breastfeeding in public



  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    I breastfed my son until he was 18 months old when my daughter was born. She has since then been nursed (almost 9 months). I breastfeed in public, but usually have a cover. Not because I feel uncomfortable, but because it makes others uncomfortable. I don't find anything wrong with it and actually love to see other mums nurse their babies. It's natural and people make it too big of a deal.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    It is funny status of our hypocrisy of a nation when we have a multi billion dollar porn industry, every where we turn is sex sex sex dipped in more sex (see mfp forums for this too) and whipping out a tit in public to feed a child is considered taboo!

    Only in America. Literally, this is something not even discussed in other nations where breast nudity is not that big of a deal!
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    I don't think it should be done in public.
  • jillerymaker
    I just saw this on the news this morning!! I am a mother and I breastfed my son. I do, however, feel that the whole world does not need to watch it. I understand when babies are hungry, feed them, by all means. But is Target really the place? Go to your car or something. I don't believe that offering a breastfeeding mother a fitting room where she can sit comfortably is so horrible. She said she was made to feel uncomfortable, but what if she was making others feel uncomfortable? Screw them?

    In this country, we feel the need to "make a stand" over the stupidest, little issues. So now we are going to prance hundreds of mothers into a public store and whip out their boobs just to make a point? Please, there are so many more important issues to stand for. Use your time for a greater cause.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Love the fact that there are so many breast-feeding advocates now. How times have changed...

    When I was born, in 1976, my parents lived in a conservative small town. They both got tagged as "liberal troublemakers" by the hospital staff. Why? Because Dad insisted on being present with Mom... in the delivery room, gasp!... during the entire process of labor & birth. And then because my mother insisted on breastfeeding me. In fact, when Mom caught the nurses giving me a bottle behind her back, she threw a fit and got the doctors involved and the nurses were disciplined. Never mess with a hormonal redhead. :wink:

    The irony is that my parents really aren't liberal hippie types. But both have degrees in education, which included classes in childhood development, so they both knew the benefits of breastfeeding over bottle-feeding. And they're both from farm families, where the "facts of life" are learned early and taken for granted. Mothers have babies. Then they feed them. What's the big deal?

    Hopefully, our culture will continue to evolve until women's breasts in any context are no longer an issue.

    I'm sorry, don't you know that for many in the U.S. the facts of life are too dirty to be discussed? It's better to live in ignorance until you actually become pregnant and then are fearful of birthing and disgusted by breastfeeding because you have been taught nothing of these things except that they are too unseemly to be discussed.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I am a huge advocate for breastfeeding, and I have breastfed in public a million times. I have done it sitting in the park, pushing a cart in target, shopping at home depot, at work and a million other places. I honestly don't care if my breasts are exposed, but I always cover up so I don't make anyone uncomfortable. People are too touchy about what is a normal, natural thing. I get more uncomfortable watching a baby drink formula, to be completely honest. I can't say that I would ever do a nurse- in because I don't feel like they will change the public views of breastfeeding, but I would never park my butt in a dressing room just because people get uncomfortable with me using my breasts for what nature intended.
    Would you really, though? I guess here's what I mean-- your baby cries, you'd immediately sit down whereever you happened to be, and feed him... ? You happen to be in the aisle at Target, you happen to be crossing the street, wherever, sit THERE, NOW, and feed. No one does that. I wouldn't go to the changing room to HIDE, I'd go to the changing room to NOT HAVE TO SIT ON THE FLOOR. KWIM? LOL I guess that's something I don't get. I'd sit on the benches right by the check-out lanes at Target, visible to the world, & BF (in fact, I have! LOL And never gotten a dirty look, honestly I think because I just did what I had to do, discreetly, & no one ever cared), but if I was in the womens' clothes section, and needed to nurse INSTANTLY, I'd walk to the nearest seats, which would be the fitting rooms. It seems insane to just sit on the floor wherever I happen to be-- I've nursed for the last 7 years without a break, and I've never once just sat wherever I was and immediately nursed.

    eta: I forgot to ask! Can you clarify why it'd make you uncomfortable to watch a baby drink formula? I've never heard that sentiment, so I'm wondering.
  • jillerymaker
    I just saw this on the news this morning!! I am a mother and I breastfed my son. I do, however, feel that the whole world does not need to watch it. I understand when babies are hungry, feed them, by all means. But is Target really the place? Go to your car or something. I don't believe that offering a breastfeeding mother a fitting room where she can sit comfortably is so horrible. She said she was made to feel uncomfortable, but what if she was making others feel uncomfortable? Screw them?

