Starting 30 Day Shred 11/14/11



  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Just completed Level 3 day 10!!!! Woo-hoo! Jillian didn't kill me after all! Although I may be traumatized for life. LOL I will take my measurements and post final results in a day or two. I'm not sure if I've really lost much more in inches since my halfway point. We shall see. :-)
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    L3D6 done. Only 4 more! Not sure if I will work out Christmas Day, so I'll probably finish on 12/27. I'm thinking about doing a few more days of L3 beyond that though. I have Ripped in 30 to start next - not sure if I'll save that for the new year or start next week. I KNOW I'm going to keep working out though. For the first time in my life, I'm addicted to working out, thanks to Jillian Michaels! I hate missing a workout. Can't say I always love it while I'm doing it, but boy, does it make me feel great the rest of the day. My 16 year old daughter, who is 5'2" and maybe 102 pounds, but pretty sedentary, has been inspired by me and wants to try the 30DS too. She sees how happy and energetic I am all the time now, and the results I'm getting. She's really skinny, but wants to get more muscle (she's afraid of losing what little fat she has though - imagine that! I told her to eat peanut butter, nuts and things like that, and she should be fine!!)

    I am going to try running too. I want to do a Couch-to-5K plan - maybe do a 5K in the spring? Would be a great New Year's resolution!
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    I know for me it has helped to see other peoples results of inches lost or weight, so I am going to put my starting measurements on here tomorrow and then recheck and post every week. I took a starting pic and will take one every week, but I will only be posting the pics at the end. I hope that I can motivate others to keep going with my results.
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    L3D10 complete. FINISHED!!!

    I did the shred 5 days a week and ran the other 2 days. It took me 6 weeks, but I'm so proud of myself for getting through the entire thing, without skipping a single day!

    I plan to take measurements in the morning and I'll post my results.

    Have a great day everyone :happy:
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    I am going to try running too. I want to do a Couch-to-5K plan - maybe do a 5K in the spring? Would be a great New Year's resolution!

    I started in June with a plan similar to C25K and I never would have believed that I could actually learn to run. Each week when I had to increase my run time I didn't think I'd be able to do it, but I did it. I ran my first 5K just before I started the 30DS and it was amazing! I still kept running while I did the shred, because I didn't want to lose the progress that I worked so hard for. I don't have another 5K scheduled yet, but I'm ready to start thinking about another one.

    I wonder if doing the shred will help me run faster now? Hmmm....
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Okay, final Shred results. I started on November 15 and finished on December 22, so it took me 37 days to complete the 30 workouts. And most of you guys know I went a little crazy and doubled or tripled up on them sometimes. LOL Started out weighing 139.6, ending weight 134.6, lost 5 lbs. (great since I was only really shooting for about 1/2 lb per week, sometimes ate lower than my goal but sometimes went WAY over it too LOL). Here are my starting and ending measurements - calf 14.5(14.0); lower thigh 15.25(14.0); upper thigh 23.5(22.0); butt/hips 40.5(38.5); navel 36.0(33.5); natural waist 30.0(28.0); under bust 28.5(27.5); over bust 36.0(35.5); upper arms 11.0(10.25). Pretty sure I took more measurements than necessary but I wanted to see what was happening everywhere and I'm REALLY pleased to see noticeable differences in each measurement. :-) I took my before&after measurements and plugged them into 2 different bodyfat calculators online and did some math to try and figure out what my 5 lb loss REALLY means, one of them says I dropped 2.2% BF and lost 4.2 lbs fat but also lost 0.8 lbs muscle, the other one says I dropped 4.7% bodyfat (also tells me it's generally higher than the other site, which I find more believeable when I look at myself in the mirror LOL), lost 8 lbs of fat and gained 3 lbs of muscle. I feel stronger and my clothes are looser so I think reality is probably somewhere in the middle but maybe closer to the second one. Either way, I'm really happy with the results. :-)
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Wow - phenomenal results!!! Who would have thought you could do that in just 37 days? Great job!
  • Music35Fly
    Music35Fly Posts: 98 Member
    Okay, final Shred results. I started on November 15 and finished on December 22, so it took me 37 days to complete the 30 workouts. And most of you guys know I went a little crazy and doubled or tripled up on them sometimes. LOL Started out weighing 139.6, ending weight 134.6, lost 5 lbs. (great since I was only really shooting for about 1/2 lb per week, sometimes ate lower than my goal but sometimes went WAY over it too LOL). Here are my starting and ending measurements - calf 14.5(14.0); lower thigh 15.25(14.0); upper thigh 23.5(22.0); butt/hips 40.5(38.5); navel 36.0(33.5); natural waist 30.0(28.0); under bust 28.5(27.5); over bust 36.0(35.5); upper arms 11.0(10.25). Pretty sure I took more measurements than necessary but I wanted to see what was happening everywhere and I'm REALLY pleased to see noticeable differences in each measurement. :-) I took my before&after measurements and plugged them into 2 different bodyfat calculators online and did some math to try and figure out what my 5 lb loss REALLY means, one of them says I dropped 2.2% BF and lost 4.2 lbs fat but also lost 0.8 lbs muscle, the other one says I dropped 4.7% bodyfat (also tells me it's generally higher than the other site, which I find more believeable when I look at myself in the mirror LOL), lost 8 lbs of fat and gained 3 lbs of muscle. I feel stronger and my clothes are looser so I think reality is probably somewhere in the middle but maybe closer to the second one. Either way, I'm really happy with the results. :-)

    Wow great results! I am hoping to finish in the next few days. I have 4 days to go and then done! I plan to start the Ripped in 30 but not sure which day. I want to keep working out but haven't decide if i'll do 5 days a week with cardio or more.
    What are you doing next?
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Well I know for sure someone is getting me the Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown for Christmas, I'm planning to get another dvd or 2 of hers also (maybe ripped in 30 or no more trouble zones, IDK), plus a set of bigger weights. I'm thinking I will start alternating different workouts on different days and also try to start running. I love the results I've gotten from the Shred so I'll probably also still do it sometimes and maybe try to bump up the weights. There are still some moves that are really hard for me and that I have to take breaks during, so it's not like it's suddenly too easy for me or anything. LOL I'm sure there are still more results I can get by using the Shred so it will still make it into my rotation. :-)
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    Well I didn't do the 30 day shred today since when I got up I was sore in my arms and back, I can also feel it in my stomach. I decided to go with the every other day method. So I will be doing it again tomorrow morning. I did take my measurements so here goes:

    Weight: 245
    Height: 5'10
    Bust: 47
    Waist: 45.5
    Hips: 53
    Thighs: 28
    Neck: 15
    I am going to retake measurements every week and repost. Well see how it goes.
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone!

    I finished the shred on Friday, after doing it 5 days a week for 6 weeks. On most days after the shred, I did 15-20 additional minutes on the treadmill. The other 2 days a week I was on the treadmill for approx 50 minutes. Here are my results:

    Weight: -7 lbs

    Bust: -1"
    Chest: -1/2"
    Waist: -1"
    Lower Abs: -2 3/4"
    Thigh (L): -1/2"
    Thigh (R): -1/2"
    Arm (L): -3/4"
    Arm (R): -1/2"

    Total: -9"

    The numbers aren't huge but I'm thrilled with how much I lost in my lower abs (my biggest trouble spot). I feel so much stronger and firmer all over, so I know it definitely made changes to my body.

    I only have 13 pounds to reach my goal weight, but I have a lot of toning up to do! I'm going to continue to shred 3 days a week, probably rotating a level each day, and continue to run at leadst 2 days a week.. Hopefully the cardio will help burn off more of the excess fat and the shred will tone the muscles. When I feel like I'm ready, I'll move on to Ripped in 30.

    Thanks to all of you for shredding with me!
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone!

    I finished the shred on Friday, after doing it 5 days a week for 6 weeks. On most days after the shred, I did 15-20 additional minutes on the treadmill. The other 2 days a week I was on the treadmill for approx 50 minutes. Here are my results:

    Weight: -7 lbs

    Bust: -1"
    Chest: -1/2"
    Waist: -1"
    Lower Abs: -2 3/4"
    Thigh (L): -1/2"
    Thigh (R): -1/2"
    Arm (L): -3/4"
    Arm (R): -1/2"

    Total: -9"

    The numbers aren't huge but I'm thrilled with how much I lost in my lower abs (my biggest trouble spot). I feel so much stronger and firmer all over, so I know it definitely made changes to my body.

    I only have 13 pounds to reach my goal weight, but I have a lot of toning up to do! I'm going to continue to shred 3 days a week, probably rotating a level each day, and continue to run at leadst 2 days a week.. Hopefully the cardio will help burn off more of the excess fat and the shred will tone the muscles. When I feel like I'm ready, I'll move on to Ripped in 30.

    Thanks to all of you for shredding with me!

    Those are great results!! Probably better than I am going to see.
  • Music35Fly
    Music35Fly Posts: 98 Member
    I have a couple days left of the 30DS I will post my final results this week and let you know what my new plan is for phase two. I have lost 8 pounds so far and am excited to work on the next 10. :)

    How is everyone else doing?
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I did L3D8 yesterday and L3d9 today. One day left. Will post results then. I did my first walk/run yesterday also - starting a Couchto5K type program. After the first couple running segments, I thought this is going to be too easy, but all the running builds up! My lungs were burning on the last few segments. Anyway it felt GREAT. Plan on doing that 3 times a week. And I'm going to start Ripped in 30 after tomorrow, I think. If it is too hard, I may go back to 30DS for awhile - maybe rotating levels for variety.
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    I did L3D8 yesterday and L3d9 today. One day left. Will post results then. I did my first walk/run yesterday also - starting a Couchto5K type program. After the first couple running segments, I thought this is going to be too easy, but all the running builds up! My lungs were burning on the last few segments. Anyway it felt GREAT. Plan on doing that 3 times a week. And I'm going to start Ripped in 30 after tomorrow, I think. If it is too hard, I may go back to 30DS for awhile - maybe rotating levels for variety.

    Great job on the running! I love the feeling of accomplishment that I get when I run.

    I'm gonna start Ripped next week, so I'm interested to hear what you think of it.
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    I did 30DS Level 1 today. I was interested to see how much I've improved since I did it the first time. I did pretty much everything unmodified. I still couldn't do the full set of "real" pushups. but I did a lot more of them than I did the first time around. I used heavier weights this time and I can really feel it in my arms. It was kinda nice to have a little proof that I am getting more fit as I do these workouts!
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I did 30DS Level 1 today. I was interested to see how much I've improved since I did it the first time. I did pretty much everything unmodified. I still couldn't do the full set of "real" pushups. but I did a lot more of them than I did the first time around. I used heavier weights this time and I can really feel it in my arms. It was kinda nice to have a little proof that I am getting more fit as I do these workouts!

    Maybe I will do some of the other levels this week too. I just did L3D10 today. Might be nice to start Ripped in 30 on Jan 1 or 2. We should start a new thread for that. I did go out this week and and buy some 5 and 8 pound weights to add to my 3 lb weights. I have been using the 8 lb weights on some of the easier moves on L3. I'll post measurements tomorrow morning
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    Maybe I will do some of the other levels this week too. I just did L3D10 today. Might be nice to start Ripped in 30 on Jan 1 or 2. We should start a new thread for that. I did go out this week and and buy some 5 and 8 pound weights to add to my 3 lb weights. I have been using the 8 lb weights on some of the easier moves on L3. I'll post measurements tomorrow morning

    Way to go on finishing the shred! It feels so good to finish, doesn't it? I'm WAY impressed that you used 8 lb weights. I bet you'll see some impressive results :)

    I'm a little afraid of RI30, but I have to keep forcing myself to try things that I don't think I can do. It's not easy, but I continue to surprise myself! Since there are 4 levels, I'm not really sure how it's supposed to work to do it in 30 days. My plan is to do each level three times a week for 2 weeks, and then move up to the next level. That will only be 24 workout days, but it will take 8 weeks to do it. I hate stretching it out that far, but I want to continue to run, and I need some rest days (I'm old!). It would be great if we can all do this together, even if we don't have the same workout schedule.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Final Stats:

    Weight -4.6
    Bust -1.5
    Under Bust -0.75
    Waist -1.75
    Belly -1.5
    Hips -1.5
    Thigh -0.5
    Bicep -0

    Very happy with the waist, belly and hips! Despite the bust loss, I am still wearing a 36D - no sure how much longer that will last though! The only measurements I actually had when I started were the hips and waist, so I have probably lost a little more in my waist, belly and thighs. Certainly feels like it. Can't wear most of my size 12 stuff anymore. Size 10 starting to get a little loose, even in jeans now! Yay, no muffin top!

    And the change I can't measure is just how much more shapely everything looks, because the muscles are much more toned. Also, I just feel so energetic and motivated in all parts of my life. I think I would have lost a bit more weight if not for Christmas and Thanksgiving too.
  • What is a 30 day Shred?? I did not see it on this site. Thank you!! :smile: