Sixers Slimmer Summer - Week 1



    Thanks Pedal!!! You really give the BEST advice :flowerforyou: I have a good routine I do @ the gym... free weights / machines... so I think I will give the cardio a rest for the day and "get my swell on" (haha) :laugh: hopefully someone watched that movie... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ... otherwise I just sound silly... and come to think of it I can't remember what movie it came from ... just that my brother said it constantly for about 3 months... :tongue:

    ps... for those of you with trouble in the loss dept. I saw a nice drop when I increased to 1400 calories... from 1200... and LESS late night cravings... I eat 1300 - 1400 per day now and it doesn't feel like a diet :bigsmile:
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    Thanks Pedal!! It is scarey to think about but I will give it a try and see what happens. I really just want to lose inches but I know with the weight Im at that I have to lose some (a lot) of it before I can lose the inches. Imstill so upset at myself for letting it get to this point!! Oh well on ward I shall push. Thanks again ladies
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks Pedal.

    I am so confused now =( I am horrible and "Planning" and know what I should have when.
    I am 5'5 145 pounds and I would like to get to 120. MFP put me at the 1200 a day. How can I lose 2 pounds a week but eat more than 1200 calories?

    Also, if I work out in the morning, how much should I eat before hand. I usually go on an empty stomach.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Yikes - there's NO way you should be striving to lose 2lbs a week so close to your goal. And honestly, if you try to lose that much a week when your body is 17lbs from your goal you won't see the scale move at all. Just because you CAN select 2lbs a week doesn't mean you SHOULD. That should only be for people who are very obese. I suspect that if you change your goal to 1lb a week and get your cals to around 1500 a day (what does MFP suggest your maintenance calories are, by the way?) then your body will believe that you're actually going to feed it. Right now I suspect your metabolism is crawling along at a snail's pace trying to conserve your resources because you're not getting enough food. Without adequate protein you're also catabolizing muscle to supplement your energy and protein needs which makes for less tissue in your body burning fat. Will you give a try to boosting your cals by, say, 275 a day for 2 weeks and if you want I can make some suggestions with your meals if you give me an idea of what you plan on eating in a day... You can ABSOLUTELY succeed. It's just not always the way you might think :wink: :heart:

    Oh, and working out in the morning ... it's a personal thing but you should put SOMETHING in. If you're waking and working out pretty soon thereafter, maybe an apple because you don't want too much food in your stomach still digesting. You'll either take blood flow focus away from your stomach to your limbs and get indigestion or you'll sacrifice proper oxygen to your limbs in order to digest your food. If you're eating 60 to 90 minutes before your workout, eat a normal breakfast :happy:
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    So the other night I made cupcakes with soda instead of eggs, oil and water. They are about 190 calories each. Is it bad if Im eating 1 even 2 a day? Could this be slowing my losing processing down? I have the caloires to spare I just wasnt sure if it was bad or not??
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Dang I've got my rant-on today! :laugh:

    I have to go to the store before my bf drops her daughter off for the afternoon but I will post a cupcake recipe that is EASY, HEALTHY and skips the mountains of crap that will derail your progress. The calories themselves aren't the issue as much as WHAT you're putting in. I LOVE chocolate, cakes, cookies... but seriously, there is a really good way around the bad stuff while keeping the indulgences :wink: More to come from Rhiannon's house of Ranting! :laugh: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    ... this hasn't happened in a while. Could it be that all my veteran Sixers know better than to get me talking by now??? :wink: :blushing: :laugh: :glasses:
  • jessicacheesebrough
    I'm in :]

    SW 143 lbs / GW 125 lbs / CW 136 lbs PROGRESS: - 7.00 lbs
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    I used the pilsbury super moist strawberry cake mix and used sprite zero if that helps at all. Im not big on chocolate cake or cupcakes.
    HAHAHA. PEDAL... you really do have it going today :laugh: it is a good thing though :bigsmile:

    well ladies... I am off work in a bit, and my and the girls are going to skip cardio kickboxing (hopefully our crazy instructor doesn't hunt us down :noway: ) and we are going to do some weight training.. I am leading a little session on how to properly use that machines / free weight form (I am no buff but atleast I know how to use the stuff :laugh: )... :bigsmile: ttyl.
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    Ok ladies Im off to work for the night!! I will be back on later when I am done. Im sure most of you will be in bed by then so TTYL and sweet dreams!! Well off to conquer the resturant augh!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Harleygirl, it does help... my great recipe is for chocolate ones :wink:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    My knee hurts and I'm grouchy and I'm sleepy. :grumble:

