

  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    I had a Mirena IUD. HATED it! Serious, horrible, side effects (blurry vision, back pain, no sex drive, ect.). I would maybe try the Paragard as it doesn't have the hormones Mirena does. I consider myself to be pretty darn tolerable of pain (I gave birth to my daughter 100% drug free by choice) and thought the insertion was pretty darn painful. I felt very woozy and like I was going to pass out. Then just mild cramping for a few days following.
    Like all BC its going to effect everyone differently....
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    I ad the Paragard placed at the beginning of November and the initial insertion for me was horrible! I have a high pain tolerance and it was up there in pain as getting abdominal surgery and my nipples pierced! It was really bad for about half the day and my period started the very next day. I have had one other period and it wasn't as heavy as the first. I was on BC for 8 years and didn't want anymore hormones. I am glad I did it but not going to be happy when it has to come out.

    P.S. I have never had kids and I am told it is a little easier if you have had kids because you have been stretched some. Hope this helps and I wish I knew what I kniw now BEFORE I had it done. Oh yeah, they may not get it in the first time but they usually will tell you that.
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Laura, thank you. It is nice to know the information. I'm 24, and I've been on BC pills for almost 10 years! I've never been pregnant (I'm currently married, but we aren't ready for kids), but I'm just so tired of putting hormones in my body & I think the IUD will be good for me. If not, then I'll at least know. The heavier periods and cramps really don't bother me that much. I can deal with it. And as far as people getting pregnant on IUD's, that happens with BC pills too. So, it just depends on the woman.
  • CallmeCola
    I have Merena! No problems. It didn't hurt and I have no menestral craps and no cycle. Love it!!!
  • jodidlyO
    I have a mirena too. No problems now but took my body about 6 months to get used to the hormones (not as bad as the pill for me). No bleeding at all now. I had been having terrible bleeds after the birth of my kids so I had to do something. My sister also got the mirena, but had a general for the insertion because her kids were born via Caesarian. It was free for both of us - we're in Australia (I think I paid about $50 for it actually, but you can definitely get them free depending on where you go)
  • jess_blonde
    jess_blonde Posts: 229 Member
    I have a Flexi-T 300 (available in Canada, some of Europe and possibly Australia?) and I love it to death. I had it inserted seven months ago and I am kicking myself for not doing it earlier.

    I had negative reactions to the pill (OrthoTriCyclen Lo) and the NuvaRing (the worst of which being a completely non-existent sex drive, an inability to become aroused and depression). I started researching IUDs and decided to go off hormones completely, even though I was a little worried about increased bleeding and cramping. Insertion is definitely painful for some (I found it like a very intense cramp but it was very brief, the sounding was the worst) but some find it uncomfortable or feel very little. I had a vasovagal reaction but that's not uncommon for me and it passed quickly,

    My cramps subsided almost immediately to a dull pain that was more of an awareness of my uterus than anything else (I had taken 800mg ibuprofen before my insertion and been drinking 3+ cups red raspberry leaf tea every day for three weeks leading up to insertion). My fiance and I went shopping and for lunch after and I felt pretty well fine.

    Definitely check out http://www.livejournal.com/read/user/iud_divas - they were instrumental in helping me make the decision to get my IUD! Lots of information and a great sounding board of people who have been there!

    ETA: I have also found weight loss much easier after stopping hormonal birth control, definitely a welcome side effect!
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member

    Thank you for posting that! I'm feeling pretty good about my decision to get the IUD. However, I'm going to try to not drive myself crazy thinking about all the people who have posted about how horribly it hurt to get it put in. I think that it'll be a wise decision for me, and I'm ready to be HORMONE FREE!!! Hoping that will help in my weight loss. I swear, BC pills really take their toll when it comes to that!
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I had the paraguard. Am I the only one who was told that you had to be on your period to get their IUD inserted?! I went in on the last day of it and took 800 mg of ibuprofen before hand. It hurt for a second and I had cramping afterwards. But after a couple of periods I was fine. They trimmed my string pretty short and all was good. I got mine for free through planned parenthood. Love that place!!!

    The only side effect I had was pregnancy ;) lol,yep got knocked up even on an IUD. Can you say fertile?! I'm contemplating getting another paraguard just because it last for so long and it's worry free plus non-hormonal!
  • kynichol21
    Interesting thread. I have been considering the copper IUD as well because after a blood clot from the NuvaRing I can not do anything hormonal. I'm not worried about the pain so much as I don't like the fact of spotty periods. My friend has Mirina and when she has a period it's totally unexpected & heavy. I don't want that! I wanna know, so I can be prepared, not always wondering "what if..."

    We used to put copper in our mares water buckets to help with moodiness when they came in season. Same principal? lol

    I also had a blood clot and was previously using the NuraRing. The clot wasn't causing from NuraRing but since it was in my brain I am not allowed any hormonal birth control as well. So that left me with the Paraguard. I have been very happy with it but it does produce longer and heavier periods that what my norm was at least that I can remember. I always skipped my periods with the NuvaRing.
  • dangrog
    i had mirena - didn't think it hurt too bad getting it put in. but... i turned into a snappy mean *****. and i gained 30 lbs in three months. i also was going through some stress with work - but my husband nicely asked me to get rid of it. it's the reason i'm here now - is because i need to drop the weight. research the type you are considering... i can't say i'd support it.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I'm on my 2nd Mirena. With the first one, my periods stopped entirely. With this one, I'm almost 2 years in and still spotting. Kind of a bummer because I was hoping it would stop again. Doesn't bother me too much though because my periods without bc are pretty awful.