    In this country, we feel the need to "make a stand" over the stupidest, little issues. So now we are going to prance hundreds of mothers into a public store and whip out their boobs just to make a point? Please, there are so many more important issues to stand for. Use your time for a greater cause.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Geesh, what's with all the posting issues?
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I just think the logic of some of these mothers is ridiculous. The mom that started the whole controversy in Target said "Would you want to sit on a toilet in a bathroom and eat your lunch? No!" Sorry, but I wouldn't want to sit on the nasty floor in the middle of clothing racks and eat my lunch either (which is what she did)...where is the logic in her statement? Not that I agree with all of the things listed as "natural" in one of the first posts, but just because something is "natural" does not mean it should be socially acceptable. Like one poster said, I don't want my 5 year old seeing your boob while we are shopping at the mall.
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    Making some low fat air-popped popcorn. I'll sit back and watch the anvils fly past.

    it is definitely one of those topics!

    the reason i posted this is because i'm against it in public. i understand it's natural and it's the best for your baby. i am a nursing student so i've been taught that over and over. i don't think it should be done in public however. it's not because it's sexual at all, it's just because it should be a private thing between you and your baby. i don't care to see you take your breast out in public and have your baby latch onto it. if i'm in your hospital room or your house, i have no problem with it. but i dislike seeing it in public. i also know i will not breastfeed my future children so that might also have something to do with it as well.

    Why are you already planning on NOT breastfeeding your future children? You say that as a nursing student you know it's natural and best for your baby, and then that you will not breastfeed. Why is that? As a nursing student shouldn't you be more willing to do what is best for your child? Weird.

    As for breastfeeding in public....I've done it. But I had a cover and I gave warning to the hostess when she sat us that I would be breastfeeding and would like a table in the back. She was more than willing to help out and came by several times to see if we were doing ok. Very supportive. The young kid cleaning the tables was a little more curious and cleaned the table next to us for a long time. Baby needs to eat and I refuse to feed my child anywhere I wouldn't be willing to eat. If you can eat in a public place, why can't my son? If you have an issue with my breast doing it's job, don't look. It's really that simple. I don't tell you where you can and can't eat, how dare you tell me where my son can and can't eat.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    My attitude towards breast feeding in public got a real education when I lived in a developing country where ALL women breast fed in public. Flaunting it was not done, and there was a climate of respect towards both mother and baby. If you wear tops that pull up, and drape a scarf over your shoulder, no one need every know. Babies need to eat, and there should be no unreasonable constraints to the exercise.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Making some low fat air-popped popcorn. I'll sit back and watch the anvils fly past.

    it is definitely one of those topics!

    the reason i posted this is because i'm against it in public. i understand it's natural and it's the best for your baby. i am a nursing student so i've been taught that over and over. i don't think it should be done in public however. it's not because it's sexual at all, it's just because it should be a private thing between you and your baby. i don't care to see you take your breast out in public and have your baby latch onto it. if i'm in your hospital room or your house, i have no problem with it. but i dislike seeing it in public. i also know i will not breastfeed my future children so that might also have something to do with it as well.

    Why are you already planning on NOT breastfeeding your future children? You say that as a nursing student you know it's natural and best for your baby, and then that you will not breastfeed. Why is that? As a nursing student shouldn't you be more willing to do what is best for your child? Weird.
    Here's what is strange, that you care so much! Why is it an issue to you if SHE makes a different life choice than you do?

    Honestly, this kind of thing, and the comments that "well, it's feeding formula that makes ME uncomfortable," that turns me off of "lactivation" SO hard-core. Can you try to encourage the thing you like without denigrating everything that ISN'T what you like?

    I have BF non-stop for the last 7 years. But I think the "lactivists" do us more harm than good. I knew a gal who announced to the crowd when she was about to BF, daring anyone to take issue with it, I BF in public as often as she did-- but she got hundreds of dirty looks, I got nothing but sweet smiles. Guess why? Because she was the PETA of BFing.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    And formula is child abuse.

    Really? How would you support this nonseniscal statement?

    Breast feeding is fine, but you can do it discreetly.

    Nonsensical is exactly the right word. Some women simply can't do it any other way, for one reason or another. And many feel horrible about that. So it doesn't help to Have nipple nazis like this trying to make them feel worse.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I am a huge advocate for breastfeeding, and I have breastfed in public a million times. I have done it sitting in the park, pushing a cart in target, shopping at home depot, at work and a million other places. I honestly don't care if my breasts are exposed, but I always cover up so I don't make anyone uncomfortable. People are too touchy about what is a normal, natural thing. I get more uncomfortable watching a baby drink formula, to be completely honest. I can't say that I would ever do a nurse- in because I don't feel like they will change the public views of breastfeeding, but I would never park my butt in a dressing room just because people get uncomfortable with me using my breasts for what nature intended.
    Would you really, though? I guess here's what I mean-- your baby cries, you'd immediately sit down whereever you happened to be, and feed him... ? You happen to be in the aisle at Target, you happen to be crossing the street, wherever, sit THERE, NOW, and feed. No one does that. I wouldn't go to the changing room to HIDE, I'd go to the changing room to NOT HAVE TO SIT ON THE FLOOR. KWIM? LOL I guess that's something I don't get. I'd sit on the benches right by the check-out lanes at Target, visible to the world, & BF (in fact, I have! LOL And never gotten a dirty look, honestly I think because I just did what I had to do, discreetly, & no one ever cared), but if I was in the womens' clothes section, and needed to nurse INSTANTLY, I'd walk to the nearest seats, which would be the fitting rooms. It seems insane to just sit on the floor wherever I happen to be-- I've nursed for the last 7 years without a break, and I've never once just sat wherever I was and immediately nursed.

    eta: I forgot to ask! Can you clarify why it'd make you uncomfortable to watch a baby drink formula? I've never heard that sentiment, so I'm wondering.

    I didn't sit, I can walk and nurse. I guess I am just super- skilled. I get uncomfortable watching babies drink formula because many mothers aren't given proper breastfeeding education, teaching or support, so they turn to the easiest thing that is pushed on them by doctors, family and hospitals. Yes, there are instances when women can't nurse, but most can and don't even though breast milk has been perfectly designed by nature to be the perfect food for babies, and formulas don't even come close to holding the nutritional value.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    And formula is child abuse.

    Really? How would you support this nonseniscal statement?

    Breast feeding is fine, but you can do it discreetly.

    Nonsensical is exactly the right word. Some women simply can't do it any other way, for one reason or another. And many feel horrible about that. So it doesn't help to Have nipple nazis like this trying to make them feel worse.

    ^^^^^ AGREED
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I just love how every topic turns into America-bashing. It's so nice to see every day.

    As for the topic at hand, breast-feeding in public is one thing, but being in the way while doing it is another. Sitting in the middle of the floor and making people walk around you so your child can eat isn't OK. Not because I'm a prude, but because that's rude and selfish. Just move to the side out of the way and do your thing and I doubt most people would even notice or care.

    I see women breastfeeding in public all the time, discreetly and quietly. No one says anything to them or even really stops to take notice. And this is in AMERICA. In the Bible Belt, no less.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    And formula is child abuse.
    Really? How would you support this nonseniscal statement?
    Nonsensical is exactly the right word. Some women simply can't do it any other way, for one reason or another. And many feel horrible about that. So it doesn't help to Have nipple nazis like this trying to make them feel worse.

    Looking forward to her reply.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I am a huge advocate for breastfeeding, and I have breastfed in public a million times. I have done it sitting in the park, pushing a cart in target, shopping at home depot, at work and a million other places. I honestly don't care if my breasts are exposed, but I always cover up so I don't make anyone uncomfortable. People are too touchy about what is a normal, natural thing. I get more uncomfortable watching a baby drink formula, to be completely honest. I can't say that I would ever do a nurse- in because I don't feel like they will change the public views of breastfeeding, but I would never park my butt in a dressing room just because people get uncomfortable with me using my breasts for what nature intended.
    Would you really, though? I guess here's what I mean-- your baby cries, you'd immediately sit down whereever you happened to be, and feed him... ? You happen to be in the aisle at Target, you happen to be crossing the street, wherever, sit THERE, NOW, and feed. No one does that. I wouldn't go to the changing room to HIDE, I'd go to the changing room to NOT HAVE TO SIT ON THE FLOOR. KWIM? LOL I guess that's something I don't get. I'd sit on the benches right by the check-out lanes at Target, visible to the world, & BF (in fact, I have! LOL And never gotten a dirty look, honestly I think because I just did what I had to do, discreetly, & no one ever cared), but if I was in the womens' clothes section, and needed to nurse INSTANTLY, I'd walk to the nearest seats, which would be the fitting rooms. It seems insane to just sit on the floor wherever I happen to be-- I've nursed for the last 7 years without a break, and I've never once just sat wherever I was and immediately nursed.

    eta: I forgot to ask! Can you clarify why it'd make you uncomfortable to watch a baby drink formula? I've never heard that sentiment, so I'm wondering.

    I didn't sit, I can walk and nurse. I guess I am just super- skilled. I get uncomfortable watching babies drink formula because many mothers aren't given proper breastfeeding education, teaching or support, so they turn to the easiest thing that is pushed on them by doctors, family and hospitals. Yes, there are instances when women can't nurse, but most can and don't even though breast milk has been perfectly designed by nature to be the perfect food for babies, and formulas don't even come close to holding the nutritional value.

    I'm glad you're psychic and know what's in the bottle they're feeding. I know mothers who bottle feed breast milk - some can't nurse and go through painful hours of pumping. How nice you know exactly what everyone else is doing.