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Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!! Take 2!



  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    Cynthia - You signed up for a 1/2 too!!!! I am excited, we can "train" together. Hopefully you can help keep me on track. I am bad at sticking to a schedule! Great job on your December goals, you did awesome on all of them! And I definately suggest getting a crock pot....I live by mine. There are so great if you have a long work day or just need a break from cooking. You can usually find them pretty cheap.

    Meag - glad to hear that you got some reading done!! And I love the "school girl crush" comment....I get those too sometimes, I find it fun!! For your question.....because of my weird schedule and that I work weekends......I usually do the "sunday" stuff on Mondays (I am always off mondays) but I try to plan my grocery trip and several meals for the week. Like cynthia, I try to cook enough for some left overs for lunch or dinner on the nights that I work till 9pm. I also buy things to pack for lunchs and try to plan out my workout schedule for the week.

    Bethany - You deserved at night out...I hope the show was awesome and you got to enjoy every minute of it!! Its great that you started logging food again, I think it helps a lot in the weight loss area!! And you are doing Insanity too??? At least there is a few of us in this thread who are doing it! I am not doing the standard plan since I am mixing it in with running....but I will still be doing it about 3-4 days a week.

    AFM - I am having a good start with my 100 mile goal...up to 10.5 miles as of today. Which is on track for completing it. I am trying to stick to my training schedule that I made....but some days its hard to only run 3 miles.....strange that I am saying that because I couldnt even run 3 miles a couple months ago haha!! But trying my best to stick with the program using the treadmill when needed and getting outside whenever I can.
  • cheri23
    cheri23 Posts: 79 Member
    I want to join! I'm a newbie and I'm on my phone so bump for when I can get in front of a computer :)
  • TiffTerry
    TiffTerry Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I was wondering if anyone has tried the Jillian Micheals 30 day Shred. And if so what were your results and how did you like it? Any feedback would be great! Thanks!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Meag thanks for the not so ceremoniously MVP award thats soo nice of you I feel special!! :blushing: I plan on smashing my goals for January, December was a challenging month with all the festivities co-worker b-days including my own so I hope this month will be less chaotic!! Hate the mental games we do to ourselves that has to be the biggest obstacle one can overcame/deal with IMO, I think you look great and can easily get back to the way you felt before with out any doubts, dealing with all those things with work/Tyler is a mental drainer hang in there New Year Fresh Start and hope new job very soon, keep up with the Spin Im sure you only go cause of Carl :wink: JK let us know about that race a 30K damn thats awesome hope you decide 100% to do it!! I thought i did answer your Sunday meal planning question on my previous post I know it wasn't helpful though lol!! I basically make dinner and cook twice the amount and save the leftovers for the following day, I don't cook more than 2 meals in advance partly because of laziness/boredom with food but I do want to invest in a crockpot because it does most the work for ya and that way I can have plenty of leftovers with something I enjoy more, soup, stews, or whatever I decide never had one but looking into one soon. I do pack my lunch every night before the following workday to save some time and plan on what Im eating the night before and cook 2 portions of it unless its veggie burgers or I get lazy and make a tuna sandwich or PB sandwich!

    Abby Yes I definitely want to get a crock pot soon, never had one so it'll be interesting to see all the different things i can cook with it! I finally signed up for my half yesterday, lagged a bit since I was hoping to sign up in November or December but was shooting to complete in March I just got a late start but will train with a modified training plan for 10 weeks and hope that will work out!! Thanks Abby December was a tough month, running took a back seat but you did awesome with your running goals despite being sick for a while, that is sticking to a schedule if you ask me! :flowerforyou: I agree we can "train" together and btw your 100 mile challenge is awesome i was doing that for a couple months and that really pushed me o run 25/per week but if you are following a plan it seems like they are opposite because it starts you off with little miles and might be difficult to complete the 100, what if you stick to your training but complete the miles with biking, walking, running and basically anything that requires distance otherwise it'll be hard it seems IMO either way both plans/goals are great i guess which one is more important!! Did you receive your swimsuits, i think this will be the first year in a looooong time that I purchase a swimsuit still not quite sure how comfortable i will be since Iam pretty self conscious but working on that!! Daily lol!! :happy:

    Megan WOW almost 20 weeks time if flying by and great goals and I agree even though theres no need to log food you can definitely still be aware of what you are consuming and simultaneously maintain a healthy lifestyle! :wink:

    Bethany Thanks and the Angels baseball foundation sounds like a good walk I'm sure you guys have better weather than us uo here in the Northern part of Cali. gabriel Iglesias is hilarious I love that guy i always watch him on comedy shows, youtube and have some of his DVDs his voice impressions are awesome! glad you had a good time and good luck with Insanity let us know how Zumba went!! :smile:

    Meg Thanks for making it official lol I get confused with all the size conversions, great job on day two of Insanity, make sure to be careful don't want ya getting hurt!! :noway:

    AFM I went back to work uuggh was dreading the day but since I'm trying to be more positive I made th best of my day and overall it went good, went to Vinyasa right after work and thankfully made it on time only had 30 minutes to change and drive there, normally a 15-20 drive from my work and there and managed to be in class 5 minutes early woohooo and got a good seat! Love that class challenging but great afterwards sad that it will be ending this weekend but once I finish my training and complete my 1/2 I would like to try another membership of some sort possibly yoga or idk I guess whatever strikes up at the moment! Baked some salmon and plan on eating more fish idk I haven't it actually came out yummy I didn't over cook as I tend too, will have that veggies and a salad for tomorrows lunch nice and healthy!! Plan on doing another Vinyasa class but with my fave instructor who is also excellent eye candy which makes it all that much better so I can relate to Meag! :wink: Thats it for me ladies good night until tomorrow!! Cynthia! :yawn:
  • TiffTerry - I've done 30 Day Shred a few times all the way though. It's a good workout and I definitely felt stronger, but my body looked pretty much the same after I was finished. Other people I've talked to though have seen great changes though.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Gooooood morning Pals! :bigsmile:

    Cynth - You are giving me a run for my money with your replies, lady :noway: Awesomeness! I love all the support and encouragement! Thanks for your understanding and kind words about my struggles these last few months...

    It seems like every day at work is the worst day yet, and yesterday was no different. Really just trying to work through it. I set a goal to take a small break every day and breathe while I'm there - I don't always meet that goal but it's nice to have something to work toward. I channeled all my frustration and stress into a tempo run at the gym yesterday. It didn't feel great, as I was totally drained and really couldn't give 100%, but I was glad that I went anyhow. This morning I went back to the gym at 5:30 and tried to get in some weights but I was totally unmotivated. It ended up being a super lame workout. I don't think weight training is an AM activity for me... Just can't find the "oomph" in the mornings!

    TiffTerry - I have not done any JM or other workouts like that, but I know that many past "challenge" pals have done JM and some others and have really enjoyed it! From what I hear it's pretty good for a quick 30 minute workout if you need to fit something in. The great thing about those videos is you know exactly how long it will take - pop it in, work your *kitten* off, and then you're done! No gym, no wasted time. As for the results, I'm not quite sure. You get what you put into it so if you just go through the motions and don't challenge yourself each and every workout, you won't see a lot of change. If you push hard, use heavy enough weights, and really give it 110% each day, then you should see results without question. 30mins a day for 30 days - how could you not? Good luck!!

    Cheri - Welcome! :drinker: Looking forward to seeing your goals for January! Update us with a revised list of goals when you have a chance to get in front of a CPU :happy:

    Abby/Cynthia - Ohhhh Carl! That man is a health and fitness dream boat! :laugh: He's my new "silver fox" in life and I adore it. Totally harmless but I can definitely see myself at age 30 turning into the type who seeks out fit, distinguished middle aged men to spend her time with. Preferably ones with heavy bank accounts and who like to travel, but I don't want to ask too much... :wink: HAH! Oh the dreams!

    Abby - Hard to run only three? Psht... Yea! I've been there but not any longer, unfortunately. Just stick with your schedule whenever possible. It works and you need to give your body time to recover. It's also nice to have those short little runs. If you find ti hard to run only three, do some fun training runs. Sprints, tempo runs, hills, stairs, something to keep things interesting. Then if you want to keep going, walk for a while or hop on a bike or the rowing machine for a while. Just gotta give your running muscles a break :smile: Or heck, pick up some weights and get in a killer upper body workout. I know it's hard to want to do ANYTHING but run - nothing satisfies me as much as a really great long run - but you'll burn out if that's all you ever do. Gotta pace and moderate, but you know that of course!

    Eep! Work calls - Have a great day Pals! :heart:
  • TiffTerry
    TiffTerry Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback! I will be starting today just to get something in. Have a great day!
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Abby- Running in the cold is the hardest! Rock that treadmill, you are doing great on the running :)

    TiffTerry- I did 30 day shred for about a week when I was so busy, but knew I needed to get some form of exercise in. Its a good workout for sure, but doing it for only a week I didn't see any body changes. I used it as a stepping ground though to get me back in the swing of a regular work out though. Good-luck and let us know how its going for you!

