SWaT-January Walk with Leslie Sansone workouts



  • frumpytofit
    I would like to know this too.

    Also what kind of calorie burn does one get with a LS 3 mile workout- I don't own a heart monitor.
  • musky4
    musky4 Posts: 126 Member
    once i can put some weight on my foot - i'll be here - the good news - I'm on day 2 of no smoking (had cut back to 5/day) -- the bad news - for my LONG w/end - I woulda swore I broke bones in my foot (ran into, tripped and fell backwards pushing my foot upwards because of and on my son's bar bell) - today i can put (some) weight on it --- the combo of the two --- has been EAT --- its only until i can get back on my foot - then watch out --- leslie and me will be kicking some ..lard -
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Yay! I walked through the cold today, but it wasn't as cold as the weather channel said. But it was cold as heck with the wind chill. I think it was around 45 degree's and strong winds. It almost blew me off balance.

    I walked 4 miles today ( I have 71 more miles to go )

    I can't believe MFP done away with the signature so you can put your ticker in "Bummer" "The pits" :frown: UGH!!!

    MFP also changed what's displayed on the home page ( news feed) . to much information of what others are doing, who there new friends are to what there last comment was and so on & etc.
    What in the heck where they thinking...... Why change something that was working perfectly before.

    Enough complaining :blushing:

    Have a GREAT Day ALL
  • nwkirk03
    day 2 of walkinf 5 miles in 85 mins:smile:
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I just did the 3 mile walk. How do you log the calories for this?

    Low impact aerobics is really close. Many of her DVDs are 4 miles per hour (15 minutes each mile) .... so walking 4 MPH (no incline) is also close.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I forgot to post this last night. I got in another mile on the Wii Fit Free Step after my kiddos went to bed, so that's 7/45 miles for January.

    I just got a Wii for Christmas .... I use Walk it Out! ..... quite fun. Anyway what is "Free Step" ... do you need a balance board?

    Goal: 5 / 40
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,006 Member
    I just got done doing Leslies 3 mile walk....I might go for a short walk with the dog in a little bit also..
    I also have a wii and enjoy doing exercises on it. I havent used it in awhile though, I should start using it again. I usually do wii fit plus. I was thinking about getting dance3. Have any of you done this? Is it fun? and worth the cost? What other wii games do you do?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I just got done doing Leslies 3 mile walk....I might go for a short walk with the dog in a little bit also..
    I also have a wii and enjoy doing exercises on it. I havent used it in awhile though, I should start using it again. I usually do wii fit plus. I was thinking about getting dance3. Have any of you done this? Is it fun? and worth the cost? What other wii games do you do?

    The only other (fitness) game I have is Abba - You Can Dance, but believe me I CAN'T dance, so it's not seen much use. The Zumba games get really good reviews ... you might look into those.
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,943 Member
  • Candy1973
    Candy1973 Posts: 10 Member
    I have her 5 mile fat burning walk. I was doing two miles a day for a while then fell off the wagon. The holidays came back to haunt me when I took a step back on the scale. I am needing some motivation to get moving again. :frown:
  • Stace_0104
    I forgot to post this last night. I got in another mile on the Wii Fit Free Step after my kiddos went to bed, so that's 7/45 miles for January.

    I just got a Wii for Christmas .... I use Walk it Out! ..... quite fun. Anyway what is "Free Step" ... do you need a balance board?

    Goal: 5 / 40
    Yes, you need a balance board. It's on Wii Fit Plus. I highly recommend the whole Wii Fit Plus system...it's a lot of fun, and it's a decent workout for days when you want to mix it up or take it a little easier if you're on a strenuous workout schedule. My kids even play it!
  • Stace_0104
    I nearly forgot why I logged in here in the first place lol... just finished 40 minutes free step, 2 miles. January miles 9/45.
  • forme2310
    forme2310 Posts: 157 Member
    Well day two and I pushed the canine a little today and we did a 5 k we walked 3.1 miles in 100 minutes. I will also do the Leslie tapes too especially when our hot weather gets here as me and heat don't get along I can deal with cold but not heat lol

    Have a great night
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,254 Member
    117 minutes/720 minutes of exercise!
    Keep moving ladies:)

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,254 Member
    and gents!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I'm in, I looked at Leslie's calendar for January and I want to start now and not wait until the 9th so I am going to set my goal for 63 miles in January. Now to get back into it!! I don't think I've been walking since before Thanksgiving.
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    I am in:) 60 miles this month.
  • frumpytofit
    I'm in for 60 miles- 3 miles per day, 5 days a week.

    For days above freezing temperature I'm going to walk outside using my pedometer at 6000 which is equivalent to 3 miles.
  • constancemwj
    I did 4 miles on the treadmill today. maybe I'll get outside tomorrow it suppost to be a nice day here
    keep walking :drinker: