Senior Golden Sneakers Club For May



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Marie---What an exhausting day for you and yet you were able to appreciate all the help and kindness of the staff that helped you. How exciting to know that there is something they can do to help you. You'll be triking (is that a word:laugh: ) around in no time. Do exactly what the doctor says and you'll be up and about before you know it. Let everybody take care of you for a change.

    I went to the movie with my friend this morning (it's a club for seniors that shows a first run movie once a month at a regular movie theatre) They collect food for the food bank and serve coffee and doughnuts. the movie was "The Ghost of Girlfriends Past" and it was hilarious and thought provoking. then we went to lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant. I read the whole menu and passed on a bunch of favorites that i used to eat in favor of stir fried vegetables in garlic sauce and ate on a small portion of white rice.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Jake did the laundry while I was gone :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Sandy and Elli---I look forward to the day when I'm close to my goal like you two I've learned a lot from your sharing and will make good use of it when I need it

    you work so hard and keep such a sunny spirit---I admire you a lot

    We're bringing the food to our daughter and son-in-law's house tonight and cooking for them so we don't have to go to a restaurant and they don't have to deal with what to do with Jack (age 7 months). so we get to eat what we want (chicken, salad, broiled veggies) and they don't have to disrupt their son's routine.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    big hugs :love: :love: :love:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi to all of you. I am feeling much better today than yesterday. As I was taking a nap my doctor called and told me to report to the hospital at 6:30 AM FRIDAY MAY 22 for the second surgery. Hope it wont be as bad as yesterday. I will have the same nurses and I am glad of that. I will have to called the doctor office tomorrow and confirm all of this. For sometime Jerry don't listen as good as he should and get things mixed up. Or add some of his own words.

    I better get an e-mail off to Beth and see if everything is alright with her. I worry about that yougin" over there in the mist of all that.

    Did get an E-mail from Phoebe this morning. I think they must be on there way home.

    Gayla, thanks to you,Ellie. barbie, Jake, Big G.- Sandy. Jeffrey.,Ellen--- I would love to meet you all someday. To have fun together, We know so much about one another but never met in person.

    Love to all

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    JUst got a e-mail from Beth and she cannot get access to My fFtness Pal for some reasons and ahe ask me to let you guys know. So glad to hear from her. Thought I would let you guys know.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Thanks Marie for updating us on your health and on Beth. Our continued prayers and good wishes will be with you for you next surgery. :heart: In the meantime just take it easy and get as much rest as you can. :yawn:

    Barbie, you do so well that when you get down to your last 5 pounds it will probably melt off of you.
    Elli and I are really trying to shed these last few pounds, so we are good for one another in encouraging each other. :smile: We all encourage each other here though and without you wonderful friends I am not sure I would have stuck it out. I am so happy that I have the support to keep me going. Who knows maybe I can lose an extra few pounds when I reach my goal. :laugh:

    I bought some hummus today and I like it. I bought a jar and used it as a dip on wheat crackers.
    It has a tomato base and reminds me of chili. :laugh: I had to go to a special store in my area to find it, but I didn't check the regular grocery store to see if they have it.

    Getting sleepy now, so will check in the morning to see how everyone is doing. Have sweet dreams.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    Sandy, I found hummus in my regular grocery store in the refrigerated section where they have the expensive cheese. Good luck finding it.:bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy nearly all of the stores even Super Walmart carry hummus in their Deli Dept.

    I had a good night sleep and ready for today. Sammie is sitting here beside me waiting for Jerry to wake up. So they can go walking. I may try to go with them this morning. I have gained some weight so I got to get back on healthy routine. I am not gping to change my ticker not yet anyway.

    See you good buddies later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Friends!

    TGIF! Not a lot to report. I had a real busy day yesterday but got everything done. Getting a little more luck on the job search but nothing too far along yet. I have a little work to do in town today and then some transplanting here at home. Tonight is karate night. I really enjoy that. We are supposed to get severe weather today and we had an awful storm Wednesday night but no real damage here.

    Marie- I am relieved to hear you are recovering. I think that in a few weeks you will feel much better!

    Everyone else I will catch up with you later today.

    Take care one and all!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Good Morning,

    Like Jeffrey, we are expecting more rain today, we had the same storm he did on Wednesday but suffered no damage or flooding. Will summer ever get here? :ohwell:

    Marie, you be careful with that walking, did your doctor say it was ok? I wouldn't worry about the weight gain until after all your surgeries are done. Since I didn't go to the grocery store yesterday I just stopped in Capotos, which is more of an ethnic type store (mostly Italian) and found the jar of hummus there. I went to Walmart but couldn't find it and asked someone and they said they didn't have it, but I don't think she really knew what it was. :tongue: I wanted to buy this wheat cereal my step daughter told me about and she said she got it at walmart, but again I couldn't find it. Does it seem like a pattern here? :laugh: In all honestly, I usually don't do the grocery shopping, my husband does. I only go when we run out of meat, then I go and stock up. He goes almost everyday for deals at different stores. :happy: It keeps him busy and since I don't like grocery shopping it works well.

    Hope everyone is doing good, staying safe and enjoying life. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Marie I am glad to hear you are doing well...just do not over do it....take it very easy.....and don't worry about the weight gain...the surgery could have caused it...anesthetics do strange things to your maybe you need that added weight to fight the affects of the surgery.....

    Nothing much going on here....I went to the grocery store this morning...first time I have been any place since Saturday....I am a stay at home person...not because I can't get out...I just have no place to go...

    I am enjoying our cool high 80's - low 90's.....because a heat wave is suppose to be here Sunday and Monday....record breaking temps the 100's.

    I am so in awe of you people exercise so much...I only am able to do two fifteen minute sessions on my elliptical.....Guess I am just a wimp....You all put me to shame...

    I hope you all had a good week and that your weekend will be wonderful....:flowerforyou:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    WHAT WHIMP!!! Are you serious BG?? You put most of us to shame, look at how much weight you lost and you kept it off and you are still trying to lose more. If anyone puts any one to shame it you who puts us to shame. :glasses: You are terrific and you have to let your self know how special you are.
    We love you here and again wish we lived closer to you so that we could hang out together. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Big G--- I think Sandy said it pretty well. You are one heck of a gal. This thread wpuld be lost witout you. You been a dear friemd of mine since the beginning. And Hope we all meet our goal and go on maintance together. But don't wait on me I will catch up soner or later. I have faith in all of us.

    Have a womderful days [[[[hugs to all]]]]]]]

  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi all!

    Sorry about the absence... we have been going no-stop trying to get concrete poured, for the Engineers amoung us... I know you LAY conrete and POUR asphalt...but since I am NOT technically an engineer... well.. I pour it.
    We have been working 14 - 18 hour days and I finally am done for a couple of days... no rest for the wicked though we start again next week. I will write more tomorrow as I get time off...
    but for a few... I am still running and logged about 9 miles this week even on the messed up schedule and I have a date with an elliptical at 05 tomorrow (my day off...I think)

    - to those of you new...WELCOME nice to meet you (read from you)

    Marie - I hope all goes well and you will be pain free when they are done.

    Jeffrey - how is the job hunt going?

    BG- How is your elliptical training going.

    Elli - more later PROMISE (just as long as the internet is up and running)

    Sandy - havent had time for the hoop... I usually have a date with my eyelids as soon as I hit the door to the hut.

    Gayla - how is Neil... sorry havent looked too far back in the notes

    Phobe - havent forgotten you either just have to look back to see whats going on :laugh:

    Have a great day all
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good Morning to all,

    :flowerforyou: Beth---what a hard worker you are, no wonder you don't have time to get on the computer. Even so, you managed to get in some running.

    :flowerforyou: Marie
    take it easy and follow the doctor's directions so you can have a great recovery and return to great exercising.

    :flowerforyou: Biggramma
    when I lived in Redding where it got hot like where you are, I hardly went out either. I enjoyed life from inside my air conditioned house.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy
    you look great in your picture but I know you're working hard to reach your goal----I'll bet there are people who have been telling you you're great just the way you are and don't need to lose more.

    :flowerforyou: Elli
    you probably have another busy day today----enjoy!!

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey----you have such a positive attitude---you remind me of the right way to look at life

    Yesterday I spent three hours with my friend who is a Weight Watchers life member. I told her I wanted to spend time with her with no food involved. We each brought our list of errands and some reusable shopping bags and went to three grocery stores, two thrift stores, Costco, and a couple of other places. We finished all our errands, tried on some clothes, walked over 6000 steps, and talked about a lot of stuff including our dogs, dance classes, and healthy eating tips.

