Write to the person that annoyed you today!



  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    Dear thoughtful husband,

    Stop trying to saboutage my diet by bringing home foods that you know I love, but am trying to avoid. I think (hope) you mean well, but I think you are subconsciously trying to ruin my weight loss plans. Fortunately, this no longer works since I have a lot more will power than I did in the past. I wanna be in a bikini in a few months so that is so much more important than anything you could bring home to eat. Love you much!

    Your loving wife :happy:
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Dear you...

    Thanks for leaving me stuck with two bored children all day, Of course I didn't mind the nagging. I know you had to do some business today and im sure you missed us that 's why when you came home the first thing you did was get on the computer and look at cars you cant even buy.

  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Dear Gym Stalker Freak -

    I'm not into dudes, especially extremely large, creepy dudes. I'm into my wife, who, unlike you is attractive and a woman. I do not care to re-enact any seen from Shawhank Redemption or other prison/forced romance scene or have you eyeballing me, my junk, or any part of the gym where I am working out. The only thing more repulsive than you and your constant walk-bys is the "sex club" t-shirt you wear every time you are at the gym. I don't wish you any ill, but if a dinosaur did reanimate and devour you up in one bit, I probably would not complain.

    You Don't Need To Know My Name


    LOL ! I so needed this !
  • Moofey2
    Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member
    Dear annoying upstairs neighbours,
    I understand that our walls and floors are a bit on the thin side since it is an apartment complex and that I will hear you walking or even thump around a bit BUT, all hours of the night you sound like a pack of hippos doing a ballet.... Seriously.... What the hell are you doing up there at 3 am on a week night that sounds like that...?!?!? I have to wake up at 5 am for work every morning and really don't want to have to wake up to find a broomstick to pound on the ceiling... No wonder when I moved in there was a broomstick sized hole in my ceiling... Seriously people, go to sleep!
    Dear Person Downstairs,

    To answer your question, we were having lots and lots of sex.


    Annoying Upstairs Neighbors

    Dear upstairs neighbors, You must like alooooot of men then...
  • Momkat65
    Momkat65 Posts: 317 Member
    Hey dentist,

    you are so very annoying to work with, the stuttering and repetition makes you sound so stupid, plus what about your own crooked teeth? how dare you ask people to spend thousands of dollars so you can practice on them and then they end up with a crappy result, and the superior attitude is a joke- you are no better than a pile of sh sh shavingcream. and you are a coworker not my teacher why do you feel the need to do step by step read aloud..all of us know how to do our jobs you sound so unprofessional when you do that and who do you think you fooled for all that time you were not out of the closet? everyone knew 1 week after you came here you were gay- no one cares.

    Office Monster,
    please shut up about you bodily functions. no one wants to know about your gushing bloody vajayjay or chronic diarhea quit telling us how much gross food you ate and how quick it went thru you but you'd eat it every day if you could--gross as you bellyache about being so overweight while shoveling snacks in all day and planning where you'll eat next or hitting speeddial for every food joint within 30 miles

    Thats all i got for now
  • caitmcwill
    dear ex husband,

    leave me alone. please and thank you.
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Dear She Who Must Not Be Named,

    No one cares about your pathetic life or pathetic so called issues. You are incredibly selfish and self motivated. You are narcissistic and anorexic. Every time you open your mouth I want to punch you. You annoy me to no end and I wish you would move.

  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Dear Other Military Wives:
    I don't care if your husband was gone for 46 months while you were pregnant with your 6th baby, starting your home-based business, homeschooling the kids of your whole block, and re-establishing the economy of a third world country. My issues are JUST as valid as yours, my life is JUST as difficult, and it is NOT ok to talk down to me just cause I'm having a tough time with my husband being gone for the holidays. And all of our birthdays. And Thanksgiving with his parents. (Which is another note...)
    Get off your high horse and leave me be.
    I *LOVE* this!
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    Dear Mouthbreathers at my Husband's Work,

    Because you have horrible hygene my husband was sick and ended up missing the New Year's Eve party we were invited to as well as 2 days of work last week. This means that he lost 2 days of pay. He is now better but I am now sick. Please, I beg of you please, learn to cover your mouth when you cough. Cover your face when you sneeze and preferably, not with your hand. Use a tissue or the crook of your arm/sleeve. Also, no one wants to hear that you coughed so hard you puked and it is disgusting that right after you tell this story, you cough up a lung and never remove your hands from your keyboard. Go home. Please do not go to work and spew your germs everywhere.

    ~An Angry Sick Woman
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Dear smelly coworker,

    Considering that I provide the coffee and coffee maker for this office and I also make the coffee every morning, I fully expect to get the first cup. I do not appreciate you intercepting the fresh Pike Place roast and when I go to pour my one and only cup of the day, that it is 2 inches short of full. You suck.

    And while I'm here I must say that you stink. Please shower before coming in to the office and also buy some new shirts because the 2 you own are disgusting.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Dear (well too many of them to list),
    I asked a question of what a turnip taste like, "Ewww" is not the answer I was looking for. "Gross" was not either. I'm sure you who said that, never tried one and is just like I have been saying "Gross" or "EW" to something that you were always told was gross without trying it for yourself. You can't possibly think something is "EWW" unless you have tasted it, I know 2 of you have never tried them, because 2 of you think anything that is "Healthy" is "EWW" serioulsy? And I am taking everything to far? Please!!! Sorry if me wanting to try new things and get myself on a healthy life style is taking things to far to you. It's about me, not you anyway :)...

    The one you were talking about by going to far ;)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Dear Moron in the white pickup truck,

    I'm not sure what you thought you were going to gain by speeding up and passing me just as the road merged from two lanes into one. I'm sure you were shocked when I didn't move over and make room for you and when you had to slam on your brakes for the car who was driving in front of me doing the speed limit. I'm betting you made that poor guy just as pissed as you rode his bumper for the next 1/2 mile. Imagine my surprise when you turned off the road onto a side street into a trailer park at that point, forcing me to slow down for you. I'm sure your red-neck wife appreciated that you got home that extra two seconds sooner.


  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    Dear Other Military Wives:
    I don't care if your husband was gone for 46 months while you were pregnant with your 6th baby, starting your home-based business, homeschooling the kids of your whole block, and re-establishing the economy of a third world country. My issues are JUST as valid as yours, my life is JUST as difficult, and it is NOT ok to talk down to me just cause I'm having a tough time with my husband being gone for the holidays. And all of our birthdays. And Thanksgiving with his parents. (Which is another note...)
    Get off your high horse and leave me be.
    I feel the same way (I am a military wife too) and my husband is -only- going to be gone for 3 weeks this time for training. But that doesn't mean someone can tell me to just "deal with it, because my husband has been gone for 3 out of 4 of the years we've been together blah blah blah" Like...whoa thats great for you and all, but stfu.
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    Dear Lady With Posterior Stick Placement Syndrome

    I realize that you have a disorder that causes your perspective on everyone and everything thing outside of your own family to be dismal. It is not hard to imagine, based on how you treat others, how miserable you feel. After doing some reflecting on your condition and how you might alleviate your symptoms (chronic gossip, criticism, whining, complaining, etc) I realized there is a quick solution to your agony and the similar sensation you cause others.

    This quick article from WebMD should explain it all.

    Condition: Posterior Stick Placement Syndrome
    Causes: Unknown
    Treatment: 1. Remove the stick from your butt

    Hopefully you following this regimen will make you feel better. I know it will help me.


  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    leave me alone

    the end :)
  • wagreen
    wagreen Posts: 76 Member
    Dear annoying one:
    I don't understand why you think this world revolves around you. I am so feed up with that. There are people around you doing great things and if truth be told you may do some things better but things that mean the most.... you are simply lost. Its ok...what I do...but I have my priorities in order and a life that I adore. So stop being MS. IT and treat EVERYONE THE SAME! Remember nothing lasts forever and sometimes the things you do are really not worth it...WE ARE ALL EQUAL...OR ARE WE?????
  • wagreen
    wagreen Posts: 76 Member
    This comment made my day....sooooooooo funny...you go!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Dear annoying cat,

    You are not a dog, stop eating my daughters food and please quit drinking from the toilet, your water bowl is full and you have your own food in your own bowl. Oh and next time you decide to tip the trash can over and pull the trash all over the house, you and I are gonna fight! I'm waiting for your meow to turn to a bark. I really think you were a dog in the life you once had. Oh yeah and one more thing, my shoes are not chew toys, I have no idea why you think you have to chew on shoes! URG!!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Dear Sean,

    I don't give a damn how it's done in your department. We are doing it this way, and THIS way is just fine. I don't care if it's not SOP, because this is not a validated environment. Please STOP derailing our conference calls. I'm trying to get out of here by 3:30 to watch the Bruins, and you are not helping.


    PS: suck it
  • BanjoKd
    BanjoKd Posts: 150
    Dear girlfriend,
    While i am at work providing for us you should be getting off of your *kitten* and caring for us in other ways until you find a job or else you're also going to be finding a place to live.
    Love ya mean it,