    Cynthia- gotta love those eye candy instructors ! I think everyone has one haha makes the working out worth while! What exactly is Vinyasa?

    meag- Sorry to hear work is giving you hell :( wonderful job pushing through the stress and still making it workout though. I saw a print on pinterest that said something like "even if you didn't run the fastest or the farthest, you still lapped everyone on the couch" so even though it wasnt a 100% day, you still did something and that is still worth commending :)

    Emily- Between you and Meag I might have to sign up for one of these spin classes! What do you do in them? What kind of HRM did you buy? I have been thinking of getting one, but I don't want it to be a new fun toy that I use for a week and then never touch it again. And yay for first dates! You look BEAUTIFUL in your picture, and I am sure he will be stunned ;) let us know how the date goes!

    AFM: Today was good, I had to go into work for count it....30min. It was my "day off". Bleh. anywho, I ate back about half of what I burned today, and I feel okay about it because it was all healthy choices, not junk. My metabolism is going rapid fire today, and I can not seem to feel full for more than a few hours! Hanging in there and resisted the soda, although that sounded (and still does) amazing. Happy Hour at Soinc? Yes please! lol Completed day 3 of Insanity and man oh man...I am hurting but its a good feeling! I didnt realize how much the wreck really took out of me, but it feels good to FINALLY be back in full action. I got the clear from my doc, and although they are still monitoring the pinched off nerve in my brain, they said there is no more reason not to resume full activity :)

    Hope everyone had a good wednesday
  • DDBeard
    DDBeard Posts: 50 Member
    I'm a newbie but want to give it a try. My goals for January:
    - Workout (Zumba/Cardio/weights) at least 5 times a week
    - Do not exceed my calorie count 1 day
    - Eat fresh veg/fruits at least 2 times a day (just getting started and not a fruit/veggie person so this is a challenge for me)
    - Survive my best friend destignation wedding weekend without breaking my diet (Jan 28)

    Best of luck everyone! Thanks for the encouragement!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Hump Day Lovelies!

    Meghan – didn’t make it to Zumba last night but I have been before. I’m sure you would love it. I did. I love the music and the moves. I always wanted to be a dancer growing up but never had the body so Zumba is my chance to be a dancer…haha!! I think I will enjoy that you are a week ahead of me in Insanity. Knowing that you are able to push through it each and everyday will give me that extra *kitten* kicking that I need. And I know what you mean about not feeling full…that was me yesterday!! I was getting irritated. And I love me some Sonic but its best that Sonic and I just part ways.

    Abby – not too sure that I will be able to stick to the standard plan for Insanity either. Between my busy schedule and having to pick up my son in the middle of the week after work, I just don’t know that its feasible. And I also need to get my 5K training started again. But I would like to shoot for 3-4 days per week. We shall see though. And I love the 100 mile goal by the way!!

    Cynthia – the weather down here right now is amazing. We have been in the mid 80’s all week long and I think it is supposed to last through the weekend. That would be awesome if it did because that might just be the motivation I need to get out there and start my running. And I am a HUGE fan of comedy!! I believe laughter is good for the soul and will go to a comedy club at any time!! Although it does not happen very often. Your salmon sounds so yummy!! I’m gonna attempt to start cooking more fish also. It will more than likely be tilapia but salmon will always be my #1!

    Meag – I wish ANY work out was my AM workout. If I was a morning person, I could get so much more out of my day. I am hoping that once I start working out on a regular basis again that I will gain some energy and be able to start doing things in the morning before work. I may be attempting to take too much on but I figure its still worth a shot. And sending good thoughts your way on finding a job that suits you better!!

    Emily – hope the date went fabulous!! I am a huge fan of online dating. And you look great in that pic so I’m sure you will wow him!! I walked by the spin class last night as I was headed to Turbo Kick and I really think that I would like to take a shot at it. My only fear is that I won’t be able to walk out of there…haha!! And an HRM is on my list of things to buy with my tax return this year. This guessing game just isn’t working for me!!

    TiffTerry - I have never done any of Jillian Michaels workouts but most everyone I know that has done them, has loved them. If you decide to do them, let us know what you think.

    AFM…finally made it to Turbo Kick!! The class was full of new people but I was so glad to be there. Although about 20 minutes into it, I thought to myself that maybe I should have gone with my friend to Zumba and eased my way back into this whole workout thing. But either way, I finished it and am sore today!! I think my friend and I are gonna try and go to Zumba on Saturday so I’m glad that I have another class to look forward to. And hopefully the weather will stay beautiful through the weekend so that I can take the kids out and we can do something active. Food has been ok for the last few days but I’m logging and trying to plan.

    Hope everyone is having a great week!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Adding DDBeard...

    Abby459 - Run 100 miles in January. Find a 1/2 marathon training plan and actually stick to it!! And for my weight, I guess I would like to be under 135 by the months end!!
    Corbinam - to complete the 30 day shred (which i started today), to drink very little pop (maybe even none at all), and keep logging my food and exercise here on MFP!!!
    ChocChipMuffin - keep logging my food and exercise on MFP, start and regularly go to pilates and yoga classes again, keep remembering to take vitamins (I always forget)
    Boolahboo- run 3 times a week, and complete the 30 day shred!
    SeeEmRun2012- maintain a consistent healthy eating pattern, loose one jean size before summer vacation, and run at least once a week (on top of working out 4 days a week)
    Meagalayne- Complete 5 weeks of training for the ATB 30K race, running at least 3x week with long runs on Saturday up to 11 miles, lift weights 2x a week + spin with CrazyCarl on Mondays, stop binging on holidays treats to cope with stress at work, and finish the novel I started in NOLA.
    lalonmeg000 (meg or meghan) - water, water, water! starting that Insanity, 6 days a week :), pack my lunches throughout the week! clean out my car every sunday
    tiffterry- run 2-3 times a week, add some yoga, go to bed a half hour earlier, and go for evening walks.
    missjessicann - Get out of the 150's, stick to month 1 schedule of Insanity, drink enough water, and getting into bed by 1am.
    missgolightly727(Emily) - Lose 5 pounds(which will FINALLY put me into the 150s!), run twice a week(lets try that again...), try something new, no sodas, post on this board more!!
    jlrushton12- Lose at least 5lbs, try (and stick to) 30 Day Shred, limit sugar (except from fruits), burn more calories than in December.
    mrswhitehair-Complete the 30 Day Shred, be able to complete the video with no stops & non-modified pushups! Limit pop intake (after I get into the swing of things with student teaching this month, I will set more challenging goals next month!!)
    nicalillo - work out twice a week and for weight somewhere below 120
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - Plan, plan, plan!! Plan my meals for the week! Drink my water everyday! Get in as many workouts as my life will allow. Stay on track! Keep reading!!
    naoblue - log all food and exercise on MFP & to make sure to stretch after each workout
    Jessie544- log all my food/excercise on MFP, lose at least 10 lbs, stick to cardio classes I've registered for at the gym....
    npryor100- do not eat 2-3 hours before bed, say 'no' to processed foods and desserts, complete weight/circuit training at least 3 days a week
    GreenHumanClay (Cynthia) Train for my 1/2 marathon (March17th), continue weight training 3xs/week if possible fit in some stairs (hill) or other random workouts (hiking, mt. biking), keep hydrating properly, eat more protein, sleep more, give myself a full R&R day! Be more positive in my daily life/work life! Lose 2 pounds or lose some inches overall!
    USNGirlMel- Start working out more often, no late night binge eating, get into marathons! Lose 15 lbs. Plan my meals..... but i need friends and encouragement!!:)
    YLopez04 Continue to log every day on MFP, run 5 miles non stop out door, sign up for my first 5k!!!
    ladyjoie - log all my food in MFP, eat more fruit and veg, go on my crosstrainer 3x a week, lose 7lbs this month, do yoga or pilates twice a week.
    Maridelsol82-Drink at least 10 cups of water a day & exercise everyday. Even if its just a walk.
    mkingraham (Megan)- Actually hit up the gym, stretch everyday, eat healthier
    DDBeard - Workout (Zumba/Cardio/weights) at least 5 times a week. Do not exceed my calorie count 1 day. Eat fresh veg/fruits at least 2 times a day (just getting started and not a fruit/veggie person so this is a challenge for me). Survive my best friend destignation wedding weekend without breaking my diet (Jan 28)
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    :yawn: Super tired about to eat my oatmeal and still gotta prepare lunch for tomorrow, promise to be back here thn good night ladies have a great Thursday!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning chica! Happy Thursday! The good news is that the week is already half over! :bigsmile: Wohoo!

    I took a night off from MFP last night, so have lots to catch up on... Had Ty over for dinner with the folks and made steak fajitas with homemade coleslaw. Pretty tasty. Logged as best I could, and then headed over to his place and hung around for the night. Just lounged and got to bed early, since I had been up at 5:15am. Ugh! "Slept in" today until 6:30am and am feeling a bit more rested, thankfully. Got some oatmeal in me, packed up my snacks, and have a lunch date with mi madre planned for today. We are going to get pitas fully stuffed with veggies since they are the healthiest thing around and I know exactly how to track them (yay for online nutritional calculators). Have a few miles planned for after work and then just laundry, dinner and catching up on life tonight. I have some errands to run but I'll be surprised if I can fit them in. We shall see :huh:

    Cynthia - No worries girl - I know how it is! Hope you enjoyed your oats! I just finished a HUGE bowl and they always makes me feel so warm and cozy. Such a great way to start the day. And freakin delicious too!

    **FYI - for those who are new to the group, I am the QUEEN of oatmeal! No one loves oatmeal quite like I do... It's almost, nearly (entirely) obsessive :blushing:

    Guam - Thanks lady for your positive thoughts. I hear ya on the morning workouts. I know that when I fall out of routine it's a million times harder to get back at it and find my motivation. But once it's ingrained and I am regularly enjoying the effects, it's a lot easier. Just keep making time and nudging yourself. Its hard but it's worth it! I hope you get a chance to get back to Zumba regularly because I know that can be a lot of fun and a great way to "let loose" while still burning up some calories. When possible try to fit in your workouts with your quality time with the kids - It's a great way to multi task and it's great for them too. But of course, you know that! With the nice weather you have, hiking, biking or even just long walks should be great. Just gotta find the time and it ain't always easy, as they say!

    Emily - Eeeee! I, too, am a huge fan of online dating sites! You look gorgeous and I am so interested to hear your date report! I've had a few online dating disasters, but most of the time it either goes well or its just a case of awkwardly bad matching. Either way, it's lots of fun and casual dates are always a great ego boost :wink: Besides, it's just nice to get out and meet new people! The "same old" stuff all the time gets boring. Getting out and doing lame, cute, or ridiculous date activities is a blast so just enjoy it, don't take it too seriously, and have LOTS of fun! Meet lots of boys too :wink: And send me a few cute ones while you're at it :laugh: JK! (Don't tell Ty I said that...)

    DDBeard - Welcome! Great goals for the month! Hope to see you around the boards :bigsmile:

    Meg - Going into work on your day off - LAME! Bleh! I am not envious of that! I hope they gave you some sweet compensation for that! :tongue: But FABULOUS news on the "all clear" from your Dr! :drinker: WOHOO! And resume you shall! Very happy to hear it girl! Now make the most of it while you're healthy and you can. There are so many people who are suffering with injuries and illness and can't get out there and work up a storm. Kick it into high gear, lady! :bigsmile: Spin class = EPIC. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time! Keep it up - it's such a great workout and you will get sooo damn addicted in no time. Just keep up that burn. And yes, my HRM is an absolute MUST when I workout now. I am a total dork when it comes to tracking and data and I love the stats. What kind do you have?

    OK gals - Heading out. Love that this thread has had new life breathed into it. Let's keep it going! :drinker: Much love!
  • corbinam
    corbinam Posts: 18 Member
    Hi ladies!! I just want to see how everyone is feeling about their goals, we have only really been at it for 5 days, however, i think we can all see you they may or may not work for our lives thus far!! For me, I have not had any pop, which Im super happy about. Only lots and lots of water, and it feels great!

    I saw your guys were posting about Zumba, I go to a class twice a week and it is FANTASTIC!!!! So much fun, and a great burn :)

    Happy new year to everyone, and keep on doing great :)
  • Ok this is me

    Abby459 - Run 100 miles in January. Find a 1/2 marathon training plan and actually stick to it!! And for my weight, I guess I would like to be under 135 by the months end!!
    Corbinam - to complete the 30 day shred (which i started today), to drink very little pop (maybe even none at all), and keep logging my food and exercise here on MFP!!!
    ChocChipMuffin - keep logging my food and exercise on MFP, start and regularly go to pilates and yoga classes again, keep remembering to take vitamins (I always forget)
    Boolahboo- run 3 times a week, and complete the 30 day shred!
    SeeEmRun2012- maintain a consistent healthy eating pattern, loose one jean size before summer vacation, and run at least once a week (on top of working out 4 days a week)
    Meagalayne- Complete 5 weeks of training for the ATB 30K race, running at least 3x week with long runs on Saturday up to 11 miles, lift weights 2x a week + spin with CrazyCarl on Mondays, stop binging on holidays treats to cope with stress at work, and finish the novel I started in NOLA.
    lalonmeg000 (meg or meghan) - water, water, water! starting that Insanity, 6 days a week :), pack my lunches throughout the week! clean out my car every sunday
    tiffterry- run 2-3 times a week, add some yoga, go to bed a half hour earlier, and go for evening walks.
    missjessicann - Get out of the 150's, stick to month 1 schedule of Insanity, drink enough water, and getting into bed by 1am.
    missgolightly727(Emily) - Lose 5 pounds(which will FINALLY put me into the 150s!), run twice a week(lets try that again...), try something new, no sodas, post on this board more!!
    jlrushton12- Lose at least 5lbs, try (and stick to) 30 Day Shred, limit sugar (except from fruits), burn more calories than in December.
    mrswhitehair-Complete the 30 Day Shred, be able to complete the video with no stops & non-modified pushups! Limit pop intake (after I get into the swing of things with student teaching this month, I will set more challenging goals next month!!)
    nicalillo - work out twice a week and for weight somewhere below 120
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - Plan, plan, plan!! Plan my meals for the week! Drink my water everyday! Get in as many workouts as my life will allow. Stay on track! Keep reading!!
    naoblue - log all food and exercise on MFP & to make sure to stretch after each workout
    Jessie544- log all my food/excercise on MFP, lose at least 10 lbs, stick to cardio classes I've registered for at the gym....
    npryor100- do not eat 2-3 hours before bed, say 'no' to processed foods and desserts, complete weight/circuit training at least 3 days a week
    GreenHumanClay (Cynthia) Train for my 1/2 marathon (March17th), continue weight training 3xs/week if possible fit in some stairs (hill) or other random workouts (hiking, mt. biking), keep hydrating properly, eat more protein, sleep more, give myself a full R&R day! Be more positive in my daily life/work life! Lose 2 pounds or lose some inches overall!
    USNGirlMel- Start working out more often, no late night binge eating, get into marathons! Lose 15 lbs. Plan my meals..... but i need friends and encouragement!!:)
    YLopez04 Continue to log every day on MFP, run 5 miles non stop out door, sign up for my first 5k!!!
    ladyjoie - log all my food in MFP, eat more fruit and veg, go on my crosstrainer 3x a week, lose 7lbs this month, do yoga or pilates twice a week.
    Maridelsol82-Drink at least 10 cups of water a day & exercise everyday. Even if its just a walk.
    mkingraham (Megan)- Actually hit up the gym, stretch everyday, eat healthier
    DDBeard - Workout (Zumba/Cardio/weights) at least 5 times a week. Do not exceed my calorie count 1 day. Eat fresh veg/fruits at least 2 times a day (just getting started and not a fruit/veggie person so this is a challenge for me). Survive my best friend destignation wedding weekend without breaking my diet (Jan 28)
    Ninjalis- workout 3-4 times a week consistently, logging food intake everyday and trying to maintain less than 1500 cals.

    Let's goooooooo!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    Meg - sucks that you had to got into work for such a short time...I would hate that!! But at least you have most of the day off!! And I have days like that too where I never feel full, at least not for long! In fact, I am having one of those days today. Great job on the Insanity workouts...I have only done 2 so far and they are rough!! Kudos to you for doing it everyday!! Very impressive and glad that youre having the "good" hurt.

    Bethany - Thanks!! And good luck on the INsanity...I think even doing it 3-4 days a week will still help with weight loss and toning. Just do what you can when you can....thats my plan too!! And if you can get in your 5K training that will round things out really well. I know running has helped my weight loss tremendously!! And it also helps to de-stress me!!

    Emily - So excited that your date went well!! Its great that you are getting back out there!! Hope your upcoming date goes well....please fill us in later!! I met my boyfriend online too and we have been together almost 6 years now...so it does work!!

    TiffTerry - I did Jillian's 30 Day Shred when I first started on here. If you give it your all it is an intense workout for only 20 mins. And for me it was a great way to get back into working out. Its hard to make up an excuse not to do 20mins!! I did not lose a lot of weight doing it, only about 2lbs, but I lost 11 inches!! And went down a clothing size!! Totally worth it to me!!

    Cynthia - Yes the 100 mile challenge will be pushing me to get my miles in!! I am doing some of them walking though. Like Tuesday my training plan had me doing 5 x 400meter sprints (only 1.25 miles) so I ran a 1/2 mile warm up and 1/2 cooldown and walking a 1/4 mile between each sprint. This way I am keeping to the schedule and still getting my mile in!! And you will love crock pot cooking....worth every penny!! Not that they are at all expensive!! But great for anyone with a busy lifestyle!!
    And a big CONGRATS on hitting that 50lb mark!!! You are amazing!!

    Meag - So sorry to hear that you are still having such a rough time at work....how is the job hunt going?? Any prospects yet?? A 30K race sounds awesome though and you are more than well-training for it!! I am sure that you can totally rock it!!
    Thanks for the training tips...I have added in sprints and tempo runs. I made myself a nice planned out calender with training and rest days included!!

    AFM - Today is my rest day....which I am happy for!! My knees need a break!! So I worked out a great schedule for myself with tempo runs, sprints, distance runs, strength training and Insanity all based around my schedule!! Looks good and hopefully I can stick to!! My big issue will be when I go on vacation at the end of February....that will be a struggle for me!! Things have been insanely busy at my work so I have been stressed but havent been emotional eating which is a hard thing for me to do...but I am trying! Still losing weight too...down to 137lb now!! Almost at the 20lb mark. And I fit into a size 6 the other day...still a little snug but they fit...a few more lbs and they will be perfect!!
  • stacyann1001
    stacyann1001 Posts: 41 Member
    So I am brand new to this site, only my 3rd day here and happy to be here! I've been on and off the diet wagon for years and have decided 2012 will be the year for me :) I've never been happy with my body or anything about it so I am trying to change all of that and finally find a way to love myself before I leave my 20's! (28 now so I've got some years to go!!!) I am looking forward to networking with women with the same positive and healthy mindset. I hope this site helps to keep my on track and committed to my goals.

    I look forward to the challenge!

    Abby459 - Run 100 miles in January. Find a 1/2 marathon training plan and actually stick to it!! And for my weight, I guess I would like to be under 135 by the months end!!
    Corbinam - to complete the 30 day shred (which i started today), to drink very little pop (maybe even none at all), and keep logging my food and exercise here on MFP!!!
    ChocChipMuffin - keep logging my food and exercise on MFP, start and regularly go to pilates and yoga classes again, keep remembering to take vitamins (I always forget)
    Boolahboo- run 3 times a week, and complete the 30 day shred!
    SeeEmRun2012- maintain a consistent healthy eating pattern, loose one jean size before summer vacation, and run at least once a week (on top of working out 4 days a week)
    Meagalayne- Complete 5 weeks of training for the ATB 30K race, running at least 3x week with long runs on Saturday up to 11 miles, lift weights 2x a week + spin with CrazyCarl on Mondays, stop binging on holidays treats to cope with stress at work, and finish the novel I started in NOLA.
    lalonmeg000 (meg or meghan) - water, water, water! starting that Insanity, 6 days a week :), pack my lunches throughout the week! clean out my car every sunday
    tiffterry- run 2-3 times a week, add some yoga, go to bed a half hour earlier, and go for evening walks.
    missjessicann - Get out of the 150's, stick to month 1 schedule of Insanity, drink enough water, and getting into bed by 1am.
    missgolightly727(Emily) - Lose 5 pounds(which will FINALLY put me into the 150s!), run twice a week(lets try that again...), try something new, no sodas, post on this board more!!
    jlrushton12- Lose at least 5lbs, try (and stick to) 30 Day Shred, limit sugar (except from fruits), burn more calories than in December.
    mrswhitehair-Complete the 30 Day Shred, be able to complete the video with no stops & non-modified pushups! Limit pop intake (after I get into the swing of things with student teaching this month, I will set more challenging goals next month!!)
    nicalillo - work out twice a week and for weight somewhere below 120
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - Plan, plan, plan!! Plan my meals for the week! Drink my water everyday! Get in as many workouts as my life will allow. Stay on track! Keep reading!!
    naoblue - log all food and exercise on MFP & to make sure to stretch after each workout
    Jessie544- log all my food/excercise on MFP, lose at least 10 lbs, stick to cardio classes I've registered for at the gym....
    npryor100- do not eat 2-3 hours before bed, say 'no' to processed foods and desserts, complete weight/circuit training at least 3 days a week
    GreenHumanClay (Cynthia) Train for my 1/2 marathon (March17th), continue weight training 3xs/week if possible fit in some stairs (hill) or other random workouts (hiking, mt. biking), keep hydrating properly, eat more protein, sleep more, give myself a full R&R day! Be more positive in my daily life/work life! Lose 2 pounds or lose some inches overall!
    USNGirlMel- Start working out more often, no late night binge eating, get into marathons! Lose 15 lbs. Plan my meals..... but i need friends and encouragement!!:)
    YLopez04 Continue to log every day on MFP, run 5 miles non stop out door, sign up for my first 5k!!!
    ladyjoie - log all my food in MFP, eat more fruit and veg, go on my crosstrainer 3x a week, lose 7lbs this month, do yoga or pilates twice a week.
    Maridelsol82-Drink at least 10 cups of water a day & exercise everyday. Even if its just a walk.
    mkingraham (Megan)- Actually hit up the gym, stretch everyday, eat healthier
    DDBeard - Workout (Zumba/Cardio/weights) at least 5 times a week. Do not exceed my calorie count 1 day. Eat fresh veg/fruits at least 2 times a day (just getting started and not a fruit/veggie person so this is a challenge for me). Survive my best friend destignation wedding weekend without breaking my diet (Jan 28)
    Ninjalis- workout 3-4 times a week consistently, logging food intake everyday and trying to maintain less than 1500 cals.
    stacyann1001 - cardio 3 times a week, yoga 1 time a week, learn how to use weights (dont laugh, i have no clue what to do with them), no cheese snacking while home!!!!! (this is my weakness, my most favorite food, i could sit on the couch and eat a pound of cheese and a box of crackers every night), be more positive mentally and emotionally and learn to appreciate my natural flaws
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Bethany- Are you starting Insanity this next week? That is so exciting! Push through those first 3 days, they are the hardest, but the 4th day you get a cardio recovery and its a nice break, while still working out your muscles. Its intense for sure, but I know I am suprised at how much I can actually do, its a great program!

    meag- No sweet compensation, just a "oh right, thanks for doing that" meehhh. I know I need to find a gym that does a spin class near me! I just never have time to make it to classes like that, which is why I am doing Insanity. Maybe the campus rec center will have one in the spring, and I can walk over while I am already on campus to take it. I will look into these HRM, I don't have one yet, I am just taking my pulse throughout my workouts, recording them on paper, then doing the math later. I feel like an actual monitor would make it a lot easier...not that I don't like a good math session lol

    corbinam- thanks for bringing up the goals! Even this early in the game I already forgot what I had set....yay i am on track! Have only drank water this whole week! I am on day 4 of Insanity, so only 2 days left of the week :) and I have been packing my lunches...I did get a spicy tuna roll yesterday, but better than a burger. Good job on your goals too! I know getting rid of the soda is the hardest step, I love me some Dr.Pepper lol

    emily- YAY! So glad to hear the date went well, and yes that is the cutest text! And I will for sure look into a spin class once classes start back. My college has a big campus rec center and they usually over classes, I will see if they have a spin class.

    abby- Great job on the prgoress! That sounds like a tough schedule, but I know you can do it. Sorry to hear work has been stressful, its so easy to grab the comfort food, but awesome job for resisting. Hope you are enjoying your break today :)

    stacy, ninjalis, & ddbeard- welcome!

    AFM: I have this new found love for Asparugus! I just bake it in the oven with a dash of sea salt and mmmhhmmmm. Its awesome and so easy! Trying to eat a lot more veggies, and through out the day (rather than just dinner time) to help curb some of my hunger and craving pains! Today should be a short day at work, hoping we wont get slammed around closing time since the holidays are done. Dinner with a few friends, and we are cooking at home, so I was able to sneak in healthy suggestions hehe, then we might go see a movie later. Did day 4 of Insanity, and it was a nice recovery workout. My calves still feel like they could burn off when I try to walk, but they are getting better. Hope everyone is having a good Thursday :)
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Meg Vinyassa yoga is often faster paced, and the assanas (postures) are linked together in a series of movements that are synchronized with the breath. Emphasis is placed on the breath and the transition in and out of the asanas. Googled it wasn't exactly sure but it's is definitely faster paced that hatha Yoga and focuses a lot on breathing, great class! I think I shall go buy some asparagus i like with sea salt too I haven;t had that in a long time I need to up my veggies for sure! Hope dinner was great and which movie did you end up watching?? I want to see "The devil inside" love me some scary movies!! :devil:

    Abby Thanks and it sounds like you got your plan down excellent work there and congrats on slipping into a size 6 woohooo! Almost 20 pounds is also a big accomplishment keep it up! :flowerforyou: Where are you vacationing to??

    Meag How was your lunch date with your madre? I wish I lived close to my mom I get to see here maybe every 3-4 years :ohwell: distance and lack of communication!!

    Bethany soo happy you got out there and did some turbo kick although I hope you're not too sore but hope you at least had a great time! something active with the kiddos sounds like a great plan especially with 80 degree weather jealous!! :wink:

    AFM I hit my 55 pound loss MFP says 50 but my highest weight was 5lbs+ I stopped weighing myself at that point so who knows it could be higher but Ill stick to the highest recorded weight! today was my rest day and I was almost going to go to yoga but I decided on visiting the grandma and see how she's doing, rather have tea and gossip with her lol than attend yoga any day! I had a low key day overall tomorrow different story planning on running 6-8 miles depending how early Im up and then after work i have a mandatory two hour meeting out of town UUUGGGH so I can't make it to my final candlelight Yoga pretty bummed and had to cancel plans with my friend that was going to help create a training plan for me so I will have to jump on that this weekend. other than that, thats it for me Hope you ladies have a Fantastic Friday until tomorrow Good Night!! Cynthia! :bigsmile: :yawn:
  • I'm a newbie and my goal for this month is to lose 5 pounds and to workout 3 times a week and start zumba class at my gym.