    Now it's time to clean the house for the company that's coming for lunch. We're going to make a salad bar including tuna with light Smart Balance mayo, whole grain crackers, and six kinds of hummus.

    Enjoy your Saturday.

    Big hugs,:heart::heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Beth -- glad to got thru to us here. We miss you. Don't make them work you too hard. How's you wieght doing?

    Barbiecat--- I had to laugh when you said you were serving 6 kinds of hummus. You are breaking your family and friends in on you way of eating. Good for you.

    Sandy----You must be busy today. I haven't heard a word from you.

    Big g--- Must be on that monster again.

    Elli--- Working already?

    Jeffrey--- Busy weekend with family. Enjoy them.

    Phoebe--- If you got home you are probable sack up in a nice warm bed.

    Gayla--- I am about rested up pretty good now. I think Jerry has turn the kitchen back over to me. Oh well it was nice for awhile. Getty gear up for This Friday to go thru it again. This is where they will put the stint in my left leg. And then I will have to go back to get the other leg done.

    Ellen--- Having a good time . When will you be home?

    Jake--ave fun on your trip.

    It is raining here today. Our garden need it.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie---- Just now notice one of your cats looking out of the RV. How cute. How are the animals liking the trip. Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    It is late and I am tired. Bryanna has competition this weekend and it started at 8:30 this morning, just home a little while ago and have to be back at 8:30 am. She only did her solo today and did great, she got a platinum which is the highest you can get. I stayed to watch the other team members and to drive her home so her mom could go home with the baby. Tomorrow are all the group numbers which are really fun to watch. :bigsmile:

    I managed to stay within my calories today, first eating at subway splitting a turkey sub on wheat with a friend and then for dinner having a grilled chicken sandwich. If it weren't for the two glasses of wine I had I would have been under but went over by about 7 calories, not bad. :tongue:

    Glad to hear from everyone and will write more when I get home tomorrow night or first thing Monday.

    Have a great Sunday.

  • JaneAusten
    JaneAusten Posts: 50 Member
    Hi Everybody, I want to brag. 1. I've (finally) lost another kilo and my husband finally noticed! I hadn't told him I was trying to lose weight. 2. It's Norway's National day, the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and everyone is dressed in their national costumes. 3. Norway won the European Song Contest last night (Melody Grand Prix) I know this doesn't mean anything to you all on the other side of the pond, but we are very proud. The smaller the nation, the bigger the national pride.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Everybody, I want to brag. 1. I've (finally) lost another kilo and my husband finally noticed! I hadn't told him I was trying to lose weight. 2. It's Norway's National day, the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and everyone is dressed in their national costumes. 3. Norway won the European Song Contest last night (Melody Grand Prix) I know this doesn't mean anything to you all on the other side of the pond, but we are very proud. The smaller the nation, the bigger the national pride.
    Hello JaneAustin
    I don't know Kilo so don't know how much is in pounds. But you are proud and I am proud for you. great job Congrats on Norway winning the European Song Contest. . I don't know much about Norway so you will have to keep us posted on it.So we can get to know you and your country better. I can just imagine How beauiful it must be there in the winter and spring.
    I live in Texas , USA and we don;'t get much snow. Usally just a dustin once or twice a year and it don't stay on the ground very long. We are having a good raining spell now and we sure need it.

    Have a wonderful day.
  • JaneAusten
    JaneAusten Posts: 50 Member

    Hi again from Norway, above is a link to a web album with a few photos from the celebration of the National (Constitution) Day. P.S. We don't always have such great weather. J:A
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all. Still traveling that bumpy road here! There is some good news though, Neil's foot is starting to look a bit better -- Yeah!!! It seems to like the saline wash, not perfect but better. I am just about to go out and get my gardens and plantars ready for some new veg and flowers. It will really freshen the place up and if the snow stays away I can get them planted! Most of my trees are leafing out and glad about that. It was a bad winter so there is always the risk of losing some trees or shrubs. After I get in there today I will know more.

    Welcome JaneAusten -- Enjoy your National Day. It is a holiday weekend for us in Canada as well and then I am on holidays for the rest of the week. I am now counting my work weeks between holidays and then I will retire the end of the year. Way to go on the weight loss!

    Marie -- Just thought I would let you know that 1 kg. is 2.2 pounds.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Gayla :heart: