breastfeeding in public



  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    So, Ryan, I was just thinking -- You have a 9-year-old and you don't want her?? to see breasts?

    I was a C-cup at 9 and had my first period at 11. She may not be developing, but some of her friends are. She's seen and known more than you can imagine, unless you don't allow her friends.

    My daughter and I talk about what is going to happen to her body. She has seen me in a bra and knows that changes will be happening to her body. We are both female though. The comment was more geared to my son, his father will discuss with him what changes will happen. He does not need to see a female breast for educational purposes at 7 not mine or anyone's for that matter.

    I guess my whole point is that I should decide when my daughter or son will be exposed to body parts, not the lady in the store who whips out out for the whole world to see!

    And again we come back to the question: how many women have you really seen "whip it out for the whole world to see?" As many nursing moms as I've been around, I can honestly say I've never seen that, with the exception of my sister when I was with her in her own home, so that doesn't count. Most nursing moms are discreet. And if you happen to see one who isn't, and your child asks, you can simply tell them, "She's just feeding her baby. I fed you the same way." Easy peasy. Because any other answer makes it look like you think breastfeeding is gross, which clearly isn't the case since you did it yourself. So it's your job to clarify that for your kids.

    Clearly if they're 9 and 7 (I think that's what you said) and they haven't seen it yet, it must not happen too often, so I don't know why you're so worried about it.

    I agree with this. Most kids you can give them a matter of fact answer and they're satisfied. When my son was born I had to pump for him because he couldn't eat and was a NICU baby for 3 months. I did let it all hang out in my home because it was just easier. I wasn't going to go hide in a room to pump just cause my daughter (who is 6) was around the house. If we had guests then I found somewhere else just because I didn't want to make them uncomfortable and I wanted to be comfortable pumping. My daughter asked questions about it and I told her that some mommies feed their babies this way and that she got fed a little this way too. That was it, she moved on.

    I can't argue the point too much because every parent is different and wants to raise their kids their way and that's cool too. I think at 9 and 7 though they're going to either find out very soon and not from you or already know more then you think. I remember myself at those ages and I certainly knew quite a bit about my body already.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Some of y'all really need to come to terms with boobs. They feed a child the most miraculously healthy food possible. They can cut glass if properly played with. They're sexy when you want them to be sexy. They leave awesome sweat rings when you're the gym.

    Bottom line: BOOBS ARE AMAZING!! Love them.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    There is already a part 2? Wow Hot topic!

    Many Breastfeeding moms are way more discreet than most people are on any occasion... You see a lot more cleavage and skin on the beach that you probably would from a nursing mother.

    Yes is she just whips her boob out in the middle of wal-mart, with nothing to cover her, then sprays everyone around her when she's done like a porn star. I could see how people would get offended...

    But if she keeps the girls covered up then what is the problem.

    I agree with the person in the previous posting on this... It is way more offensive to me when people don't wash their hand after going to the bathroom... which by the way is potentially getting their urine on door handles and money, shopping carts etc. that we all touch... gross!
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    I think it's funny that this topic gets so heated. I breastfeed my baby (and he's over a year--I know--scandalous, lol) in public (I like to leave the house sometimes) and though I am discreet--he is not. He does not appreciate have a blanket over his face and will remove it. I've never been approached or received dirty looks. It's just part of being a mom to me.
  • [/quote]
    And again we come back to the question: how many women have you really seen "whip it out for the whole world to see?" As many nursing moms as I've been around, I can honestly say I've never seen that, with the exception of my sister when I was with her in her own home, so that doesn't count. Most nursing moms are discreet. And if you happen to see one who isn't, and your child asks, you can simply tell them, "She's just feeding her baby. I fed you the same way." Easy peasy. Because any other answer makes it look like you think breastfeeding is gross, which clearly isn't the case since you did it yourself. So it's your job to clarify that for your kids.

    Clearly if they're 9 and 7 (I think that's what you said) and they haven't seen it yet, it must not happen too often, so I don't know why you're so worried about it.

    I have seen maybe three women whip it out. I never even said I was worried about it. I just gave my opinion that it should be done tasteful and out of respect for others it should be done while covered! I also stated that it was sick for a child to see their moms breast, I should have clarified that it was directed towards a son and mother and I should have used a better choice of words.

    Again this is just my opinion, other than the statement about the kids seeing moms breasts being gross imo, I have yet to question anyones choice to raise their children how they choose.

    I'll say it again, I believe it should be the parents decision when a child is exposed to others private body parts. If it does ever happen I will talk to my son, but it still should have been my decision!
  • Breasts are for feeding babies. Period.
    I do think that if thise were true, this topic wouldn't be heated.

    In one sense, the breasts of mammals exist for feeding young, of course. In another sense-- look around the mammilian world. Humans have breasts that swell at maturity, and stay large our whole adult life, while other mammals have breasts that only swell when they are full of milk. Our breasts are large BECAUSE they were sexually selected to, as a sexual attractant. There's really no denying that, as convenient as it seems to say that they are only for milk.

    Only because our ancestors equated larger breasts with fertility and the ability to nurse the young. In a way, it's a "chicken and egg" debate. But really, breasts serve no other purpose in reproduction than attracting the mate.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
  • <
    Proudly entering my 96th month of nursing (not the same child. lol).

    And for the record: I managed to nurse twins (in public even!) without "whipping them out for the whole world to see."
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Although this may be an interesting thread, here's a tip everyone can use:

    Learn to quote the ACTUAL post your responding to, and not the entire history!! Do you guys HAVE to get your response in so quickly that you have no time to delete previous quotes?!

    For those with short-term memories, I apologise. For everyone else, this is annoying!!
    The more someone tells me something is annoying, the more I want to do it.

    Just sayin'.
  • .

    I'm sorry, but I have to call bull *kitten* on this. You are 10 years my junior, and I am a BF mom who has gone out in groups of other BF moms; I teach a BF class for WIC and have mom groups through WIC, and I have never even seen a mom just "flop it all out" there for all to see...

    yeah. I just have to call bull *kitten*. sorry. Most moms are freaking terrified to even try to nurse in public because of moronic views like the ones you've read here... and you're saying that you just see people all over the place whipping them out there.... give me a break.

    So because you are 10yrs older than me that means you've seen it all? Thats really ignorant for you to even imply.

    And I didnt say "all over the place" but since I was a child I've seen women breast feed in public. Having a mother who is practically a hippy always tried to teach me to be tolerant of it. I understand women CAN be discreet. But if all the women were I dont think this would be an issue.

    It bothers me that moms don't try to breast feed... I think it is ridiculous and selfish honestly... I mean IF YOU CAN"T that is one thing but you WON't is another.

    I breast fed both of my girls... NOTHING but breast for this last one for 5 mths... she just started baby food and is almost 6 mths. I mean our bodies do produce it for a reason.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So, Ryan, I was just thinking -- You have a 9-year-old and you don't want her?? to see breasts?

    I was a C-cup at 9 and had my first period at 11. She may not be developing, but some of her friends are. She's seen and known more than you can imagine, unless you don't allow her friends.

    My daughter and I talk about what is going to happen to her body. She has seen me in a bra and knows that changes will be happening to her body. We are both female though. The comment was more geared to my son, his father will discuss with him what changes will happen. He does not need to see a female breast for educational purposes at 7 not mine or anyone's for that matter.

    I guess my whole point is that I should decide when my daughter or son will be exposed to body parts, not the lady in the store who whips out out for the whole world to see!
    It worries me that you think you have that much control.
  • leslielt
    leslielt Posts: 113 Member
    You know seeing as this has now split into a second thread I think it's a good time to mention that under groups there is Debatable Debating. Perfect for discussions such as these.

    Enjoy arguing with strangers to pass the time? We've got a group for you!
    Seriously! They should all get together and meet in person. Hi I'm Sally's mom and I breastfeed. Hi Sally's mom
  • And I NEVER just wiped those bad boys out... I had a blanket or hid myself in a corner... but it is part of life and think it is ridiculous to try to hide what you are doing
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    It bothers me that moms don't try to breast feed... I think it is ridiculous and selfish honestly... I mean IF YOU CAN"T that is one thing but you WON't is another.
    Do you really feel that way, though?

    How do you feel about it when other people apply that logic to you? For instance, say I'm a health nut, and I make homemade soup for dinner many nights. But YOU open a can of soup one night. So I call you "ridiculous and selfish." Because you COULD have made the perfect choice ("the perfect choice" equals MY choice, of course!!). Is that reasonable?
    How about if you work? Do SAHMs think you're selfish and ridiculous? Or if you are a SAHM, do working moms think .... well, you know the rest.

    Hey, I cloth diapered my older kids. Maybe you're ridiculous and selfish because you didn't happen to make the same choice I did.

    Or... you know what? Maybe you just live a different life, and make the choices about what's best for YOUR family.
  • .

    I'm sorry, but I have to call bull *kitten* on this. You are 10 years my junior, and I am a BF mom who has gone out in groups of other BF moms; I teach a BF class for WIC and have mom groups through WIC, and I have never even seen a mom just "flop it all out" there for all to see...

    yeah. I just have to call bull *kitten*. sorry. Most moms are freaking terrified to even try to nurse in public because of moronic views like the ones you've read here... and you're saying that you just see people all over the place whipping them out there.... give me a break.

    So because you are 10yrs older than me that means you've seen it all? Thats really ignorant for you to even imply.

