

  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I definitely would have the way I overindulged but i wound up with a stomach bug a couple days later and am actually down some from before the holidays at this point. Feeling motivated to keep it off!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I was up and down all through the holidays, and considering my typical 12 lb gain during the season, a 2 lbs LOSS is a win.
    I am ready to go all the way.
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I gained 11 pounds between the week of Thanksgiving and now. I didn't excercise at all, didn't track on here, and ate like crap, so I totally deserve it. It's very disappointing though because that was everything I had lost since starting mfp. Now back to square one. I've very motivated to start everything back up for the new year! I have several big things happening in April and if I start now, I can lose a fairly significant amount of weight by then.
  • kellyjamespro
    kellyjamespro Posts: 88 Member
    weight loss is so interesting... did you gain weight or did you gain water... .most of the time is water unless you just totally pigged out and you may have picked up a pound or 2... I believe I picked up 5lbs of water so after a few days I headed back to my real weight....
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    I gained 3 pounds. I didn''t use to log my weight gain....I would just wait until it came off. But that is kind of playing mind games with myself and is not really helpful in the whole forever lifestyle this year I will be logging, lose or gain. I've also dedicated 2012 to getting this last 20 pounds off once and for all. So, it doesn't matter if we've gained a little or a lot, we are all still here on MFP and still committed to losing weight so let's Get 'Er Done!!!!! :happy: We are soooooo worth this!!!
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    I did! 5 lbs according to this morning's weight, yesterday was 2lbs weight, it must have been the alcohol, pringles, pop corn and chocolates I had yesterday night that gave me 3lbs extra for today, as when I weighted myself yesterday morning I only had 2lbs on! sigh! time to start using my new Polar F7 to burn all those calories in NO time!:D
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    Through the month of December I lost 3lbs but I hit 133 during December and am now 134 so I gained from my LW but lost in comparison to November!
  • revjames
    revjames Posts: 75 Member
    sorry must have misread this - I thought it said how much of the US gained weigh this Christmas and was going to answer 'most of em' ...... only kidding!
  • Molly_Louise
    I only gained 1lb, so I'm happy!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I probably did, but I haven't weighed and I don't care. I have slept 10 hours a night (I usually just make 5) and eaten like a horse, and feel ready to face the start of term on Tuesday.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I gained 5-7 lbs on Christmas, lost all but a lb of it and gained again last night, but it's ok the holidays are over after today, back on track!!!
  • tmm01
    tmm01 Posts: 137
    From just before Christmas to today. I managed to stay the same weight. :) Christmas Eve was really bad - mulled wine & peanuts, I was really cross with myself. So I have been really careful for the rest of the time. Kept up a good exercise regime, so that those extra calories were still within my daily limit (1200cals).

    Now I want to kick start the year, so have reduced myself to 1000cas for the next month. Then I will go back to 1200. My fat content was higher than usual over Christmas, so I need to keep this in check as well.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I gained seven pounds in two weeks. Ridiculous and all my own fault.

    I intended to get serious about losing weight come 1st January before Christmas anyway, now I am even more dedicated to it!

    I was a greedy piggy, but no more, it is time to fight the flab, whittle away the weight, chomp away the chubbiness..... the list is endless......

  • dougswife
    Well I started not going to my fittness pal to log in, weighed this mornin and gained 9, yep 9 pounds.:sad: Cholerserol is up.:blushing: Soooo needless to say I'm baacck. With an extra 9 pounds to lose. :( Glad to be back:wink:
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I have not weighed in yet - but fully expect an increase tomorrow (weigh in day) I feel like I have had a gain and as I was so lax its just what I deserve
    so come tomorrow I am back to doing what I can to treat my body with love and consideration
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I lost 20 pounds leading to Christmas and gained back 3.3 pounds. But, we will all be back on target tomorrow
  • Britt269
    Britt269 Posts: 11 Member
    i actually lost weight ive lost a total of 71 pounds and im still going strong i lost 3 pounds during the hoildays now back to getting on track
  • tamaranash
    tamaranash Posts: 37 Member
    I gained 6... I earned it.. I definitely overate, and was sick with a nasty chest cold that I couldn't exercise because of shortness of breath.. but I am accountable today and I am back to full tracking, and here is hoping I can lose it all by the end of the month and maybe more.. I know a lot of it was not drinking water, and eating salty stuff.. Hoping we all get back on track and lose some serious weight this month!!!!!!
  • kirstyj1
    kirstyj1 Posts: 24 Member
    im so jealous i managed to gain back almost a whole stone but i was so careful...what did i do wrong? ive been told to get new scales and recheck, but its also TOM and i can gain aanything upto 7lb on it and it just goes within a few days of it ending so im hoping my gain of fat is only about 4lb and the rest is water but still its an awful lot
  • beckie4442
    Me, I did, though it was only a couple of pounds I think. mostly alcohol related rather than food. Time to get back on it!:laugh: