90 days to a better you challenge... start January 1, 2012



  • I'll join
    Name E.W.
    Current weigh:t 227
    Goal weight: 135
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 day. : I would like my clothes to fit better, feel more confident, and loose 30 pounds
  • This sounds like a great idea, thank you for starting this! It's hard sticking with a New Year's Resolution, but this will make it so much easier!

    Name: Ashley
    Current weight: 127
    Goal weight: 115
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 day: Feel and look better
  • new to mfp and in for the challenge

    Current Weight 88 kg (194lb)
    Goal weight 76kg (167lb)
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 days - have a great holiday in Europe in February and March and still be 10kg lighter (22lb).
  • fitnfreeme
    fitnfreeme Posts: 102 Member
    Angela (fitnfreeme)
    Current weight: 195
    Goal weight: 155
    In 90 days I would like to lose 12 pounds, complete my a 5-mile race on March 17, and try a variety of new workouts and/or exercise classes (at least one every two weeks).
  • Tari
    Tari Posts: 4
    Hi, I am excited about this challenge.

    Name: Tari
    Current weight: 168 lbs
    Initial Goal weight: 145 lbs
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 days: Establish a workout schedule, weigh at the most 158, but most importantly...WEAR A SIZE SMALLER PANTS!
  • nazashi
    nazashi Posts: 93 Member
    Hi ! I'm new to MFP and this sounds like a great challenge for the new new year !!

    Current weight : 158
    Goal weight : 130
    in 90 days I would like to lose 12 pounds (= 146) and make physical activity part of my daily routine; plus getting more toned/ slim
  • I would like to take on this challenge as well.
    current weight- 227.6
    goal weight 165
    I would like to lose 30 pounds in 90 days.
    Name Brenda
    This is just what i need ............
  • christatree
    christatree Posts: 31 Member
    This sounds great!!

    Christa (christatree)

    Current weight 176 lbs
    Goal weight 150 lbs

    In 90 days I'd like to lose 10 lbs (166)

    This is my first time attempting to put a pic in a post. (yay it worked after I edited 6 times)

    Before (taken 12/28/11)
  • im in too this will be my first challenge im so excited doing this.... name: saida/ saidar

    current weight 187 lbs goal weight 167 in 90 days i would like to lose 20 pounds

    thanks for the motivation
  • Suma_
    Suma_ Posts: 1
    OMG, I want to joinnnnn !!! Right now I will post my stats then I will post a picture tomorrow.

    CW - 150 ( My highest yet EVER)
    GW - 125 ( I've lost weight before and I feel this was the perfect weight for me)
    Goal ? My goal is to drop at LEAST a pound a week. Therefore 12 pounds in 3 months. I would also like to make exercise a daily part of my life.

    I'm actually starting this process tomorrow instead of new years lol.
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    Megan (austepants) <---- anyone doing the challenge feel free to add me I can always use some extra support and love to help and support others!

    CW: 157
    GW: 135

    My goal for 90 days is to lose about a pound per week = 12 pounds putting me at 147! Exercising 6 days a week and become more toned and energetic. I would also like to fit in my size 10 pants again :)
  • FidalgoGirl
    FidalgoGirl Posts: 39 Member
    Would love to do this!

    Name: Jody B
    Current Weight: 153
    Goal Weight: 135
    Goals in next 90 days: 4 worksouts per week, more fruits and veggies daily, and keep sodium low. Oh, also need to have annual preventative checkups done (love being a 40 year old female). Plus will be checking my cholesterol and blood sugar levels to gather a baseline. 2012 is all about being aware of where I stand with my health and optimizing it!!
  • aimeebeske
    aimeebeske Posts: 1 Member
    I need some accountability!!

    Current Weight: 160
    Goal Weight: 135 (someday! )
    My goal for 90 days: 12 pounds minimum, tracking food daily, and exercising at least 4 times a week.
  • Matthew112830
    Matthew112830 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm IN!!!

    My name is Carmen. My current weight is 175 pounds.

    In 90 days I would like to lose 12 pounds. I think that's reasonable and totally attainable. I have 25 more pounds to go, and if I lose a pound a week, that will put me at 12 pounds, just about half of what I still need to lose.

    I also want to run in at least one more race (a 5K or 10K). I did a 10K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. On Valentine's Day there is a Run For Justice in Sacramento that I did several years ago. It is a four-mile race, so that is my next fitness goal.

    I'm losing the weight slowly this time because I DO NOT want it to EVER come back again. My overall goal is to be at 150 pounds by the middle of summer. At that time I will have lost 53 pounds in a year with MFP. The last time I lost a bunch of weight, it came off in about 5 months. That wasn't enough time to change my habits and lifestyle for the weight to stay off for good.

    Let's do this together! Feel free to friend me if you'd like my support. :smile:
  • Name: Beth
    CW: 240
    GW: 150-160
    90 Day Goal: I would like to lose around 20-30 pounds in this time frame. I would also like to be able to do an hour on the elliptical and run a mile without stopping!
  • jam1010
    jam1010 Posts: 183 Member
    I would love to join.
    Name Ivy (jam1010)
    Current weight 139 pounds
    Goal weight 118 pounds
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 day. to lose 21 pounds, to maintain my daily workout routine (currently doing Jillian Michaels workout dvds.) to fit in all my clothes i have kept many years ago, to stay healthy and to impress my husband whose coming home next year.
  • Sanvita58
    Sanvita58 Posts: 122 Member
    Name:- Kavita
    Current weight :- 65kgs (140 Pounds)
    Goal weight :- 58 kgs (130 Pounds)
    What you would like to accomplish in 90 day:- Would like to lose 10 pounds.
  • Crystal160
    Crystal160 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. Count me in. I've just gotten back on MFP after falling off the wagon for awhile, but am ready to go again and a challenge will make it more interesting.

    Name: Crystal
    Current Weight: 200
    Goal Weight: 160
    What I would like to accomplish in 90 days: Would like to loose 30 pounds
  • Name: Cinder701
    Current Weight: 135.5
    Goal Weight: 120
    What I would like to accomplish in 90 days: Would like to loose 30 pounds Headed to Jamaica in April gotta get in that Bikini
  • I'm not sure if you already explained this somewhere, I tried to skim through the comments. Are you going to start a new thread for this group on Sunday? Thanks!