Vegetarian group. Kick-off WEEK 1



  • Lisabeth
    Lisabeth Posts: 268
    FYI, we have a lot in common....great for you!!!!
    Goal weight loss from today - 55lbs.
    No children, have never wanted to have any.
    Lots of pets as I am active in animal rescue.
    In my third year of being vegetarian. I gave all meat up cold turkey the day after watching Earthlings. I've been an Animal Rights Advocate, Animal Rescue Advocate, Environmental Advocate for over half my life.
    I turned 40 back in January of this year.
  • Lisabeth
    Lisabeth Posts: 268
    I agree, it's important that you eat 5 to 6 small meals a day. It's hard, but, check out my blog and you'll see how i do it. Good Luck!
    Don't cry! It's probably not as bad as you think. It's actually impossible for you to have gained a full pound of fat from yesterday, unless of course, you're fibbing and that extra bowl of soup was really a whole pot and the frozen yogurt was the entire container!

    Just make sure you drink lots of water tonight... you'll probably pee out that pound in the morning. And yes, eat breakfast! Not eating breakfast is just something I never understood. But then again, breakfast was kind of a form of religion at my house when I was growing up. Even if all you have is a piece of fruit or a cup of yogurt, that's better than nothing.

    Oh, and don't cut your food down to veggie sticks and a green smoothie (whatever the heck that is)... you'll only be working against yourself even more. You'll be cranky and you won't have the energy you need to power through a good workout. I know I would be seriously ticked off if all I got to eat all day was veggie sticks and green liquid. I believe there would be a trail of carnage between my desk and the vending machine as I horribly disfigured anyone that tried to get in my way. But that's just me, right? My best advice is to break up your food more throughout the day. You won't feel as hungry, even though you're eating the same amount of food, and it will keep your metabolism humming along all day, which of course, equals more calories being burned.

    Keep your chin up, OK? :flowerforyou:
  • How has everyone been doing? Today I had 106 calories LEFT! woohoo for me! I also run of the treadmil for 2 miles with out stopping! I am SO proud of myself because I have never been a runner, and just the thought of running 2 miles seemed horrible! Now my goal is to finish 3.1 miles (a 5k) and then wait untill summer is over (around October or November here) and run a REAL 5k in a race!
  • vmkirby
    vmkirby Posts: 23
    Goal weight loss in lbs - 30 lbs

    # of Kids (or do you want kids)- haven't decided yet

    How long have you been a vegetarian or vegan? - 9 months

    Age- 26

    Anything else you want to share - My husband convinced me to be a vegetarian. I never liked meat a whole lot and I saw it as a great opportunity to get in shape, so I quit meat cold-turkey. Unfortunately, even though he wasn't eating meat, he was replacing it with cheese pizza, fries, etc. He's a slender guy, but my metabolism does not work like his; so I started to gain weight. I need to find a way to eat well and still make it taste good for him because I can't do it if he's eating all the "good stuff" and I'm chowing down on baby spinach 3 times day. We are pescetarians, but I don't like fish. So, unless it's sushi, I don't benefit much from that source of protein.
  • Loving2014
    Loving2014 Posts: 99

    I am a mother of five, three awesome step kids and two I birthed myself. Two of my girls are vegetarians. Which truthfully used to be a pain to me, trying to find food they would eat at gatherings and dinner. I realized that my cholesterol is way to high and I do not want to go on all those meds for it.
    So, I am now leaning towards vegetarian style of eating. Have to confess I do eat a little meat here and there, sometimes I do not feel as well without it. But most days I eat vegetables, beans and fish.
    I am not a complete vegetarian...I dont know if that qualifys me to post here ...:)
  • lose2cruise
    lose2cruise Posts: 107
    Goal weight loss in lbs - 35 lbs

    # of Kids (or do you want kids)- 1 - just turned 31 years

    How long have you been a vegetarian or vegan? - 21 years

    Age- turning 55 on Sunday.

    Started MFP last Wednesday after leaving WW online in January after losing 25 lbs then gaining back a few lbs. Decided I need accountability like I did on WW and found this site. I'm now down 1.8 lbs and motivated to get the rest of it off! Everyone is so supportive here!
  • vmkirby
    vmkirby Posts: 23
    Have to confess I do eat a little meat here and there, sometimes I do not feel as well without it.

    When I first stopped eating meat, I got sick. I could only stay well when I ate meat. I was teaching 1st grade at the time, so germs were everywhere. As time passed, though, I cut out the chicken noodle soup on sick days and ended up with no meat at all (except fish occasionally). Finally, I have been able to stay healthy without eating meat. I think it just took my body a while to adjust. Keep your chin up. It will get easier. And if you have to sneak a little meat in there, do it. Just make sure it's healthy, lean mean, like grilled chicken. Also, try the Quorn brand of fake meats. They are great!!
  • monteig
    monteig Posts: 65 Member
    Goal weight loss in lbs - 25 lbs? It varies!

    How long have you been a vegetarian or vegan? - Vegetarian for around 15 years+

    Age - 40

    I honestly cannot remember exactly when I stopped eating meat anymore! It just is. I was probably eating about 99% chicken when I stopped - I was never able to eat things like lamb, veal, pate. etc.

