Write to the person that annoyed you today!



  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    Dear Mac and Cheese,

    I need more of you, maybe you can invite your friend, cottage cheese, over to the party in my fridge, and I can devour, both of you, and eat up my entire calorie count for the day. By chance, if you find any chocolate covered cherries on your way over, please invite them a long.

    Yours, Willow
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Dear Jennifer Hudson:

    I really admire your weight loss. You are very pretty, however if I see the commercial where you say "Weight Watchuhhhhsssss", one more time, I am going to scream.
  • willibear
    dear Manager without a back bone

    Thank you for letting us know that the back people we have in place are not good enough for you, even though you picked them out, so that we now have to comprimize our Spring Break vacations. do us all a favor, please have your husband insert you back bone back up your *kitten* and learn to lead, or just fall off the face of the earth and let us get on with it.
  • Trinasan
    Trinasan Posts: 44 Member
    Dear rude person....who shall not be named (not even worthy of It)

    keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself......if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.

    Oh and hey and I think your are a dork!!

    LOL! You took the words right out of my mouth...except I was leaning more toward using the term "*kitten*".
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    Dear rude lady at work today,

    I am not going to break privacy policies to do want you want me to do and get fired. So sorry for just doing my job and "screwing the rest of the world over"
    Have a nice day ***** :)
    You must work for Comcast
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    dear slow drivers,

    look, i appreciate the fact that you slowed down for the snow. but there's no need to be creeping along at 10 MPH when 25 will do. the roads were not THAT bad. you're going to cause an accident.

    also, turn signals exist on all cars these days. please to be using them, especially when you're creeping along that slow.


    girl that almost rear-ended you today.
  • megansoriano
    Dear Receptionist,

    Please stop sleeping with your boss, coming in late, leaving early, smoking all the time, chatting all the time, never at your desk to answer the phone which rolls to me (someone who is actually working), and making fun of people. Also, please don't call me "two faced" again. . . You are 50 and I am 25. I talked to my boss about not having to cover the front desk because you are never there, it prevents me from doing my job. Women of your age are not cute for wear blinged out fleur-de-lea to work which is a professional environment. Also, when you decorated the new bathroom you forgot that it was a work bathroom and not YOUR bathroom. The red fleur-de-lea everywhere is kind of tacky.


    The brilliant young woman who doesn't have to sleep with the boss to keep her job.

    Wow, that felt good.
  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    Dear thin, sexy husband,
    Thank you for sitting there devouring 96% of my ENTIRE calorie count for a whole day, in one sitting, at McDonald's, where you insist we eat while out.... while I eat leaves for a meal. Yeah I added it up, ...96%. You effing pig. Sexy, effing pig who in no way deserves that body.

    P.S. Your night for dishes. Your night for go-hug-the-kid-when-she-wakes-up-whining-at-all-hours.

    Love it!
  • hungreeteacher17
    hungreeteacher17 Posts: 135 Member
    Dear teenagers -
    Do you even know the meaning of "indoor voices?" Because it is a concept my preschooler has mastered. Another skill you need to work on before graduation - following directions. Good luck in life - you will need it.
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    Dear Gym Stalker Freak -

    I'm not into dudes, especially extremely large, creepy dudes. I'm into my wife, who, unlike you is attractive and a woman. I do not care to re-enact any seen from Shawhank Redemption or other prison/forced romance scene or have you eyeballing me, my junk, or any part of the gym where I am working out. The only thing more repulsive than you and your constant walk-bys is the "sex club" t-shirt you wear every time you are at the gym. I don't wish you any ill, but if a dinosaur did reanimate and devour you up in one bit, I probably would not complain.

    You Don't Need To Know My Name
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    I have no one to write too, I rarely ever do....
  • mandag9008
    mandag9008 Posts: 182 Member
    dear me:
    why are you such a fat (bleep)! get your (bleep) up and start moving the jiggle to the jangle! no more excuses! why did you eat those mashed potatoes tonight:? or that queso yesterday! stop being a wimp and get going your bodys not going to change its self! get moving gordita! pronto.
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    Dear Co-worker,

    You are sneaky and deceitful. Others may not know you are cheating, but I do. You may win every sales contest by cheating, but eventually it will catch up with you. Do you really need two more ipads when you already have one?! Why not give someone else a chance to win!
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Dear former friend that now is a personal trainer at the gym I just joined,

    I dont appreciate the smirks and the whispering to your co-workers when I am doing my very best at working out. I realize that fitness is now your passion and it is very obvious that you excel that it. Unlike you, I am not 5'8 and 0% body fat. Im sorry, God did not feel that that body type suited me. He made me a nice even 5'5 and threw in some natural curves. Yep thats right, I did not have to buy my curves unlike you. So next time I decide to grace you with my presence just remember, you are what they call a BUTTERFACE...everything looks good, but your face. Yep...thats what those guys at the gym are saying about you my old friend



  • jesscaponigro
    jesscaponigro Posts: 114 Member
    Dear Morons that tell me what to do at work,

    You quite obviously have no idea what you are doing when it comes to our software and how our system works, how exactly did you get your jobs? It is frustrating that you are my bosses and I have to explain to you how things work, you make me want to pound my head on my desk.

    P.S. You don't pay me enough to do your job and mine.
  • megansoriano
    Dear Receptionist,

    Please stop sleeping with your boss, coming in late, leaving early, smoking all the time, chatting all the time, never at your desk to answer the phone which rolls to me (someone who is actually working), and making fun of people. Also, please don't call me "two faced" again. . . You are 50 and I am 25. I talked to my boss about not having to cover the front desk because you are never there, it prevents me from doing my job. Women of your age are not cute for wear blinged out fleur-de-lea to work which is a professional environment. Also, when you decorated the new bathroom you forgot that it was a work bathroom and not YOUR bathroom. The red fleur-de-lea everywhere is kind of tacky.


    The brilliant young woman who doesn't have to sleep with the boss to keep her job.

    Wow, that felt good.

  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Dear Mother Army,

    I'm exhausted, overwhelmed and stressed out. I know he's cute, but he's mine.

    Can I have him back now?
  • weightofyourskin
    Dear pharmacist,

    I told you I wanted a refill on my Accutane 40 milligram... so you can imagine my confusion when I got home and I found out that instead of ONE pack of Accutane 40 mg, you had given me two packs of Accutane 10 mg. How the hell did you manage to get the amount AND the dosage wrong? Now I have to waste hours tomorrow going back to the pharmacy and getting you to fix your stupid mistake, and I don't HAVE hours to waste tomorrow or any other day, really.

    Thanks a lot!
  • megansoriano
    Dear former friend that now is a personal trainer at the gym I just joined,

    I dont appreciate the smirks and the whispering to your co-workers when I am doing my very best at working out. I realize that fitness is now your passion and it is very obvious that you excel that it. Unlike you, I am not 5'8 and 0% body fat. Im sorry, God did not feel that that body type suited me. He made me a nice even 5'5 and threw in some natural curves. Yep thats right, I did not have to buy my curves unlike you. So next time I decide to grace you with my presence just remember, you are what they call a BUTTERFACE...everything looks good, but your face. Yep...thats what those guys at the gym are saying about you my old friend




  • teresastrowz46
    teresastrowz46 Posts: 41 Member
    Dear Mom-

    thank you for insisting that I return to my home 2 hours away instead of remaining with my family after my uncle passed away. you didn't know if i needed extra time...you thought if i went back to work it'd make me feel better. so i went home and am miserable being away from my family that is all mourning together. so thank you for calling me today, asking when i was coming because you really want me there because you're going through old photos and it's really special and you could really use my help to organize. was it necessary to rub it in that i'm not there? awesome. thanks for making me feel ten times worse now that i can't get out of work until the funeral.

    deeply saddened,