

  • nt2012
    nt2012 Posts: 5 Member
    My ticker is showing . I am using my gransons iPad which is harder to type on and does not seem to have all punctuation marks. Agree about the resolutions. The present is always the best time to change not a specific date. Good evening.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Mimi....sending prayers for your dad.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    faye - thanks for telling me about the flour in the apple pie. I seem to remember coating the apples with flour at one time. This time I used Staymen (Wine Sap) apples. I used to use Rome but thought they came out a bit "mushy". I usually make a crumb topping for the pie. I don't like to buy those ready-made pie crusts, too much lard in them and other stuff. I have made a pie crust from the mix, tho. Did you ever freeze the pie before baking it? I'm wondering if that produces more "juice".
    I'm with you in being glad that the holiday is history. I'm going to try making cookies etc. during the year so that I have a better feel for how they'll turn out at Christmas time.
    I wonder when Vince will get the decorations down. I usually like to get them down by Jan 6 (little Christmas), but since we got them up later this year, I have a feeling that he'll want to let them stay up longer. I want to get them down and put away.
    So sorry that you're feeling badly

    Let me add, too, how grateful I am for this list. I really do like when people make their diaries public. It has many times given me ideas for foods that I like but for one reason or another have not had lately so that little reminder has helped me to go back to things.

    Barb - you have every right to shout from the rooftops. I'm so happy for you. Let us know how those Zumba DVD's work out for you

    Rita - congrats on not having any of the truffles or creme brulee. You know, my son is also a very good cook. But, boy, is he a messy cook! When he's finished, many times I have to wash the floor! But the food is fantastic! Not always healthy, tho. I find it a challenge to cook something that not only tastes good but is healthy. Well, at 25 you don't have to worry so much about calories, etc. We used to live about 5 minutes from Longwood Gardens. Have you ever gone for their fireworks display? For me, too, the holidays are an emotional time. That's the one and only time I get to see Denise. Then I miss her, am disgusted with SFB's family enabling them so much and keeping her from me, oh, I can go on and on. That salmon parallel post was wonderful. Thanks for posting it

    Welcome wannagetfit! I really like sharing with others who are "mature", I really and truly do.

    nt2012 - it's NEVER too late to join!

    Laurette - you'll get lots of support and motivation here, so you've come to the right place.

    wwoten - welcome! Have you tried water aerobics? There is no impact, but you get a really good workout.

    I'm not going to make a New Years Resolution. that's, to me, almost an incentive to fall off. When I got this new computer, I vowed not to eat at the computer. So if I want to have something, I have to get up and eat it at the counter. Like right now I have some roasted chickpeas on the counter. I do make a lenten "sacrifice" (for lack of a better word). This year I'm going to try to do yoga at least one more time during the week. I know that I really need it. Just have to find the time. To me, a New Years resolution lasts too long, a year long. Lenten sacrifice is only for 40 days, there's light at the end of the tunnel. In the past, I've found that once I go about 15 or so days abstaining from a certain food or activity, then it isn't that bad and by the time the 40 days are up, I no longer crave the food/activity.

    Did 45 minutes of ASAP sculpt DVD today. I'm very surprised at how much I sweat during that video. I was originally going to do a downloadable workout for the spin bike tomorrow, but I got some step DVD's for Christmas and I want to try them out so I think I'll do that tomorrow. Then, Sat. I'll do yoga. I'm thinking that Sun. I may do a pilates DVD

    Amanda - happy birthday to your son!

    welcome mhotch! Post more about your fitness and dietary ideas. I'm always on the lookout for something new. Hopefully, you can provide that for me. I do enjoy yoga, really need to do it more often as I'm one of the most inflexible people on the face of the earth.

    All of our cats have been fixed, but yesterday I noticed that Clyde has been "humping" Bonnie. He doesn't do that to Lexi, only Bonnie. Vince called the vet's office and the nurst said that she has 2 dogs and when that occurs, she has found that it's usually the first sign of a UTI in the female. Vince has noticed that Loki sniffs the area where Bonnie has been when she's laying down. So she'll go to the vet tomorrow. Hopefully, we caught this early enough and that it's just the beginnings of a UTI and not something more.

    AHealthierSuzyQ - you've been missed!

    Nancy - I never thought of the "there is no try, only do" in relation to healthy eating, but you are so right!

    welcom katlike and cando (I like that name)

    Harmony - I was just about to say that no one can make you feel bad unless you let them, but it looks like I was too late. Hope you're feeling better

    off to watch a bit of TV, take a shower, and then beddy bye. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • TexasTopaz
    TexasTopaz Posts: 16 Member
    I'd like to join this group for the January posts.

    Me too!

    I'm 53 mom to two grown kids, wife of 26+ years. I need to lose 35-40 pounds and am looking for new friends to help and get help from, encourage and get encouragement from. Would :heart: to join this group...please tell me how!
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Evening Ladies!

    I've been afraid to get on the scale since my holiday binge began...but was surprised to find out that I gained .2 lbs! Made me happy...but how much could I have lost if I didn't eat so many sweets???

    nt2012...I have a dvd that I like to do...yoga for weight loss. I try to alternate that w/other exercises...but I do feel so much more limber and relaxed after yoga.

    Pam...Feel better. Thanks for sharing the Pound a Week.

    Nancy...We like Star Wars around here, too. Yoda is always good for inspiration...such a clear thinker!

    Cando55...I can completely relate! I turned 56 in November...2 sons. I don't like my age # cause I don't feel my age. I celebrate annual 29th birthdays. I just had my 28th annual 29th birthday.

    Welcome to the new girls!

    Time to get back to some housework...believe me...I'm not overdoing it tonite. I just want to make the house look neat!

  • b_mour
    b_mour Posts: 7 Member
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just wanted to let you know...my dad's in the hospital with a possible infection of his knee. (He had knee replacements a few years ago.) At almost 90, it could be serious. I'd appreciate any prayers.

    you got it.

    so many newbies. Welcome to all

    glad to see you back SuzyQ. Hows the new house?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Mimi prayers for your dad.
    welcome newbies.Nice way to start the new year with a wonderful group of support,love and friendship.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, welcome back......I've missed you.....how is your house?

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, hugs to you and your dad

    :flowerforyou: to all the new members
    you joined just by posting.........I hope you'll stay and become part of the family.....posting every day is a good goal to start with while you're deciding on eating and exercise goals.

    :flowerforyou: to everyone :bigsmile: there has been a bit of discussion about making this thread into a group, but there is not sufficient backing to the idea so for January we will continue just the way we've been since early 2009 and before....:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: On December 31, close to my bedtime (PST) I will start a new thread for January and post a link to it at the end of this thread. This is a good time to start thinking about goals for January..:bigsmile: I make goals for each month but if you don't want to set any goals, that's fine,too.:bigsmile: Just show up and be part of the group.

    :bigsmile: Yesterday when I was walking with my friend ( the one that takes the ferry from Seattle every Wednesday to walk 4 1/2 miles with me) I realized that we don't talk about food or exercise much. Those are the subjects that I discuss with all of you......I have one friend who's training for a marathon and my line dance friends but no one who is very interested in food and exercise the way all of you are.:bigsmile: thank you for being in my life.

    :bigsmile: I am older than a lot of you and rarely think about my age because I feel healthier and fitter now than I did last year:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: for anyone wanting to do yoga and not finding a class
    Rodney Yee DVD "Yoga for Beginners" :bigsmile:
  • Wwoten1
    I am sending prayers and Reiki healing light and energy your Dad, rjadams
  • Wwoten1
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, welcome back......I've missed you.....how is your house?

    We were almost finished with phase 1 of the remodel when my father-in-law's heath deteriorated to the point he needed round the clock care. So we put things on hold to help and buried him on December 5th.

    We haven't started back on it yet, but plan to after the first of the year. We have finished the hardwood, ceilings, wall texturing and painting, electrical updates and have replaced the light fixrures in the living room hallway and front bedroom. We still have crown moulding to install in the living room and a hearth to tile and we will be done! :happy:
  • Harmony14
    Mimi - sending positive thoughts your way and for your dad!!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    @harmony14...hope you are feeling better...at times we let others affect our lives and we become frustrated and turn to food for comfort....please try and remember all efforts and hardships that you have gone through to get to where you are today...good luck


    @susan0816....welcome back

    @mazaron...hope you enjoy your visit with your daughter...and enjoy the gym with your son

    @cando055...welcome...i will be turning 56 in january,...glad that you have decided thats its your time now..