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Aww :flowerforyou: Poor you Lauryn :heart:
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Yikes - there's NO way you should be striving to lose 2lbs a week so close to your goal. And honestly, if you try to lose that much a week when your body is 17lbs from your goal you won't see the scale move at all. Just because you CAN select 2lbs a week doesn't mean you SHOULD. That should only be for people who are very obese. I suspect that if you change your goal to 1lb a week and get your cals to around 1500 a day (what does MFP suggest your maintenance calories are, by the way?) then your body will believe that you're actually going to feed it. Right now I suspect your metabolism is crawling along at a snail's pace trying to conserve your resources because you're not getting enough food. Without adequate protein you're also catabolizing muscle to supplement your energy and protein needs which makes for less tissue in your body burning fat. Will you give a try to boosting your cals by, say, 275 a day for 2 weeks and if you want I can make some suggestions with your meals if you give me an idea of what you plan on eating in a day... You can ABSOLUTELY succeed. It's just not always the way you might think :wink: :heart:

    Oh, and working out in the morning ... it's a personal thing but you should put SOMETHING in. If you're waking and working out pretty soon thereafter, maybe an apple because you don't want too much food in your stomach still digesting. You'll either take blood flow focus away from your stomach to your limbs and get indigestion or you'll sacrifice proper oxygen to your limbs in order to digest your food. If you're eating 60 to 90 minutes before your workout, eat a normal breakfast :happy:

    I just checked and it had me at 1 1/2 pounds weight loss a week and I just changed it to 1 pound a week and it only upped my calorie intake to 1240 daily.
    Which on is the maintenance calories?

    I ate a banana before I went to workout...I burned 670 calories! (I was angry) I jogged and walked, but when I walk and my heart rate goes down, I feel like those calories that continue to tick away on my HRM don't count, same goes with when I do weights. I don't know why, I end up thinking they are just a part of my regular burned calories for the day. The HRM said 670 though so I am going to enter that in.

    Thanks so much for the help. I want to get this right...and I don't have much time to make sure I look great in that wedding dress!
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    I LOVE chocolate. So anyway to eat it I am down =D

    Okay so I ate Banana for breakfast
    After workout I ate two eggs with two pieces of wheat toast and a cup of red seedless that better?
  • wwalke02
    wwalke02 Posts: 61
    Can you still post your cupcake recipe? I am always looking for good recipes. Thanks.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Is it too late to join in? My name is Amy. Since there are 2 other Amy's, I guess just use my username.

    SW 156.2 lbs / GW 151 lbs / CW 156.2 lbs PROGRESS: 0.00 lbs
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'll dig the recipe out in a bit!

    Candy, one thing I learned after a lot of trial and error is that the calories assigned by MFP really do have to be taken as a guide. There's no possible way for the site to assign accurate cals individually and the best they can go on is averages. Even person to person caloric needs really do change day to day. Mood, rest, temperature, nutrition, activity, mental work... it all factors in. You'll find your maintenance calories if you go to the goals section on the main page (in the menu bar) then on the right in "your diet profile" it will tell you the number of calories MFP is using as your maintenance (the top line, "calories burned from normal daily activity). Can you tell me what it says there? And you're right about your HRM actually. It's something too few people realize. When you work out and are going to add those workout calories back in as food you definitely need to subtract your resting calories from that number. To find out your resting calories wear your HRM for 1/2 an hour when you're just watching tv - nothing suspenseful, just boring old telly. Find out how many calories you've burned in those 30 minutes just sitting there then divide by 3. Last time I checked mine it was 19 calories in 10 minutes but I am due to check again. So every time I work out I have to then subtract 19 calories for every 10 minutes I've worked out if I'm interested in not over-eating my workout cals. Some days if I've had a longer workout (say, 90 minutes) that's just over 170 calories I have to subtract. If I ate those and did that most days of the week that would certainly be enough to slow my progress.
    Your morning meal sounds WAY better. Getting that protein in there is wonderful. Not sure about where you are, but I know that I'm able to buy pure liquid egg whites (not to be confused with egg beaters or the like) which helps in not over-consuming egg yolks. There are valuable nutrients in there but I've heard that people should try to keep it to 1 to 3 yolks a week.
    Let me know any time if you want me to stop my talking and talking about this stuff. I don't mind being told enough is enough :wink:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Welcome Amypyr! :flowerforyou:
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Pedal, it doesn't bother me at all. I will probably get more annoying because I really don't know that much about nutrition and being healthy. It is pretty sad. I appreciate the help...I am a bit confused so I might ask the same questions over and over.

    The magic number is 1740

    Then the calories to eat says 1240.

    When I test my HRM by sitting, should I do it on a day that I don't work out?

    If I burned 670 today, should I eat those back because there is already a 500 calorie deficit, or should I go ahead and up my daily calories to 1500?

    All these numbers are confusing =(