    Some days I'm the worlds laziest and unhealthiest vegetarian! But I do love to cook and find new vegetarian recipes. I've become really good at adapting meat recipes, and finding meat replacement products. (Although I won't eat veggie cold cuts or hot dogs...gross!)

    Living in NYC, it is so easy to be a vegetarian. But when I travel to other states, it can be really difficult. It makes me feel bad for people who live there who might want to try to give up meat, but don't feel like they have any options.
  • lose2cruise
    lose2cruise Posts: 107

    Living in NYC, it is so easy to be a vegetarian. But when I travel to other states, it can be really difficult. It makes me feel bad for people who live there who might want to try to give up meat, but don't feel like they have any options.

    My DH and I went to a mexican restaurant the other evening. They used to have their vegetarian items listed on the menu. But I couldn't find them this time (it's been awhile since we've been to this restaurant). All they had listed was the garden salad, which last time I had it, was very good and very filling, chock full of veggies. So I asked the waitress about the veggie items missing from the menu. She said they had them, just not listed. I was pretty upset about this, as I felt like second class citizen next to all the carnivores. So I just ordered the salad. Well, it was NOTHING as I remembered. Mostly lettuce filler and hardly any veggies. This is sad to me. More and more people want meatless options. Needless to say, I will not go to that restaurant anymore and I let the manager know it.
  • vmkirby
    vmkirby Posts: 23
    Living in NYC, it is so easy to be a vegetarian. But when I travel to other states, it can be really difficult. It makes me feel bad for people who live there who might want to try to give up meat, but don't feel like they have any options.

    Yeah, an hour and a half east of Nashville isn't the best place to try to eat like I do. The grocery store is fine; it's the restaurants I have trouble with. I just want to scream, "There are vegetarian options other than Fettuccine Alfredo!" They could at least *try* to put some healthy meat-less options on the menu. :grumble:
  • Right now my family and I live in Okinawa Japan, MOST of the japaense here live a vegetarian diet, so its SUPER easy to find food and restraunts that are vegetarian or vegan, they are EVERYWHERE!!! Since I live in Japan (and still love fish) I do eat sushi (ALOT!) Its amazing here, as you would guess! I do not eat packaged fish, only fish from the sushi restraunts, and the fish market which is sea-side and you can accually get their early and watch the fishermen pull the boats up and carry off a TON of fish and some awsome 40lbs'ers!!!

    I also dont eat the fake meat products. I have never really liked meat anyway, so these dont appeal to me at all... YUCK!

    BTW- ladies.....I weighed in today! I am down 2.5 lbs so far, after my "monthly visiter" left! =) I ran 2 miles last night and im on my way to do another 2 this morning! (yeah its 7am in Japan right
  • chameleon77
    chameleon77 Posts: 124
    my weight loss goal is 50lbs

    I have lost 5lbs and been a member of MFP for almost 3 weeks (I think this site is great!)

    I have 1 daughter whom is almost 11 years old, two furry cats and one guinea pig...oh, and 4 fish !

    I am 32 years old

    I have been a vegetarian for approximately 9 months now. YAY
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    hey everyone :smile: I stepped on the scale this morning and I lost a pound lol :tongue: Not much but at least it's something!!!

    Does any one have any good recipes? I'm tired of eating the same old stuff.
  • What type of recipes are you looking for?
    Breakfast, lunch dinner? What flavors do you like?
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I guess mostly for lunch and dinner. I'm not a picky eater so any flavors, veggies, etc will be ok with me :smile:
  • OK! =)
    One of my FAV lunches (I always talk about) are my veggie burger wraps!
    -I use 2 (sometimes 1 depending on how im feeling, starving-2 or just want a filling snack-1) Morning Star patties (I LOVELOVELOVE the asian veggie ones!)
    -3 small lettuce leafs
    -3 large cabbage leafs
    -1/2 shredded carrot
    -some slices of red onion
    -1 small green sweet pepper
    -spinach leafs
    -and 1.5 tbsp balsamic Vineger. (or you can use a low cal dressing)

    I layer the cabbage first (it tends to hold better then lettuce) then the lettuce, the the sliced and shredded veggies, the top it w/ the veggie burger (cut into 3rd's so it will make 3 wraps) then top that with spinach and dressing.

    It might sound kinda boring, but its really really good and FILLING! really! Sometimes I will also add some avacado slices.
    This comes out to AROUND 220-280 cals and that is depending on your dressing! Im always full untill dinner time!

    I will share some more later on..The baby is awake from her nap and yelling for me =)
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    TOFUHEART= What do you do for work?

    I work at Starbucks. I have to try the items so I can suggest them to people. :(
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    TOFUHEART= What do you do for work?

    I work at Starbucks. I have to try the items so I can suggest them to people. :(

    Honestly I like starbucks, they treat their employees quite well. A buddy of mine works there and is literally swimming in coffee because he can't drink all of it that they give to him.
  • lose2cruise
    lose2cruise Posts: 107
    I guess mostly for lunch and dinner. I'm not a picky eater so any flavors, veggies, etc will be ok with me :smile:

    I love portabello mushroom - grilled with sauteed spinach. With a small amount veggie mozzarello cheese on top. Very filling.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Ooo! No that doesn't sound boring at all. It actually sounds delicious :smile: Thanks for sharing! I'll have to go buy some stuff and make it for lunch today.

    Thanks again:flowerforyou:
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