    @nt2012...i agree that the present is the best time for change

    @exermom...my son(is a chef)told me about the flour in apples, it helps with the juices...(also flour in blueberies, or chocolate chips, when making muffins, so they dont sink down

    @wolfiemom12...welcome..you have joined by just posting ....good luck on your journey

    @topaz2986...great on only gaining 2lbs...i too was afraid to get on the scale(do so on the 25th and had gained 5lbs)but as the week has progressed i am down to a 2lb gain as well, hoping for less for my weigh in.had been drinking lots of water until yesterday, and with the urinary infections just couldnt do it....


    i am feeling better today, went to the doctor and i did have an urinary track infection so i am on antibotic, didnt really drink lots of water yesterday(difficult to go to the bathroom)but today i feel a bit better and iam going to try and do spinning class...the drinking of so much water really helped with flushing me the frist few days, i lost 2-3lbs, so iam going to try and drink lots of water for the next couple of days(ihave my weigh in on monday).....
    have a lovely day all:flowerforyou:
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Mimi, prayers for your Dad. I hope it will be ok.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I did pretty well most of yesterday then ended up eating 3 sugar cookies with hubby last night. I've thrown all the other contraband away but these are his favorite once a year treat . I need to find the self control to just leave them alone! I do fine so long as I never take that first bite of simple carbs...

    Today everything in me wants to go back to bed so instead I am lacing up my tennies, cranking up some music and hopping on my treadmill. Our Christmas snow has all melted and its supposed to reach 60 degrees by afternoon so I'm hoping to find time for a bike ride during the heat of the day. Been fighting winter blues and think the sunshine will help my mood. Plus I have all those cookies I need to burn off.

    :drinker: Check back with you ladies later...
  • Harmony14
    Pam3 - thanks for the thoughts - I am doing better today in large part due to the wonderful people I have in my lfe - many of them so recently thanks to finding mfp.

    I hope you are feeling better today yourself and are getting that UTI knocked out of your system.

    :flowerforyou: to everyone along with wishes for excellent adventures while you go about your day today
  • Cbues5
    Hi my name is Cynthia, I turned 51 and it seems that I have packed on 30 plus pounds somewhere over the years. I have been working out ( running, biking) at least 30 mins a day 4 to 6 times a week for the past 4 weeks and have lost close to 5 lbs. It's discouraging because I am not losing more. I need to take a closer look at what I am doing in the evening. I am excited to see this website and look forward to working through all of this stuff. My goal is 30lbs by mid July which will be my 52nd birthday.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Mimi - So sorry to hear about your Dad. Adding my prayers and healing thoughts.

    Michele - I have never frozen a pie, so I don't know if it would get juicier but I would bet that it would. Frozen fruit gets juicier when it thaws, so why wouldn't a fruit pie? Good idea on the crumb topping; I agree that there is a lot of fat in a pie crust. I make my own crust when I make a pie, which is rarely anymore, and the ratio is 1 to 2 fat to flour. :sick: That's enough to make you rethink eating the crust! :noway: I usually eat the middle out of a piece of pie on the rare occasion I have one.

    My head bug is much better thanks to MucinexD. That stuff works.

    Today it's get the garden fed and weeded day and I also need to pick up the black walnuts that I have drying in the back yard. I picked up 8-10 garbage bags of black walnuts from the old family yard in Michigan. I spent a couple days day getting the hulls off and they have been in the yard drying ever since. It seems our goofy squirrels don't know a good thing when it's under their noses! They aren't bothering them at all that I can see. :noway: They're a lot tastier than the acorns they are eating.

    The weather has been great here for the winter flowers and veggies. My snapdragons, violas, pansies and flowering cabbage are flourishing. DH and I reskinned my cold frame with plastic, so I am ready to protect my lettuce when it freezes. The kohlrabi, onions and kale can take some freezing temps so I don't need one for them.

    Ok, I'm out of here and getting my hands dirty. Hope you all have a great day!

    Barbie! - I almost forgot to thank you for the info about Rodney Yee's Yoga For Beginners. I am ordering it today! I want to do more stretching and flexibility work. I know it will help my arthritis and keep my mobility. Thanks again!

  • debiann58
    debiann58 Posts: 14 Member
    :drinker: tea and water break, good morning everyone11:15here i should says good midmorning all, can you believe its the last friday of 2011 were did this year go, i'm putting together my new dailys goals for a new year new me ,i am back up to 211 i was so close to going under 200, but its ok ,i have some nice tools for my day to day new year, top of my list is to reconnect with everyone here i miss my mfp , i have join a gym i was there weds and will be going back today i have dusted of my wii and going to be playing with that ,will my daughter wants some me time hope everyone has a nice afternoon debi