Sixers Slimmer Summer - Week 1



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi girls! My goodness...I'm home sick for one day and there's NO WAY I can catch up on all these posts! First off...welcome all you new ladies! We are SO glad to have you join us. Here's a little bit about myself for all you new gals...

    My name is Kristin. I have been on MFP since November 2007. I am 25 years old, married to my best friend since high school, and pregnant with my first little miracle! SO...I am gaining weight at the moment, but still keeping track of you ladies and you better believe once I pop out this baby I will be back to losing!:happy:

    Yesterday I was home with a migraine, and it's a busy day at work today, so I may not get back on until Monday, but I hope you all have a FABULOUS Friday and an even better weekend! Much love!:flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    lauryn....i am right next to summerville. we use to live in sangaree a part of summerville, shanell lives in summerville. would love to meet you. i will put you to work too. even if you had to bring your daughter she could play with the grands. they are 5& 8.
    napland was nice until the THUNDERstorms started. glad i got the lawns done before. now they won't be so long when we mow for the last time.

  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good night girls! I had a pretty good day with my new lifestyle. I was able to walk on the treadmill after getting home from picking up my son from school, and for the first time in years I pulled out my old Denise Austin strength training video (yes, it's so old it's on VHS) tonight. I'm feeling it now, but not as bad as I was expecting.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! Never mind what I said about not feeling it from the strength training as much as I thought I would. I woke up this morning so sore! A nice long hot shower helped take care of that!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hey Cathy and Lauryn... Lookie what I found when I was trying to find a HR calculation!

    If you scroll down the M's, there's a bunch for moving! Go burn some calories moving boxes ladies!:laugh: :laugh:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    amypyr....a good sore. think of those muscles getting stronger.
    bunny...will check it out.

    i just finished a treadmill walk/run. knee is just not allowing much running lately. neither is the foot. not much planned for today. maybe getting things in order. need to contact the other people and see when their last day is.

    off to the shower, later
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Morning ladies!!

    Got everything moved into my summer apartment in Omaha and then drove home to my mom's for a wedding today! need to get some breakfast in but hopefully will get to catch up on personals with all this chatting here soon!!
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Good morning all! Gosh, gonna say it again, we have a huge group now. So hard to keep up with it all!

    Went to doc yesterday(for those newbies...I have some major health issues right now that I am trying to overcome). My gyn feels strongly that my anemia is from my periods. This is the best anwer ever. That means no iron transfussions or a bone marrow biopsy:happy: I couldnt be happier. He says a few more mths of being on this pill that not only has iron in it but has me on my TOM 1 day instead of 10:noway: should work wonders. I am having a pelvic ultrasound on june 2 to be sure that I dont have any fibroids or anything else. He also confirmed that I am fighting my body big time for weight loss with this anemia because my body needs EVERY ounce of energy it can get so when I exercise I get the opposit body holds onto more. So, taking it easy ....I am going to go on 30 minute walks everyday and leave it at that. I might do some toning at home. I see a faint light at the end of the tunnel!!!!

    Everyone have a fab day!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good morning all! Gosh, gonna say it again, we have a huge group now. So hard to keep up with it all!

    Went to doc yesterday(for those newbies...I have some major health issues right now that I am trying to overcome). My gyn feels strongly that my anemia is from my periods. This is the best anwer ever. That means no iron transfussions or a bone marrow biopsy:happy: I couldnt be happier. He says a few more mths of being on this pill that not only has iron in it but has me on my TOM 1 day instead of 10:noway: should work wonders. I am having a pelvic ultrasound on june 2 to be sure that I dont have any fibroids or anything else. He also confirmed that I am fighting my body big time for weight loss with this anemia because my body needs EVERY ounce of energy it can get so when I exercise I get the opposit body holds onto more. So, taking it easy ....I am going to go on 30 minute walks everyday and leave it at that. I might do some toning at home. I see a faint light at the end of the tunnel!!!!

    Everyone have a fab day!

    AMY!! GREAT news darlin'!! And yes, it's been a few since a new challenge has attracted new faces and it's always so chatty at first. Oh, I'm so glad to hear what your doc said. GREAT :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    So, I just strengthened my resolution today to stay off the scale. I was curious so I peeked today and once again, I'm up a little. THIS is exactly why I've taken measurements and photos. I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that my body is not storing fat because my exercise and nutrition have been right on point. I was doing some further research this morning and found a LOT of info on running specifically and the fact that for women who begin training for distance running it is very common to gain weight on the scale. The other day in the shower I was startled when I was soaping my legs because my quad muscles are all of a sudden really visibly bigger. I've noticed in the last week or so my snug jeans are a little more comfy too. So I have to rely on the measurements while my body adjusts to the idea of distance running being a regular thing and in the mean time I must SERIOUSLY stay off that scale. Just had to vent :glasses:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    pedal.....GET OFF the scale, have DH or the kids hid it until a certain date. put the date on your fridge.
    amy.....such great news. those little walks will help keep the muscles warming waiting for you. it will also help with the mind i think.
    bunny....checked out the site. WOW will we ever be burning the calories.

    i am a little more excited now and know this is we are suppose to be doing. talked with the other couple and their plans are right inline with mine. same dates everything. in fact i get to PICK UP the key this afternoon to my new home. sooooo ready to go. will be cleaning my oven today and DH is going to begin the freezer repaint. we have a freezer that needs a new paint job. so DH is going to sand it and the weekend we move we will put it outside to defrost and throw a quick paint on it. will have to really squeeze all the food into the side-by-side, or coolers. just for a day.

    well, off to finish up some packing. i have boxes so must have more to pack. :tongue:

  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    Good morning/afternoon ladies,
    I dont have time to read everyones posts today Ill have to catch up tomorrow on my day off. I just wanted to check in and see how everyon was doing with their goals, diets and weight loss?? Im sticking hard to it as much as I dont want to at some points in the day (like yesterday wow it was a super hard day for me). Keep up the great work ladies Im off to workout and then off to work AUGH SIGH:grumble: :sad:
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    :blushing: Can I sneak in too?

    SW 208.6 lbs / GW 203 lbs / CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 151 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 151 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    PREGNANT! (with a little boy, that is Lauryn's bet )
    SW 159 lbs / GW 153 lbs / CW 159 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 148.0 lbs / GW 142 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 178.8 lbs/ GW 171 lbs / CW 178.8 lbs PROGRESS +/-00.00 lbs
    SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00lbs
    SW 160 lbs/ GW 154lbs/ CW 160lbs PROGRESS: +/-00.00lbs
    Deb (mbmempireSW 181 lbs / GW 135 lbs / CW 165 lbs Progress : +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 202 lbs/ GW 190 lbs/ CW 202 lbs progress: +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 175 lbs/ GW 168 lbs/CW 175 lbs/ progress:+/-00.00lbs
    SW 150.4 lbs/GW141 lbs/CW150.4l bs Progress: +/- 0
    SW 145 lbs/GW/137 lbs/145 lbs Progress +/-0
    SW203.5 lbs/GW197 lbs/CW 203.5 lbsProgress +/- 0
    SW 196 lbs / GW 186 lbs/ CW 196 lbs PROGRESS: +/-00.00 lbs
    SW 188 lbs / GW 180 lbs / CW 188 lbs PROGRESS 0
    SW 143 lbs / GW 125 lbs / CW 136 lbs PROGRESS: - 7.00 lbs
    SW 156.2 lbs / GW 151 lbs / CW 156.2 lbs PROGRESS: 0.00 lbs
    SW 151.6 lbs / GW 130 lbs / CW 151.6 lbs PROGRESS 0 lbs.

  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Renae, I haven't seen you on the boards lately, welcome back!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    evening guys.

    welcome renae, jump on in.
    been doing ok today. a few slip up here and there. i just keep going. not much going on in my neck of the world right now.

    time to rest for the evening, later
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, I'm so excited for you that things are coming together SO smoothly for the move. How did the Pampered Chef meeting go? Did I miss that?? Have you made any decisions about it? And while I'm at the questions, where in the heck is your darling daughter? Oh Shanell...... Where AAARE you?...

    Renae, welcome!

    Robin, hallooooo :D

    Well, nice day around here so far!! This morning we went to the first organic farmer's market of the year (well, it's been on for a couple of weeks but we hadn't remembered! :noway: ) and I got some BEAUTIFUL greens... mustard greens, rainbow chard, spinach... and some beets (also sporting beautiful and delicious greens!), snap peas, bok choy, 1L of fresh local honey :love: , fresh apple juice (and it's REAL apple juice so the 1L of it that I got should really be cut 50/50 with water) and the kids got some fruit ices (just natural, organic, pure fruit juices frozen like freezies). It was $35 for the haul and $12 of that was the honey (which is an amazing price for 1L of wildflower local honey). I was happy with it :bigsmile: Food is very expensive here so I LOVE getting the change to buy directly from the organic farmers in our area!! I'm excited it's market season again because I love seeing what's fresh and available from the farmers then making delicious concoctions based on that. I'm also on a mission right now to see if I can use up all the food we have in the freezer and pantry rather than just seeing it sit there. It will sure save us a lot of money for the next few weeks! Oh, and I also got some seedlings today. We usually grow our own from seeds but it's been weird weather this year and everything died. We got spaghetti squash, zucchini, roma tomatoes and cayenne peppers. Can't wait to see those ones grow! :happy:

    Well, not much else! Just a rambling check-in. I'm going for a group 10k run tomorrow morning. Should be interesting!
  • walking
    walking Posts: 5
    Would love to join your group - even though I don't have a lot left to lose. I feed off of others motivation and I hope I can help others too.
    SW 140 GW 127 CW 135
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Rhiannon, my dad had an apiary when I was a teenager. I do love real honey! We used to sell ours for $5 a pound! I hated the days we'd gather the honey (well, I hated any time I had to help with the bees), because I'd be in the honey house, my parents would go to the hives and get the comb. They'd brush the bees off each frame and pass them in to me inside the honey house. Ummmm... Yeah... I'd be in the honey house with a dozen or so bees flying around and I hated it! Did love the honey though. It's just not the same from a store
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Nice Robin! I talked to the lady today because Ava wants to learn more about bees and I wanted some tips on visit-friendly apiaries in our area. Yes, real honey is so awesome :love:

    Good night ladies!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    welcome walk please join in. can you tell us a little something about youself.
    pedal...don't know about shanell. i only talk with her a few times a week. i know she has been having a rought time at work, with cut in pay and payday changes. they both work at the same place so it double impacts them.
    my sister and her hubby raised honey bees for the farmers. she had told me how it all worked. they sold the bees to farmers for pollenaiding (sp). she is highly allergic to them.
    DH and i had a nice momment tonight. we have been reading those books and were discusing them, when i broke down crying and telling him how i was feeling, he said i just read how to handle this now, came over and hugged me and reasured me things will be ok, as long as we are together, we will make it though together. i understood now where he was coming from and he understood my feelings. what a great thing.

    bed is calling my name, must keep eyes open just a little longer it's still early. later