    And I didnt say "all over the place" but since I was a child I've seen women breast feed in public. Having a mother who is practically a hippy always tried to teach me to be tolerant of it. I understand women CAN be discreet. But if all the women were I dont think this would be an issue.

    It bothers me that moms don't try to breast feed... I think it is ridiculous and selfish honestly... I mean IF YOU CAN"T that is one thing but you WON't is another.

    I breast fed both of my girls... NOTHING but breast for this last one for 5 mths... she just started baby food and is almost 6 mths. I mean our bodies do produce it for a reason.

    You must have missed the other 20 pages. I breast feed and there are tons of women on here who have.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    This is a picture of a woman breastfeeding in public:


    Are you scandalized?
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    This is a picture of a woman breastfeeding in public:


    Are you scandalized?

    Quick, cover your eyes! Get the kids in the car, Bob!
  • <
    Proudly entering my 96th month of nursing (not the same child. lol).

    And for the record: I managed to nurse twins (in public even!) without "whipping them out for the whole world to see."

    WOW. I couldn't go that long.. my babies are PIGS.. and eat like PIGS... LOL breast milk isn't enough and once they started baby food they wanted NOTHING to do with milk... LOL My oldest would kill a big jar of baby food in mins. and the new one Petunia same way... PIGS! LOL
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    It bothers me that moms don't try to breast feed... I think it is ridiculous and selfish honestly... I mean IF YOU CAN"T that is one thing but you WON't is another.
    Do you really feel that way, though?

    How do you feel about it when other people apply that logic to you? For instance, say I'm a health nut, and I make homemade soup for dinner many nights. But YOU open a can of soup one night. So I call you "ridiculous and selfish." Because you COULD have made the perfect choice ("the perfect choice" equals MY choice, of course!!). Is that reasonable?
    How about if you work? Do SAHMs think you're selfish and ridiculous? Or if you are a SAHM, do working moms think .... well, you know the rest.

    Hey, I cloth diapered my older kids. Maybe you're ridiculous and selfish because you didn't happen to make the same choice I did.

    Or... you know what? Maybe you just live a different life, and make the choices about what's best for YOUR family.

    I agree. Breastfeeding is best health-wise for probably 95% of babies or so. Not all. Even at that, I've never known a mother who said, "You know what? I don't care about my kid's health. I don't want to breastfeed and that's that. I hope he grows up all sickly." Formula is a choice -- many babies do thrive on it, some babies require it, and some mothers need it for various reasons. Some moms choose it because they're misinformed, some moms do so with their eyes wide open. It's not a giant thing. I was formula-fed. I had health issues, some of which are directly related to the fact that I was highly allergic to cow's dairy and my formula was dairy-based. Does that mean formula is evil or that my mom was a bad mom? No. It means my mom did the best she could with the information she had available. It means that while yes, I had some health issues, I'm a reasonably healthy adult, and that's directly due to the fact that my mom made lots of choices throughout my life to keep me healthy and safe. Breastfeeding is normal and healthiest for most babies, yes, but formula is not evil, and neither are the mothers who choose it for their kids.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I understand exactly what your saying. And if that was the case I find that different. Discreetly breast feeding I dont have the issue with. Breast feeding is amazing for children. It helps them grow, makes them smarter(according to research), and etc etc etc. I get breast feeding I did Breast Feed myself however I dont think women HAVE to do so in public. If junior needs to eat and you know you'll be shopping why not do so before hand??

    And if they were so modest and discreet I really dont think there would be anyone against it.

    Have you, personally, ever seen a breastfeeding woman with her boobs in public just hanging out all over the place?

    I'm 35 years old, have witnessed probably a hundred or more women breastfeeding in public and not once have I actually seen even a millimeter of breast on any one of them.

    Yes, I have. More than once.

    I'm sorry, but I have to call bull *kitten* on this. You are 10 years my junior, and I am a BF mom who has gone out in groups of other BF moms; I teach a BF class for WIC and have mom groups through WIC, and I have never even seen a mom just "flop it all out" there for all to see...

    yeah. I just have to call bull *kitten*. sorry. Most moms are freaking terrified to even try to nurse in public because of moronic views like the ones you've read here... and you're saying that you just see people all over the place whipping them out there.... give me a break.

    I've seen it plenty and it always involves a woman making a point that she is going to do whatever she wants, where ever she wants, to whomever she wants and dares you to object. At the expense of her child may I add. You may not agree with me not wanting my child exposed to the site of random breasts but I do have the right and the responsibility to make that judgement. If you can't cover up in public you shouldn't be doing it there. Certainly not on the floor in the middle of a store (firecode violation?). I think that is what the primary objection is to breast feeding in public. If no one knows or notices and no one cares...there is no problem. Go find yourself a quite spot (as animals do in nature), doesn't have to be the bathroom - just a quiet corner, and nourish your child with privacy and dignity.