quiet the baby while also getting things done. I'm not advocating whipping one's breasts out in public, but there are discreet ways of doing it, even in the aisle of a clothing store. If the mom feels comfortable with it, then you simply don't have to look.

    I was on an airplane recently where a woman in my aisle was breast feeding. People were complaining to the flight attendant about it. I mean, seriously, what was she supposed to do? Would these people prefer a screaming baby? Probably not...

    First of all - ***everyone is able to eat and drink on an airplane - there is no where to go - no one should have issue with a mother breastfeeding her child there.

    When a baby screams and needs to be fed there is zero reason you can't walk off to the side of the store or where ever you happen to be. That is being discreet. There is not HAVE or NEED to shop at the same exact time. Why is it a big deal to go off to the side, back, front, or wherever the best private place is? There is no NEED to feed the baby and shop at the same time - that is a want - the mothers want. The baby should be the priority - feed the baby, then get back to shopping.

    I've heard plenty of screaming babies/kids in stores and never looked or given a dirty look unless the parent was causing the screaming.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    Eh, I don't care either way. But if you bring out your boob and not cover it.. don't be mad if people stare or if I go up to you with a dollar! :tongue:

    I kid.. I kid... but for real, breastfeed where ever you like.. just cover up.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    And formula is child abuse.

    Really? How would you support this nonseniscal statement?

    Breast feeding is fine, but you can do it discreetly.
    She was joking! Right? No one would say that in seriousness, tell me.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    plan to breast feed when I have children, but I personally don't want my boobs hanging out in public. I don't go around with one popped out for everyone to see now, why is it ok when I'm breastfeeding? I'm fine with it as long as nothing is showing. I understand it's natural and its "beatiful" to an exent. The idea that we create our own nutrition and food for our infants is a thing of beauty. Seeing it is not.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    And formula is child abuse.

    So women whose milk supply is too low to keep the baby alive should just let the baby die? Or babies who refuse the breast should just be left to die? Or what? What is your solution to those problems?

    Some women can't breast feed, so I guess they just should not be allowed to keep their children.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Double post.
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 193 Member
    It is perfectly fine.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    This story didn't happen on an airplane. It was in the middle of the floor in the clothes section at Target. On an airplane, your seat is clearly the best place to sit and nurse, and I'd whole-heartedly agree that anyone who gets upset is silly. In the middle of the Target aisle? That's not something you do because you HAVE to do it, that's something you do because you want to make a political statement. Well, that's exactly why no one has ever had a problem with me BFing a million times in public, because that's not how I do it.

    Personally, I BF my babies (for 1.5 years, then 3 years, now 2 years, respectively, so you can't tell me I don't get it), but it was for me & for them, not for a political statement.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    This is a touchy subject...obviously!

    I am huge on breast feeding! I breast fed both of my kids but I NEVER did it in public...and to be completely honest it is NOT natural that is why you have to "teach" your baby how to latch on and so forth. I learned that from my lactation consultant.

    I always pumped when my babies weren't hungry so that I had milk ready when we were out and about and so that my husband could share in the feeding duties.

    To each their own but I don't want to see your boob nor do I want my 5 yr old to see it when we are at the mall either. They make family rooms in the restroom area just for this reason.

    SOME babies need to be taught. My son latched on right after he was born. So, yes, it's NATURAL! Haven't you heard of the rooting reflex? Didn't you know that it's for the baby to find the nipple? Do you know that this reflex remains until the breastfeeding relationship is well established? Hmm.... don't you think if breastfeeding weren't natural that the rooting reflex wouldn't exist? Did the first person have bottles to feed their infants with? It's SOOO unnatural to breastfeed, you know, so they should have bottles....
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Oh boy...

    Ok, my mother breast fed me. In front of her own father. Grandpa had NO CLUE. She just covered up with a blanket. No one had any idea that that was what she was doing. Do I think you should flop your boob out in front of everyone in the Target. Maybe not. However, I don't think anyone in there should have a damn thing to say about it if you're sitting there with your infant bundled up in a blanket and maybe your shirt is shifted a little on that side.

    (No, I don't have kids. Don't like them. Don't want them.)
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I personally think it is ok!! It is completely natural. It is sad our society has such issues with Breast Feeding
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Well, the double-posting seems to be rampant. :grumble:
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565

  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 193 Member
    I didn't breastfeed my two children but that was MY choice (there were historical family medical reasons behind it) .Women should be able to breast feed or bottle feed anywhere. The child doesnt understand that he/she is out in public and it's hungery. Personally when I'm out with my children and someone is breastfeeding IF the children notice I tell them the truth "the baby is hungery and his/her mommy is feeding them. The only reason people freak out over this is simply for the joy of freaking out. Please remind the next striaght laced over flesh observent person that this is the way babies have been feed since time began. Enjoy your baby time ladies just do me a favor and dont drive and feed the baby (we had a case of that in south Florida 2 yrs ago very dangerous). People need to get over themselves

    well said - some people just like to feak out.