
  • candu129
    candu129 Posts: 21 Member
    Pardon, I am new to MFP, just joined the site 12-22-11...I happened across this a couple days ago and then couldn't find it again. Is this a group? If so, I want to join!!!
    I am also new to the idea of online posting, and so am trying to learn the ropes.

    I am looking for like-minded friends; if you happen to send a request please tell me a little about yourself and mention that this is where you saw me so I will know.

    I am not new to weight management and fitness. I am 53 and have been on this journey since my teens, sometimes better, sometimes not. Right now I am about 15 pounds above what I think is a good range for me, but at this age it is getting harder to take it off. I feel like a turtle

    I use a HRM and really like it, do 30-60 minutes cardio most days and er, uh, my desire this year is to improve and become proficient at bellydance. I do that for my fun exercise, and it also gives great balance, posture, and flexibility.

    I take my health very seriously. My hubby is very supportive, and we eat pretty healthy around here including lots of fruits, veggies, beans and whole grains. Meat is included, but in lesser amounts.

    I don't have any major chronic issues (yet) except difficulty sleeping through the night:yawn:

    I would love to become part of this community :flowerforyou:
  • I just joined mfp with my niece (I am 62, she is 43). I live in Maine and my husband and I have upside-down lives; we work our butts off in the summer and goof off in the winter. Ironically, my problem period with over-eating and under-exercising is in the summer -- in the winter I have time to cook healthy and go to the gym!

    I lost 30 lbs on Weight Watchers five years ago and have put 15 back on, so this time around I'm trying to lose the fifteen and keep it off. Period. I decided not to go back to WW because (a) I hate attending meetings and (b) I found the points system tedious after awhile so I am working with a nutritionist on portion and impulse control. So far so good -- I made it through December and am now a third of the way to my goal.

    I'm confident I can take it off -- it's the next 40 years I'm gonna need help with!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Good morning ladies. Yesterday was one of those super busy errand days where I was thrilled to drop into bed make up and all at the end. Today I wanted to go back to bed after hubby left, but am fighting the urge. I used to be such a morning person! Aging is definitely NOT for sissies!

    I so relate to the current discussion on how to please hubby at meal time without breaking the calorie or carb bank. If mine would just eat the way I have to I would never be tempted to fall off the wagon....

    Exercise and house work awaits. Catch you all later :drinker:
  • Hi everyone! I am not quite 50, but will turn 50 in May. My goal is to lose 15 to 20 lbs... hopefully by my birthday!

    I'm currently training for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, so that helps keep me exercising. I also do yoga 2 or 3 times a week. I stopped yoga for a couple of months before Christmas (was just really busy) and felt as if I was packing on the pounds.

    My issue is that I was always underweight as a teen and young adult, so now that my metabolism has changed, I have a hard time understanding that I need to change my eating habits. I'm a snacker and grazer so having to log my food has kept me from picking up that chip or cookie. I've been on MFP for a week and have lost one pound. Was a little discouraged that intentionally eating less and exercising more didn't result in more of a drop, but I guess I'm building up muscle. I definitely feel much better.

    Look forward to chatting with all of you as we move forward with healthier eating and exercise habits in 2012.
  • Susanpv
    Susanpv Posts: 37 Member
    Good morning everyone...going to start my day off in the dentist's chair. UGH...Glad to report I didn't get into the ice cream last night, I stayed under my calories. Have a great day....BYE BYE, BYE BYE. (I am a retired stewardess...hard not to say since that's what I said for 38 years) :):)

    Susan, you cracked me up. My sister, also a Susan and also a retired stewardess, told me the phrase was "B'Bye. B'Bye".
  • Susanpv
    Susanpv Posts: 37 Member
    Good morning everyone...going to start my day off in the dentist's chair. UGH...Glad to report I didn't get into the ice cream last night, I stayed under my calories. Have a great day....BYE BYE, BYE BYE. (I am a retired stewardess...hard not to say since that's what I said for 38 years) :):)

    Susan, you cracked me up. My sister, also a Susan and also a retired stewardess, told me the phrase was "B'Bye. B'Bye".
    We said B'Bye to the non-southerners, with an extra drawl added. (I'm in the dentist chair, numb)
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    I am 57. I need to lose 30 lbs. I started one week ago today. I work out for 1 hour every day on the tredmil doing differnet programs on it for one hour. Then I use weights. I have been following a 1200 cal a day diet and logging everything I eat and today I weighed in and have not lost not even 1 lb. This is very upsetting. What am I doing wrong?

    Hi deethinner. I don't necessarily agree with other posters that you need to eat more. I think that you are building muscle!!! I think you are doing a great job!! Your program sounds perfect to me. Some of us don't lose weight steadily. For myself, I will see a weight loss of 5 pounds one week, then I will have a plateau (no weight loss) for a month! Yes, a whole month! It's just the way my body likes to work - or maybe the way it likes to fight the loss. Just keep at it. Steady and true. Your body IS getting better every day.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    I just joined mfp with my niece (I am 62, she is 43). I live in Maine ...

    I'm confident I can take it off -- it's the next 40 years I'm gonna need help with!

    Lol. Inygaard, I love your optimism! I'm only asking for help with the next 20 myself. Maybe I'm too pessimistic.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member

    We said B'Bye to the non-southerners, with an extra drawl added. (I'm in the dentist chair, numb)

    Sitting in the dentist's chair with a laptop or one of those fancy phones! Can't talk but can post. Too funny.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers - you will find this a great supportive group. Once you have posted - you have joined. Just come back as often as you can and tell us about yourself. You'll soon learn about all the 'oldtimers'.

    My arm is still painful, but I think the lump is not quite as rosy colour as yesterday.

    DBF had a scan scheduled for this morning but forgot that he was supposed to go fasting, so he now has another appt for next week. He has a few things to get sorted because he goes in for surgery for a knee replacement the following week.

    Have a few chores to do today. Need to register for my Spanish class which starts again next week. Also need to go to the post office to check my club's mail box and probably pay the rental at the same time - must remember to take a cheque with me. This evening I'm going to a local Bridgehead coffee shop to a knitting group. We meet a different places downtown so people can go straight from work. As I'm retired I can park free after 5:30 so it works well for me too.
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    I'd love to join this group. I turn 58 this month. I had a total hip replacement in 5/10, which was a wakeup call to me. So I signed up with a personal trainer, who designed a HIIT program for me, consisting of alternating 60 sec. on the elliptical, and 30 sec. of a strength exercise. I can do it at home, so it has been quite successful for me. I have recently started JM 30 Day Shred on alternate days. Before the holidays I was 3 lbs. from my UWG of 138. Now I am 4 lbs away, but it seems like an elusive goal. So my goals for January are to eat better (ie no more chocolates or xmas sweets after dinner), cut back on simple carbs, and limit wine to weekends. I think if I continue my exercise routine and stay within my calorie limit, hopefully with these adjustments I can reach my UWG by the end of the month.

    Looking forward to hearing everyone else's stories.
  • bcgirl55
    bcgirl55 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 57 and need to lose about 15 lbs. I have been yoyoing for quite a while, and I want to get to my goal and maintain. I think I am an emotional eater and don't know how to overcome that. At work right now we have cookies and candy etc from customers, and some days I totally ignore them, but others I dive in. I am bored with salad for lunch!! Any ideas?
  • I would like to join this group... need the incouragment to keep on keepen on..
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member
    Way behind in posts, (breeaaaathe), just checking in.
    Post-dermatologist pity party with beer and peanut brittle instead of dance class put me WAY over. Fooey!

    Good thing the Zumba DVDs arrived. Joe is hooking up the player right now! Too bad no time to play this morning.

    If I do all my mat work, I'll be late to work. Oh well, guess some is better than none... so here I go!

    Hugs to ALL,

    Barbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    January: mat work and let go a little every day.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • karenlesley47
    karenlesley47 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Just joined today, determined to lose weight for the final time. I had a hip replacement 4 years ago as a 'younger' person having it done I want to make it last as long as possible & being overweight is not the way to make that happen.
    Good luck to everyone with their goals.
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 277 Member
    My goals for the new year will help continue my renewed path to fitness and wellness.

    I plan to go to the gym for circuit and/or strength training 3 times a week -- twice on my lunch hour and once after work for a longer workout -- probably on Fridays to be set for the weekend.

    I plan to start at least 3 weekday workdays with 10 to 20 mins of low impact cardio/yoga/stretching.

    I plan to go outdoors for a walk or hike with my husband at least once each weekend.

    I plan to participate in some sort of MFP challenge at all times.

    I plan to try either a new recipe, new food or new meal or even drink idea once a week.


    Gym work out on Tuesday.

    Mornings -
    Tues. 15 mins.
    Wed. 10 mins.
    Thurs 20 mins.

    I'm in the Super Heroes Challenge/ group is the Astonishing Avengers.

    New food/drink -- clementine-infused iced tea.
  • amckenna
    amckenna Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. I am new to the "community" aspect of MFP although I have intermittently used the site. I have decided to try again, this time with the support of other people who will help keep me accountable. I am 57 and I would like to lose 20 pounds. As is the case with many of you, I have gained and lost the same 20 pounds many times over the years. I seem to do well for a time, but then I just gradually go back to the old habits.

    So ... I am asking all of you to help me stay on track this time. My goal for January is to consistently record my food intake and to lose a couple of pounds (2-3 would be great).

    I look forward to working at this with all of you!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    I am 57. I need to lose 30 lbs. I started one week ago today. I work out for 1 hour every day on the tredmil doing differnet programs on it for one hour. Then I use weights. I have been following a 1200 cal a day diet and logging everything I eat and today I weighed in and have not lost not even 1 lb. This is very upsetting. What am I doing wrong?

    Hi deethinner. I don't necessarily agree with other posters that you need to eat more. I think that you are building muscle!!! I think you are doing a great job!! Your program sounds perfect to me. Some of us don't lose weight steadily. For myself, I will see a weight loss of 5 pounds one week, then I will have a plateau (no weight loss) for a month! Yes, a whole month! It's just the way my body likes to work - or maybe the way it likes to fight the loss. Just keep at it. Steady and true. Your body IS getting better every day.

    :drinker: I agree.! Everybody's body is different. When I lost 44 lbs a couple of years ago it came of maddeningly slow. it as anything. I suggest you measure your success not by what your scale says, but your energy level and the way your clothes fit. Muscle does weight more than flab so if you are toning up you will be down in inches before the scale budges. I learned my sodium intake, water and how much good fat I ate were also factors. Our bodies NEED minimum amounts of fat and healthy carbs or it goes into starvation mode and refuses to turn loose of stored fat.

    :wink: I'm glistening. Just completed 20 minutes on the elliptical and am determined to get Christmas decor back in the box this morning so I have time to walk the girls this afternoon as its supposed to be a mild sun-shine-y afternoon here in West Texas.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Salad Sistas Challenge Day 3: Ahh, rejoicing this morning, another half pound gonzo! My very stubborn scale has decided to cooperate for a change, bless its little digital soul. Yesterday's stats: 1250 calories, big salad for lunch with quinoa & black beans, 400 calorie burn, 10 glasses of water and oh my gosh, no wine for the second night in a row. To think I'd only be able to eat 1000 calories a day in order to allow for 2 glasses of wine.....well, I can see where part of my problem has been, lol. Anyhoo I'm happy as a clam and looking forward to another big salad day in hopes of logging a full pound lost this week.

    Salad ideas...sprinkle 1 T roasted sunflower seeds on top -- adds xlnt crunch and flavor. Croutons of course have the same effect but aren't as nutritious as nuts or seeds. Mandarin oranges and 1 T feta cheese -- ooh that's tasty. Add any kind of canned beans, rinsed and drained -- xlnt potassium and protein. Always use cauliflower, broc, celery and carrots -- super crunch! Taco salad with yogurt/lime/cilantro dressing, pinto beans, light sour cream and salsa, and maybe a few crumbled tortilla chips on top (betcha can't eat just one).

    Good day to all, sure is fun reading what everyone has to say. We're certainly not alone in this journey!
    :^) jb
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    :blushing: Oops! Just seeing all the typos above. What I was trying to say is it came off maddeningly slowly.