January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • itsanot
    itsanot Posts: 89 Member
    Its a new day and I have finished all that was on my lists from the past couple of day's! So for today!
    1. Repair and sew pile of clothes on top of my dresser! Done!
    2. Put back up all curtains, finish washing windows! Done!
    3. Put together something for my family for dinner tonight since I'm heading back to work this evening.
    4. Make myself take a 4 hour nap this afternoon!
  • digitalsinner
    1. At LEAST 8 glasses of water a day - killed it, but I think a sore throat helps me drink more water!
    2. Cover all of my food groups for the day while staying within the parameters of my diet - killed it!
    3. Give myself 20 minutes of meditation time before bed this evening - killed it!

    1. Purchase a resistance ball
    2. 20 minutes of yoga/stretching/breathing
    3. All of the goals from yesterday
  • pooksMS
    pooksMS Posts: 25
    Hello All and Happy New Year!

    My goals for today are pretty simple as I try to get back on plan after a two week vacation for the holidays. Thankfully I didn't go crazy over the holidays but haven't been working out, which killed me but with an ailing mother and other things to take care of it was just too taxing. Anyways here are my main goals for today:

    1. Go on a 3 mile run with my dog.
    2. Drink 64 ounces of water.
    3. Eat 6-12 servings of veg and fruit.

    Here's to keeping promises to myself and getting back to my normal weight.
  • NanciKay
    NanciKay Posts: 86 Member
    Hello, I love this challenge.....just hope I can find it tomorrow! My name is Nancy, will be 46 in Feb. My husband of 22 years and I moved to a small mining town in AZ 4 yrs ago, originally from MI. I have 2 grown children - son lives in CA, daughter lives in MI. I work full-time, have 3 dogs, and have just about every piece of excerise equipment & workout dvd's known to man kind (well not all, but enough to fill my 3rd bdrm!) I need to find the motivation to keep my determination! :grumble: Thx for keeping this thread open for all members!
    Jan. 5 goals:
    1. do not stayed "glued" to my desk at work
    2. Stay under my allowed calories
    3. Bob Harper's yoga dvd after work
  • tpenha
    tpenha Posts: 19
    1. Logged my food (check)
    2. get to the gym
    3. drink my water (almost done)
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for January 1:

    1.Get my son back to college.
    2. Make the healthiest choices even though I know it will be a binge day.
    3. Find peace in taking him back.

    I think in some way or another I completed these goals..

    Goals for Thursday-Sunday:
    1. try to catch up with my challenges (miles!!)
    2. clean house, laundry, etc
    3. Go to Disneyland and have a great time with my family!
  • FitMami26
    Hello, my name is Chloe and I am a stay at home mom. I have two children boy (5) and a girl (4). I have recently moved into our new home and have been slacking off on my workout regimen. I want to get back on track so this thread is a great way to help me build back up my workout regimen.

    January 6, 2012 Goals

    1. Finish organizing attic
    2. Ride bikes with children
    3. 1 hour on treadmill
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    Hi all! Hope everyone is doing great!

    My goals for today:

    Do TurboFire: DONE!
    Stick to calorie goal
    Drink lots of water
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member

    Plan for Jan 5:
    1. Yoga Class
    2. Small calorie bump - might be a good day for some lean meat or eggs
    3. Get my daugther started with one of her crafty Christmas presents.

    Check yall tomorrow!

    Been a good day today. I haven't eaten enough and know it. I'm struggling a bit with it because I'm not very hungry at the moment. I'm going to buff dinner with a handful of almonds and milk and see how that goes. Yoga class was awesome, really enjoyed it and my daughter and I are getting ready to try out knitting a hat.

    Plan for Jan 6:
    1. Deal with being out Friday night and stay out of the high calorie stuff
    2. Use extra risers at step class
    3. Watch a little tv
  • valarievalentine
    Happy Thursday! My name name is Valarie. I am the mother of three young adult children. I started this new life style change because I want to live a more healthy way.

    1.My goal tomorrow is to drink r 16oz bottles of water.
    2. Reaffirm my life quote that I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul.
    3. Walk for 30 and do 20 sit Ups.
  • redisordered
    redisordered Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Cheryl, I'm 26 from New Zealand and relatively new here.
    My goals are probably a little different to some, I am in recovery from an eating disorder and I come here (use the android app mainly) to try make sure I'm getting enough food and not over exercising. A way to be accountable.
    I have a great supportive partner and a great 12 year old stepson. I'm currently unemployed/working on my health.

    My goals for 6/1/12

    1. Get to my doc appointment at 9.30 - (Made it but was running late!)
    2. Get enough calories
    3. Stick to under 2 hours walking.

    Thanks for this topic its great!
  • aslteacher
    I like this idea! I am an American Sign Language teacher in the high school. I am on my feet all day so I am exhausted at the end of the schol day. I have been overweight all my life and am really tired of it. I have tried and failed at losing weight. I have tried MFP a couple of times but have not stuck with it. I like the idea of doing this one day at a time. I have three sons (two in college and one in HS) My husband is amazing and very patient. I would love to be in better shape for him.

    Goals for tomorrow: record every thing I eat
    prayer and reading the Bible
    drink lots of water
  • tbraund111069
    tbraund111069 Posts: 16 Member
    Met all my goals set for today!!! Hope everyone was equally successful :)
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for today

    To continue to journal my food choices honestly done and was below the totals...
    Going to the gym tonight to talk to a personal trainer about my dietary habits.... hope I don't have to fight for my dark chocolate done
    To not stress eat.... I need to find a better outlet for my stress... need multiple choices, cause it usually is when I am working. done
    To start drinking more water got 4 glasses in

    today was a really good day. I met with a personal trainer and discovered that I am not eating enough. So after my session with him, I went food shopping bought lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Also had to pick up safflower oil.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    Friday's goals

    To not stress. I am meeting with my sister to go to the court house to probate my mom's will.
    To follow the new food program that the personal trainer put together for me.
    To exercise a little bit tomorrow.
    To end the day with a long soak in the tub to remove any of the stress from the day.
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    today's goals
    wear my body media all night and day to track my sleep and activity -- 1/2 fail, wore it all night, left it home while at work,
    workout - zumba workout with body media to track calories burn - Check
    pre plan my meals - I'll call this a check, I packed breakfast, snacks and lunch with me to work. Didn't figure out dinner till I came home, but it worked out.

    Tomorrow's goals:
    (this is a tough day 9 1/2 hours of work then 5 hour drive to spend weekend with my husband)
    1. Eat healthy snacks
    2. workout in the morning
    3. NOT snack on junk while driving, NOT buy food when stopping for gas.
  • AmyinMD
    AmyinMD Posts: 33 Member

    Goals for Jan 05

    do all exercises~done
    eat well just for 24 hrs~ohh, no
    get to work by 8 so I can leave by 2~neither!

    success to Everyone & have a great day

    Goals for Friday, Jan 06--just for today...

    do all exercises
    eat a good breakfast
    get vitamin B12 shot

    Good luck to All, have a great day
  • kaylyngt
    Day two goals!!!

    I just finished day one of 30 day shred. So this will go along perfectly!!

    1. Finish all filing at work. (I mean ALL)

    2. Finish phone calls at work (ALL!!)

    3. Get a good afternoon workout. 30 min straight.

    4. NO DR. PEPPER!!!!!!!

    Good luck with #4!! That is a killer! I have found that a Caffine-free Diet Dr. Pepper hits the spot when I'm having serious cravings. I don't normally like diet drinks, but I'd rather have a diet Dr. Pepper than none at all!
  • kaylyngt
    I managed to walk today, but I only got the chairs taken down, not put away, and not as much as I wanted done on my cross-stitch. Tomorrow's goals:
    1. walk for 30 min
    2. put table and chairs away
    3. cross-stitch 2 lenghts of thread
    4. finish dishes
  • jash12
    jash12 Posts: 7 Member
    Well, I am off to a good start.l I met my goals for both days just an idea for someone that needs help making their goals. The first night I made a list of things that I need to accomplish, cut them out and put them in a box to draw out of. It is keeping it kinda innteresting because I don't know what I will get each day, but I know it is something I need to do or be working on. So here are my goals for tomorrow
    1. Plan a grocery list (I did this today so I will select another)
    2. Do 1@ min of stretching
    3. Clean out refrigerator
    4. Shred for an hour