The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    I am amazed to see how insensitive other people are when it comes to comments to persons with weight issues. Why do these people even have to comment in the first place.

    What really bothers me is when these 'people' are when health care providers making the comments.

    As one of the radio show hosts in my area says 'I truly live in a world I don't understand'
  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    I laugh about it now but when I was about 15 my grandmother and I were in the audience at a dance recital and a very full-figured girl performed a contemporary ballet piece. My grandmother in a VERY loud whisper turns to me and says "Girls like that shouldn't do ballet. Ballet dancers should be slight. I mean it's ridiculous... It would be like you doing ballet!" Wow... low blow Nan! At the time I was 5'8" and about 140 pounds and at a VERY tender age! Thankfully I'd grown up with the inappropriate comments so now it's a funny story I tell :)
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    An (ex) boyfriend said, "So and so and his girlfriend asked us out for a meal" "That will be nice" I replied. He then said "But I told them we were busy" "Why?" says I.

    "Because his girlfriend is really slim and attractive and I didn't think you woul be comfortable as you have been complaining you feel ugly because you are so fat"

    He was soooooooo out of there.:mad:

    That's such a jerk thing to say! I'm glad you got rid of him! :mad: :explode:

    I have a georgeous, handsome, fit, hubby now, so yay for me. :bigsmile:
  • aamierra
    aamierra Posts: 14 Member
    "Hey, why are you eating?? you are fat."

    Being the only meal for the day after a long day in class. Really broke my heart. The person who said it is weight more than I do. Maybe she is just jealous.
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    "Hey, why are you eating?? you are fat."

    Being the only meal for the day after a long day in class. Really broke my heart. The person who said it is weight more than I do. Maybe she is just jealous.

    You should of replied that's funny that you calling me fat, have you looked in the mirror before calling someone else fat?I dont know what mirror you have being using because from what i can see and I'm sure most people will tell you here in class if we had to run a poll that most of them will agree that your fatter then me. and then you should of finished with the middle fingers!
  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    I had a severe worker's comp injury to my knee. Someone in the comany had left a piece of equipment sitting where it wasn't supposed to be - right in the middle of an aisle on a blind corner. I don't walk slow - I rounded the corner and **WHAM** cylinder used to lift 200+ pound rolls of paper meets kneecap. Within 15 minutes, I couldn't even stand up.

    Due to the fact that it was workers comp, I had to go to *their* doctor. They sent me to physical therapy. I kept telling them it hurt too bad and my knee should not sound like paper ripping every time I bent it. 4 weeks I went through this. At the same time, every time I sat down at my desk, my knee would swell, causing swelling all the way down my leg and into my foot. My foot would swell so bad, it didn't even look like I had toes.

    The doctor kept saying the injury was due to my weight.

    Finally, a month later they did a scope on it. My lateral tendon was almost severed in half and my kneecap looked like shredded wheat. My lateral tendon had been shoved up under my kneecap and the ripping paper sound that I heard was that tendon being cut.

    Needless to say, I got a lawyer. Oh, and I'm 28% disabled in that knee now. I have so much nerve damage to it, when I kneel, I can't feel anything.

    This was just about 7 years ago.
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    I don't think the guy meant to be rude, but one time I was in a shoe store about to walk out of the door and a guy ran up to the door to hold it for me smiling and looking at my stomach and said "Congratulations!"

    ... he thought I was pregnant...
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    my brother. WOW you got SO FAT!!! what did you eat there (i study abroad), your classmates?
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Never really been told anything rude about my weight. I used to hate when my grandmother would call me "big boy" and I can't stand when people call me "HOSS." I don't have to worry about it as much since I'm not living as far south as I used to, but it got pretty annoying. I'm a big dude, just not "fat" per se, so I guess they thought it was cool.
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    I think one of the worst I had was due to it being strangers (these tardy little turds that cruise around in cars being a general menance to society)
    I was out riding my bike (so it wasn't like I was laying on the couch!!!) and they came past in a rowdy car speeding etc (just the sort of people I want to see locked up and car crushed) and one of them yelled out of the car window "someone could do with a salad".
  • CaitlinFrost
    After an Indoor Soccer match at school, on the way back to school the teacher decided to treat the team and stop at Maccas. When asked what i wanted I said nothing and proceeded to sit there whist everyone else ate.
    My teacher turned to me and said "I don't get why you aren't skinny, i hardly see you eat anything, although I suppose when you do eat you eat the wrong things like ice cream and lollies, but it still baffles me"
    she then continued to stuff her face with a burger whist the others around us agreed with her.
    I threw up in the bathroom whist they had dessert.

    I HATE when people assume that because I am big that I only eat junk! ^_^

    At the time I was really conflicted about my eating and trying to find who I was in the world and such and was battling with an Eating Disorder. (I had lost weight but had started binging also so my weight was forever changing).

    I have also had the 'Congrats on the pregnant' saying a couple of times.
  • CaitlinFrost
    When I was younger and was walking to school the bus pulled up and a random kid yelled out the window
    "Do you work in a bakery, cause you got some rolls hanging out there!"

    Needless to say, I was devastated! ^_^
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    "Nice dress.. where'd you get the tent?"

    Wasn't said to me, but to a gal I was friends with.. so mean!
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    I went to a psychiatrist about some severe depression I was having, and I told her I wanted a weight neutral drug if she was going to prescribe one because a drug that made me gain weight would just depress me more. She told me, "Then go get bariatric surgery, and you won't be depressed anymore." Seriously? >.<

    Wow... That was a heavy blow... Good luck on your journey. You can totally do it!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    "We need to schedule an appointment to discuss blood pressure medication."
  • chrissi_k
    chrissi_k Posts: 175 Member
    my ex told me in a club: hey go out of my way, you are fat I can't see anything. I am 5'7" and did weight about 148 lbs back then.
    my former best friend: ugly girls always have beautiful friends, gosh your friend is so hot

    family members after just I just lost about 20 lbs and weighting 148 again. well you could lose at least 20 more...

    I could go on and on...
  • candisweet
    We were having a party at our house for our friends and family and I had to run to the convenience store to get some club soda for a girlfriend to add to her wine. I went to the counter to pay and the owner of the store didn't speak much english. She smiled at me, handed me a free rice snack of some sort from a shelf and rubbed her stomach. She thought I was pregnant (which I wasn't) and apparently broke as well. I got in the car and broke into tears which really sucked knowing I had to return to our house of 40 guests with swollen red eyes.
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    It wasn't so much my niece's comment as the way her mother handled it that really upset me.

    A couple years ago, my niece looked over at me and said "Why are you fat?" I had just had my daughter, but is was still a devastating blow to hear from a child, because you know they aren't trying to be mean, they're just being honest. But instead of telling her not to say those things or apologizing, her mother just starts laughing, she thought it was hilarious. She wasn't the thinnest person either, but since she had been given weight loss drugs from her doctor and had lost some weight, she thought it was great to try and pretend like she was doing really well even though she was still eating the same crap she always had been. I wanted to ask her if she would think it was funny when she gained all the weight back and her daughter asked her the same thing and who would be laughing then.

    Skip forward to the present: that same one that laughed at me has now gained back every pound she lost and has gained another probably 20 lbs. on top of that, while I have lost 20 lbs. She looks pregnant and I want to ask her if she is just to be mean because I know she isn't, but I have some sense of decency.
  • gailashton
    My best friend told me I was morbidly obese, a pantload... I was, but I didn't need to hear it from her.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    my mum...

    '''you've lost all your looks because of the weight''
    ''You shouldn't have been your twin sisters bridesmaid, her thin friend should have been. you should have just blended into the photos. That was after id dieted from the day of finding out and lost over 3 stones.
    Just nasty i believe xxxx