    My husband could feel the first one in certain positions, but it turns out, my doctor cut the string too short. The doctor that inserted the 2nd one left it longer and it actually tucks up around the cervix. He no longer feels it at all. The downside to that is I have trouble finding it when I'm checking for it.

    I was also told that it was better to have it done while I was on my period. Both times it was mildly painful during insertion and felt like period cramps afterwards. I drove myself there both times.
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Everyone keeps commenting on Mirena on this thread. That is not what I was considering getting. I've already made the appointment for Paragard. Although, it does kind of scare me that some people say that they got pregnant while on Paragard. I do not want a child right now. Although, I know that people also get pregnant on BC pills. So, that may play a factor too.

    Mirena is just not an option for me because I want to get far away from hormones in my body. Paragard is the one and only IUD that I was considering getting...and I've made the appointment for the 23rd of January.

    All comments are appreciated, but Mirena is not an option.
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 180 Member
    I think you're getting more responses about Mirena because it's more widely used. The copper one still kind of has a bad rep because it was a copper coil (or something) that caused a bunch of problems in the 70s that made IUDs in general very unpopular. (My details could be wrong, I wasn't around in the 70s, lol.)
    But then, the Paraguard also has heavier flow / cramping as a side effect, so I know that was -my- deciding factor.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    answer: i have the mirena. the hormones are contained within the uterus and the effects are simply marvelous. lighter to nonexistent periods.

    it DOES hurt to get put in... for about an eighth of a second. and then it's just like menstrual cramps for an hour or so, and it's all over. five years later, i get a new one. if you go with paragard, you're good for 10 years, but will have normal to heavier periods.

    edited to say part of the reason it hurt for me is because i've never been pregnant/given birth. i hear it hurts less for women who have. also, talk with your doctor. they're very skilled at distracting you and will give you a pain pill about a half hour before insertion in some cases and that helps with the cramping.

    I had three kids before getting my Mirena in 2010 and it still hurt like hell. But, only for a minute or so and then cramping for a day or so after. Totally worth it. Love, love, love my Mirena and not really getting a period anymore.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Everyone keeps commenting on Mirena on this thread. That is not what I was considering getting. I've already made the appointment for Paragard. Although, it does kind of scare me that some people say that they got pregnant while on Paragard. I do not want a child right now. Although, I know that people also get pregnant on BC pills. So, that may play a factor too.

    Mirena is just not an option for me because I want to get far away from hormones in my body. Paragard is the one and only IUD that I was considering getting...and I've made the appointment for the 23rd of January.

    All comments are appreciated, but Mirena is not an option.

    Sorry...I didn't read this before I made my Mirena comment. I did look into Paragard but to me the possible side effects of more cramping and a heavier period weren't worth it to me. But, it's a great option to women who can't tolerate hormones. Good luck!
  • c1m1
    c1m1 Posts: 5 Member
    I have had Paraguard for the last 3 years straight. So far no problems. My flow is heavier (not a big deal 2 kids later), and I remember insertion being unpleasant. Wasn't terrible enough to remember well though. Hormone free is so much nicer to my body then pills ever were, good luck.
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    I had Mirena and no children...it hurt like insanely tons!!!!!! I literally was like a cat trying to claw my way out of the office. It was great in that I didn't have the hormonal side effects of birth control, but I cramped and bled the whole first month. I ended up having to go on birth control pills to stabilize the bleeding which was I was trying to avoid...so Ihad it taken out. I would consider it again, but honestly my husband and I have been using the natural family planning method successfully for several years.
  • jess_blonde
    jess_blonde Posts: 229 Member
    Although, it does kind of scare me that some people say that they got pregnant while on Paragard. I do not want a child right now. Although, I know that people also get pregnant on BC pills. So, that may play a factor too.

    There was someone just recently on the board I linked to who got pregnant on the Mirena so it happens (though very, very rarely) with both. Both IUDs are considered as or more effective than sterilization, so it's pretty much as safe as you can get! Those who get pregnant with either IUD usually have had it move out of place. Personally I don't advocate trying to check string length, I just make sure there's no plastic bit poking out of my cervix and that I can't feel the knot at the top of the string about once a week (when I remember).
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    (sorry, no patience to read 4 pages, so if i repeat what many others have said i apologize!!!)

    i have the paragard and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!

    I took 3 advil before I left for my appointment because so many people were complaining about excruciating pain.
    I felt nothing more than the minor discomfort of a PAP.

    I chose the paragard because it is hormone free. I have never used BC of any sort that contained hormones, so that was a huge plus for me.

    The only downside is the heavy bleeding.
    (faint of heart do not continue reading)
    On the heaviest day of my period , which for me is day 2, I change a S+ tampon every hour/ 1.5 hours or I will soak right through.
    on the advice of my doc I take 2 tylenol the night before and that does help ease the blood flow a bit.

    good luck!
  • mrsdstarks
    Hi, I had an IUD about 7 years ago. It doesn't hurt too bad getting put in just a lot of pressure. Also, when it was time to get it taken out I had to have mine surgically removed because I have a long uterus. I liked the IUD but have heard many stories of ladies not knowing that it fell out and they got pregnant.